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Taylor Swift Caught in Crosshairs of Bizarre MAGA Conspiracy Theory

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59 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


They aren't billionaires with huge popularity among young people. Don't anybody try to tell me kid rock is popular among gen Z/

So your point is? I should find a equally young popular philanthropic star that pushes the Republican talking points for you ?

You don't need me you have the TV evangelical parasites sorry priests on your side I feel there morality fits in perfectly with your leader

5 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


Well that would be good for Trump. The TV evangelists are in the tank for Trump so I wouldn't bother looking there. I don't know why he doesn't just play worship piano at his rallies, he won't find a young rock star.


Here's a non exhaustive list of musicians who oppose Trump. Presumably Taylor Swift should be on this list.



He could always get forgatio blow the rapper ( that is a kind description) who rapped with Marjorie Taylor Green on a throne so you can tell its high class

13 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

The MAGA cult will use anything they can to try to divert attention and focus away from where it really should be, A criminal con man cult leader and an immoral lying party with no platform other than fear, hate and lies. Wake up humans!!!! 

That's really taking the mickey. Have you not seen Biden's election platform which apparently consists of "hate Trump" messages? IMO if not for Trump, Biden would have little to talk about, considering his lack of success as POTUS.

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13 hours ago, Pouatchee said:


need i explain the differences in semantics between sports as entertaining/entertainment and the music/cinematographic as an entertainment industry? surely you can figure that out by yourself

I don't get the point that you are trying to make. Commercial sport is as much an entertainment industry as music is, no matter how much one tries to say "it's different".

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9 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Would it be any sillier for people to follow the ideological leanings of an extremely successful, highly intelligent, Grammy-winning business savant, than a willfully ignorant, 6 times bankrupt, convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster, convicted bank and insurance fraudster, recipient of 91 felony indictments, Game Show host, born with a silver spoon in his mouth who inherited his wealth but claims to be "self-made"?


The former makes people happy, while the fatter latter makes people violent---and according to this bizarre conspiracy theory, as brain addled as him.

I have to guess, but I assume you are talking about a singer who made it out of thousands of wannabe music stars because she has good genes, but is still just a musician.

Why would anyone take political advice from a musician?


As usual you attack Trump for what he is, and ignore why many, many millions of adult Americans chose him as POTUS instead of her.

Have you ever asked yourself WHY so many adult Americans prefer him, DESPITE his many failings, over your hero Biden?

  • Confused 6
7 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

The only ones putting politics in this Super Bowl are FOX News and MAGA politicians whining about Taylor Swift.


Are you going to condemn them? Please do, so we can repost when Trump inevitably complains about Taylor Swift.

Seems to me that you and few of your pals are also putting politics into it, or don't you count?

  • Confused 6
4 hours ago, Dave0206 said:

She has spread her successful tour income with so many people in a way that is unheard of so for me she is allowed a pedestal to say what her views are on any subject she likes. 

Also as a young woman surely she is entitled to fight for her rights that's democracy or is this only allowed if kid rock or Joe rogan speaks 🤔 

She has the same rights as any other citizen in a country with free speech to say whatever she likes, within the law, and everyone else has the right to accept or reject what she says. If one doesn't like to be criticized for what one says in a public forum, one shouldn't say anything publicly in the first place.


However, if one wants to use their popularity to talk politics, one can hardly complain if they get attacked for doing so. The saying about heat and kitchens is always applicable when it comes to politics.



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10 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

The economy is great, the stock market is up, inflation is down.


Just because you say something, doesn't mean it's true.

and likewise with yourself, as I have pointed out to you on occassion.



  • Confused 6
7 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

I have offered my view as to why so many losers Americans chose trump in 2016...enough to win the anachronism called the Electoral College, but not enough to win in 2020.


I would repeat the 'why' here, but it would be reported and removed.


I can say his base is largely QAnon types (who are batsh!t crazy and ~25-30% of all Americans), Incels, white supremacists, fanatical (supposed) Christians, non-college educated old white men, and Neo Nazis, such as those who marched in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us". It is unlikely anyone from those groups is a Biden supporter, except maybe some non-college older males. Since trump captures all of those, that kind of explains his % of support.


I appreciate that not everyone was born with above average intellect, common sense and rationality. Average means average. trump has captured virtually all of the below average, and precious little of the demographic that is of above average intelligence, successful in life, well-educated, and with a clear understanding of democracy and US ideals.

It must be wonderful to have such a black and white view of the world and an overwhelming opinion that one is superior to everyone that disagrees with one.


Most of the rest of the humans on the planet live in the gray zone.


IMO you apparently overlook or choose to overlook that millions of Americans don't choose Trump because he is a flawed human being, but because they despise Washington and all that reside therein, and Trump is a symbol of resistance to Washington. Whether he is or is not makes no difference to the masses that yearn for someone to clean up Washington.

So far he's the only one that is not a creature of Washington that has been able to put himself up as a champion of the Washington haters.


If the establishment wanted Trump to be gone they'd clean up Washington themselves, but they will likely never do that.



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2 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

You are not debating with @walker88, he is posting facts, and you are posting wild claims and fantasies.


Meanwhile, Taylor Swift is going to the Super Bowl!

More like nasty rants against Trump supporters than facts.

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8 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

This is a nasty rant against Trump supporters?


"As for Biden...let's see...he took trump's carnage (6.8% UE and Recession) and has:


---presided over the creation of more jobs than any POTUS ever

---has the US growing faster than any other major industrial nation

---got a bipartisan infrastructure Bill passed that will rebuild bridges, roads, ATC, commo

---Got a cap on many prescription drugs, such as $35/month on insulin vs $600/month before

---Got the Chips Act passed.

---Rebuilt NATO


That Biden success dwarfs anything the failure trump did."


Sounds like facts to me.

Explain where the facts in this rant are:


59 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

I can say his base is largely QAnon types (who are batsh!t crazy and ~25-30% of all Americans), Incels, white supremacists, fanatical (supposed) Christians, non-college educated old white men, and Neo Nazis, such as those who marched in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us". It is unlikely anyone from those groups is a Biden supporter, except maybe some non-college older males. Since trump captures all of those, that kind of explains his % of support.


  • Confused 4
1 minute ago, Walker88 said:

I despise trump for many reasons, whch are obvious to anyone with brains. It amazes me that anyone with an IQ above a turnip could think he is anything other than a self-serving, psychopathic POS.

As I explained, people hate Washington so much they will support Trump against anyone from the Washington "swamp". If it was a talking donkey that said "I hate Washington" they'd likely vote for the donkey.

IMO even a self-serving, psychopathic POS is better than Biden/ Harrris, especially one that didn't start any wars.

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