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Was your father a louse?: Hold the Chicken!

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My father worked for 40 years in a job he hated, to provide for his family. He was also cheated out of a substantial inheritance by an elder brother, whom he never spoke to again.


The most valuable lessons he taught me were to avoid debt like the plague, and don't try to impress people with your possessions. If I wanted something, I had to earn it myself.


My observations of his gambling on horses convinced me it was not something I could succeed at.


He feared doctors like death itself, a fear that eventually killed him when he ignored symptoms.


I feel sorry for him, he never got to do what he said he would have enjoyed.

Perhaps that influenced me to find a career I did enjoy.


As a role model, I could have had a lot worse, as evidenced by some of the posts on this thread.

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8 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

He started about 0300 and has made multiple post during each hourly period since.  He/it claims to live in Chiang Mai!

I take it that you are an insomniac too besides being an ace detective.

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34 minutes ago, Kinok Farang said:

I take it that you are an insomniac too besides being an ace detective.

No I just use the "all activity" function every few hours to catch up on ALL the posts that are of interest to me since I last logged on!

Very simple, no detective work involved and if there was I would not waste it on that boring self deluded gabbling gob who unfortunately interrupts my reading pleasure!

I know you can put a poster on ignore but unfortunately I do not know of a way to put idiotic Topics on ignore.

Maybe I should suggest it to @george !


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4 minutes ago, Hokeus said:

GammaGlobulin = A healthy dose of verbal diarrhhea, mixed with a full serving of wasted internet bandwidth, and smothered in a mountain of scribblings of an over inflamed buttt rash gone amok. 🤢🤮

What a fabulous description of that piece of bandwidth hogging trash!


PS;  Unfortunately he will take our comments as compliments!

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3 minutes ago, Kinok Farang said:


I am glad you agree that that is exactly what that keyboard warrior is; a total spoilsport who ruins the forums at every bodies expense just to boost his/it's ego!

Thankyou for your support!

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41 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

I am glad you agree that that is exactly what that keyboard warrior is; a total spoilsport who ruins the forums at every bodies expense just to boost his/it's ego!

Thankyou for your support!

Lighten up for fxxxs sake.

You are all behaving like schoolyard bullies just like the pathetic jerks on twitter.

Try laughing at it,you never know.

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14 minutes ago, Kinok Farang said:

Lighten up for fxxxs sake.

You are all behaving like schoolyard bullies just like the pathetic jerks on twitter.

Try laughing at it,you never know.

Masochists enjoy the abuse. That is the nature of their being. If anything, this bungtard is having a <deleted> every time anyone has a go at him. He gets off on it. It's like the kick in the nuts that enables him to orgasm. So don't worry about it and no need to protect him. It's what he thrives on and he's delighted to get it here for free and not have to pay for it. 

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1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

What a fabulous description of that piece of bandwidth hogging trash!


PS;  Unfortunately he will take our comments as compliments!


Can't win, I guess....


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6 minutes ago, ABCDBKK said:

Masochists enjoy the abuse. That is the nature of their being. If anything, this bungtard is having a <deleted> every time anyone has a go at him. He gets off on it. It's like the kick in the nuts that enables him to orgasm. So don't worry about it and no need to protect him. It's what he thrives on and he's delighted to get it here for free and not have to pay for it. 


No need to explain me, probably...


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18 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

My father was a louse.


What about yours?


The reason I never entertained the idea of having children myself was, principally, due to the fact that My Old Man was such a lousy louse.


Here is what happens when one's father is a louse, I expect, and HOLD THE CHICKEN!


Years ago, when my father watched this film, Five Easy Pieces, he told my mother:....


The kids will hate me.


He was 100-percent CORRECT.


What an ahole!


Thank the gods I never had children, because, I would never wish to pass on the genes my father passed to me.


Some of you might be in my boat, perhaps quite a few of you.


I say...screw my dad.

What a louse.


Do you feel just as I?


What a nitwit.

Hold the Chicken!





Note:  Be very thoughtful and careful before you stick in your thing, just to mindlessly create another sentient being.....




Life is such blsht....really....



Larry aka Lorenzo when he was on the Shag was an alcoholic! He should’ve never had kids.


He at different times of his life would use washing machine rubber hose, yard sticks,electrical wire , open hand, fists , kick  , all in attempt to punish .

One time he used a rifle .


He had a good side but he saved that for his customers and friends at the bars mostly! The sad thing with having an abusing father is all the bad things always overshadowed the good.

 he died in 2015 while I was living here in Thailand !

Hey Larry if you’re watching if you see me at deaths gate , just keep to yourself!

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6 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Nah my Father was a good bloke and family man, I was never hit by him or my mum, he didn't drink or gamble, only ever had a push bike, and used to Cycle home for lunch, and peel the vegies for Dinner, all ready for my mum to cook when she got home from work. 


I never commented to your comments before but I had a child hood friend named Denis , his father was exactly what you described.


Good for you Mr. Brian 

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Ah this is therapy!

I had a lousy father, not seen him since 1985, he died last year didnt go to the funeral, 

I got beaten, sticks, pipes ,batons, & the Clacken,& verbal attacks etc,

Told the wife I didn't want kids from the beginning as I didn't want them,


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21 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

My father was a louse.


What about yours?


The reason I never entertained the idea of having children myself was, principally, due to the fact that My Old Man was such a lousy louse.


Here is what happens when one's father is a louse, I expect, and HOLD THE CHICKEN!


Years ago, when my father watched this film, Five Easy Pieces, he told my mother:....


The kids will hate me.


He was 100-percent CORRECT.


What an ahole!


Thank the gods I never had children, because, I would never wish to pass on the genes my father passed to me.


Some of you might be in my boat, perhaps quite a few of you.


I say...screw my dad.

What a louse.


Do you feel just as I?


What a nitwit.

Hold the Chicken!





Note:  Be very thoughtful and careful before you stick in your thing, just to mindlessly create another sentient being.....




Life is such blsht....really....



I did not have much respect for my father, he tried, I emphasis, tried, to stop me playing football with my pals on a Sunday because of his stupid religious nonsense, he told me at the age of 16 that I had to be home by midnight on a Saturday nights. at 16 I was bigger and fitter than him, I did what I like, he had no control over me, I just said to him, "Aye OK" and just carried on playing football on a Sunday and coming home at 1 or 2am on Sunday mornings. He never threatened me with any violence, he knew better.

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17 hours ago, Lacessit said:

My father worked for 40 years in a job he hated, to provide for his family. He was also cheated out of a substantial inheritance by an elder brother, whom he never spoke to again.


The most valuable lessons he taught me were to avoid debt like the plague, and don't try to impress people with your possessions. If I wanted something, I had to earn it myself.


My observations of his gambling on horses convinced me it was not something I could succeed at.


He feared doctors like death itself, a fear that eventually killed him when he ignored symptoms.


I feel sorry for him, he never got to do what he said he would have enjoyed.

Perhaps that influenced me to find a career I did enjoy.


As a role model, I could have had a lot worse, as evidenced by some of the posts on this thread.

Not getting into debt was also a lesson my dad taught me, I was still at school but I helped the Milkman Sat & Sun. Sold newspapers after School outside the library. Opposite was a Co-op shop with a 4 track tape recorder, I begged my dad to let me buy it on HP, he caved in and signed the paperwork, after 3 months of me paying regularly, he finished the payment in full.

Explaining interest charges.

As for gambling, I can remember asking him "what's that shop dad?" He said ''it's a betting shop son, look outside there are only bikes, not Rolls Royce cars, the best bet is to keep your money in your pocket'' :thumbsup:

 My Dad would do whatever the doctor told him, one day he came home from the doctors and told me " I walked in to the Doctor and said Hello Doctor how are you? He replied it's me that should ask You that" :cheesy: Although he was quite a solitary person, he would sit in the kitchen listening to radio 4, while the rest of us would be watching the TV in his words "The Trash Box" He missed out the education he deserved as he got a scholarship when he was just 14, unfortunately his family needed him to go to work. ( he ended up being an Office Runner in Fleet St. until the war, when he was called up and married my mum in uniform)  He never played with me, or took me fishing, I was left to my own devices, I think that solitary trait of his rubbed off on me in many ways.

    My Beautiful Mum and Hansom Dad in his de-mob suit. even in that photo he seems to have a far away look.





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21 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

I have very mixed feelings about my dad. He certainly wasn’t a louse, far from that. But then again, he failed to protect me and my siblings from our narcissistic mother, who did quite a number on most of us and caused a lot of psychological damage. Hence the mixed feelings.

Aware of this. My buddy at primary school missed many days. 


Why? His mother would stop him at the front door from leaving the house to go to school. She then gave him a prepared list of the work he had to do that day at home. Always a long list, more than a days work.


She sat in the living room with her older sister drinking tea and gin all day.


Mother often yelled for her son to come to the living room with a strap and she proceeded to give him the strap across his bare* buttocks and his legs.

*He had to take off his shorts and underwear and was prohibited from covering his genitals and his mother would also smack his genitals with the palm of her hand and make him fall over. 


Then she would make him sit in a sofa chair so his bare area could be seen by his mom and her sister and eat his lunch which he had prepared himself to take to school.  


He mentioned several time that his father knew about all of this but father did nothing because he was very frightened of his wife who had previously several times beat him up using the same strap. 



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4 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Aware of this. My buddy at primary school missed many days. 


Why? His mother would stop him at the front door from leaving the house to go to school. She then gave him a prepared list of the work he had to do that day at home. Always a long list, more than a days work.


She sat in the living room with her older sister drinking tea and gin all day.


Mother often yelled for her son to come to the living room with a strap and she proceeded to give him the strap across his bare* buttocks and his legs.

*He had to take off his shorts and underwear and was prohibited from covering his genitals and his mother would also smack his genitals with the palm of her hand and make him fall over. 


Then she would make him sit in a sofa chair so his bare area could be seen by his mom and her sister and eat his lunch which he had prepared himself to take to school.  


He mentioned several time that his father knew about all of this but father did nothing because he was very frightened of his wife who had previously several times beat him up using the same strap. 



Wow, that’s a very sad story. Imagine having to grow up like that. Why parents would do that to a child is beyond me.


My mother didn’t get physical with us, though, the abuse was much more psychological, resulting in stress, depression and even trauma. It took me a long time to discover where all that came from, and that my dad had been more or less complicit, in that he never lifted a finger to stop his wife from psychologically abusing us kids. My father was a gentle soul, a pushover, and my mother walked all over him. Also something I didn’t realize until much later.

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5 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I'd give a year of my life just to have one more day with my father. 

Aw ,Thats the spirit .

Love your comment!

Good for you, really.


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