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What does the average British expat think of Tommy?

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14 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


Where did he say that, and if he didn't, why are you misquoting him ?

What the hell are you talking about?

I replied to, and quoted, a poster who said:

"After reading that lot, your true self has come to the fore, and it ain't pretty."

And I asked if Yaxley was pretty as that was the insinuation of the poster.

That was clear, don't make up claims for me please. Grown up arguments only, don't make things up.

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1 hour ago, josephbloggs said:

Yaxley-Lennon does not care about paedophiles, full stop. He cares about brown ones as it gives him a bandwagon to jump on and some good fund raising opportunities. He has a history of, at best, ignoring paedophilia is his own organisation, or, at worst, defending paedophiles in his own organisation.  He not only defended Richard Price but he led campaigns to have him released! Disgusting paedophile defending hypocrite. He also - despite warnings - jeopardised the trials of the grooming gangs and almost caused them to be released or re-trialled.. All for his own ends. No concern for justice, only concern for his bank balance.

And yet his knuckle dragging followers think the grooming gangs were caught because "he wasn't afraid to speak out" which is just laughable. He didn't care / didn't know and only got involved when the case was very advanced and he saw a bandwagon. And then he nearly caused justice not to be done.

Yaxley-Lennon is an odious thug who plays the game for his own enrichment. Nothing more, nothing less. But of course the racists love him and believe everything that comes out of his lying mouth.


Yaxley is a  classic shabbos goy

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On 6/2/2024 at 8:37 AM, MalcolmB said:

Just another example of a frustrated angry Brit whose father abandoned him and then watched his mother bring other men into the house.


He isn’t too bright.


And I know he would hate my Thai girlfriend who isn’t white enough.

So I will be happy to see him locked up again. 



He's not really racist - he's kinda like a 'gay for pay' guy - gets paid by Israelis inc Robert *Shillman* (lol) to <> stir in the UK so the UK Govt can continue to send millions in 'aid' to Israel so they can bomb muzzies out of their homes and.... 

Send them to the UK 🙄


More Israeli, US & UK bombing in the ME means more space for Israel and more muslims moving westwards.

Unlike RabbiSon's supporters those Jews ain't dumb.


Most of his supporters are thick as mince though so he keeps he keeps the grift going and the shekels rolling in


https://archive.ph/RpKyq ...








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4 hours ago, Ricksta1985 said:

You hated it so much but stayed quiet and ran away. This is expected of weak men like you. Then you have the cheek to sit there and criticise a man who has risked his freedom and life to speak up and tried to make a difference and highlight the issues. No doubt you will win an award for bravery and intellect someday.

 Nah, Ricky, I retired, mate - not very bright, are you?  member of the National Front?  English Defence League?  go out to protest with your Dr Martins on?

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7 hours ago, Ricksta1985 said:

You used an MSM story to justify your claims. You should never talk about anyone's intelligence when you are clearly as dumb as Bob.

Well spotted.....:clap2:

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7 hours ago, Ricksta1985 said:

You used an MSM story to justify your claims. You should never talk about anyone's intelligence when you are clearly as dumb as Bob.




MOST Thais outside of your Pattaya bubble look down on you like you down on UK muslims.


Doubt you left your country because you 'love the temples' or the boiling hot weather either.


You've go a LOT more in common with those muzzies than you realise





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2 minutes ago, BigBruv said:




MOST Thais outside of your Pattaya bubble look down on you like you down on UK muslims.


Doubt you left your country because you 'love the temples' or the boiling hot weather either.


You've go a LOT more in common with those muzzies than you realise





It seems you have much in common with a fruitcake............:guitar:

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7 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


Not surprising that you have the temerity to claim another poster had insinuated something he clearly had not; just so you could attack Yaxley with more vitriol.


Yaxley is almost a lone voice in the UK, in trying to keep the thousands of acts of the vile muslim rapists from fading from the collective consciousness. The acts that you and your ilk are only too happy to see forgotten.


It is a shame that rather than reserve some of your hatred for these vile, muslim, monsters, you reserve it all for a man trying to stop people forgetting their heinous acts; says everything about your enabling attitude, which is a huge part of the problem, not just in the UK, but in all of Europe, with the exception of the Visegrad Group … left wing bedwetters sleepwalking Europe into an Islamic state




You trying to paint Yaxley/Robinson as some sort of bastion of good, a white night (excuse the pun) fighting for the common man clearly misses the point that he ONLY has a problem with child sex rings if they happen to be Muslim. And as most of us know, this is because this man is clearly racist and VERY anti-Muslim. Did you see him pop up, expose and condemn the following Child sex rings?  


The paedophiles behind 'biggest-ever' child sex abuse ring as they are jailed for 145 years - Manchester Evening News

'World's largest paedophile ring' uncovered - BBC News

Members of Glasgow paedophile gang guilty of running 'monstrous' child sex abuse ring | UK News | Sky News


No of course not because it doesn't fit into his vilification of anything Muslim and THAT's where the problem is with this man. No one wants these heinous acts to be 'forgotten' but your very obvious attempt to gaslight anyone as 'left wing bedwetters' simply because we can point out the hypocrisy of a man who ONLY calls out ethnic minorities for anything bad they do whilst completely ignoring major crimes by white people is an echo chamber completely reserved for yourself.   

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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

You trying to paint Yaxley/Robinson as some sort of bastion of good, a white night (excuse the pun) fighting for the common man clearly misses the point that he ONLY has a problem with child sex rings if they happen to be Muslim. And as most of us know, this is because this man is clearly racist and VERY anti-Muslim. Did you see him pop up, expose and condemn the following Child sex rings?  


The paedophiles behind 'biggest-ever' child sex abuse ring as they are jailed for 145 years - Manchester Evening News

'World's largest paedophile ring' uncovered - BBC News

Members of Glasgow paedophile gang guilty of running 'monstrous' child sex abuse ring | UK News | Sky News


No of course not because it doesn't fit into his vilification of anything Muslim and THAT's where the problem is with this man. No one wants these heinous acts to be 'forgotten' but your very obvious attempt to gaslight anyone as 'left wing bedwetters' simply because we can point out the hypocrisy of a man who ONLY calls out ethnic minorities for anything bad they do whilst completely ignoring major crimes by white people is an echo chamber completely reserved for yourself.   



I view Asean Now on my main desktop computer, and consequently, for security reasons, I do not open any links that any commenters post, although happy to read anything that any poster has to say; as for the rest of your anti-white, anti-British, pro-muslim, pro-islam rant, don’t forget to put the waterproof protection cover on your mattress before you go to bed tonight.




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12 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


Not surprising that you have the temerity to claim another poster had insinuated something he clearly had not; just so you could attack Yaxley with more vitriol.


Yaxley is almost a lone voice in the UK, in trying to keep the thousands of acts of the vile muslim rapists from fading from the collective consciousness. The acts that you and your ilk are only too happy to see forgotten.


It is a shame that rather than reserve some of your hatred for these vile, muslim, monsters, you reserve it all for a man trying to stop people forgetting their heinous acts; says everything about your enabling attitude, which is a huge part of the problem, not just in the UK, but in all of Europe, with the exception of the Visegrad Group … left wing bedwetters sleepwalking Europe into an Islamic state




I have said it before and I'll say it again - Yaxley doesn't care about vile monster rapists - as long as they are white, and even better if they were part of the EDL. He protected paedophiles, stood up for them, even protested to have them released from custody. What are your thoughts on this? Please answer.

Yaxley didn't expose the Muslim gangs. He had nothing to do with it whatsoever. But he saw a bandwagon he could jump on to raise money (for himself). Please discuss. How did he expose these gangs? He didn't.



It is a shame that rather than reserve some of your hatred for these vile, muslim, monsters, you reserve it all for a man trying to stop people forgetting their heinous acts; says everything about your enabling attitude, which is a huge part of the problem, not just in the UK, but in all of Europe, with the exception of the Visegrad Group … left wing bedwetters sleepwalking Europe into an Islamic state

This is just racist nonsense that doesn't deserve a response. Can you debate using adult words? "Left wing bedwetters", "vile Muslim monsters", "Islamic state". Can you actually make an argument that we can discuss?? Or do you just want to throw out racist and right wing cliches?


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8 hours ago, BigBruv said:




MOST Thais outside of your Pattaya bubble look down on you like you down on UK muslims.


Doubt you left your country because you 'love the temples' or the boiling hot weather either.


You've go a LOT more in common with those muzzies than you realise





0 in common. I am in England little one. You keep on enjoying those ladyboys now 

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12 hours ago, BobBKK said:

 Nah, Ricky, I retired, mate - not very bright, are you?  member of the National Front?  English Defence League?  go out to protest with your Dr Martins on?

Negative Bobby, retired you say, not long left then, fella, enjoy the short time you do have smashing the ladyboys. Fair play to ya I say

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7 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

This is just racist nonsense that doesn't deserve a response. Can you debate using adult words? "Left wing bedwetters", "vile Muslim monsters", "Islamic state". Can you actually make an argument that we can discuss?? Or do you just want to throw out racist and right wing cliches?




None too bright are you Joe; not sure what authority was responsible for your English language education, but they have let you down badly unless you were simply not paying attention.


Criticising a religious ideology is not, never has been, and never will be, racism; so before you use inflammatory words like racist, which you have used incorrectly twice in this short comment, I suggest you educate yourself as to its meaning. (try google)


The Bradford (muslim) rape gang, abused, raped, drugged, and forced into prostitution, young girls that were in care and therefore particularly vulnerable over a period of many years. The victims  suffered an appalling catalogue of degrading emotional and sexual abuse which deprived them of their childhood; you want to categorise my description of these men as ‘vile muslim monsters’ as a cliche ….. so let’s hear your description of them then.




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13 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:



I view Asean Now on my main desktop computer, and consequently, for security reasons, I do not open any links that any commenters post, although happy to read anything that any poster has to say; as for the rest of your anti-white, anti-British, pro-muslim, pro-islam rant, don’t forget to put the waterproof protection cover on your mattress before you go to bed tonight.




And there we have it. Because I'm pointing out the obvious bias of you pal Yaxley then I'm anti-white (even though I'm white), I'm anti-British (although born there and lived there for 42 years and still have a British passport) and of course I'm pro-Muslim and  pro-Islam! What a load of nationalistic nonsense fed to your obvious right-wing bias through mediums that tell you it's the immigrants who are the cause of your unfulfilled existence rather than your own incompetency's and inability to get ahead in life. Not a single immigrant has that much affect on my life and unlike yourself, I refuse to condemn the vast majority of good, law abiding British Muslims through the actions of the few. 


And by the way, you dinosaur, if you don't want to click on a link just copy and past the headline into a browser (usually marked with colorful words like 'Google') and it'll take you to the article.  

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2 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:



None too bright are you Joe; not sure what authority was responsible for your English language education, but they have let you down badly unless you were simply not paying attention.



Says the man who doesn't know that Muslim and Islam are capitalised words.

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A few comments with personal abuse removed.


Rule 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.

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5 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

The Bradford (muslim) rape gang, abused, raped, drugged, and forced into prostitution, young girls that were in care and therefore particularly vulnerable over a period of many years. The victims  suffered an appalling catalogue of degrading emotional and sexual abuse which deprived them of their childhood; you want to categorise my description of these men as ‘vile muslim monsters’ as a cliche ….. so let’s hear your description of them then.

They were a vile gang who committed terrible acts of depravity. No one argues with that. However, because Yaxley banged his drum you think he had something to do with their conviction, whilst in fact the opposite is true and he nearly caused their trial to fail. Al because of his own selfish actions. And all so people like you would spew his nonsense verbatim and donate to his (personal) cause.

He takes you for fools. And for good reason.

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