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Healthy and sustainable diet? - Heres How !

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Generally Asian civilians arent overweight furthermore Asia nutricion dishes have΄nt many fats as it exist in European northern nutricion mainly in Mediteranean region bread and sweets (sugar -salt ).

Especially Thai nutricion is excellent if you want to be healthy and fit (Thai spicy shrimp salad dishes etc).

When I visit Thailand I always have on my shoulder΄s bag a litter of squeezed 4 limes with water and orange juice furthermore hot weather help overweight people to lose fat.



Thai Shrimp and Mango Salad



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vegans are the most depressed people...


humans are not cows or rabbits...


gorilla's, big stomach, bloating, only eat vegan?


chimp, eat everything, sometimes kids of female mate... flat stomach

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16 hours ago, john donson said:

vegans are the most depressed people...


humans are not cows or rabbits...


gorilla's, big stomach, bloating, only eat vegan?


chimp, eat everything, sometimes kids of female mate... flat stomach

I don't think it's quite that simple but yes, we are omnivores.

IMO and IME, it's the right balance that seems to give the best results. IE, instead of meat with a few veggies, lots of veggies with a little meat seems to work for me. (That's with Western food I mean)


When I had the occasion to speak with a Cardiac Nurse some years ago, she stressed portion control (i.e. size of portions) as being very important.   Now for me, that's a problem 'cos I love my food!

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On 5/23/2024 at 3:29 PM, CharlieH said:

So, how can you cut back on overeating?

Being a fairly big portion eater I got told Start with a smaller dinner plate than it looks like that you got a full plate but it's smaller then what you used  before. your Stomach get used to that and you on the right track.

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Watching all the bad oils, sugars, and MSG that the Thai food consists of, does not actualloy make your health better! Also, most vegetables I see comes from China and is so full of pesticides you should never even touch them! The same goes for the rest of the so-called healthy vegetables! Fruits are also to full of sugars. This plant based BS has gone to far! Plants are NOT food for humans! We are meat eaters. Meats and seafood (NOT farmed fish) are the way to go!  

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Whatever happened to the days when at school there was hardly an overweight kid to be seen. Dinner was some meat and fresh vegetables, home made desserts on a weekend? Porridge or eggs for breakfast. All my friends were on the slim size, just look at the online music channels of the 60s 70s 80s. All those lithe girls in minis and young men gyrating away like crazy. You didn’t eat on the street as people do today, all that junk food is poison. 
 My thoughts , get back to plain food and plenty activities. When I go home to see my family, they’re all slim and fit, bar one , and carry on cooking and eating as our parents did. It’s a part of education too. Looking after your health saves a lot of misery and future health risks.  There exist lots of spices today that can help liven up plain food. And forget the takeaways, plain poison . I eat in a regular restaurant in Thailand, they know what I like, no added sugar, meat / poultry/ fish with rice and a plate of great veg. And a  cool  coconut. Fruits, veg , fish it’s all there for us. 

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On 5/24/2024 at 1:02 AM, Luuk Chaai said:

or,,,,,,,,,  you could go straight Carnivore ..   avoid toxic plants that are also far from optimun nutrient delivery.                                                                                    ( that's why vegan's have too suppliment their diet)

 human bodies need saturated fats to thrive we do not need fibre and carbs in our diet !   This has been proven by modern science.

if you only ate beef and drank water ...   your body gets  100% of everything you need

I suggest everyone read up on articles on how a carnivore diet can assist children with autism as well

Agricultural farming relies on vast amounts of farmland that have depleted the top soil and are destroyed by chemical pesticides that not only leach into the food being grown but also wash away into the water supplies.



Extremism goes both ways, and why miss out on good quality food be it fresh vegetables, fruit, berries, pasta,,,, with more like legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds.

Of course it has an impact on the environment when we are constantly getting more people on this planet, and also getting taller and fatter, and consuming more calories, which need more land. 

We are like ants, who use all our available nearby resources and need to find new territories and new resources, go to war, and are also forced to change behaviour and find new solutions. You would be amazed how much common human beings and ants share when it comes to structural, social, defence and war behaviour. Some wonder why we are heading towards a more controlled forced government again?

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Healthy and sustainable diet? - Heres How  


Questionable I think.

It would be depending on Where one Lives .

I can't see an Eskimo Surviving on Diet rich  plant base food .

Up there and in colder countries they need The Animal fat ,Lots of it to get their nutritions. 

Eskimos or Inuit communities are known to have super healthy hearts, steering clear of heart diseases and being considered some of the healthiest individuals.

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  • 3 months later...

Eating what, when & how, along with moderation of some food items, though not so much this sandwich, and healthy enough.


Smoked Ham, Chorizo, Provolone, lettuce for color ...  😎

Croissant, just OK by itself, better with protein.




Could even minimize the spike with a walk



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On 5/24/2024 at 6:02 AM, Luuk Chaai said:

or,,,,,,,,,  you could go straight Carnivore ..   avoid toxic plants that are also far from optimun nutrient delivery.                                                                                    ( that's why vegan's have too suppliment their diet)

 human bodies need saturated fats to thrive we do not need fibre and carbs in our diet !   This has been proven by modern science.

if you only ate beef and drank water ...   your body gets  100% of everything you need

I suggest everyone read up on articles on how a carnivore diet can assist children with autism as well

Agricultural farming relies on vast amounts of farmland that have depleted the top soil and are destroyed by chemical pesticides that not only leach into the food being grown but also wash away into the water supplies.

I've seen this posted so many times and it's always wrong. We aren't carnivores, and eating just meat is a very unhealthy way to live. it leads to many diseases. Cancer, constipation, heart disease. A variety of vegetables ,grains and fruits gives you the essentials, plus helps to maintain bowel health. Colon cancer is a killer, and it comes from not enough fiber. Vegans do not have to supplement their diet if they research how to combine foods to have the essential amino acids for maintenance. Eating just beef and water is plain stupid, and you'll get scurvy as one result.


The Keto diet works because it starves the body of sugars. This is okay for awhile to lose weight but it's not safe over the long haul. There are people that will promote this because it worked for them to lose weight.


Everyone doesn't need to read up on anything because losing weight, maintaining that weight loss, and being healthy is very easy. You eat in moderation, leave out the junk foods, extra refined sugar, heavy drinking, do regular exercise and eat frequent smaller meals and you'll never be overweight or have health problems. I've maintained the same weight for over 50 years by doing this, and I'm not working out as much as I did before i moved here, although I will soon. To serve man, there must be farms, and these need fertilizers. There are ways to eliminate problems with this if they wanted to. There will never be a world without carbs, as they are needed, and loved, by billions of people. Meat isn't the problem, but leaving out vegetables, fruits and grains is. There are so many articles that are common sense out there. This is but one..............https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/fiber/art-20043983

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On 6/6/2024 at 5:31 PM, digger70 said:

Healthy and sustainable diet? - Heres How  


Questionable I think.

It would be depending on Where one Lives .

I can't see an Eskimo Surviving on Diet rich  plant base food .

Up there and in colder countries they need The Animal fat ,Lots of it to get their nutritions. 

Eskimos or Inuit communities are known to have super healthy hearts, steering clear of heart diseases and being considered some of the healthiest individuals.

And Eskimos live at least 10 years less then the average Canadian.

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On 6/4/2024 at 3:33 PM, geisha said:

Whatever happened to the days when at school there was hardly an overweight kid to be seen. Dinner was some meat and fresh vegetables, home made desserts on a weekend? Porridge or eggs for breakfast. All my friends were on the slim size, just look at the online music channels of the 60s 70s 80s. All those lithe girls in minis and young men gyrating away like crazy. You didn’t eat on the street as people do today, all that junk food is poison. 
 My thoughts , get back to plain food and plenty activities. When I go home to see my family, they’re all slim and fit, bar one , and carry on cooking and eating as our parents did. It’s a part of education too. Looking after your health saves a lot of misery and future health risks.  There exist lots of spices today that can help liven up plain food. And forget the takeaways, plain poison . I eat in a regular restaurant in Thailand, they know what I like, no added sugar, meat / poultry/ fish with rice and a plate of great veg. And a  cool  coconut. Fruits, veg , fish it’s all there for us. 

Time spent on cell phones leaves less time for exercise. People have been eating much the same all along, and there were many fat people back in the 70's also, but it's been increasing all along. You can see what's happened here in Thailand in the last 30 years. The obesity rate has climbed since western food has been introduced more, especially the fast food kind. When I was a teen, we were out every day, playing baseball, football , riding bikes, and just walking around discovering things. I rarely see children on bikes here, as everyone is on a scooter from age 8.

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2 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

I've seen this posted so many times and it's always wrong. We aren't carnivores, and eating just meat is a very unhealthy way to live. it leads to many diseases. Cancer, constipation, heart disease. A variety of vegetables ,grains and fruits gives you the essentials, plus helps to maintain bowel health. Colon cancer is a killer, and it comes from not enough fiber. Vegans do not have to supplement their diet if they research how to combine foods to have the essential amino acids for maintenance. Eating just beef and water is plain stupid, and you'll get scurvy as one result.


The Keto diet works because it starves the body of sugars. This is okay for awhile to lose weight but it's not safe over the long haul. There are people that will promote this because it worked for them to lose weight.


Everyone doesn't need to read up on anything because losing weight, maintaining that weight loss, and being healthy is very easy. You eat in moderation, leave out the junk foods, extra refined sugar, heavy drinking, do regular exercise and eat frequent smaller meals and you'll never be overweight or have health problems. I've maintained the same weight for over 50 years by doing this, and I'm not working out as much as I did before i moved here, although I will soon. To serve man, there must be farms, and these need fertilizers. There are ways to eliminate problems with this if they wanted to. There will never be a world without carbs, as they are needed, and loved, by billions of people. Meat isn't the problem, but leaving out vegetables, fruits and grains is. There are so many articles that are common sense out there. This is but one..............https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/fiber/art-20043983

ya missed the part about "Modern Science"

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3 minutes ago, Luuk Chaai said:

ya missed the part about "Modern Science"

Actually I've been on the subject for over 50 years. Basic things don't change. What your body needs is still the same as way back when. Obesity has increased all these years, along with all the overweight people. Things haven't changed much. There aren't any shortcuts to health. Genetics plays a huge role but you can ward off some things if you follow the basics.

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On 5/24/2024 at 6:02 AM, Luuk Chaai said:

or,,,,,,,,,  you could go straight Carnivore ..   avoid toxic plants that are also far from optimun nutrient delivery.                                                                                    ( that's why vegan's have too suppliment their diet)

 human bodies need saturated fats to thrive we do not need fibre and carbs in our diet !   This has been proven by modern science.

if you only ate beef and drank water ...   your body gets  100% of everything you need

I suggest everyone read up on articles on how a carnivore diet can assist children with autism as well

Agricultural farming relies on vast amounts of farmland that have depleted the top soil and are destroyed by chemical pesticides that not only leach into the food being grown but also wash away into the water supplies.

You would die if you only ate beef & water.  SIMPLE  and I would not believe you if you said you only ate beef & water because you are still alive.  No vitamins in beef, only source is diversity of plants in your diet.  Vitamins are essential else you get deficiency diseases depending on what vitamin is most deficient.

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