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Study provides evidence of Covid-19 mRNA shots rewiring the immune system with unknown long-term effects

Red Phoenix

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Re the U.S.:

Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines

Updated Oct. 4, 2023





9.62% of Americans self-identify as hypochondriacs, but it seems that even that group has some reservations about the jabs...

Five weeks past roll-out and only 3.6% of US citizens did roll-up their sleeve for the updated covid-19 jab.

"Yes, we are on track towards a huge success."  555


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8 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


9.62% of Americans self-identify as hypochondriacs, but it seems that even that group has some reservations about the jabs...

Five weeks past roll-out and only 3.6% of US citizens did roll-up their sleeve for the updated covid-19 jab.

"Yes, we are on track towards a huge success."  555


I bet you're one of those that never has a jab for anything, because nothing will ever happen to you, your perfect genes. I hope you are the same at the dentists..........😂

But if you're not, bet you won't tell us........🤣

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Perhaps the reason the U.S. went with a universal recommendation for getting the new updated COVID vax are the following CDC projections:




And vs the option of not offering any updated vaccines at all:





  • COVID-19 burden is currently lower than at previous points in the pandemic, however there are still thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths each week.


  • The vast majority of the US population has an underlying condition that would qualify under a risk based recommendation • Prevalence of overweight and obesity alone is >70% of adults1


Evidence to Recommendations Framework:
2023 – 2024 (Monovalent, XBB Containing) COVID-19 Vaccine


September 12, 2023






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11 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


Five weeks past roll-out and only 3.6% of US citizens did roll-up their sleeve for the updated covid-19 jab.

"Yes, we are on track towards a huge success."  555



In the early stages of this year's vaccine rollout in the U.S., there have been MULTIPLE documented problems with the distribution and supplying and provision of the new COVID vaccines, mainly because this is the first year that the vaccine distribution is being handled by private parties (medical providers, pharmacies, distributors) instead of the federal government.


Many reports of people seeking out the vaccines and being unable to find any anywhere close to their homes, and/or making an appointment at some pharmacy to go get vaccinated, and then having the provider cancel their appointment.


Rollout of the new COVID vaccine has been hampered by distribution problems

September 27, 2023
"For the first time, the federal government isn't picking up the tab. Private insurers are supposed to make the vaccine free of charge, but there have been glitches.
When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the next round of COVID-19 boosters earlier this month, doses were supposed to be available that day at pharmacies. Two weeks later, consumers are reporting problems.
One difference this time is that pharmacies had to buy vaccine from their suppliers - you know, wholesalers - and they're no longer getting these doses for free from the federal government."



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19 minutes ago, Red Phoenix said:


9.62% of Americans self-identify as hypochondriacs, but it seems that even that group has some reservations about the jabs...

Five weeks past roll-out and only 3.6% of US citizens did roll-up their sleeve for the updated covid-19 jab.

"Yes, we are on track towards a huge success."  555


Maybe they are starting to see the truth about the jabs?


But the battle is far from won. Expect a big hairy scary variant along soon.


Edited by owl sees all
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Oct 3, 2023 - Health

COVID vaccine rollout issues may take 2 more weeks to resolve, experts say

"There have been widespread reports of dropped or limited vaccine appointments, making it difficult for some to get the shot almost three weeks after federal officials cleared it and encouraged people to protect themselves as cases were rising.


It appears one rollout problem has been largely fixed: Insurers last week said they'd resolved technical issues that resulted in some people being told they would have to pay over $100 for shots, even though they're supposed to be free at in-network providers. "




All of the above made it very difficult for a lot of Americans who wanted the updated COVID vax in the early weeks of the rollout to actually get one -- which makes the early vax numbers misleading indicators of actual demand.




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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Oct 3, 2023 - Health

COVID vaccine rollout issues may take 2 more weeks to resolve, experts say

"There have been widespread reports of dropped or limited vaccine appointments, making it difficult for some to get the shot almost three weeks after federal officials cleared it and encouraged people to protect themselves as cases were rising.


It appears one rollout problem has been largely fixed: Insurers last week said they'd resolved technical issues that resulted in some people being told they would have to pay over $100 for shots, even though they're supposed to be free at in-network providers. "





You quoted an October 3 article, in mean time we are more than 3.5 week further. 

Latest uptake figure is 3.6% now that the vaccine rollout issues should be resolved.  

Reminds me of 'two weeks to flatten the curve'...   

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AP reported yesterday that according to a national survey of Americans from mid-October, 7% of U.S. adults said they had already received the newly updated COVID vaccine, in just a matter of weeks of actual availability.


"[COVID] Cases remain low compared with the pandemic’s early months. Even so, health officials say about 18,000 hospitalization and 1,200 deaths are still being reported each week.


One expert at the meeting, Dr. Camille Kotton of Harvard Medical School, called the numbers “abysmal” and said part of the problem may be patient confusion. She urged stepped-up public education efforts."




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4 hours ago, owl sees all said:


I appreciate that you are getting your info from, what some think are decent publication/sources, but in my view the whole thing paints a completely false picture.


It has never been shown that a natural pathogen, (or a lab-made one either), can be transferred from one person to another. Plenty have tried; especially during the late 1920s and early 1930s. Nothing so far. And nature says it's not possible.



I suppose you also think the Earth is flat and nobody ever landed on the moon?

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4 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


 T-cells and antibody levels aside, as best as I can follow the science, real world studies have shown that the actual rates of protection from COVID do tend to gradually decrease somewhat over time.... But those levels of protection are restored with subsequent, updated vaccinations.


That's part of the reason countries around the world are recommending either that all of their populations (as with the U.S.), or in other countries just the more vulnerable populations, get updated COVID vaccinations this year... also because the newest monovalent versions are a closer match to the currently circulating COVID strains than the prior vax versions.


That's the position of the CDC but it's unproven since no controlled studies have been done. Rather, they base their assumption on antigen levels.  In actual practice, there seems to be little evidence that extra boosters provie greater protection except to high-risk populations. Paul Offit discusses this in his podcast


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49 minutes ago, jaywalker2 said:

That's the position of the CDC but it's unproven since no controlled studies have been done. Rather, they base their assumption on antigen levels.  In actual practice, there seems to be little evidence that extra boosters provie greater protection except to high-risk populations. Paul Offit discusses this in his podcast


This white-coat don't know what he is talking about.

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8 hours ago, owl sees all said:


I appreciate that you are getting your info from, what some think are decent publication/sources, but in my view the whole thing paints a completely false picture.


It has never been shown that a natural pathogen, (or a lab-made one either), can be transferred from one person to another. Plenty have tried; especially during the late 1920s and early 1930s. Nothing so far. And nature says it's not possible.




So how do you explain flu epidemics, Owl?


A few years ago, there was one at my son's school (or at least that is what they called it) and he caught it too, he spent the night at the hospital. While I was there with him he passed it on to me, well actually what happened was I started having cold sweats and shivers, and feeling generally terrible, during the night. As I was already at the hospital, I went down and told a nurse about it. They tested my for the flu but the test came back negative. I asked the doctor "so why am I feeling terrible?" He said the virus was attacking me, but my immune system was fighting it and preventing the infection, that I was going to feel bad for a day or two and it would go away. And that is indeed what happened, I spent the day in bed feeling horrible and barely able to move, just going to the bathroom was an epic quest. But by the end of the day, I was feeling fine again.


So the question is, what did my son catch from his schoolmates and then pass on to me? Because it definitely was something.

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10 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Maybe they are starting to see the truth about the jabs?


But the battle is far from won. Expect a big hairy scary variant along soon.


The history of viruses indicates they characteristically attenuate in virulence, and tend to increase in transmissibility.



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7 hours ago, owl sees all said:

This white-coat don't know what he is talking about.

And you do? Tell me, what hard yards have you put in acquiring your medical qualifications, apart from trawling through social media for alternate facts to massage your confirmation bias?

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The next stage in human evolution had to be triggered somehow, just so long as we don't Cronenberg ourselves.

I for one am looking forward to being able to hear the thoughts of my dog and having tiger night vision.


Mutations baby, it's how it all works, well that and a whole lot of plowin'.  yeehaa


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On 10/26/2023 at 2:32 PM, Lacessit said:

Do you think the millions of dollars spent on Stage 4 biological laboratories is money wasted? Your theory says it is.

Under the present health system they are probably worthwhile.


However; the whole concept of health during the last 120 years is wrong. Virtually all modern illnesses can be avoided. And, indeed, much illness is generated/caused by medical practices and procedures.


But to achieve a utopia, where one stays healthy for their entire life, the entire realm of health and medicine has to be examined and changed.



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11 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Under the present health system they are probably worthwhile.


However; the whole concept of health during the last 120 years is wrong. Virtually all modern illnesses can be avoided. And, indeed, much illness is generated/caused by medical practices and procedures.


But to achieve a utopia, where one stays healthy for their entire life, the entire realm of health and medicine has to be examined and changed.



I don't know how it is possible to say virtually all modern illnesses can be avoided, when there is overwhelming evidence many are predetermined by genetic inheritance. Statistically, if one's family has a history of colon cancer, the probability is much higher that person will experience it too.

Ditto for diabetes, stroke, etc. etc.


The entire realm of health and medicine is being examined and changed as we speak, by professionals who have far more training and experience than you or me. About sixty years ago, all a radiographer had to work with was X'rays and ultrasounds. Now, they have MRI, PET and CAT scans to work with. The same thing is happening with cancer immunotherapies.


Doctors must get sick of telling their patients to stop smoking and drinking, and lose weight. People regard themselves as an exception when they are told a smoker is 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker. Alcohol has been listed as a Class 1 carcinogen for nearly 40 years. Obesity and diabetes go hand-in-hand.


If it were not for modern medicine, I would not be writing this. Therefore, I have little respect for posters who want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Fruitcakes.

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46 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

You are smitten with the overweening conceit you have somehow evolved a grand theory of medicine, virology etc. without doing any hard yards in terms of training and experience in those fields. It's like a primary school student stating e=mc2 is false.


The history of COVID gives the lie to your rubbish, the delta version was probably the most virulent.

Excellent post.  Accurate and also I learned a new word!

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

If it were not for modern medicine, I would not be writing this. Therefore, I have little respect for posters who want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Fruitcakes.


I read your earlier posts and I'm pleased you came though the trauma.


But consider this L; if the health system was not loaded towards curing with jabs/medicines and procedures, and instead, concentrated right from the word go, on prevention and maintaining good health, then many of the illnesses that we know of now would not be with us.


The basis of modern medicine is fundamentally flawed. Until it is changed, we cannot fulfill our human potential.


As for you not having respect for me; well, so be it. It hurts, but I'll take it in my stride.

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32 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:


You might laugh Brian, but a few years ago there was just me and T'Tooky.


I think Amandah Volmer is now a disciple. And of course others like yourself may join the Nature health revolution.


From a small acorn,,, etc,,etc.

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2 hours ago, owl sees all said:


I know a lot more about viruses that the good doctor seems to. He talks about viruses as having a code. A code in a computer programme; not in the real world.


His take on influenza couldn't be more incorrect.


I'd take him on in a discussion about health any day of the week. IMO, it's white coats like him that keep the world sick.



Absolute nonsense. Monumental bunkum.


You might not agree with me, but look around you - at nature - to see truths.


You are smitten with the inability to break away from concepts/theories that are faulty, and mostly made up.


Ah......owl sees all but knows nothing. That should be your tagline/strapline.


What a load of nonsense spews forth from your beak.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

You are smitten with the overweening conceit you have somehow evolved a grand theory of medicine, virology etc. without doing any hard yards in terms of training and experience in those fields. It's like a primary school student stating e=mc2 is false.


The history of COVID gives the lie to your rubbish, the delta version was probably the most virulent.

Well articulated. You've got far more patience than me, I gave up on him a long time ago. His claims are from cloud cuckoo land. Him and his 11 internet friends he talks about :cheesy:

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3 minutes ago, xylophone said:


Ah......owl sees all but knows nothing. That should be your tagline/strapline.


What a load of nonsense spews forth from your beak.

First I must thank you for taking me off the ignore list X.


Is there anything particularly you take issue with? I'm up for any debate.

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3 minutes ago, xylophone said:


Ah......owl sees all but knows nothing. That should be your tagline/strapline.


What a load of nonsense spews forth from your beak.

I've got far more respect for flat earthers then his rantings. At least they are not promoting such dangerous claims about medicine and virus's.

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