Popular Post keithkarmann Posted November 25, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 25, 2023 He sold land in Bangkok worth 600 million baht when he gained power, maybe it is under the bed. 1 1 1
lapamita Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 I DONT LIKE HIM, but he was not corrupt ( thats why he stayed so long) and only may accept benefits, even no prooof their outside. their are stories around years ago about northern gulf petroleum an offshore company ,where his close friends involved, so i guess that their some offshorecompanys related to him overseas by the way other politicans , not only in thailand ,would not increase by 1.9 mb baht ,its even not worth to mention the summ, they would have done in minimum 000 more 1 2
shackleton Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 Well no surprises there would be if he declared he had nothing but his retired salary 🤑
Morch Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 Meanwhile, in the real Thailand..... Facing financial challenges for the aged https://aseannow.com/topic/1312539-facing-financial-challenges-for-the-aged/
Popular Post spidermike007 Posted November 25, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 25, 2023 Total nonsense. We just do not know the true extent of the enrichment these goons engaged in, while holding the nation hostage for 9 long years. It is likely well into the tens of billions. Of course, it is well hidden overseas, and there is no investigative journalism allowed here, and the toxic army is a law unto themselves. We all know where that power comes from. 2 1
Popular Post rumeaug Posted November 25, 2023 Popular Post Posted November 25, 2023 This amount is really small for a prime minister over a whole career . As mentioned in previous comments, He certainly has much more (offshore accounts among other things..) 1 1 1
spidermike007 Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 2 hours ago, Bday Prang said: I don't think I have suffered personally as a direct result of Prayut's time in office and I fail to see how anybody else has really. So I find the constant anti Prayut sentiment by a few on here difficult to understand. It was particularly bizarre at the time of the elections with some posters on here getting very emotional, whinging on and on about "democracy" and the "will of the Thai people" some even deciding who their wives "should " vote for and in some cases suggesting that others should advise their wives to do the same ! all for the praiseworthy reasons of furthering democracy and "dragging Thailand into the 21st century" I doubt any of those geriatric wannabe political activists had the slightest idea what any of the political parties really stood for,( Most Thais don't) But having partially informed themselves via social media and the english mainstream media, the key board warriors now, laughingly, felt that they were qualified to voice their ill formed opinions and indulge in a bit of lefty "pro democracy" virtue signalling Not unlike the great unwashed currently active in London shouting "from the river to the sea" who when questioned don't have a clue which river or which sea are being referred to, or indeed any knowledge of Israeli- Palestinian history Several other posters, myself included, tried to suggest being careful what one wishes for, and that a "better the devil you know" attitude might be more appropriate, regarding who governs this place, but predictably we were turned on by the usual "woke" mob, "fascist" and "junta lover" just some of the insults I kid you not So I too hope those tossers are happy now, What with the disappearance of multiple entry Non o visas and the proposed new tax return requirements just around the corner, One things for sure, they've all gone very quiet You have got to be kidding. Thailand's days as a tourist mecca are behind it now. They will have to live on scraps. None of the myriad of issues that existed long before Covid have been addressed, and the quality of tourist Thailand attracts has been declining for years. Nearly anyone in the industry will attest to that. Few tourists will be interested in visiting a Quaker state, built on a foundation of fake purity, stripped of its character, by fools who know nothing about anything. The recession that is likely coming next year will not help. But, a lot of Thailand's current economic woes are largely self inflicted. This exceedingly reckless administration engaged in multiple, highly selective economic shutdowns, that favored their cronies, and punished the masses. They also kept the nation closed off for far too long, and decimated tourism. Then they partially re-opened, with draconian restrictions. So, if you want to put the blame in the place it belongs, blame Prayuth and Prawit. They are the architects of the downfall of Thailand, the increased suicides, homelessness, crime, unemployment, and unhappiness of the people. How and why was this disaster inflicted upon the economy? I would go one step further, and include the Prayuth decimation as one of the causes of the economic stagnation we are seeing now. This was not entirely circumstantial, and the revisionist history is already beginning, it would appear. So many things could have been done, to ensure a softer landing, when covid was not a factor anymore. The highly selective economic shutdowns which favored cronies, at the expense of the average Thai were punitive and extremely damaging, resulting in higher suicides, homelessness, crushed lives, countless lost businesses, and a further spread of the disease. The destruction of the tourism industry (which some might argue was a purification campaign in disguise, meant to get rid of nightlife and the sex industry) went on far longer that it should have, leading to far fewer tourists returning here, as the nation has largely been forgotten. The restriction were way too much, for far too long. I know taking responsibility for one's actions is not exactly a strong suit here. But, Prayuth, Phiphat, Prawit, and Anutin are directly responsibility for much of the economic woes we are seeing now, and should be held responsible, and called out on this. The numbers do not even begin to reflect the amount of damage done to the cash economy, which is never counted in unemployment numbers, lost GDP, lost businesses, etc. Covid was one small factor. Irresponsible actions, an extraordinary lack of leadership, choosing a vaccine with the lowest efficacy available, refusing help from the international community with the vaccines, until it was too late, and showing extreme cowardice by keeping the door to tourism closed for far too long, and then opening with draconian restrictions, were huge mistakes, and someone needs to be held responsible. 2
Walker88 Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 So he accumulated 129 million baht in assets while serving in the Thai military? I smell a recruiting commercial if the army pays THAT well. 1 1
AhFarangJa Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 Lightweight, he needs a few lessons from the likes of Tony Bliar and company. 1
NoshowJones Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 What was his wealth when he and his soldiers illegally staged a coup in 2014? 1
oxo1947 Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 He must have spent all the other millions on watches........................ 1 1
NoshowJones Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 54 minutes ago, Ebumbu said: I hear he got in early with Bitcoin. I don't know that much about Thaksin as his time in office was maybe about a year from ending when I first came to stay here in Thailand, but when you compare it with now especially with no enforcement of this 90 day reporting treating expats like criminals on parole, among other things, to today, the immigration issues are far much worse now than they were then, especially since 2014. The ex unelected PM's term of office should surely be looked at as it would seem the country became much worse between 2014 and now. He should be jailed for leading an illegal coup just on it's own, never mind all that wealth he accummilated. Spidermike007 nailed it right on with his excellent post a few post's back. 1 1
stix40 Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 Same all over the world politicians, dictators all init for themselves, don't give a fk about us plebeians below . 1
findlay13 Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 I'm surprised it's so low. Maybe much more out of sight 1
KhunLA Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 Trump again ... 😂 ... the obsession, mind boggling. Oh well, moving on ... ... seems once again, that 600 million baht is always missing from the account ledgers, go figure. Those 'please stop criticizing and asking me about that' ... rings a bell.
sammieuk1 Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 How about the Swiss, German Cayman and daughters accounts sure to be bulging 🤔 1
Road Warrior Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 hope he has paid tax on this amount !!! he done well to save this amount from his wages ?????
JeffersLos Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 98 million. That's only an average 163,000 every month for a 50 year career as a soldier. No wonder career army guys are able to own big lavish nightclubs and hotels etc.
rudi49jr Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 That would probably be just the tip of the iceberg, of assets that are actually in his name. How about looking into the wealth of his extended family, like wife, children, in-laws and such? And I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a couple of anonymous overseas bank accounts as well….
Frankie baby Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 Like the UK MPs and US Senators, he can now make a real fortune sitting on the boards of wealthy companies were he can use his influence & government pals to generate a proper wedge. 1 1
Sydebolle Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 Well, his deputy and factual "great leader" Prawatch did better - he inherited a watch collection worth much much more, from a friend who passed. Now how is that for wealth increase ;-)
John Drake Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 7 hours ago, Bday Prang said: So I too hope those tossers are happy now, What with the disappearance of multiple entry Non o visas and the proposed new tax return requirements just around the corner, One things for sure, they've all gone very quiet What is so telling is to go and look at the income tax topic (now 140 pages and growing). People are talking about turning their lives upside down, moving out of Thailand, or relocating for half a year, all because their worldwide earnings they believe might now come under Thai taxation. Wouldn't have happened with Prayuth, because of no need to pay for the digital wallet boondoggle. Prayuth essentially was committed to preserving things as they are, which included immigration but for a couple of minor adjustments.
brianthainess Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 In another report by BP, although still loose change, it was 2million.
brianthainess Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 Surely the royalties on all those wonderful songs he wrote must have payed out more than that . Friday nights have never been the same without his amazing speeches
BritScot Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 9 hours ago, Bday Prang said: I don't think I have suffered personally as a direct result of Prayut's time in office and I fail to see how anybody else has really. So I find the constant anti Prayut sentiment by a few on here difficult to understand. It was particularly bizarre at the time of the elections with some posters on here getting very emotional, whinging on and on about "democracy" and the "will of the Thai people" some even deciding who their wives "should " vote for and in some cases suggesting that others should advise their wives to do the same ! all for the praiseworthy reasons of furthering democracy and "dragging Thailand into the 21st century" I doubt any of those geriatric wannabe political activists had the slightest idea what any of the political parties really stood for,( Most Thais don't) But having partially informed themselves via social media and the english mainstream media, the key board warriors now, laughingly, felt that they were qualified to voice their ill formed opinions and indulge in a bit of lefty "pro democracy" virtue signalling Not unlike the great unwashed currently active in London shouting "from the river to the sea" who when questioned don't have a clue which river or which sea are being referred to, or indeed any knowledge of Israeli- Palestinian history Several other posters, myself included, tried to suggest being careful what one wishes for, and that a "better the devil you know" attitude might be more appropriate, regarding who governs this place, but predictably we were turned on by the usual "woke" mob, "fascist" and "junta lover" just some of the insults I kid you not So I too hope those tossers are happy now, What with the disappearance of multiple entry Non o visas and the proposed new tax return requirements just around the corner, One things for sure, they've all gone very quiet Really "I'm OK Jack", having lived in Thailand before during and after the last two coups, I can assure you life became more difficult for expats. With many expats (my friends) leaving Thailand me included. Attitudes definatly changed against expats right after my first coup with Western teachers within thai education being kicked out and replaced by Philippine teachers. Teachers pay has infact gone down in the past 18 years. Industries leave and the list goes on and on. Backward banking and the never ending double/triple pricing aimed at foreigners. If like many who come to thailand living in their rose coloured bubble especially after investing heavily in a house etc are so happy mostly from the need they never screwed up big time. Then the cracks start appearing and it becomes harder and harder to sit abblivious to one's surroundings then bitterness creeps in and then often pushed to leave. Having a bank hold your money 800k or 400k sits OK with sum but most normal people it's a problem. I for one have a conscious and find it difficult living in a country under military rule witnessing persecution of opposition and decanting voices. People should never forget the brave nurse that was witness to the murder at the temple what persecution was thrown at her and the question I always ask where is she now? Enjoy life Jack. 2 1
bristolgeoff Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 So he declared the money under thai rules,Did you expect anything else,he is well off and that is no surprise along with many others
kiwikeith Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 12 hours ago, Bday Prang said: If these figures are to be be believed it points to a relatively modest accumulation of wealth for somebody who held that position for 10 years. It almost points to financial incompetence when one considers that he allegedly had investments of over 60 million baht yet only saw a return on that of 1.5 million in 10 years, Seems to have a very modest land holding too I'm pretty sure he's got a bit more stashed away somewhere, but I seriously doubt it amounts to anything like what some of his predecessors managed to get their hands on His new nickname is Thrifty.
MikeN Posted November 25, 2023 Posted November 25, 2023 Why did Prayut need 9 guns ? I thought that he claimed that he had to continue living in the army barracks for security reasons....he couldn't have been very confident in that security if he needed 9 guns for protection.
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