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Myanmar seeks permission to land aircraft in Tak

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6 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

No! Just NO! This should not be granted permission. Lest Thailand been seen accused of aiding and abetting Myanmar in against it's citizens. If these military officers (and family) crossed illegally into Thailand, they should either be arrested and detained on suspicion of war crimes, or simply forced back across the border into their own country (in the same way as ordinary Myanmar civilians are normally repatriated).


Hm,...The high so, will always help each-other, no matter what Nationality, instead of there own (low class) people

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2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

I hope they all had the correct documentation to enter Thailand.

Perhaps they came in as refugees from the civil war. hopefully they were unarmed an had no war weapons with them.

2 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

There is every possibility that some of these " Senior Military " people will be wanted by the ICC for War Crimes.

Does Thailand wish to be seen aiding these monsters ?

It has also been reported that the flights were to also carry out " Important Documentation "


" Important Documentation " or "Incriminating Evidence"?

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4 hours ago, Mavideol said:

Thailand should get involved into/with Myanmar internal affairs/domestic politics (policies) military wars killing thousands of innocent people, liberate all imprisoned political democratic opponents including  Aung San Suu Kyi,  just say no avail, move on

my mistake it should read " SHOULD NOT" get involved ....

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Who in their right mind would think for more than a nanosecond about giving any quarter whatsoever to these barbaric, genocidal maniacs!?
Yeah, nevermind... I know... they'll be on a cushy air-conditioned flight very soon, if not already.😡
What a squandered opportunity to help bring some accountability it will have been. And now they'll go back to fight more when they could have been taken out of circulation and reduced the murderous rampage. I wouldn't be sad if their planes crashed....

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23 minutes ago, Sig said:

Who in their right mind would think for more than a nanosecond about giving any quarter whatsoever to these barbaric, genocidal maniacs!?
Yeah, nevermind... I know... they'll be on a cushy air-conditioned flight very soon, if not already.😡
What a squandered opportunity to help bring some accountability it will have been. And now they'll go back to fight more when they could have been taken out of circulation and reduced the murderous rampage. I wouldn't be sad if their planes crashed....

Come on Sig,  tell us how you really feel. 


I hear you.  And can't believe that these cretins allow this to happen.


Lock em all up until they get summoned to the Haig. 

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Plenty of room for those senior military runaways in Thailand. From the big article on ASEAN a few days ago, Russians , Chinese and people from Myanmar have bought up huge quantities of condos ! ( Thai condo market dominated be Russian Chinese etc ) . Who would have thought ? It’s absolutely heart breaking what has happened to the Burmese people. I really don’t understand why the west hasn’t taken bigger steps to help them , they should have at least been banned from the illegal gems trade which apparently keeps this present rogue government going. I’ve spent a lot of time in Burma and I love the country, some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. 

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The first inference of this incursion is the need to strengthen the Thai border, but as many countries have found, (e.g. USA) this is never an easy task.

16 hours ago, webfact said:


The Myanmar government has requested permission from the Thai government for its aircraft to land at an airport in Tak province to pick up its senior military officers, who escaped from Myawaddy, which was seized by the opposition last night.


Myawaddy, which was the largest government-controlled military camp in Myanmar, is located across the border from Mae Sot district in Thailand.


The request for landing permission, tentatively scheduled from April 7 to 9, was made through the Thai Foreign Ministry.


If granted, 617 Myanmar nationals, including 67 military officers, 410 non-commissioned officers and 81 family members, will board the aircraft back to the capital.


Photo shows a Myanmar aircraft at Tak airport last night.






Uncertain these officers and ORs will find it advisable to fly back from Mae Sot to SAC-held territory.
Those who fled into India and were subsequently repatriated were punished for cowardice by being thrown into gaol.
Three generals were held responsible for the debacle that resulted from the Northern Alliance's offensive and were court-marshalled.  With one condemnation to death.  [That, together with the abandonment of heavy armaments - tanks and artillery - disposes of the dubious explanation that the SAC Army's retreat was a "tactical withdrawal"]

Many Burmese may believe, groundlessly, that the US will eventually come to their aid, militarily.  It will not.  The US and its allies may feel they can confront China over Taiwan with their naval and air power.  But have no desire to provoke a full-scale intervention by the PLA.  [memories of Korea, 1951?]  Besides, Burma lacks Taiwan's micro-processor industry.  And the proxy war in the Ukraine is not evolving as NATO had intended.

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If they dropped their weapons and fled, they have some claim to being refugees.


However if they kept their weapons and retreated across the border then they are using, or attempting to use, Thailand as a base for continuing their ugly war.


There's a big difference.

17 hours ago, JoePai said:

Should never help the their military



I agree, watched your link. 

It's looking like the jaunta will lose the battle soon. 

I think the Thai government is caught between a rock and a hard face. 

They have agreements with the existing, and could be under pressure. 

How they go about this will be interesting, if they let planes in and allow the jaunta to escape they will no doubt face huge criticism worldwide. 

13 hours ago, Korat Kiwi said:

I wonder if the rest of the world is aware that this is happening here in Thailand? 


I'll be checking world news in the next few days. 

Not really.  In the world view this is just a minor blip on the radar.  

On 4/8/2024 at 8:48 AM, herfiehandbag said:

Intern them.


They are a defeated army which has fled across the border.


If they are allowed to fly out then they will go back to fighting.


And given that they are Officers and Senior NCOs they probably have good reasons for not falling into rebel hands. Some very nasty people likely!

As I understand it they are still in Myanmar at the Mae Sot border

On 4/8/2024 at 12:26 PM, bamnutsak said:

Later on Sunday night, a charter plane belonging to state-owned Myanmar National Airlines was pictured on the runway at Mae Sot's airport.


For reference:


AFTER Karen National Union (KNU) and People’s Defence Force (PDF) fighters yesterday (Apr. 7) captured Myawaddy town, just across the border from Thailand’s Mae Sot town, Myanmar authorities used a chartered plane to fly things, believed to be cash, plus officials from Mae Sot airport to Yangon with Thai government’s permission , Thai Rath and Matichon newspapers said today.


Removing cash from the Burmese banks in Myawaddy back to Rangoon, to prevent seizure by the KNU?





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