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Violent Riots Rock The Hague: Migrants Clash With Police, Sparking Chaos

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5 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

The UK doesn't have the luxury of doing this on our doorstep, coupled with constant interference by the European Courts, which we are supposed to have escaped from.

Being ignorant of facts is one thing.


Choosing to display it on the internet for all to see is something else entirely.

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16 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Being ignorant of facts is one thing.


Choosing to display it on the internet for all to see is something else entirely.



Justify your comments, and which area of facts I am ignorant to.


I'm waiting.


Furthermore, the part of my post you quoted regarding not having the luxury of having overseas territories to send migrants to, we don't.


Hence, the Rwanda option, which will never happen due to too many ' woke ' and liberal people.


The second part you outlined about my reference to European interference, well it is coming in the form of the constant appeals to the European court of human rights.




Were you referring to where Australia sends its migrants?














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38 minutes ago, Pouatchee said:

what i have found, usually, is that when the media dont broadcast the names or pictures of the culprits it usually is because the culprits are migrants and the media doesnt want to add fuel to the fire. and this currently is the case in the news now


What I find so hard to understand is how did global media get so left-leaning and pro-Muslim (maybe anti-Islamophobia might be a better term)?


It seems that the media environment in every country throughout the world where there are large populations of Muslims has a bias towards Muslims, even in India which the western NGOs love to attack as being undemocratic. How is it that there are so few to no journalists working for mainstream media who have any sort of understanding about what the normal person on the street thinks, or is it simply that the mainstream media is actually left-leaning? 

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So the Eritreans, having totally destroyed their own country, society and economy by medieval inter clan fighting over the last thirty years are determined to continue to do so within those countries which have been kind enough (if misguided) to try and help them!

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3 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

another way of seeing this and i wish the politicians would understand this, is like having guests in your house. there are 2 types of guests. the ones who are polite and respect your house, and there are the guests who come in, go through your drawers and if they find something they like they might just commandeer it. 


what i hate about all this is, in canada... quebec and ontario particularly, is that the guests come in, get welfare and then go on to commit crimes and get rich off honest citizens. in montreal right now, there are organized gangs stealing cars and shipping them off to eastern block and middle east countries in containers from the port of montreal. some of the people having there cars stolen are even held up at gunpoint.


what i have found, usually, is that when the media dont broadcast the names or pictures of the culprits it usually is because the culprits are migrants and the media doesnt want to add fuel to the fire. and this currently is the case in the news now

Similar immigrant crimes throughout the Western word . In the UK shop lifting ( committed by immigrants ) is got to such a high level that the police do not bother to attend the crime . Shop assistants are often abused . In the UK Midlands there are gangs of immigrants , who groom young vulnerable girls , for their illegal sexual pleasures . These criminals should be deported . Low skilled genuine asylum seekers should be unable to claim government benefits for a set period but employed to do basic local council manual work or work on farms e.g. fruit / vegetable pickers , to earn their keep , on a probationary period . Non performers / trouble makers to be deported . Free loaders go out of their way to get to the UK because its a soft touch with too many do- gooders. Why does the UK still belong to the European Court of Human Rights  ( ECHR ) ? Despite Brexit the UK  is still under the EC rule . Time to ignore it .

Those illegals , who cross the English Channel in rubber dinghies should be taken on board UK navy boats and returned to France along with their , beyond repair , dissected dinghy .

 In certain UK cities there are " no go zones " that are rife in crime . 

Last night there was an interview on GB news with Matt Goodwin who is a professor of politics at Kent university . He condemns mass immigration because of the effects and implications that it has on a countries economy and culture . He is to chair a seminar on immigration in the near future that is open to the public by way of tickets . You can Google Matt Goodwin and watch a brief interview . He tells it as it is and no punches held back . 

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31 minutes ago, Arindos said:

What I find so hard to understand is how did global media get so left-leaning and pro-Muslim (maybe anti-Islamophobia might be a better term)?

Maybe it hasn’t.


Struggling to understand things that actually exist is of course a challenge.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Maybe it hasn’t.


Struggling to understand things that actually exist is of course a challenge.


It has. The US, Europe and India all have left-leaning media establishments that are broadly pro-Muslim. 

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23 hours ago, Social Media said:



The streets of The Hague, Netherlands, descended into chaos last night as violent riots broke out, with migrants hurling bricks, torching cars, and clashing with riot police. The unrest centered around the Opera conference hall along Fruitweg, where scenes of mayhem unfolded as police struggled to maintain order.


Videos circulating on social media captured the intensity of the clashes, with rioters surrounding the Opera hall, smashing windows, and setting vehicles ablaze. The aftermath left the area resembling a warzone, with shards of glass littering the streets and thick smoke billowing into the air from tear gas canisters.




Dressed in hooded jackets and with faces covered, the youths engaged in confrontations with police, pelting their vehicles with projectiles and obstructing their efforts to contain the situation. Riot officers, clad in protective gear, worked to barricade the entrance to the building and extinguish fires that had broken out inside.


Journalist Owen O'Brien shared footage of the chaos, describing the extensive damage inflicted upon the Opera hall during the violent riots. The mayor of The Hague, Jan van Zanen, authorized the use of tear gas by police and issued an emergency order for the affected area to restore public order.


The clashes were reportedly sparked by a confrontation between two groups of Eritreans, resulting in fights and stone-throwing incidents. Police units, including riot police, were deployed to quell the unrest, with emergency services responding to extinguish fires and assess any injuries.




This incident is not isolated, as similar outbreaks of violence have occurred at Eritrean events across Europe in recent months. In Germany, clashes during Eritrean cultural festivals have led to injuries among both participants and law enforcement officers. Tensions among members of the Eritrean diaspora, exacerbated by political divisions and opposition to the Eritrean government, have contributed to the escalation of violence in these gatherings.


The underlying issues driving these conflicts underscore the challenges faced by migrants fleeing repressive regimes, such as Eritrea, and seeking refuge in Europe. As authorities work to restore calm and investigate the causes of the unrest, the need for dialogue and resolution of deep-seated grievances within migrant communities remains paramount.







Send them back on the first plane, sorry, into the first boat, available.

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1 hour ago, superal said:

Mass immigration , both legal and illegal throughout Europe has caused many problems for countries economies , housing , health care and education etc . 1.2 million legal and 50,000 illegal immigrants arrived in the UK in 2023 . Legals are often approved because of family connections and student claims . Most bring , at best , a low skill level . The UK lost over 500,000 emigrant citizens to other countries who mostly use a points system to qualify for legal immigration . This equates as a UK brain drain . Now I hear that the UK is to allow foreign dentists to come to the UK without  having to take UK dentistry exams . The mass immigration does not work and most Europeans that I talk to all agree that their countries living standards have the same problems as the UK and have reached an all time low  , along with their loss of culture and an increased crime rate because of mass immigration . 

Governments perhaps see this through a different lens.


A declining birthrate and ageing population are a major problem for western societies. Especially with that ageing population becoming increasingly dependent upon social spending. It is virtually politically impossible to make meaningful reductions to that level of social spending. The only real option ( short of large scale tax increases - political suicide) is to increase your population. "Breeding your own" (cynical but accurate description) takes far too long.

The solution is to import people, thus increasing the "tax base".


Business (which is very influential) likes this, it is a source of cheap labour, basically untainted (as they see it) by associated with organised labour. Certain political groups also approve it - if they consider immigrants more likely to vote for them; although that may be a double edged weapon! Public opinion is often opposed, but to be honest that only matters depending upon where the country is in its election cycle - the UK is in election year so the subject is exercising political minds. They note that the Netherlands ignored it and their political establishment came unstuck last year - not that so far, does that seem to be reflected in a change of government!



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2 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

The only real option ( short of large scale tax increases - political suicide) is to increase your population. "Breeding your own" (cynical but accurate description) takes far too long.

The solution is to import people, thus increasing the "tax base".

No, it's not. That's so last century thinking.

AI robotics means that less people will be needed than at present, so all the immigrants now will become just more on the dole.

I'd say within 10 years all the current immigrants will be unemployed and unemployable.

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So the far right is off again with immigrant bashing without knowing a single fact about this story. I educate you: The immigrants from Eritrea are forced by their embassy to pay tax to the illegal Eritrea government using strong arm (loan-shark) methods. I would be upset as well, although I would not hit the street and cause chaos. I leave that to the MAGA folks at the US capitol.

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1 hour ago, Lemsta69 said:


Go and live in the Bankstown area of Sydney and you'll quickly change your tune. I happily fled that Godforsaken place a few years ago for the relative sanctuary that is Thailand. 


Hopefully the Thais never catch the Western disease of importing millions of people whose value system is diametrically opposed to their own and then let them outbreed the local population.



He probably lives in a Lily White Liberal area (note most leafy suburb liberals who are so keen on immigration and multiculturalism don't live with it). It is an inverse relationship - the further they are away from it the more they espouse the benefits.


I once moved from East London (UK) to Islington where all the Liberals live. I can't tell you how different it is.


Also in Bankok i lived for 3 years in an apartment complex used as a holding tank by people smugglers.

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2 minutes ago, mokwit said:

He probably lives in a Lily White Liberal area (note most leafy suburb liberals who are so keen on immigration and multiculturalism don't live with it). It is an inverse relationship - the further they are away from it the more they espouse the benefits.


I once moved from East London (UK) to Islington where all the Liberals live. I can't tell you how different it is.


Perhaps. He may have lived there and thought it was Paradise aka Al Jannah 😉. Some people only see what they want to see and not the reality.


I would have gone into details in my OP to back up my position but they'll fall on deaf ears so I won't bother.

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2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

So the Eritreans, having totally destroyed their own country, society and economy by medieval inter clan fighting over the last thirty years are determined to continue to do so within those countries which have been kind enough (if misguided) to try and help them!


I think that the rot started more than 30 years ago, and was not homegrown. The Italians, the Brits, the US and Russia all had more than a few meddling fingers in the pie. 

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Sadly, these types of incidents will only win greater support for the authoritarian right wing parties. Certainly, there is cause to aggressively address the issue but I fear the emotional, gut based reaction motivating a majority to forswear reason in a knee jerk move to authoritarian government model. This is the basis for my thinking that the Chinese government model is far too attractive  ... we give you peace and economic security ... we do not tolerate any discord with our ruling.  Thomas Hobbes versus John Locke in the classic debate as to the purpose of government.

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21 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Of course much of the reason that they are 'used to that type of thing' back home is that the west, the Netherlands included, played a significant role in turning their countries into basket cases many years ago, and has done little to improve things since.

We are reaping the fruits of our forefathers' actions.

How long ago? How old is Eritrea? Do you continue to point fingers at colonialism? When does that start...? Ottoman, Italian...British, Ethiopian...?

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3 hours ago, bubblegum said:

So the far right is off again with immigrant bashing without knowing a single fact about this story. I educate you: The immigrants from Eritrea are forced by their embassy to pay tax to the illegal Eritrea government using strong arm (loan-shark) methods. I would be upset as well, although I would not hit the street and cause chaos. I leave that to the MAGA folks at the US capitol.

BLM and Antifa, the “brown shirts “ of the Democratic Party cause/caused more destruction and violence than the disturbance at the Capitol. 

Trump told them to go home peacefully.


Maxine Waters and others encouraged the violence.



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8 hours ago, Queenslander said:

I don't understand why the water used in the water canon does not have a dye. One that remans on the body and clothing for weeks. Identification no problem. Either that or they stay off the streets.

Maybe tattoo them with a unique serial number?!

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6 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

So the Eritreans, having totally destroyed their own country, society and economy by medieval inter clan fighting over the last thirty years are determined to continue to do so within those countries which have been kind enough (if misguided) to try and help them!



That's it in a nutshell.

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8 hours ago, Scouse123 said:



You think so?


Well, is that why you are now housing migrants in offshore immigration centres off Australia in the Manus islands, Christmas Island, Papua New Guinea and Nauru and not permitting them to land?


The UK doesn't have the luxury of being able to do this on our doorstep, coupled with constant interference by the European Courts, which we are supposed to have escaped from.


Also, it's a lot further for migrants to travel by boat to Australia than a quick hop across hiding in trucks through the tunnel or illegal dinghies, through the English Channel.


I've spoken to plenty of Australians who are deeply unhappy with Multiculturalism and its spin-offs in Australia, and the perceived privileges people receive.


It certainly is not working in the UK as the vast majority are arriving via criminal gangs and networks and once there have no intention whatsoever in adapting or blending or mixing into the British way of life and want to get the benefits of cash and housing but bring their definition of' culture' with them.


The UK has, like all other countries including Australia and Thailand, a right way with the correct visas and criteria and a wrong way, which most migrants tend to be following.


False information. There are no detained illegal immigrants on Manua Island. As of last December there were 16 people detained on Nauru. There are none in PNG or Christmas Island either.


source: Google Gemini.

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