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2 minutes ago, pomchop said:

lets see the links to support this...60 court cases said no fraud...lets see the cases that found otherwise as i seem to have somehow missed those rulings.

Let's see links to support that 60 court cases said there was no fraud. 

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18 hours ago, morrobay said:

Right Trump had not started any bogus wars/invasions. This fact seems completely lost on all these people that can't stop calling Trump a Hitler. Trump is a nationalist: Secure the border. Restore law and order to these liberal saps run cities. Declaring martial law if required. Stop sending billions out to lost cause Ukraine. And instead upgrade all infrastructure.  



so i guess u sorta forgot that trump was potus for 4 years....what infrastructure got upgraded then other than a feeble attempt to build a wall which of course the kook aide crowd as told that mexico would pay for??...yes and santa will come down your chimney tonight with a bag of toys for you.


did u notice that biden was actually able to pass a massive infrastructure package that is already in the works and creating a ton of jobs not to mention fixing a lot of the infrastructure...and once again what did trump do or will he roll out that big plan in a week or two like his plan to replace obama care....still waiting....still waiting....do trumpers enjoy being lied to over and over and over?


if u don't want to be compared with hitler maybe good idea not to use hitlers language in your speeches to the cult

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17 minutes ago, impulse said:


+1  Most of those court cases said "no standing" and didn't rule on the the facts of the case.  Best example of that was the Supreme Court decision regarding the Texas complaint.




And I did not use the word "fraud".  I claimed "election irregularities".  Like Zuck's mobile voting van:


Wisconsin judge rules that absentee voting van used in 2022 was illegal




And there are half a dozen other cases in swing states (and others) where the methods implemented in 2020 and 2022 were later found illegal.  But way too late to overturn the elections.  Not to mention the case currently going on in Georgia regarding machine tampering.  But you have to stoop to reading the right wing sources to know about most of it.


Even if this judge's decision is upheld on appeal, which presumably will occur, you didn't note this:


The van was first used in Racine’s municipal elections in 2022.



Not only didn't you note that, but you also didn't note that the judge in the case did not base his ruling on whether or not the vehicle was secure. HIs ruling had nothing to do with ballot security. Nothing.

"The judge said his ruling wasn’t a determination on whether mobile voting sites were a good idea or not. That is up to the Legislature to decide, Gasiorkiewicz said."


As for the Georgia case:


"The plaintiffs in the case do not assert hackers exploited the vulnerabilities in the systems during prior contests in Georgia.

But they argue that the risks of a hack have intensified since 2020 due to efforts by pro-Trump activists to steal voting system software used in multiple swing states, including in Coffee County, Georgia."



This kind of reminds me about the old joke about a person convicted of killing his parents who then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he's an orphan.

Anyway, as the state argues, the chances of anyone actually succeeding in tampering with the machines is virtually nil. There are still lots of safeguards in place.

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm getting the popcorn ready for the exploding snowflake heads show.

By the look of some of the posts on this thread, it's already happening. I believe you are ex-services so you will be used to blustering armchair generals willing folks like you onto their deaths from the comfort of their bar stools.  Make that a US jumbo-sized popcorn sir !


“What is a country? A country is a piece of land surrounded on all sides by boundaries, usually unnatural. Englishmen are dying for England, Americans are dying for America, Germans are dying for Germany, Russians are dying for Russia. There are now fifty or sixty countries fighting in this war. Surely so many countries can't all be worth dying for.”
Joseph Heller,

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7 hours ago, sirineou said:

Personal mental health issues in no way qualify one as professional :tongue:


Did I say "personal health issues"? No I didn't. I had training and experience in the subject because I was a health professional, with decades of experience, and the documents to prove it.

You will have to try harder next time.


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6 hours ago, morrobay said:

No Putin is in trouble . Sure he would like  have the USSR back. But you can be sure his Generals are not happy at all with this Ukraine situation...

You must have been reading the western biased media to come to that conclusion. All he has to do is hold on to what he has till the west gives up supporting a lost cause, which looks like happening in the not too distant future, like in November.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Did I say "personal health issues"? No I didn't. I had training and experience in the subject because I was a health professional, with decades of experience, and the documents to prove it.

You will have to try harder next time.


PS, I AM a health professional. We don't stop being qualified just because we haven't been doing it for a while.

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20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Did I say "personal health issues"? No I didn't. I had training and experience in the subject because I was a health professional, with decades of experience, and the documents to prove it.

You will have to try harder next time.


I did not say "personal health issues" also  I said " Personal mental health issues"  it is after all what we are talking about. All the medical experiancemight . It was my way of making a pun while making a point

Both of which seem to have gone over your head.  

Since you have experience in the medical field you would now that medical experience might give you  some insight in Psychiatry but non in Psychology  . 

So perhaps you might want to try a little harder, and I promise yo take it easy on you:smile:

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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm sorry to hear that. I had supported Bernie in the past, but no longer. It was Haley's anti Palestinian rant during a debate that made me no longer consider her as a potential POTUS.

The only candidate that I would trust to not start any wars is Trump.

Because he's a coward?

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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

"The judge said his ruling wasn’t a determination on whether mobile voting sites were a good idea or not. That is up to the Legislature to decide, Gasiorkiewicz said."


That's been the gist of many of the election irregularities.  That the decisions to change balloting rules were made without the required approval of the legislatures, mostly by Dem election officials.  And strangely, mostly in favor of the way more Dems vote than Repubs.  It's almost as if there was a plan...



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55 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You must have been reading the western biased media to come to that conclusion. All he has to do is hold on to what he has till the west gives up supporting a lost cause, which looks like happening in the not too distant future, like in November.

Putin is waiting for his good buddy Trump to be elected. The Russian economy is in fact in deep trouble and they're finding it very hard to keep the meat attacks coming. The war continues. 

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4 hours ago, impulse said:


+1  Most of those court cases said "no standing" and didn't rule on the the facts of the case.  Best example of that was the Supreme Court decision regarding the Texas complaint.




And I did not use the word "fraud".  I claimed "election irregularities".  Like Zuck's mobile voting van:


Wisconsin judge rules that absentee voting van used in 2022 was illegal




And there are half a dozen other cases in swing states (and others) where the methods implemented in 2020 and 2022 were later found illegal.  But way too late to overturn the elections.  Not to mention the case currently going on in Georgia regarding machine tampering.  But you have to stoop to reading the right wing sources to know about most of it.


So no fraud then. I notice you are contradicting Trump who's claiming there was massive fraud and that he actually won the election....

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9 minutes ago, candide said:

So no fraud then. I notice you are contradicting Trump who's claiming there was massive fraud and that he actually won the election....


He has access to a lot more information than I do. 


I'm not claiming "no fraud".  I'm claiming I don't have enough information to know for sure whether the illegal election irregularities were deliberate.  In which case, it would be election fraud.  Personally, I believe there was fraud.  But all I know is that there were illegal irregularities.


Whether by fraud or by poor judgement, the fact is there were illegal irregularities that may have affected the outcome.  And there's cases still winding through the system over 3 years later.


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6 minutes ago, impulse said:


He has access to a lot more information than I do. 


I'm not claiming "no fraud".  I'm claiming I don't have enough information to know for sure whether the illegal election irregularities were deliberate.  In which case, it would be election fraud.  Personally, I believe there was fraud.  But all I know is that there were illegal irregularities.


Whether by fraud or by poor judgement, the fact is there were illegal irregularities that may have affected the outcome.  And there's cases still winding through the system over 3 years later.


When he was POTUS,Trump had access to the same information as his DOJ, who declared it was B.S. Moreover, if Trump has such information, why didn't he diffuse it already? You know, like the report he promised to show in court! 😅 It doesn't make sense at all!, in particular as he's hopeless to find ways to defend himself, and also hopeless to smear his opponents. 


So what are these election irregulariites cases which may have changed the results of the 2020 elections (not 2022) which have been judged or are still "winding through the system" (whatever that means)?

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5 hours ago, pomchop said:

lets see the links to support this...60 court cases said no fraud...lets see the cases that found otherwise as i seem to have somehow missed those rulings.


32 minutes ago, impulse said:


He has access to a lot more information than I do. 


I'm not claiming "no fraud".  I'm claiming I don't have enough information to know for sure whether the illegal election irregularities were deliberate.  In which case, it would be election fraud.  Personally, I believe there was fraud.  But all I know is that there were illegal irregularities.


Whether by fraud or by poor judgement, the fact is there were illegal irregularities that may have affected the outcome.  And there's cases still winding through the system over 3 years later.


So you actually believe that trump won 2020?


You believe there were illegal irregularities that impacted the outcome of the election?  Oh sorry I see it "may" have affected the outcome.  I "may" have been as good as Michael Jordan if i had only been 6'6" and could  fly like a bird.


  You believe that dottering biden somehow managed to cheat with fraudulent or "illegal irregularities" in several red states to rig the election and leave not a trace of evidence? Not bad for a dottering old fool.


You believe that recount after recount and review after review done mostly by republicans officials in red states that found over and over that the elections were handled correctly and there was no evidence of any significant fraud are wrong?  Obviously all a bunch of deep state Biden plants.


You believe that if trump had actually won he would have said it was rigged like he was already saying before the first vote was cast?  Sure.


You believe that some cases winding their way through the system 3 years later are suddenly going to name trump the winner?  Amazing that these super important  cases are not front and center on every newscast.


If you really believe all of that you should bring forth all your evidence as fox news and lots of maga morons would welcome you with open arms and you would be hailed as a hero.  Your name would go down in history books as the person who found what nobody else was able to find.  You could write books and appear on fox and other right wing propaganda channels and probably have your own show and a massive salary , a corner office, and the hottest babes that money can buy.


How many right wing sleuths have spent years trying to find the evidence to support the rigged claims and come up empty.

  Gee wonder how that can be other than the obvious answer is that they can't find the evidence as there is no evidence of a rigged election.


And yet trump keeps beating that same old dead rigged election drum with no evidence and his kool aide maga crowd gulps it all down.


to paraphrase a famous line:  "show me the money".



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5 hours ago, impulse said:


+1  Most of those court cases said "no standing" and didn't rule on the the facts of the case.  Best example of that was the Supreme Court decision regarding the Texas complaint.




And I did not use the word "fraud".  I claimed "election irregularities".  Like Zuck's mobile voting van:


Wisconsin judge rules that absentee voting van used in 2022 was illegal




And there are half a dozen other cases in swing states (and others) where the methods implemented in 2020 and 2022 were later found illegal.  But way too late to overturn the elections.  Not to mention the case currently going on in Georgia regarding machine tampering.  But you have to stoop to reading the right wing sources to know about most of it.



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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Putin is waiting for his good buddy Trump to be elected. The Russian economy is in fact in deep trouble and they're finding it very hard to keep the meat attacks coming. The war continues. 

The Russian economy is in no more trouble than Western ones indeed it may in some instances be better off. A forced fire sale of Western assets to his oligarch mates has cemented Putin's power amongst the elites. Not that they have any choice in the matter should they demur.


As to conscription Zelenkiy's previous aide and now critic  Oleksiy Arestovych now resident in the US opines that 50% of Ukrainian men are resisting conscription whereas currently in Russia owing to a variety of factors they are oversubscribed with volunteers. A very interesting video for anyone with an hour to spare.






Mr. Putin has turned the exits of major Western companies into a windfall for Russia’s loyal elite and the state itself. He has forced companies wishing to sell to do so at fire-sale prices. He has limited sales to buyers anointed by Moscow. Sometimes he has seized firms outright.



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35 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

The Russian economy is in no more trouble than Western ones indeed it may in some instances be better off. A forced fire sale of Western assets to his oligarch mates has cemented Putin's power amongst the elites. Not that they have any choice in the matter should they demur.


As to conscription Zelenkiy's previous aide and now critic  Oleksiy Arestovych now resident in the US opines that 50% of Ukrainian men are resisting conscription whereas currently in Russia owing to a variety of factors they are oversubscribed with volunteers. A very interesting video for anyone with an hour to spare.






Mr. Putin has turned the exits of major Western companies into a windfall for Russia’s loyal elite and the state itself. He has forced companies wishing to sell to do so at fire-sale prices. He has limited sales to buyers anointed by Moscow. Sometimes he has seized firms outright.



Thanks for the Kremlin / Tucker Carlson talking points.

For the REAL story, watch the Inside Russia youtube channel. 

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Thanks for the Kremlin / Tucker Carlson talking points.

For the REAL story, watch the Inside Russia youtube channel. 

Because NYT and Bloomberg are well-known Kremlin news channels. There's propaganda on both sides - more repressive and ridiculous in Russia obviously but it helps no one in the West if a false or misleading account is punted as to what we would like to happen rather than what is happening. We were told early on in the war that Putin was going die, be removed in a coup had cancer and other such nonsense none of which happened. He appears stronger than ever and all that shovels trope that was punted early on in the war that they were running out of ammo and weapons. Turns out they were digging the almost impenetrable Surovikin line that caused the counter-offensive to fail. Reddit Ukraine/Russia War Report is a great place to see raw data, opinions and videos from both sides hotly debated and discussed by thousands of contributors.

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5 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Because NYT and Bloomberg are well-known Kremlin news channels. There's propaganda on both sides - more repressive and ridiculous in Russia obviously but it helps no one in the West if a false or misleading account is punted as to what we would like to happen rather than what is happening. We were told early on in the war that Putin was going die, be removed in a coup had cancer and other such nonsense none of which happened. He appears stronger than ever and all that shovels trope that was punted early on in the war that they were running out of ammo and weapons. Turns out they were digging the almost impenetrable Surovikin line that caused the counter-offensive to fail. Reddit Ukraine/Russia War Report is a great place to see raw data, opinions and videos from both sides hotly debated and discussed by thousands of contributors.

You cherry picked a few items to paint a pretty pro Putin picture.

You obviously don't have the beginning of a clue about what's really happening in the Russian economy in the broader sense (for the masses of people).

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20 hours ago, JCauto said:


At least she inspires young black women. Who does Meathead Ron inspire? Guys who like to wear high heels?


Inspires young black women to do what, get in a sexual relationship with your married man to advance your career? 


Why is everything about race to you guys?




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18 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You cherry picked a few items to paint a pretty pro Putin picture.

You obviously don't have the beginning of a clue about what's really happening in the Russian economy in the broader sense (for the masses of people).

Crikey I provide recent articles and commentary from the New York Times and Bloomberg whilst you signpost some no-name You Tuber who whilst no doubt well-intentioned presents anecdote as fact as well as shilling their clicks through buymeacofee, Patreon and the like.


There's no debate to be had if that's your approach and as far as I'm aware "trust me bro" doesn't cut it in this parish.  I look at the world as it is not as I would like it to be and there is absolutely no point in thinking that Russia is a basket case and will collapse any time soon.


In essence, the West has sanctioned itself and accelerated a pivot of Russia away from the democratic West to the authoritarian GlobalSouth and China - a seismic shift which will shape the emerging darkening world. I wouldn't want to be young growing up in this world.


Another very recent source JP Morgan fresh off the presses. January 24, 2024




Russia: A dramatic example of trade flexibility


Trade with Russia since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine presents a dramatic recent example of trade flexibility. Global manufacturing supply chains have demonstrated such resilience over the last 18 months that they essentially have saved Russia’s economy. Trade flexibility is the primary reason the IMF has dramatically revised up its forecast for Russian GDP since April 2022. Then, the IMF projected a 10.6% drop by 2023 (relative to the 2021 level). Now the IMF sees the Russian economy larger by 0.13%.


To determine the shifts that helped keep Russia’s economy afloat, we performed the same analysis we did to examine reshoring away from China, looking at exports to Russia from 2021 to 2023. As the share of exports from the United States and Europe to Russia collapsed, they were offset by large export share gains by China and (to a lesser extent) India, and countries in Western and Central Asia, including Turkey, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan.


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3 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


Inspires young black women to do what, get in a sexual relationship with your married man to advance your career? 


Why is everything about race to you guys?





You asked a direct question for which I gave you a plausible answer. Research is clear that children are more inspired by role models who look like they do or come from the same backgrounds that they do.


Why is everything about sex to you guys?

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7 hours ago, JCauto said:


You asked a direct question for which I gave you a plausible answer. Research is clear that children are more inspired by role models who look like they do or come from the same backgrounds that they do.


Why is everything about sex to you guys?

Research by who? So, mixed race girls that come from rich parents, that get into mediocre schools likely because of affirmative action and that advance their careers by banging their boss will be inspired by her. Is that a big segment of the population? 


You don't like sex? 

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10 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Research by who? So, mixed race girls that come from rich parents, that get into mediocre schools likely because of affirmative action and that advance their careers by banging their boss will be inspired by her. Is that a big segment of the population? 


You don't like sex? 


It doesn't take much effort to find if you wanted to, but you never did, you're just trolling. Every so often one of you is serious and interested in engaging in debate. But seldom is it you. Whatever.

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49 minutes ago, JCauto said:


It doesn't take much effort to find if you wanted to, but you never did, you're just trolling.

Really? You just regurgitated a line you heard on TV or whatnot and then claimed that research shows it, and I asked you what research, you can't, so you blame me.


You made it up. 


49 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Every so often one of you is serious and interested in engaging in debate. But seldom is it you. Whatever.

By one of you, I assume you mean non-leftist, yes? 


You do not want to debate anything because you can't. If you really wanted to debate, you would show that my statements about Kamala Harris were false, but you can't, because they are true. 



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