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Pita most preferred politician to become Thai PM in NIDA poll


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Why bother with the peoples poll, the people dont get their wish in Thailand given the status quo! 


Sadly the Thai leaders dont take a look at their immediate neighbours who are controlled by the military and all are basket cases except Malaysia. 

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The power brokers behind the scenes will continue to see that the elections turn out the way they want them too.  Doesn't matter what the people want.  I too have been following Thai politics for roughly 40 years and it is almost always the same.  It is very sad that the Thai people don't really have a voice in the future of their country.

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7 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

What does it matter who is "preffered"? The facts on the ground here and now PTP is in charge. Polls don't really matter for the next 3 years.

The PTP is walking a tightrope.  so far they have done nothing to help the people or give them what they need.  The question is what happens in May.  

The newly formed Senate is going to make a huge difference, BUT again, how much will the military demand and control the choices?  Theoretically, it is supposed to be by election, BUT election and appointment by the  MPs will not work for the military.


If the 10k falls apart, there is a rise in death due to booze, and the country does not start to see the SET start to rise, there are going to be concerns.  


If the 20 baht system is not installed across the BTS MRT, there will be concerns.


If BA grads do not see the 25k jobs, there will be concerns.


The biggest one is going to be Thaksin and what happens after he is released.  If it turns out that on his release date, he has a miraculous recovery and all his ailments are cured, then the Miltary, Dems, and BJP are in a world of hurt.


The other main concern is what is going to happen to Pita and the MFP.  If the NAAC and Elections try to disband the party, that will be the end for most of these groups.


It is going to be an interesting 6 months for sure.


PTP lasting 3 years NOT A CHANCE.


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1 hour ago, proton said:

 Any evidence for your conspiracy theory?

Evidence that he is the WEF candidate? He spoke at one of the WEF conferences some time back, so he's definitely known to them - and part of the club.


Anyway, there is really nothing to debate. Either he will eventually become Prime Minister, or he won't. If he doesn't, I was wrong. If he does (and I think he will), AND he starts implementing the tyrannical plans of the WEF (as certain other WEF candidates like Trudeau, etc., are doing), then you'll know that I was right. I would be happy to be wrong about this.

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1 hour ago, kingstonkid said:

If the 10k falls apart, there is a rise in death due to booze, and the country does not start to see the SET start to rise, there are going to be concerns.  

If the 20 baht system is not installed across the BTS MRT, there will be concerns.

If BA grads do not see the 25k jobs, there will be concerns.

It's pretty predictable actually: 10k will fall apart. There will be no rise in deaths due to booze. The SET may rise but only if the US rally continues beyond the new year.

20 baht system probably will happen.

BA grads getting 25k? nah that's a joke - won't happen.


But even if none of these materialize - so what? there'll be protests? how will that matter to the elections being 3 years from now?

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2 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

The question is what happens in May.  

The newly formed Senate is going to make a huge difference,

I'm unclear what exactly happens with the Senate in May24.


So the old Senate composed of military-appointed dinosaurs miraculously disappears. What happens next? and how does it happen? What are the steps? and what will the dinosaurs do next?

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4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Passive resistance - as in withdrawing labour? If they do that they don't get paid. Otherwise, passive resistance in what form, I wonder? I'm curious, because you might be on to something, Long shot, but......


As for 'not your country' - you've been here longer than about half the Thai population. And I've been here getting on for 30. A pity we still don't have a voice, isn't it. Not that would count anyway, same as the locals.

They don't get paid when they go out on the streets protesting and get put down and arrested by the army. What could the authorities do if transport, factory and government office workers downed tools? Just surmising.

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4 minutes ago, Gandtee said:

They don't get paid when they go out on the streets protesting and get put down and arrested by the army. What could the authorities do if transport, factory and government office workers downed tools? Just surmising.


If you don't work in Thailand you don't paid. Several years ago a worker at one of Thailand's biggest companies tried to organise a union and was murdered.

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10 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


If you don't work in Thailand you don't paid. Several years ago a worker at one of Thailand's biggest companies tried to organise a union and was murdered.

If you don't work  you don't get paid applies to most countries methinks. Regarding forming unions, I think this also applies to many countries.

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On 12/26/2023 at 2:23 PM, BangkokHank said:

Evidence that he is the WEF candidate? He spoke at one of the WEF conferences some time back, so he's definitely known to them - and part of the club.


Anyway, there is really nothing to debate. Either he will eventually become Prime Minister, or he won't. If he doesn't, I was wrong. If he does (and I think he will), AND he starts implementing the tyrannical plans of the WEF (as certain other WEF candidates like Trudeau, etc., are doing), then you'll know that I was right. I would be happy to be wrong about this.

Care to provide some evidence, links, to support your thesis?

And please enlighten us mere mortals about "the tyrannical plans of the WEF".

I recall another speaker featuring prominently at the WEF 2020 as well as 2022. Her name is Greta Thurnberg - according to your twisted logic now part of the club. Seriously?


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On 12/26/2023 at 3:19 PM, PingRoundTheWorld said:

It's pretty predictable actually: 10k will fall apart. There will be no rise in deaths due to booze. The SET may rise but only if the US rally continues beyond the new year.

20 baht system probably will happen.

BA grads getting 25k? nah that's a joke - won't happen.


But even if none of these materialize - so what? there'll be protests? how will that matter to the elections being 3 years from now?

LOL you are missing the point.


First, I disagree. I think that you will see an increase in accidents and deaths. Also, any accident that has booze involved after 2 am will be attributed to the new rules.  

The SET is also based on the national economy. Very few of the companies listed are NA-based.  It is affected by the stabilty of the country and right now tht is not so hot.


20 baht will not work or happen on all lines.  The government can not afford to lower the rate for the main line from Khu Kot to Keha.  That would mean that they would have to subsidize the private copy that runs it, and they are already deep in debt to them.  To be honest, if you ask most people who take it, they have a hard time wanting it because the trains are already overflowing during rush hour times.  Yes they would not mind cheaper rail but weighed against a 30-minute wait jammed on the platform at Morchit Siam or other stops no thank you 


Ther will not be an election in 3 years I would honestly be surprised if there was not one in 2024 or early 2025

Edited by kingstonkid
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On 12/26/2023 at 4:19 PM, mfd101 said:

I'm unclear what exactly happens with the Senate in May24.


So the old Senate composed of military-appointed dinosaurs miraculously disappears. What happens next? and how does it happen? What are the steps? and what will the dinosaurs do next?

That is the big question and is going to play a huge part in what happens this year for this country.  There is no way the elite and army are going to give up the power that they have, yet PTP also has to get some of their supporters in there.  


The bottom line is that no matter what, unless there is a fair election for the Senate, the MFP will not get any support from the Senate for the next PM.

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On 12/25/2023 at 3:00 PM, hotchilli said:

Counts for nothing when the system is rigged to give the people the bird.


Repeated corrupt cycles that clearly no one recognizes. 

Nothing up their sleeves. 

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 



Same as it ever was. 


These dreamy hopefuls that consider the young up-start Pita as the popular favourite and clearly the heir apparent. 

Next election, they say. :whistling:

Oh sure. :wink:



What happens when they  successfully and illegally manipulate another election?

Standing by. :coffee1:

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On 12/28/2023 at 9:31 AM, kingstonkid said:

First, I disagree. I think that you will see an increase in accidents and deaths. Also, any accident that has booze involved after 2 am will be attributed to the new rules.  

Nope. Won't happen.

On 12/28/2023 at 9:31 AM, kingstonkid said:

The SET is also based on the national economy. Very few of the companies listed are NA-based.  It is affected by the stabilty of the country and right now tht is not so hot.

Doesn't matter. America leads the way absolutely.


20 baht I'm not firm about, lol. Why and how do you think there will be an election this year??

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On 12/26/2023 at 10:19 AM, mfd101 said:

I'm unclear what exactly happens with the Senate in May24.


So the old Senate composed of military-appointed dinosaurs miraculously disappears. What happens next? and how does it happen? What are the steps? and what will the dinosaurs do next?

In short, the new Senators will be appointed according to a complex system making sure they will be selected by the yellow-green network (also called the old elite). Not by the government. Oh, and they will ultimately need to be approved by the current Senate.

That's how it works in Thailand, appointed people appoint each other, and they all belong to the same network.

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5 minutes ago, candide said:

In short, the new Senators will be appointed according to a complex system making sure they will be selected by the yellow-green network (also called the old elite). Not by the government. Oh, and they will ultimately need to be approved by the current Senate.

That's how it works in Thailand, appointed people appoint each other, and they all belong to the same network.

Sounds appalling & disgusting. I hope all progressive - and even semi-progressive - parties & forces are gearing up for a massive showdown. Presumably they all know what's coming their way.


If they let this one crush them in May, only one year after the dinosaurs' massive electoral defeat, we might as well go back to Uncle Prayut and beg his forgiveness.

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3 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

Sounds appalling & disgusting. I hope all progressive - and even semi-progressive - parties & forces are gearing up for a massive showdown. Presumably they all know what's coming their way.


If they let this one crush them in May, only one year after the dinosaurs' massive electoral defeat, we might as well go back to Uncle Prayut and beg his forgiveness.

The only good news is that the new Senate will not elect PMs any more.

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On 12/26/2023 at 2:11 AM, webfact said:

Former Move Forward party leader Pita Limjaroenrat is the most favoured politician, among respondents to NIDA poll, to become prime minister, while the Move Forward party was the most popular.


That train has long left the station; until the next general election anyway.

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On 12/28/2023 at 6:17 PM, zzaa09 said:


Repeated corrupt cycles that clearly no one recognizes. 

Nothing up their sleeves. 

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Yes, for a long time the same few rich families, keeping the lowly masses uneducated and impoverished to eternally preserve their feudalistic society... Then a nouveau riche family turned up; first despised, before being removed from power, but now accepted and welcomed to join in the rule and exploitation of the masses for the sole benefit of the couple hundred families at the top. No way that any progressive newcomers that want to bring the country 'forward' for everyone will be allowed to take over the government easily.

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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15 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

Nope. Won't happen.

Doesn't matter. America leads the way absolutely.


20 baht I'm not firm about, lol. Why and how do you think there will be an election this year??


Alcohol-related accidents and deaths.  I live near a group of "restaurants" and can tel you that to get to them the people drive.  They drink until 2 am and then get in their cars and go home.


In a built-up area like here, it is not so bad; however, when you get to the country or put these same people on the motorway or open roads, you are going to have the same problem you had in every country before DUI became a real thing as far police are concerned.  Longer hours to drink means more intoxication it also gives the young people more time to overdue their limits.  We have heard a lot about the police checking into the bars and places in the 4 am areas, but we have heard nothing about checkpoints and what has happened at them if they actually exist.  People who are not so bright at 3-4 in the morning are not going to wait for a taxi (if avail) when their bike is right there.


As to the outcry about 4 am, you can bet that MADD and all Thai groups against alcohol and road safety will jump on anything that even smells of alcohol involvement after 2 am.  


The SET is partially reliant on Wall Street, but if you look at history, you will see that it is more reliant on the stability of the country and government.  The bottom fell out when the protest started against YT; then, it gained dramatically once the strength of the military government set in.  Right now, the country is a mess economically, with countries not knowing what is happening.  Are wages rising? If so, when and how much, will it affect them and how?

Is the government's 20-baht plan going to be a success, or is it going to be a drain on the economy and make things worse?

Along that line will they be able to convince the BTS and MRT main lines to lower their prices and still maintain the same level of service with the same \safety record?  If they do who is gong ot pay the difference and how many people might lose Jobs.


This coalition is made up of the damned. It is a marriage of 2 groups that are diametrically opposed.  It has always been the elite-backed military's response that Thaksin-run parties fail.


Looking at this year, the PTP has a lot of things in the fire that will, in all likelihood, blow up in their faces.  The 10K has already become a total farce and is an albatross around their neck.

Thaksin coming back was a good thing until we started to see all the special treatment and that has hurt them.


20 baht to ride on trains that are breaking down, losing parts, or poorly constructed is not going to make people happy or improve ridership.


The MFP, either losing in the courts or winning in the courts, is going to bring them a lot of gravitas with the community and with that power.


LM is being enforced, but people like Thaksin getting preferential treatment is not going to go over well.


The coalition has a lot of smaller parties that will, looking at things, realize that the PTP and military are not the people they want to team up with and will leave them when it is most convenient for them.

The senate choices will affect things.


That is why I see an election this year.  Not because the PTP or military want it but because people are going to see that there are issues and demand it. 




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