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Farangs and Ladyboys

Yellow Fever

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2 minutes ago, RSD1 said:


Doesn't exist in any form Thai cuisine. A common sandwich in Vietnam adapted to Vietnamese tastes using the French bread recipe left over from the French colonization. 

I’ll take a Thai local’s word for it over a farangs thank you


the Thai’s tell me it is there national dish and the farang say it’s Vietnamese.. the farang are rude and ignorant as always 

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2 minutes ago, Yellow Fever said:

I’ll take a Thai local’s word for it over a farangs thank you


the Thai’s tell me it is there national dish and the farang say it’s Vietnamese.. the farang are rude and ignorant as always 

Deluded. Wow. Ok. 

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16 hours ago, Yellow Fever said:

I had the delicious pork roll, there wasn’t any noodles in the roll that I’m aware of? Maybe because they are thin I didn’t see them in the roll, you could be right though as people think Banh mi is from Vietnam? thanks for the clarification 

Eating animals is disgusting. Be ashamed.

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17 hours ago, Yellow Fever said:

after being there for three weeks I [...] knew the streets and language like the back of my hand because I’m a very quick learner


I was a little more realistic when I was here 3 weeks. But maybe after 3 months I thought I figured it out. And then later, maybe after 3 years I thought I really know Thailand. Now, after almost 30 years, I know most symptoms, but still have limited insight about Thais.

I know very few westerners who have a deep understanding of Thais and Thailand, very few. 

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Just now, RSD1 said:

Oh boy, haven't run into one of these nutters in Thailand in well over 30 years. I thought the deluded foreigner thinking he's "gone native" was now a thing of the past. 

I remember I saw some of those millennials in a coffee shop, talking to each other about their wisdom. I didn't destroy their illusions.

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3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I remember I saw some of those millennials in a coffee shop, talking to each other about their wisdom. I didn't destroy their illusions.

They're funny to watch, these millennials, Gen XYZ and whatever else they choose to call themselves these days!

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1 hour ago, RSD1 said:


Doesn't exist in any form Thai cuisine. A common sandwich in Vietnam adapted to Vietnamese tastes using the French bread recipe left over from the French colonization. 




Served all over here, ethnic Vietnamese who made homes here during the Viet Nam war era.



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First time I saw a ladyboy was in the early 90's in the bar at Grand Hyatt, Jakarta. 

My first trip to Asia. Work colleague and I were sitting at the bar, watching another westerner be seduced by the LB and ultimately leave with her. 

The next night the guy was back at the bar, my friend said to him 'do you know what you took last night?'. 

The response 'Mind your own effing business.' 

Not a sucker. Knew it. 

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17 hours ago, Yellow Fever said:

Yes looking directly at the crutch is an excellent idea, I will use this technique from now on, Steve got a big fright when he realised he went home with a lady boy.. he still didn’t come back until the next morning around 10 am as he slept over at it’s house.. I asked him if he had sex and he wouldn’t answer which I found strange 


Enjoy your trip partner 

Considering that all your friend was looking for was a set of breasts and to get off ladyboys give just as good a bj as any lady.  

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Now, after almost 30 years, I know most symptoms, but still have limited insight about Thais.

I know very few westerners who have a deep understanding of Thais and Thailand, very few. 

I'm not sure it requires such a deep understanding. You probably understand more than you think. Possibly just over thinking it a bit. Most of what they do is to protect personal interests or elevate themselves in their Thai social standing. It's the driving force for most things, including religious practices, gift giving, etc. Sadly it's mainly driven by superficial and financial aspirations. 

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19 hours ago, Yellow Fever said:

I do not appreciate the put downs in this thread, I was asking a legitimate question/making an observation and you all aren’t taking this serious and just bullying me, it makes me think you silly farangs have fallen for the lady boy trap too. Ha!


I will not stand for this, I am

only trying to have a conversation about something 


I did not know Banh mi is in Vietnam too, I was told it is the signature Thai dish by a Thai local at my hotel 

It's a centuries old Vietnamese dish connects to the vast adoption by the Vietnamese of French bread making. 

Edited by scorecard
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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I agree

But I have to admit that when I arrived in Thailand, to live here, I also thought I would integrate with Thais like equals.

Some time later I realized that just doesn't work. I will always be an outsider, it doesn't matter how much I try.

So I stopped trying. I live the way I like together with my Thai gf. We do "Thai things" together and more western things. And sometimes she visits her family to have a Thai only environment, and I go out with western friends, eating western food, etc.

We are not same. But we can and do live in peace together, sometimes doing the same things together, and sometimes doing different things.

That's life for farangs in Thailand. For me it's ok like that - and I know I can't change it even if I wanted to.


First time in a long while I have read something on this site I agree with. Kind of sums up my wife and I. Even when living in Canada we did our own things, and did things together. Ours comes from a mutual respect for each other. As for this yellow fever person .. not worth engaging with.

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20 hours ago, Yellow Fever said:

I do not appreciate the put downs in this thread, I was asking a legitimate question/making an observation and you all aren’t taking this serious and just bullying me, it makes me think you silly farangs have fallen for the lady boy trap too. Ha!


I will not stand for this, I am

only trying to have a conversation about something 


I did not know Banh mi is in Vietnam too, I was told it is the signature Thai dish by a Thai local at my hotel 

 I was told it is the signature Thai dish by a Thai local at my hotel


Thai local - a foreigner who feels he's local, after been in Thailand for a couple of days??

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