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Man in Australia pleads guilty to raping and torturing at least 39 dogs.


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1 hour ago, digger70 said:

What Idiot got rid of the Death Penalty for Serious over the top scum dog rapers and killers and People sex offenders and Heinous crimes.

Nice candidate for some Lead poisoning.


Ronald Ryan was the last, naught heinous about him.

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8 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

There are soldiers in this world who become soldiers to protect others. Their job is to see that this is done. That is their first priority. Some people fire at soldiers first. Do you think they will sit there and get killed? Take 9-11 for one instance. There are sick people that don't like the lives of others and decide to kill them in the name of their God, which is their sick twist of what God stands for.  If we didn't do anything about what happened, those in charge would still be alive and planning more attacks, which would kill not only Americans but people in other countries, just like some did here in Bangkok. Sometimes killing is necessary to protect innocent lives, as most wars have proven. You would not be where you are living if there weren't soldiers, and if you think that's false, you're living in a fantasy world. The same goes for the police forces on earth. take them away and you have chaos, and the evil ones who kill innocents and don't have a conscience will keep doing it.                                                                                                                                                         You not believing in a God doesn't matter to anyone else besides you, and the consequences will be only yours, unless you also teach your children the same. The billions who believe in God far outnumber those who don't, and you are calling them abnormal. We can cope with others who don't believe. All we can do is spread the word then let others, who have free will, decide for themselves.

No, im not living in a fantasy world. ill will name some facts of the real world.

I will not go back to far in time about religions. The most recent one was Catholics priests ! sexually abusing children. In Ireland there was a war between catholics and protestants, as in believes.

And sometime more ago, believers killed native citizens of a country and founded USA, after bloody fights.

At the same time those believers thought it was normal to have slaves and did wrong to many most African people and still they do.

Also those believers were in Asia, Africa and conquered, killed, mis abused the natives.

So what is normal? IF you go back in time you will see lots of religion stupidities, but normal.

You had the crusades, fighting over religions. You had the inquisition time, you didnt go to church, you were burned alive. Same if you were a woman and were very thin, you were a witch, burn.


More in time, Vietnam, Cambodia was a total error. Only because of a system (communism) and those systems (also democracy) dont exist. It is just capitalism, dictators ruling, every time again.

Those are the real true religions in this world.

And not any religion, believe has a good outcome. They are hypocrite institutions. 

So that is normal ever since human kind is on this planet.


You think moslims are bad because of 9/11? The "true" believers did the same not long and long time ago.

It is shown in history over and over again. The bloody battles between religions.

See Afghanistan what the believers did, they made a mess. 20 years worth nothing but killing.

Also misbehavior. Allegedly there is an official report about misbehavior of Australian army.

No clue what is said, but must be not a good thing. It is in a drawer now somewhere.

And the innocent people were abandoned by the believers, leaving them in great pain and mess

There you go with your protection.


A believing president dont go for prosecution of a prince, who killed a journalist. For benefits of oil.

That is normal.

So also normal to think as a believer, Jezus died at the cross for us and therefor I can do anything in this world, as im a believer. How hypocrite.

There is a country putting sanctions on many countries, leaving the innocents in poverty and pain.

There you go, that is normal. But at least no soldiers killed or being killed, just innocent people.

God and the devil, they are in YOU. Up to your own normal standard which one pops up.



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On 9/29/2023 at 4:04 PM, transam said:

I was...................????



Thanks for sharing your personal photos of the old clunker on a thread about a British serial dog rapist in Australia.

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