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Inside Biden's Border Crisis: Dysfunction, In-Fighting, and Policy Shifts

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I can't help but wonder tho what percentage of the million+ illegals who have recently crossed the border will be employable, pay taxes, rent accommodation etc and be a financial benefit to the American economy. 

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This crisis at the border  trope was amped up back when Rove and DIck Cheney were running things, to create a state of fear.  There have been people seeping across the border for a very long time and suddenly the GOP was screaming about it.  Fox couldn't get enough of it.

On the other hand all the attention sent a message out to the world that yes, the US has a porous southern border, it was not a myth, and the numbers increase.  And as Fox broadcasts the same abroad as it does in the US the world gets to see the ugliness of the US political system. 


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On 2/13/2024 at 1:58 PM, JonnyF said:

Perfectly in keeping with the way Biden and his team handles many issues.


Why would anyone expect him to handle the border crisis any more effectively than say, the withdrawal from Afghanistan? It's a pattern of dysfunctional management. An inept administration led by a senile old man. 


It certainly doesn't give one confidence in  Biden's ability to navigate an increasingly precarious situation elsewhere.

Seems he got a free ride from the press in the first 3 years, and the chickens are now coming home to roost. At the worst possible time for Biden and the best possible time for his opponent.

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1 hour ago, john donson said:

anybody saw 60 minutes of 2 weeks ago ? a hole in the border and government too lazy to close it..  thousands per week ...  or illegals being house in luxery new york hotels costing 500$ per person?

Never mind, it's not their money they are spending.

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On 2/13/2024 at 9:46 AM, gargamon said:

You should change the title to “Trump's border crisis“. There was a solution close to being signed into law that Trump killed. You kill the solution, you own the problem. 


ABC poll says the public blames Biden. I must admit, however, that I don't think Trump will do any more than he did in his first term, if elected. His only two pieces of legislation were tax breaks for billionaires and letting criminals out of jail early. Here is a pdf of the poll.

 https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2024-02/Topline ABC_Ipsos Poll Feb 10 2024 final PDF.pdf

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On 2/12/2024 at 6:46 PM, gargamon said:

You should change the title to “Trump's border crisis“. There was a solution close to being signed into law that Trump killed. You kill the solution, you own the problem. 

There is no problem at the border. Stop the theatrics, everything is fine. It's just seasonal migration.

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On 2/13/2024 at 10:29 AM, Tug said:

Ahh no in our system of government the legislature gets together and hashes out a solution that was done .then citizen trump said no he needs something heck anything to attack Biden with and the spineless republicans whimpered soiled themselves and betrayed what they have been harping about.Its  now officially DONALD JHON TRUMPS border crisis hope that helps keep it up Donnie even the most obtuse of your base are starting to get it!

Only a loser would blame Trump. Biden is in power.

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On 2/13/2024 at 8:27 PM, Eric Loh said:

Manufactured border crisis by the Republicans and the disfunctional Congress of both parties and now held hostage by a maniputative Trump to advance his political agenda, The fact remains that USA needs immigration especially young migrants to fund the old age Baby Boomers. Overall immigrations are good for the economy as researched by the Brookings Hamilton Project. Unfortunately this become a political football being kicked around and down the road. 

Sad how brainwashed some are. 81yo dementia guy is the biggest joke in history of the USA.

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