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Fighting overweight and obesity

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3 hours ago, cooked said:

Using BMI results can be misleading. It was originally developed by army and navy recruitment agencies, so not really meant for individuals. Try: waist measurement should be less than half your height. 

No point in discussing diet here as that usually devolves into a fruitless, usually misinformed, discussion.

I don't know where you got the idea from regarding the origins of BMI, but it has, none the less, long been discredited. Even the person who dreamed it up, a Belgian named Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet, said that: 'it could not and should not be used to indicate the level of fatness in an individual'.


A more recent version called 'Smart BMI' is now being regarded as a more reliable metric to use. According the the original BMI, I am obese. I'm not and never have been, not even close. But when I use Smart BMI I'm normal. Ah, that's better!


Top 10 Reasons Why The BMI Is Bogus


Calculate your BMI the smart way



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5 hours ago, webfact said:

In Thailand, obesity is continuing to rise. A study in 2022 revealed the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the country had reached 47.8%, increasing from 34.7% in 2016. Thailand had the second highest proportion of overweight and obesity in ASEAN

Noticed the once slim bunnies of Thailand have ballooned into porkers.

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4 hours ago, JoePai said:

Stop pouring so much sugar into food would be a good start

Thailand has a love affair with sugary products, just look at the recopies and drinks they consume.. plus of course the western fast food that now prevails every town.

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3 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

Exercise is total BS - this whole lose weight by exercising scam annoys me.  IMO 'physical activity' is NOT required to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. Certainly not sitting down all day is obvious, but all that is needed is to walk a bit every day and do a little bit of exercise. If all that BS was real, then all Thais would be fat - they dont walk much at all and just do basic physical stuff.  The issue and the only issue, especially for those over 40, is the type of foods and drinks consumed, and the amount consumed.


Eat mainly 'natural/good' foods, and dont consume much of the 'bad/processed' foods, and avoid the 'bad/processed' products so prevalent in food and drink available in the stores, and you will achieve/maintain a healthy weight - over time.  When I decided 15 years ago that enough was enough and I started this diet regime, I was astounded at how many things for sale in shops were 'bad'. It was worth it, and despite the occasional fall off the wagon, I am now consistantly over 20 kilos under what I was when I started. 


My regime is simple - and the first thing came from a mate who had a heart attack at 42. He was told to cut down the beer and to stop eating one big main meal a day. He was told to eat more small meals - that gives time for the body to process and absorb the amount. Eating a huge meal at night and then going to sleep is exactly the wrong thing to do. Eat fruits in the morning - and then have 2-3 small meals each day - no big ones. He also did other things, but he reckoned that not eating that one big dinner at night helped lose heaps of weight. I did that, and also I did not consume food or drink that has a long shelf life - cakes, coke, food bars, etc. I avoid as much as possible sugar and grass and salt.


Sugar is in many processed foods (and added by some Thais to food). It is impossible to totally avoid it (cuppa tea/coffee, etc etc) but it is needed by the body - but bring it down. Avoid over-consumption of salt - which is often combined with sugar and grass - such as in bread, cakes, etc. However, in Thailand salt is not as bad for mammals as it is in a colder climate where the loss of body water is not as high. Although, the local salt lacks Iodine and that is why so many of them have thyroid problems in later life - get salt with iodine and have a little now and then - but limit bacon and things extremely high in salt etc.


Grasses are very fattening. The animals that are the biggest mammals on the planet all eat grass. Avoid anything that has processed wheat, rice, corn etc. they are all cultivated grass crops - cheap and easy to make and easily concentrated. By all means eat it in is natural form (rice, corn) but not 'too much'.  Breads, Cakes, and long shelf life products are all made with processed concentrated grass as the main ingrediant - it is a massive fat gainer to mammals. Avoid as much as possible.


Lastly - drink lots of water - my favourite form of water is that light brown one with bubbles. Seriously though, beer has no sugar and has very little salt - but it is made from grass and alcohol is a stimulator of fat growth - especially in the liver.  But beer is 95% water and is it is far far better for you than coke and such drinks. Drink lots of water, moderate the beer, and dont drink any coke, fanta, etc.


Plus get a set of scales - so you actually know how much you weigh and you can see any changes. Every now and then I weigh myself and oiften it is 'ooops - time to cut down for 2 days'.  2 days of cutting it right down (being hungry) forces the body to consume the stored fats. Do not do that to extreme and not anymore than 2 days - or the body will think 'famine' and then when food arrives it will think 'quickly store as much as possible for the next famine'. Slowly and surely (quietly quietly) is the only way to catch the fat monkey. 

I agree to that, to some extent.  It burns calories, but not enough for the effort, in my opinion.   Aerobic will boost you metabolism, and that sticks with for a while, I think.


I lost a lot, with just 20 mins bike riding (stationary) more if not.  and only 5-10 minutes floor exercises, more for back than anything, stomach crunches & back stretching.   Throw in a couple 'walking the dog', and not really something I'd call exercise, except the 'bike'   Don't use the bikes much now.


Add intermittent fasting, and it's a game changer.  For me, that's 2100 hrs till 1200 hrs the next day, so half while sleeping, if I could get 8 hrs sleep, and more like 6.


Wake up, at sunrise, morning coffee, Read internet, troll AN, stay busy till around 1000-1100, walk dog, <1 km.  Then first meal.   Today; roast beef sandwich, sauerkraut, natto, kefir, till full.


Next meal will be around 1700 hrs, since first was full up.   Snack later on, maybe 1900-2000 hrs, as I can't sleep on an empty stomach.   May or may not be a pastry & coffee in there somewhere, as there was yesterday, since first meal was lite, just scrambled eggs & toast.  Dinner was lite, tomato, mozzarella cheese, lettuce sandwich.  And orang & papaya later on, as got the munchies smoking a doobie.


No real exercise, heavy or lite munching (depending on mood), and intermittent fasting, seems to work for me.


I was 100kg, now 74, same weight as when getting out of US Army boot camp.  Stomach not as flat though, as loss some upper body muscle over the years.


Cutting most of the sugar & carbs of the past, helps a lot, since no longer that active, and the sugar & carbs gets burned off when active, instead of turning to fat.  Need to do one or other, cut it out, or be a lot more active.

Edited by KhunLA
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3 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

my favourite form of water is that light brown one with bubbles

really? A bottle with 250 calories?? Bad advice!😁

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4 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Wake up, morning coffee, Read internet, troll AN, stay busy till around 1000-1100, walk dog, <1 km.  Then first meal.   Today; roast beef sandwich, sauerkraut, natto, kefir, till full.


Next meal will be around 1700 hrs, since first was full up.   Snack later on, maybe 1900-2000 hrs, as I can't sleep on an empty stomach. 

If you skip your roast beef and your very late meal I would agree. Though your Mozzarella might be processed. So skip this too.😊

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21 minutes ago, Carlotta said:

If you skip your roast beef and your very late meal I would agree. Though your Mozzarella might be processed. So skip this too.😊

So I should have not eaten half my intake today or yesterday 😂


I don't think so, can't live on air & water.  Besides, the meat & cheese, helps with the digestion of the bread/carbs.  What, when & how you eat things together makes a difference in your insulin resistance.


An example of that:


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4 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Eat less, burn more, while taking in the proper nutrients.   

Not exactly rocket science :coffee1:



It's so easy to for most people to lose weight and even easier for them to have not put it on in the first place.

Except most people are not willing to make the required sacrifices.

If you tell fat people that if they never eat another pizza, or burger, never drinking another can of coke or eat another slice of cake they will lose the weight; or they can keep eating those things but they will stay fat and probably get fatter.....  you would think that 100% of them would choose to never eat those things but for some reason people seem to prefer a little pleasure even if they will look repulsive.

Society should be doing a lot more to discourage fat people.  But instead we have the utter nonsense of people not wanting to hurt fat people feelings.

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4 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

Exercise is total BS - this whole lose weight by exercising scam annoys me.  IMO 'physical activity' is NOT required to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. Certainly not sitting down all day is obvious, but all that is needed is to walk a bit every day and do a little bit of exercise. If all that BS was real, then all Thais would be fat - they dont walk much at all and just do basic physical stuff.  The issue and the only issue, especially for those over 40, is the type of foods and drinks consumed, and the amount consumed.


Eat mainly 'natural/good' foods, and dont consume much of the 'bad/processed' foods, and avoid the 'bad/processed' products so prevalent in food and drink available in the stores, and you will achieve/maintain a healthy weight - over time.  When I decided 15 years ago that enough was enough and I started this diet regime, I was astounded at how many things for sale in shops were 'bad'. It was worth it, and despite the occasional fall off the wagon, I am now consistantly over 20 kilos under what I was when I started. 


My regime is simple - and the first thing came from a mate who had a heart attack at 42. He was told to cut down the beer and to stop eating one big main meal a day. He was told to eat more small meals - that gives time for the body to process and absorb the amount. Eating a huge meal at night and then going to sleep is exactly the wrong thing to do. Eat fruits in the morning - and then have 2-3 small meals each day - no big ones. He also did other things, but he reckoned that not eating that one big dinner at night helped lose heaps of weight. I did that, and also I did not consume food or drink that has a long shelf life - cakes, coke, food bars, etc. I avoid as much as possible sugar and grass and salt.


Sugar is in many processed foods (and added by some Thais to food). It is impossible to totally avoid it (cuppa tea/coffee, etc etc) but it is needed by the body - but bring it down. Avoid over-consumption of salt - which is often combined with sugar and grass - such as in bread, cakes, etc. However, in Thailand salt is not as bad for mammals as it is in a colder climate where the loss of body water is not as high. Although, the local salt lacks Iodine and that is why so many of them have thyroid problems in later life - get salt with iodine and have a little now and then - but limit bacon and things extremely high in salt etc.


Grasses are very fattening. The animals that are the biggest mammals on the planet all eat grass. Avoid anything that has processed wheat, rice, corn etc. they are all cultivated grass crops - cheap and easy to make and easily concentrated. By all means eat it in is natural form (rice, corn) but not 'too much'.  Breads, Cakes, and long shelf life products are all made with processed concentrated grass as the main ingrediant - it is a massive fat gainer to mammals. Avoid as much as possible.


Lastly - drink lots of water - my favourite form of water is that light brown one with bubbles. Seriously though, beer has no sugar and has very little salt - but it is made from grass and alcohol is a stimulator of fat growth - especially in the liver.  But beer is 95% water and is it is far far better for you than coke and such drinks. Drink lots of water, moderate the beer, and dont drink any coke, fanta, etc.


Plus get a set of scales - so you actually know how much you weigh and you can see any changes. Every now and then I weigh myself and oiften it is 'ooops - time to cut down for 2 days'.  2 days of cutting it right down (being hungry) forces the body to consume the stored fats. Do not do that to extreme and not anymore than 2 days - or the body will think 'famine' and then when food arrives it will think 'quickly store as much as possible for the next famine'. Slowly and surely (quietly quietly) is the only way to catch the fat monkey. 


BS on the "no Coke."  Coke No Sugar, or any soda of the No Sugar type, means zero calories and zero fat.  I actually prefer the Coke No Sugar over the sugary stuff, and that amazes me.  Forget Diet Coke.  Men are supposed to drink 3.7 LITERS of water a day.  WOW!  Estimates are 20% comes from food, so that is about 6/10ths of 1 liter.  That is a lot of water to drink every day, but water does fill the stomach and makes you feel full.  I can attest.

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5 minutes ago, Freddy42OZ said:



It's so easy to for most people to lose weight and even easier for them to have not put it on in the first place.

Except most people are not willing to make the required sacrifices.

If you tell fat people that if they never eat another pizza, or burger, never drinking another can of coke or eat another slice of cake they will lose the weight; or they can keep eating those things but they will stay fat and probably get fatter.....  you would think that 100% of them would choose to never eat those things but for some reason people seem to prefer a little pleasure even if they will look repulsive.

Society should be doing a lot more to discourage fat people.  But instead we have the utter nonsense of people not wanting to hurt fat people feelings.


It isn't looking repulsive that is the big thing.  It is pain getting up, getting down, moving, putting on tennis shoes without grunting, inability to walk or do much exercise and basic body mobility.  I dropped 40-50 pounds and I am never going back to being fat.  I can't get younger, sadly, but dropping the LBS is something I can do.  The easiest thing to do?  Stop buying the sweets.

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5 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Eat less, burn more, while taking in the proper nutrients.   

Not exactly rocket science :coffee1:

0 reason to eat less and or count calories  that does not support weight loss and health

eat until you are satiated ..  just stop eating poison..   try the Proper Human Diet

Keto works very well..     "BUT" if you are 100% serious..   drop the veggies and all carbs/grains / seeds

go carnivore ....   starter propgram ..... for 1 month on BEEF/BUTTER/BACON / and EGGS ..  ONLY DRINK WATER ..  when thirsty  and yes you can salt your food

the results are amazing   and Modern Science is there to back it up !


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28 minutes ago, Sheist said:


BS on the "no Coke."  Coke No Sugar, or any soda of the No Sugar type, means zero calories and zero fat.  I actually prefer the Coke No Sugar over the sugary stuff, and that amazes me.  Forget Diet Coke.  Men are supposed to drink 3.7 LITERS of water a day.  WOW!  Estimates are 20% comes from food, so that is about 6/10ths of 1 liter.  That is a lot of water to drink every day, but water does fill the stomach and makes you feel full.  I can attest.

you can't fool you're body by drinking water to fill you up .... and who say's "men" are suppossed to drink 3.7 liters of water .?  that's obsurd

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5 hours ago, retarius said:

I'm fat, but I have just ordered some Ozempig (sic) to slim me down. I've heard that in a week I'll be able to run, jump, swim and fish like ladies using sanitary products. Lucky me. 


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1 hour ago, Carlotta said:

If you skip your roast beef and your very late meal I would agree. Though your Mozzarella might be processed. So skip this too.😊

gee.. I woke up @ 2am  made myself   500grams of "hamburger"  and 4 sunnyside up eggs ,,,,

I'll eat again when my body says "feed me"

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22 minutes ago, Luuk Chaai said:

0 reason to eat less and or count calories  that does not support weight loss and health

eat until you are satiated ..  just stop eating poison..   try the Proper Human Diet

Keto works very well..     "BUT" if you are 100% serious..   drop the veggies and all carbs/grains / seeds

go carnivore ....   starter propgram ..... for 1 month on BEEF/BUTTER/BACON / and EGGS ..  ONLY DRINK WATER ..  when thirsty  and yes you can salt your food

the results are amazing   and Modern Science is there to back it up !


My eating 'lifestyle' is working just fine.   I don't diet, as they simply don't work.  Using common sense, and moderation, along with eating 'whole foods', not prepared, store bought foods full of crap.


I eat anything I want, moderation & portion size, since older & less active, it doesn't get burned off.  Don't eat nearly as much as I want or used to, as I'd be huge, and for me, that would be more than 100kg.  As I won't burn it off through activities, as pretty sedentary of late.  Heat takes any motivation away from me.


Happy with my weight, 75+/-, and even at 100 kgs, I carried it rather well, as a lot was upper body muscle mass, which has diminished considerably, due to muscle attrition.  Don't use it, lose it.  Been same weight for about 10 years.

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5 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

Exercise is total BS - this whole lose weight by exercising scam annoys me.  IMO 'physical activity' is NOT required to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. Certainly not sitting down all day is obvious, but all that is needed is to walk a bit every day and do a little bit of exercise. If all that BS was real, then all Thais would be fat - they dont walk much at all and just do basic physical stuff.  The issue and the only issue, especially for those over 40, is the type of foods and drinks consumed, and the amount consumed.


Eat mainly 'natural/good' foods, and dont consume much of the 'bad/processed' foods, and avoid the 'bad/processed' products so prevalent in food and drink available in the stores, and you will achieve/maintain a healthy weight - over time.  When I decided 15 years ago that enough was enough and I started this diet regime, I was astounded at how many things for sale in shops were 'bad'. It was worth it, and despite the occasional fall off the wagon, I am now consistantly over 20 kilos under what I was when I started. 


My regime is simple - and the first thing came from a mate who had a heart attack at 42. He was told to cut down the beer and to stop eating one big main meal a day. He was told to eat more small meals - that gives time for the body to process and absorb the amount. Eating a huge meal at night and then going to sleep is exactly the wrong thing to do. Eat fruits in the morning - and then have 2-3 small meals each day - no big ones. He also did other things, but he reckoned that not eating that one big dinner at night helped lose heaps of weight. I did that, and also I did not consume food or drink that has a long shelf life - cakes, coke, food bars, etc. I avoid as much as possible sugar and grass and salt.


Sugar is in many processed foods (and added by some Thais to food). It is impossible to totally avoid it (cuppa tea/coffee, etc etc) but it is needed by the body - but bring it down. Avoid over-consumption of salt - which is often combined with sugar and grass - such as in bread, cakes, etc. However, in Thailand salt is not as bad for mammals as it is in a colder climate where the loss of body water is not as high. Although, the local salt lacks Iodine and that is why so many of them have thyroid problems in later life - get salt with iodine and have a little now and then - but limit bacon and things extremely high in salt etc.


Grasses are very fattening. The animals that are the biggest mammals on the planet all eat grass. Avoid anything that has processed wheat, rice, corn etc. they are all cultivated grass crops - cheap and easy to make and easily concentrated. By all means eat it in is natural form (rice, corn) but not 'too much'.  Breads, Cakes, and long shelf life products are all made with processed concentrated grass as the main ingrediant - it is a massive fat gainer to mammals. Avoid as much as possible.


Lastly - drink lots of water - my favourite form of water is that light brown one with bubbles. Seriously though, beer has no sugar and has very little salt - but it is made from grass and alcohol is a stimulator of fat growth - especially in the liver.  But beer is 95% water and is it is far far better for you than coke and such drinks. Drink lots of water, moderate the beer, and dont drink any coke, fanta, etc.


Plus get a set of scales - so you actually know how much you weigh and you can see any changes. Every now and then I weigh myself and oiften it is 'ooops - time to cut down for 2 days'.  2 days of cutting it right down (being hungry) forces the body to consume the stored fats. Do not do that to extreme and not anymore than 2 days - or the body will think 'famine' and then when food arrives it will think 'quickly store as much as possible for the next famine'. Slowly and surely (quietly quietly) is the only way to catch the fat monkey. 


it takes  between 24-48 hours for you body to burn the whatever carbs/sugar you added to your body so you can convert over to start using fat and ketones for fuel


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6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I have to admit I prefer too big and happy compared to all those people who watch their diet and can't eat this and that and not more than a little, etc.


Enjoy your life and eat what you want. We will all die. And at least I prefer to die happy with my favorite food.


What about people who are overweight and unhappy or are faced with debilitating medical conditions?


Also, a lot of people watch what they eat and get regular exercise, and are happier as a result of feeling and looking better than they would do if they ate unhealthily.

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11 minutes ago, Luuk Chaai said:


it takes  between 24-48 hours for you body to burn the whatever carbs/sugar you added to your body so you can convert over to start using fat and ketones for fuel

I couldn't do all keto, as it leaves out too many things I love.  Plus I'd probably have to take supplements for other nutrients, and a multivitamin & vit C is all I take now, or need.   Take a multivitamin, as I know I don't eat enough fruits & veggies.


I notice most people pushing keto or vegan diets, are pushing supplement with them, as apparently not getting a balance intake of nutrients from either.


90% of our food is in house, from scratch.  Shopping & cooking is quite enjoyable and fills in our day.  Eating healthy is a great hobby :coffee1:

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

According to the BMI score for Asia, normal weight is between 18.5-22.9, overweight is between 23-24.9 and obese is over 25.


Not sure where they're getting their figures from.  The BMI cuttoffs for Asians and Asian Americans are:


Underweight < 18.5

Normal 18.5 - 22.9

Overweight 23 - 26.9

Obese ≥ 27


See, for example:

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1 hour ago, Freddy42OZ said:

It's so easy to for most people to lose weight and even easier for them to have not put it on in the first place.

I think this is very important,what you don't gain you don't need to lose!

In my family there are some very obese people and i see how they suffer.

I am the same weight now as i was 50 years ago and i never gained or lost more then 5 kilo.

You do not just wake up one day and realize you are 25 kg overweight!

So much easier to prevent it!

As far as diets go it is like using the bible,for every so called fact there is an anti fact if you are willing to look for it.

We are all different and we all react different to many things.

For the overweight people who claim they are happy with it?

Keep fooling yourself,you know you lost the game.

15 kg overweight?That is the same as me carrying a bag of dog food around with me where ever i go and whatever i do!In this heat?No thanks.

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1 hour ago, Sheist said:


BS on the "no Coke."  Coke No Sugar, or any soda of the No Sugar type, means zero calories and zero fat.  I actually prefer the Coke No Sugar over the sugary stuff, and that amazes me.  Forget Diet Coke.  Men are supposed to drink 3.7 LITERS of water a day.  WOW!  Estimates are 20% comes from food, so that is about 6/10ths of 1 liter.  That is a lot of water to drink every day, but water does fill the stomach and makes you feel full.  I can attest.

Coke No Sugar means they have used artifical sweeteners and natural sweeteners like corn sucrose. They all have the same effect - make the khrapp taste better and activate the body to 'jump into action' and store more fat. Sorry about that. 

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1 hour ago, Sheist said:


BS on the "no Coke."  Coke No Sugar, or any soda of the No Sugar type, means zero calories and zero fat.  I actually prefer the Coke No Sugar over the sugary stuff, and that amazes me.  Forget Diet Coke.  Men are supposed to drink 3.7 LITERS of water a day.  WOW!  Estimates are 20% comes from food, so that is about 6/10ths of 1 liter.  That is a lot of water to drink every day, but water does fill the stomach and makes you feel full.  I can attest.

Artificial sweeteners in coke and other dinks need caution, the body doesn't know what to do with it so it gets stored on the liver as a form of fat....fatty liver ensues.

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6 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

Exercise is total BS - this whole lose weight by exercising scam annoys me.  IMO 'physical activity' is NOT required to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. Certainly not sitting down all day is obvious, but all that is needed is to walk a bit every day and do a little bit of exercise. If all that BS was real, then all Thais would be fat - they dont walk much at all and just do basic physical stuff.  The issue and the only issue, especially for those over 40, is the type of foods and drinks consumed, and the amount consumed.


Eat mainly 'natural/good' foods, and dont consume much of the 'bad/processed' foods, and avoid the 'bad/processed' products so prevalent in food and drink available in the stores, and you will achieve/maintain a healthy weight - over time.  When I decided 15 years ago that enough was enough and I started this diet regime, I was astounded at how many things for sale in shops were 'bad'. It was worth it, and despite the occasional fall off the wagon, I am now consistantly over 20 kilos under what I was when I started. 


My regime is simple - and the first thing came from a mate who had a heart attack at 42. He was told to cut down the beer and to stop eating one big main meal a day. He was told to eat more small meals - that gives time for the body to process and absorb the amount. Eating a huge meal at night and then going to sleep is exactly the wrong thing to do. Eat fruits in the morning - and then have 2-3 small meals each day - no big ones. He also did other things, but he reckoned that not eating that one big dinner at night helped lose heaps of weight. I did that, and also I did not consume food or drink that has a long shelf life - cakes, coke, food bars, etc. I avoid as much as possible sugar and grass and salt.


Sugar is in many processed foods (and added by some Thais to food). It is impossible to totally avoid it (cuppa tea/coffee, etc etc) but it is needed by the body - but bring it down. Avoid over-consumption of salt - which is often combined with sugar and grass - such as in bread, cakes, etc. However, in Thailand salt is not as bad for mammals as it is in a colder climate where the loss of body water is not as high. Although, the local salt lacks Iodine and that is why so many of them have thyroid problems in later life - get salt with iodine and have a little now and then - but limit bacon and things extremely high in salt etc.


Grasses are very fattening. The animals that are the biggest mammals on the planet all eat grass. Avoid anything that has processed wheat, rice, corn etc. they are all cultivated grass crops - cheap and easy to make and easily concentrated. By all means eat it in is natural form (rice, corn) but not 'too much'.  Breads, Cakes, and long shelf life products are all made with processed concentrated grass as the main ingrediant - it is a massive fat gainer to mammals. Avoid as much as possible.


Lastly - drink lots of water - my favourite form of water is that light brown one with bubbles. Seriously though, beer has no sugar and has very little salt - but it is made from grass and alcohol is a stimulator of fat growth - especially in the liver.  But beer is 95% water and is it is far far better for you than coke and such drinks. Drink lots of water, moderate the beer, and dont drink any coke, fanta, etc.


Plus get a set of scales - so you actually know how much you weigh and you can see any changes. Every now and then I weigh myself and oiften it is 'ooops - time to cut down for 2 days'.  2 days of cutting it right down (being hungry) forces the body to consume the stored fats. Do not do that to extreme and not anymore than 2 days - or the body will think 'famine' and then when food arrives it will think 'quickly store as much as possible for the next famine'. Slowly and surely (quietly quietly) is the only way to catch the fat monkey. 

Dieting without exercising is like one hand clapping.


Exercise is essential for maintaining mobility, muscle mass, a healthy blood pressure, and pulse rate. While I don't disagree its effect on reducing body weight is limited, I regard daily exercise to be just as important as diet.


My exercise regime gives me normal blood pressure and a resting pulse rate of 55 bpm, after years of being on blood pressure medication, which I no longer need.


Sugar and carbohydrates are the drivers of weight gain. Cutting them out results in the body burning fat instead.


IMO your statement about beer ignores the fact the term "beer gut" was coined for a reason. Here's what AI has to say on the topic:


Q: What is the comparative carbohydrate content of beer, wine, and spirits?



"Here's a breakdown of the carbohydrate content of beer, wine, and spirits:


  • Beer: Generally has the highest carb content. A regular 12-ounce beer can have around 10-15 grams of carbs, comparable to a slice of bread. Lighter beers can have less than 10 grams, and some even below 5 grams.

  • Wine: The carb content varies depending on the sweetness. Dry wines have the least amount, with 1-2 grams per 5-ounce glass. Sweeter wines like Riesling or Moscato can reach 5-10 grams per glass, and fortified wines like port can be even higher at 13+ grams or more.

  • Spirits: Distilled spirits like vodka, whiskey, rum, gin, and tequila contain close to no carbohydrates. However, mixers added to these drinks can significantly increase the carb count."


I agree, if weight is not being measured it can't be controlled.

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1 hour ago, Foxx said:


Not sure where they're getting their figures from.  The BMI cuttoffs for Asians and Asian Americans are:


Underweight < 18.5

Normal 18.5 - 22.9

Overweight 23 - 26.9

Obese ≥ 27


See, for example:

Most elite Australian Rules footballers would fail BMI tests miserably, many are above 30.

In the pre-season, coaches focus on skin fold testing to determine fitness to play.

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