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Why people insult others so easily and so often?

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14 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I have never thought of Thais as stupid, except when they get behind the wheel of a car. But that's more down to poor driver training.

My GF has very little in the way of formal education. In that respect, I am way above her. She walked 2 km to school in bare feet because her village family could not afford shoes.

Having said that, in terms of street smarts she is far superior, with an ability for making friends I can only envy.

Fair call. Agree with "getting behind a wheel!" My comment was not aimed at you. Yeah, streetsmarts can leave us way behind. My wifey same.🙃🙃

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Because of either polarization of views such as:

Just about 50% of people is left wing, and just about the remainder 50% is right wing.

One hell of a disagreement in North America for a start.

The other 50% then, all, all,well they are all wrong, and st.....

Oh well

And then there is beliefs. Darn, so many people are so wrong on the topic.

Actually just about all of them.

Considering that:

-There are 2.2 billion of Christians

-There is 1.5 billion of Muslims

-There is 488 million de Buddhists

-There is one billion of believers in Hinduism -

-there are 28 million believers in Sikhism

-there are 13 million believers in Judaism

-there are 104 million believers in Shinto -

-There are 4 million believers in Jainism

-and then lesser known religions 

-without forgetting the 189 members of the Flat Earth Society.


So much in there to start telling someone, in no uncertain terms, that he is wrong, and st....

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There are the people that insult others, always want to be right, always trying to make others sound stupid....not suprising that they get insulted back.


There is always the rotten apple who starts and then comes crying why he or she got it back. Simple.


Be nice to others, be civil, stop trying to make others look stupid and you won't get insulted back.


All an ego problem with such people comming on social media to feel superiour or powerful and thus handle their lack of self confidence by insulting others, instead of seeking medical help.



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40 minutes ago, Lucky Bones said:

Fair call. Agree with "getting behind a wheel!" My comment was not aimed at you. Yeah, streetsmarts can leave us way behind. My wifey same.🙃🙃

I didn't take your comment as aimed at me.

I do find it somewhat ironic when foreigners have lived here for years, and still have not learned to communicate in Thai. Then call Thais stupid,

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13 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I didn't take your comment as aimed at me.

I do find it somewhat ironic when foreigners have lived here for years, and still have not learned to communicate in Thai. Then call Thais stupid,

Hear what you are saying. It's not ironic.

I have tried and simply failed at getting my head around the communication (language.)

I saw it many a time in Oz.




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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

If you mean online ....

also you have to remember what some might consider an insult others may just consider it a joke and no offense, and who can be judge when someone writes something and he deems it too harsh or critical of another person.

Everyone has a different opinion, and some folks like to wind others up .. so to speak.


Loosing face is just another word for being embarrassed,  and plenty of Thais and Farang's find themselves embarrassed in all sorts of situations,  but I think farang just forget about it an hour later as water off a ducks back, but Thai's tend to hold the loosing face situation more seriously and some just can't handle it, now if alcohol or drugs are involved late at night then that's a whole different story .....  







Steven. You are an upstanding man. Well respected amongst community & peers.

Don't sell yourself short. Order that extra pack of G & T's. I'm in.

Hell, let's go to Cha-Cha house at the barrack gates.🙃🙃


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10 minutes ago, Lucky Bones said:

Steven. You are an upstanding man. Well respected amongst community & peers.

Don't sell yourself short. Order that extra pack of G & T's. I'm in.

Hell, let's go to Cha-Cha house at the barrack gates.🙃🙃


Hell yeah Lucky '   i'm in  !!  pick you up at 8 ....  :drunk:

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Posted (edited)

--- If you mean online.

No, I have observed this in almost every sphere of life, quite often. Of course online it's worse as the 'keyboard rambos' keep firing at all an sundry! Even without moderation, and in an anonymouse forum, why cant people be civil? I understand it's human to get annoyed or angry. Then lashing out is 'understandably OK'. But without any provocation...?


--- If people said the same things in real life, they would end up in fights, ostracized or losing friends, at least.

Yes, correct. But yet, some carry on regardless. Sometimes, or maybe most times in the absence of the concerned person.


--- But, you have to bear in mind that it's the written word, no emotion , tone , facial expression to support...

Correct, this can happen. But, a direct insult is usually easy to observe. A joke, although it may souund an insult, is at most times recognizable within that context.


---  On many occasions its just sport to some and enjoyment winding others up...

Quite OK. But on serious topics (e.g medical, technical etc.), its not very nice.


--- People need to be kept in line, or you get what you have here.

This is exactly what I cant understand - On AN, any other forum or in real life, why, oh, why cant humans interact in a civilized manner. Random ups and downs are of course acceptable as we all are humans.


--- I only insult people who have insulted me first, or have posted a comment so egregiously stupid it needs to be called out.

On the first instance, it's understandable. But a comment you perceive as egregiously stupid, might be due to a misunderstanding, lack of fluency in that language or even an error.


--- Much like aggressive driving under the cover of tinted windows.  

Agree 100%! Tinted windows or not, some behave like animals behind the wheel!


--- I appreciate many are uneducated.
I learnt a long time ago there are many people in my village who may be uneducated but they are far from stupid.

Absolutely true. Uneducated does not mean stupid and educated does not mean intelligent. This can be observed in real life almost daily.


---  Irony for example is clearly quite alien to many Usofans but quite basic to British & Aussie humour.

That's fine and most times it can be detected! But with other nationalities, one has to use caution.


--- I enjoy putting people down with a nice jab every now and again.

That's fine, as long as you can take back the same in that flavour. But with strangers, I feel one has to be careful.

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I enjoy reading opinions from different perspectives, even if disagreeing. 


But I default to the opposite side of those who use putdowns and sit up on their high horse because it indicates a closed mind, which is usually exactly wrong.

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It seems to be a cultural thing among both Brits and Aussies to only insult their friends. It's known as sledging.


When either nationality is is freezingly polite, time to watch out.

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1 hour ago, sipi said:

I've often been misinterpreted punching letters into a 4 inch phone screen. I guess the body language is missing.

Try tapping, instead of punching.

I may have saved your life.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

It seems to be a cultural thing among both Brits and Aussies to only insult their friends. It's known as sledging.


When either nationality is is freezingly polite, time to watch out.

If you can’t take a sledging, you shouldn’t be on the slopes.  The best insults require understanding to take offence.  Insulting the ignorant is a waste of time, and a recipe for fisticuffs.  
I see fisticuffs as a bad thing. If you see otherwise, let me know…

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Nah, it comes from both sides, it's from very petty, very incomplete, and very poorly developed and juvenile individuals.


They are not adults, they kind of look like adults, and they kind of smell like adults, but they are not adults. 

Ironically, that reads like it was written by a very petty, very incomplete, very poorly developed and juvenile individual that smells of something but not adults.

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Some of the insults on here are excellent and well thought up... Others are just pathetic childish digs to point score in juvenile last word battle and nothing else. 


Just as evaluating someones education, presence of mind and quality as a person is easy when utilising socio-phonetics, its also easy enough to evaluate the quality of another mind with the quality of insult levied... 


I've read some crackers on here...     and I do chuckle when someone tries so hard to throw an insult but it is instead the pathetic warbling of a castrated intellect....  as per the saying, 'being stupid is like being dead... '




There is also another facet to this 'insulting people'...  Whats valid in one thread is not valid in another, yet people carry grudges across threads which is only natural, but it seems to prevent some from seeing the value in another's post just because they dislike them or their comments.... 


There are posters I often disagree with and get into debate with, those who's comments I'd more commonly find disagreeable, but that doesn't stop me giving them a +1 and agreeing with them on the rare occasions they do get it right !!!  :ninja:




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51 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

If you can’t take a sledging, you shouldn’t be on the slopes.  The best insults require understanding to take offence.  Insulting the ignorant is a waste of time, and a recipe for fisticuffs.  
I see fisticuffs as a bad thing. If you see otherwise, let me know…

Any fisticuffs ended in my late twenties, when I trained with a jiu-jutsu champion. Never graded, but he said I had reached brown belt standard. That gave me the confidence to walk away, never got into a fight again.

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18 hours ago, ravip said:

Today we see people insult and put down others apparently for minute reasons. Why is this? 

I reckon there are a few of the AN members that wake up every morning to just antagonize and comment with hostility.


Some members continue to insult and put others down I'd say are mostly retirees, on a pension. They've come to Thailand to live when the sterling to baht was over 70, it keeps going down, now they find themselves with barely enough to survive. 

These people are frustrated, having little money which means they can't go out as often as they would like, they can't buy things that they would like or need, or vehicles to go for leisure drives or shopping, vacation/holidays etc. this leads to frustration.

I'd say they're stuck behind the keyboard day in day out, no car or bike to venture out and about, maybe living in a 30m² apartment above a beer bar or living outback Nakhon Nowhere with a spouse that no longer talks with them or a spouse that's departed because of his miserable attitude, these guys have no friends, they are miserable with themselves and miserable with everyone else. 


Just cranky old men. 

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16 hours ago, Lucky Bones said:

Interesting thoughts/comments.

I originally came here, holidaying with a mate, nearly 20 years back.

We both probably thought ourselves "superior" and (without realising) insulted some locals in Pattaya.

Cut to today.

Me, married & 11 years living here. Wife 6 years younger.

Mate still visits his 31 year younger mistress.

He still calls Thai's "stupid."

I appreciate many are uneducated.

I learn't a long time ago there are many people in my village who may be uneducated but they are far from stupid.

I'm past insulting others (hopefully.)🙃🙃


Many Thai's are stupid, you only need to ride a pedal bike or motorbike on any Thai road and the reason for the dreadful road statistics is very obvious.

The nice honest Thai person who runs after you to give you the 100Bt note that you left on the counter could very easily be the same person who then jumps on to their motorbike. comes out of a side road and on to a main road without looking then rides up the wrong side of the road.  Yes, the average Thai person is decent and honest, but that all changes when they jump on to a motorbike or in to a car.

So Yes, the average Thai person is stupid. Sorry to be so blunt.

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