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Is anyone else as confused as me as to why the US hasn't seized the opportunity to eliminate Putin & Kim Jong un at the same time


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9 hours ago, connda said:

The current "Western democratic model" is becoming more dictatorial and authoritarian by the year as their citizens quality of life deteriorates rapidly, especially the middle-class which is being slowly decimated.  Nothing like a world war to facilitate a 'great reset,' so I would not be surprised if a major, non-Western Leader or Foreign Minister has a Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment and it's "Game On" for WWIII.   Pity to be a Millennial or GenZ as they will be the new draft-aged conscription pool for Western militaries.
As well, at the dawning of WWIII which so many of you seem to want, most of you living here who are vehemently pro-West/anti-East will be beating on their embassies doors to get a flight out of Thailand.
I admit, I'm an anti-war veteran, and I really don't understand what evil drives some of you to call for the assassinations of heads-of-states and promote the global war that will follow in the aftermath.  It really is insane!  Even George Walker Bush referred to those who held views like this as "The Crazies In The Basement." 

Agree 100% with that post. Seems the armchair warriors that think the war they want will never affect them personally are out in force on here.

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9 hours ago, transam said:

????.........And what happened after the attack on Perl Harbour, did the Japanese go home, or did they spread their wings, even ended up in Thailand.

I think you need to sit back and read some history....????

Slight difference in present situation though. Russia is not threatening the west behind the NATO line.

The Japanese were threatening to invade the US and India ( under British rule ).

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9 hours ago, transam said:

What's the difference between a quick or long bombing campaign to stop an aggressor.....?

Lots and lots of dead US and allied troops.

If the bombing of Hiroshima ended the war, it was worth it IMO. Let's not forget the Japanese murdered way more Chinese, Koreans etc than died in the two atom bomb attacks.

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9 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Russia has already lost.


Western aircraft made up 70% of Russia's domestic fleet. They will now have to cannibalize planes to keep them in the air, as spare parts will not be forthcoming.


John McCain once said Russia was actually a big gas station. The European markets are gone, possibly until there is regime change. Replacing them with Chinese and Indian buyers is fraught with logistical problems.


Western companies and expertise have abandoned Russia, meaning any oil wellheads in the permafrost are going to be freezing over due to lack of effective maintenance.


Russia has lost 4000 tanks and 8000 armored personnel carriers in Ukraine, about $30 billion worth. It has also had a fall in arms sales, as countries who buy are seeing how technologically inferior Russian weapon systems are.


Russia has lost over 1 million men of military age, fleeing the military draft. That includes some of their best and brightest citizens, otherwise known as a brain drain.


The Russian military has lost massive prestige, such that former Soviet republics still in the Russian orbit are thinking of secession.


When a country with a GDP of USD 1.8 trillion stops publishing basic financial data, what does that say about the state of Russia's economy?



Carry on dreaming!

Russia isn't even on a war footing YET.

Perhaps Hitler was thinking along the same lines when Barbarossa was succeeding. Was he right to think so?

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10 hours ago, transam said:

Before you start pointing fingers, did you forget that Japan bombed the sh_t out of Pearl Harbour with no regard for anyone.


The USA ended the never ending death count of USA civilians called up to stop Japans aggression by bombing.




Try not to start pointing fingers when the USA was attacked first.....????

While I agree with you on the specifics of what you wrote, can you point out which NATO countries were attacked by Russia?

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10 hours ago, RanongCat said:

And in instantaneous retaliation Russia would do same to the US and significant  allies !

Are you not aware of the reality of nuclear capacities and the recognized incapable total elimination of threat in all directions?

Or are you satisfied with the concept that "we" won  because they all fried  before "we" did ?

Agree with that. Seems some think that the US can just destroy Russia and suffer no retaliation.

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10 hours ago, steven100 said:

aha ....  but look at horishima ... the US DID not mess around there ....  kinda like you make a big problem your gone ....   ?

Do you not understand that the US was actually involved in fighting the Japanese themselves, not some proxy country being sacrificed?

Thousands of US troops had already died and the casualty count for the invasion of the Japanese homeland would have been horrific. The bombs were an attempt ( happily successful ) to make Japan surrender.

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10 hours ago, RanongCat said:

Very true the US took advantage of an opportunity that killed many thousands of civilian lives in contravention of any humanitarian measures and have defended that act ever since in that it  quickly ended a war that was close to being ended anyway.

Do you suggest the US provoke the use of nuclear weapons on same basis ? 

In that situation, the US was IMO entirely right to use the bombs. That situation does not exist with Ukraine.

When someone is trying to excuse the Japanese, I remember what they did to the Chinese and Koreans- they deserve no sympathy for some payback.

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On 9/17/2023 at 12:19 AM, Reginald Prewster said:

The Guerrillas get fed step by step -as it happens in the Ukraine, -until the population of the Russian country create a civil war and turns against Putin.

In Russia they are on the way and I believe if more mothers start griefing the days for Putin are counted.



Plenty of dreamers on this thread!

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49 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Plenty of dreamers on this thread!

Has nothing to do with dreaming

Golden rule of warfare: You cannot win a guerilla war.. 


But shoot or nuke them or not,

I stay on my farm untill one of these mentioned fruitcakes run my farm over with his troops, plundering what is edible, and when its all over, I hope I was nice enough, gave suitable hospitality and I am farmer again.


As German who has left 2002 Germany don't ask me even who is now the leader party and Cancellor.

Is it still Merkel? and if: (DILLIGAF...)


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36 minutes ago, Reginald Prewster said:

Has nothing to do with dreaming

Golden rule of warfare: You cannot win a guerilla war.. 


But shoot or nuke them or not,

I stay on my farm untill one of these mentioned fruitcakes run my farm over with his troops, plundering what is edible, and when its all over, I hope I was nice enough, gave suitable hospitality and I am farmer again.


As German who has left 2002 Germany don't ask me even who is now the leader party and Cancellor.

Is it still Merkel? and if: (DILLIGAF...)


I had to think about that and I don't know if Merkel has left yet. I hope so. I could google it but who cares anyway?

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13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Many common Russians not involved in crime might disagree with you on their standard of living. 

My point was that, say, the CIA, would not (have) be(en) part in assassinating Russian leaders, as this would have (had) much bigger repercussions than 'helping' in getting rid of unwanted politicians in the Congo, or Chile...

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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13 hours ago, connda said:

The current "Western democratic model" is becoming more dictatorial and authoritarian by the year as their citizens quality of life deteriorates rapidly, especially the middle-class which is being slowly decimated.  Nothing like a world war to facilitate a 'great reset,' so I would not be surprised if a major, non-Western Leader or Foreign Minister has a Archduke Franz Ferdinand moment and it's "Game On" for WWIII.   Pity to be a Millennial or GenZ as they will be the new draft-aged conscription pool for Western militaries.
As well, at the dawning of WWIII which so many of you seem to want, most of you living here who are vehemently pro-West/anti-East will be beating on their embassies doors to get a flight out of Thailand.
I admit, I'm an anti-war veteran, and I really don't understand what evil drives some of you to call for the assassinations of heads-of-states and promote the global war that will follow in the aftermath.  It really is insane!  Even George Walker Bush referred to those who held views like this as "The Crazies In The Basement." 

You may be overreacting with regard to the “downfall of the West”; there is indeed a widening wealth gap in the US and probably in other Western democracies as well (and I use the word “democracy” loosely), but calling out the “decimation” of the middle class might be a bit much.


There’s some stress for sure, at least on the lower middle classes -- e.g., people working at big box stores in the US who are limited to part-time hours, meaning the corporation doesn’t need to provide worker benefits. Perversely, it’s these very same workers who continue to vote into office those politicians who are most likely to continue to provide favors to their corporate donors. But this doesn’t require blowing up the system; it requires much stricter regulation of capitalism, getting money out of politics, and other major tweaks.


What else did you have in mind -- and remember what Churchill said: “Democracy is the worst form of government -- except for all the others that have been tried.”


Assassinating a head of state of course is insane, no matter how much better the world might be without a Vladimir Putin in it, and nobody in a position of power in their right mind would consider it. I’m also not too concerned about “WWIII” (presumably, between Russia and NATO); neither side is about to attack the other directly. Then again, I never imagined that Putin would actually invade Ukraine, so what do I know ...

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14 hours ago, RanongCat said:

So sad you think such travesties  are  funny  Potty  Man

Think you have the wrong end of the stick, new bloke...:whistling:...., did Japan go on the assault killing civilians as they went from 1941 onwards.......?    ????

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On 9/15/2023 at 9:05 PM, steven100 said:

Why hasn't or doesn't the US go after Putin and Kim Jong and exterminate them as soon as possible.

Why not give Ukraine every available long range missile, fighter jet, cluster bomb, attack helicopters, and anything else to attack Russian hard and decisive ?

It seems the US are deliberately letting Russia hold ground on the front line and keep the war going ?


I'm not sure what the US is trying to achieve but if I poured billions of $$ into this war I'd want it over asap ......   ?   it's really getting strange that the US & NATO let it drag on ....


North Korea's Kim Jong Un to stay in Russia for several days



Why eliminate someone when a same or worse person just steps into their shoes?


Usa would need to have a puppet govt in place for that to be worthwhile, or they would need to flame dissent within the country in the hopes that something different is setup.


Strangely, the strongest form of overthrow is via the local population, not war. Once the population is divided from within, ideologically, its nearly impossible for the gov’t to not step down. It’s like a cancer that just keeps growing.


Alternatively, during an invasion if the entire population is against you it’s almost impossible to win even with superior firepower or troops, without using extreme measures which tend to weaken you in other areas (like international perception/outrage) and not make it worth it.


I don’t think Russia will ever really win in Ukraine. If they manage to occupy it just becomes a cat and mouse game like Vietnam. Eventually they pull out as it drains energy and resources.

Edited by JimTripper
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19 minutes ago, JimTripper said:


Alternatively, during an invasion if the entire population is against you it’s almost impossible to win even with superior firepower or troops, without using extreme measures which tend to weaken you in other areas (like international perception/outrage) and not make it worth it.


I don’t think Russia will ever really win in Ukraine. If they manage to occupy it just becomes a cat and mouse game like Vietnam. Eventually they pull out as it drains energy and resources.

The Ukrainians have every reason to believe Putin has genocide in mind for them, with Stalin's Holodomor as a demonstration. There are already reports of forced deportations in occupied areas. It's a powerful motivation to never surrender.


The drain on energy and resources is obvious, Russia has lost more troops over 18 months in Ukraine, than it did in 9 years of war in Afghanistan.

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31 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

The Ukrainians have every reason to believe Putin has genocide in mind for them, with Stalin's Holodomor as a demonstration. There are already reports of forced deportations in occupied areas. It's a powerful motivation to never surrender.


The drain on energy and resources is obvious, Russia has lost more troops over 18 months in Ukraine, than it did in 9 years of war in Afghanistan.

Yes it's genocide.


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3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Russia is not on an official war footing because Putin is concerned about the domestic repercussions. There are plenty of Russians who remember Afghanistan, which is why he uses the BS " Special Military Operation".


Are you able to refute any of the facts I posted?

Sorry, but I don't remember what "facts" you posted and given this is on the Pub subforum, I don't take anything on it seriously, especially the OP.

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42 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

The Ukrainians have every reason to believe Putin has genocide in mind for them, with Stalin's Holodomor as a demonstration. There are already reports of forced deportations in occupied areas. It's a powerful motivation to never surrender.


The drain on energy and resources is obvious, Russia has lost more troops over 18 months in Ukraine, than it did in 9 years of war in Afghanistan.

The Afghans didn't have tanks or any modern fighting equipment.

All they had was a willingness to die fighting a superior force.

Still, IMO the only reason that the Russians withdrew was because of Gorbachev.

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17 hours ago, RanongCat said:

two civilian city populations

I'm not sure what really ( we have heard that Saddam stored chemical weapons that never found by US Army) was the reason of attacking those 2 cities, but at the time they claimed that military industries mainly located in those 2 cities. 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sorry, but I don't remember what "facts" you posted and given this is on the Pub subforum, I don't take anything on it seriously, especially the OP.

I can't take you seriously either,

if all you can do is post insults to people.

If you think I am not posting facts, refute them with your own research, or shut up.


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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The Afghans didn't have tanks or any modern fighting equipment.

All they had was a willingness to die fighting a superior force.

Still, IMO the only reason that the Russians withdrew was because of Gorbachev.

The Afghans had Stinger missiles, courtesy of America, and used them very effectively.

As for tanks, the Afghans did not need them. They exacted a heavy toll on Soviet tanks and tracked vehicles with land mines.

You may be right about Gorbachev, hard to say.


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5 hours ago, JimTripper said:

Why eliminate someone when a same or worse person just steps into their shoes?


Usa would need to have a puppet govt in place for that to be worthwhile, or they would need to flame dissent within the country in the hopes that something different is setup.


Strangely, the strongest form of overthrow is via the local population, not war. Once the population is divided from within, ideologically, its nearly impossible for the gov’t to not step down. It’s like a cancer that just keeps growing.


Alternatively, during an invasion if the entire population is against you it’s almost impossible to win even with superior firepower or troops, without using extreme measures which tend to weaken you in other areas (like international perception/outrage) and not make it worth it.


I don’t think Russia will ever really win in Ukraine. If they manage to occupy it just becomes a cat and mouse game like Vietnam. Eventually they pull out as it drains energy and resources.

Yes ....   i understand what you are saying and likely to prove correct ..

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4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

The Ukrainians have every reason to believe Putin has genocide in mind for them, with Stalin's Holodomor as a demonstration. There are already reports of forced deportations in occupied areas. It's a powerful motivation to never surrender.


The drain on energy and resources is obvious, Russia has lost more troops over 18 months in Ukraine, than it did in 9 years of war in Afghanistan.

I thought it was about controlling wheat production in Ukraine. I think they produce about 10% of the worlds wheat. Global depression may be ahead and people grab what they can before that happens. Just a guess though. ????????‍♂️

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