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Michael Cohen says he inflated assets to ‘whatever number Trump told us to’

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3 hours ago, Longwood50 said:

You obviously can't read.  Did you notice the actions in your article were taken because there were losses. 


  • The People of the State of New York v. Josue Aguilar Dubon, AKA Saady Dubon, AKA Alejandro Ortiz (October 2022) — Bronx business owner indicted for failing to report over $1 million in income, avoiding paying $60,000 in taxes.

allegedly defrauding over $35,000 in workers’ compensation benefits


 Married couple convicted of house fire insurance claim, attempting to recover the cash value of various items of property that were ostensibly lost in the fire.

Convicted for falsely claiming on a food stamps application that a young adult lived with her.





Basically, you are saying Ponzi schemes are okay until the first person loses their investment.


My personal opinion is that fraud in documents provided to a bank is a bad thing.

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3 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:



Basically, you are saying Ponzi schemes are okay until the first person loses their investment.


My personal opinion is that fraud in documents provided to a bank is a bad thing.

But on a federal firearms form, not so much, right?

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18 minutes ago, Tug said:


What on earth does hunter Biden’s gun registration form got to do with trumps fraud? Talk about whataboutism!

Just MAGA speak. Trump is a saint and totally innocent, and those liberal commie radical left Dems are the devil incarnate. Especially Hunter Biden, more than anything else they want to see him hang. 

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On 10/28/2023 at 3:12 PM, pomchop said:

How many have know a few semi rich kids who had everything handed to them on a silver platter their entire lives where parents/grandparents bought them the finest schools, clothes, cars, country clubs, debutante balls, draft deferments, etc and further used their influence (bribes?) to get them special treatment and move to the front of the line.  While i am sure parents may mean well what can often result is a person who thinks his/her "success" is all because they themselves are somehow superior to others who actually had to go out and dig and scrape for their success.


Trump is the poster boy for a spoiled rich kid that likely would not have amounted to a hill of beans without daddy giving him the silver spoon.  His greatest "talent" was to turn that into an ability to scam people his entire life by not paying them, lying to get what he wanted and exaggerate his "importance"....he then stumbled into POTUS which he saw running for potus as the greatest free infomercial of media coverage ever.....and in this endeavor he was indeed successful beyond his wildest imagination. Obviously the more outrageous things he said the more attention he got.  Mock the crippled, dis pows and war heros and scoff at silver star families, grab women by the pxxsy , pay off porn stars, rape women, fraud after fraud, lie after lie, encourage violence over and over, and his supporters lapped it all up as it was "entertainment" on a level never before seen by a presidential candidate. Even trump never really thought there were enough gullible people to buy all his BS and actually vote him into office. 

The goal was to get a ton of free publicity to further the brand name worldwide.  For once in his life he found he was really good at something that he created.  He became the best and biggest conman in USA political history. 


Now he is hoping those same gullible people will continue to believe he is somehow being "persecuted" and that he has done nothing wrong, in fact just the opposite everything he has ever done or ever will do is perfect.  So lets hope his orange jump suit fits him perfectly and maybe, just maybe, some of his cult members may wake up to the fact that they got conned and the con will continue until they finally open their eyes and look at the FACTS as to his fund raising, his fraud, his criminal acts and say enough.  Admitting that you got conned by the biggest con man is not a disgrace.  It has been going on for centuries.  Some learn and avoid getting conned again.  Others are too proud or ? to ever admit the emperor has no clothes.

in my opinion, I do think that he won the 2016 election as so many Democrats voted for him instead of Hillary plus all the regular people too coming out hoping to change politics.


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11 hours ago, Longwood50 said:

You obviously can't read.  Did you notice the actions in your article were taken because there were losses. 


  • The People of the State of New York v. Josue Aguilar Dubon, AKA Saady Dubon, AKA Alejandro Ortiz (October 2022) — Bronx business owner indicted for failing to report over $1 million in income, avoiding paying $60,000 in taxes.

allegedly defrauding over $35,000 in workers’ compensation benefits


 Married couple convicted of house fire insurance claim, attempting to recover the cash value of various items of property that were ostensibly lost in the fire.

Convicted for falsely claiming on a food stamps application that a young adult lived with her.



So if no one is hurt there is no crime?  Does that mean that driving drunk at high speeds through school zones should be legal if nobody gets hurt?

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2 hours ago, Presnock said:

in my opinion, I do think that he won the 2016 election as so many Democrats voted for him instead of Hillary plus all the regular people too coming out hoping to change politics.


And he successfully changed politics for the worse, culminating in an attempt to overthrow the 2020 election.


Why do people still support him?

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24 minutes ago, heybruce said:

And he successfully changed politics for the worse, culminating in an attempt to overthrow the 2020 election.


Why do people still support him?

I don't know why -- but this ain't comforting:




Edited by jerrymahoney
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15 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Why do people still support Obama? I'm sure he did more to divide the county than anyone in history. 

Wildly off-topic, but what did Obama do to divide the country, other than be a popular twice elected President who was black?


I don't require any attempts to overthrow elections or the government during his terms.

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5 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

I don't know why -- but this ain't comforting:




Biden is fighting wild fires around the world while Trump is crying about how unfair he is being treated.  Hopefully playing the poor-little-rich-boy victim won't play to well when we get closer to the election.

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12 hours ago, Longwood50 said:

You obviously can't read.  Did you notice the actions in your article were taken because there were losses. 


  • The People of the State of New York v. Josue Aguilar Dubon, AKA Saady Dubon, AKA Alejandro Ortiz (October 2022) — Bronx business owner indicted for failing to report over $1 million in income, avoiding paying $60,000 in taxes.

allegedly defrauding over $35,000 in workers’ compensation benefits


 Married couple convicted of house fire insurance claim, attempting to recover the cash value of various items of property that were ostensibly lost in the fire.

Convicted for falsely claiming on a food stamps application that a young adult lived with her.



The actions were taken because they violated the LAW...something you seem incapable of accepting in the case of trump.  

  Contrary to your idea that trump is being persecuted there were indeed many others charged and prosecuted and each one of them violated the LAW.  You don't get to rewrite the laws no matter how much you claim to be a big bank executive you still don't seem to get it that no "damage" has nothing to do with anything in this case. 


Typical:  Trump is being persecuted and should not be indicted for violating the law for decades because he is trump.

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33 minutes ago, pomchop said:

The actions were taken because they violated the LAW...something you seem incapable of accepting in the case of trump.  

Name 1 just 1 other person the attorney general of New York has gone after for submitting what they believe are innacurate financial statements to a bank where the bank did not file a complaint. 

The attorney general singled out and targeted Trump.  It is the only person the Attorney Generals office of New York asked to examine records.  That sir is weaponizing the government against a policitcal adversary and you seem incapable of undestanding that. 

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

So if no one is hurt there is no crime?  Does that mean that driving drunk at high speeds through school zones should be legal if nobody gets hurt?

That is a false equivalent.  If someone reported the drunk driver there is probable cause.  However it is patently illegal in the USA for law enforcement to target a specific person and only check his blood alcohol level while ignoring all others. 

The attorney general of New York ONLY looked at Trump.  The bank did not initiate the complaint.  They singled out Trump asked for the records, then based claims that the valuations were not correct.  First off valuations are very subjective.  One way or another THE BANK accepted them.  As a banker I can tell you we do our own due dillegence when financial statements are presented. 

So according to your "logic" and I use that term loosely it is OK for the government to seek out only one person and examine their behavior, past actions, and obtain all records to see if a crime has been committed. 

Does the book 1984 and BIG BROTHER sound familiar to you. 

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Wildly off-topic, but what did Obama do to divide the country, other than be a popular twice elected President who was black?


1 hour ago, heybruce said:

I don't require any attempts to overthrow elections or the government during his terms.

The country was already divided long before the left tried to overthrow the 2016 election, which was in Obama's secong term, yes? 

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2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

1. Is the act of submitting false statements of asset value on loan applications and insurance contracts fraud? 

Now according to you.  It is OK for the government to not go after all false statements but only those of its political opponents. 

The attorney general of New York did not ask the banks for a list of all loan applications to review if there were fraudulent asset values on loan applications or insurance contracts.  IT ASKED ONLY FOR TRUMPS. 

It was exactly as the the head of Stalins secret police said.  

You target the man inspect only his records and then find anything that you believe you can use to persecute him.  

Assuming Trumps asset values were inflated, the bank was being paid, hence it suffered no consequences.  Had the bank lost money and then approached the attorney generals office claiming damage, this would be a different case. 

However the AG did not search all records or a sampling of records.  It targeted Trump specifically.  That sir is weaponizing government against a political adversary. No different than if the IRS is used to subject a political opponent to an extensive audit, or order one of the regulartory agencies to examine only the operation of enterprises of a political opponent. 

Note the banks are FEDERALLY CHARTERED, but it is not the Federal Government bringing charges only the biased NY Attorney General who without any complaint did a gestapo like siezure of bank records and then without any damage to the financial institution or complaint by them brought charges. 

If you can't see the difference, I can only explain it to you, I can't help you with the understanding part. 

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4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The pain management simple question caused you is evident.


Incidentally, I have already quoted the NY Statute that Trump breached and under which this case is brought - it was  promulgated by a Republican Governor.

All you have is whataboutary and ridiculous claims of 

’Gestapo’, ‘Stalin, ‘secret police’, ‘weaponizing government’.


What you don’t address is the law or the fact that all the witnesses against Trump are a various mix of Republicans, his hand picked associates, his hand picked employees, his lawyers, his own children and the documents he himself authorized.



Simple question: Is tearing the label off a mattress legal, or illegal? 


There are no simple questions, but there are a lot of simple-minded people asking questions. 


Hey, is storing classified documents in your garage legal? Yes or no. 

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9 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

Simple question: Is tearing the label off a mattress legal, or illegal? 


There are no simple questions, but there are a lot of simple-minded people asking questions. 


Hey, is storing classified documents in your garage legal? Yes or no. 

But but but… whatabout?!



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