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Why do retirees marry in Thailand ?

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21 hours ago, BigStar said:

Now think of going to Disneyland after your stroke when you're half-paralyzed, your balance shot, you no longer see well, and your memory and problem-solving ability shot. Plus, your diaper needs changing

When health issues prevent you from going to Disneyland, you simply invite one (or more) of your favourite rides to permanently reside with you.
Too easy 👍 

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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Nemises said:

When health issues prevent you from going to Disneyland, you simply invite one (or more) of your favourite rides to permanently reside with you.
Too easy 👍 


So naive, you just a sheep ready for fleecing.🤣 They're gonna grab all they can (perhaps with your unknowing consent) and run, probably with that Thai boyfriend or husband.


I'm personally acquainted with three old farangs who've had, or are having, critical, trustworthy care from their Thai wives, one of them right through to a long, suffering death. Another has premature AD, just because. Didn't see that coming, did you? One thing they're not doing is dying prematurely, as happened to a guy following your shrewd advice, late 50s, alone in a filthy bed. His "ride" ran off and left him for a healthy German. Neighbors took pity on him and arranged a cheap cremation and ashes dump.


Same with another, mid-60s, in Vietnam recently. Knew a lot of rides to spend money on, but w/o stability of a wife/family to help him stay healthy, he basically drank himself to death (while staying in denial, went on "health binges" once a month) alone in his rented room. No "ride" could stand him long. Body decomposed for more than a week, smell forced the apt manager to break in and find his corpse on the floor, dried blood out of its nose. No friends or relatives or "rides" would admit knowing him. Police took his body, waited for the Embassy to find next of kin (unsuccessfully), then disposed of the remains, nobody knows where.


Talk's cheap on the 'net. Go find that ride, man.





Edited by BigStar
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22 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Might be someone who isn't but hurt, but thinks it is a stupid answer as you mix up sex with a prostitute with a relation based on love.


Hoo'ers need loving too.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, BigStar said:


So naive, you just a sheep ready for fleecing.🤣 They're gonna grab all they can (perhaps with your unknowing consent) and run, probably with that Thai boyfriend or husband.


I'm personally acquainted with three old farangs who've had, or are having, critical, trustworthy care from their Thai wives, one of them right through to a long, suffering death. Another has premature AD, just because. Didn't see that coming, did you? One thing they're not doing is dying prematurely, as happened to a guy following your shrewd advice, late 50s, alone in a filthy bed. His "ride" ran off and left him for a healthy German. Neighbors took pity on him and arranged a cheap cremation and ashes dump.


Same with another, mid-60s, in Vietnam recently. Knew a lot of rides to spend money on, but w/o stability of a wife/family to help him stay healthy, he basically drank himself to death (while staying in denial, went on "health binges" once a month) alone in his rented room. No "ride" could stand him long. Body decomposed for more than a week, smell forced the apt manager to break in and find his corpse on the floor, dried blood out of its nose. No friends or relatives or "rides" would admit knowing him. Police took his body, waited for the Embassy to find next of kin (unsuccessfully), then disposed of the remains, nobody knows where.


Talk's cheap on the 'net. Go find that ride, man.





Yawn. Only got to the 2nd paragraph, but I’m sure it was a gripping yarn. 💤 

Edited by Nemises
Big star’s yarn put me to sleep lol.
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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, Nemises said:

Yawn. Only got to the 2nd paragraph, but I’m sure it was a gripping yarn. 💤 


Good, though in fact you read all of it. The less you know, the sooner you'll be outta the way with your imaginary "rides."


Your post was a good laugh, however. Inability to think things through is certainly an advantage. The "rides" will be especially appreciative.


Go find that ride, man.



Edited by BigStar
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22 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

In my personal experience that rarely exists with attractive women in Thailand. The order of her priorities will usually be (her) family first, kids if there are any, herself, and only then you. It's hard to build a partnership who has so many priorities above you IMHO.


In Isaan it's different. It's "...(her) family first, kids if there are any, herself, the dog(s) and only then you. "


22 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

Well, that's a different topic entirely. I don't believe men should be relegated to a single sexual partner for the rest of their lives, but of course no woman wants to know her man is playing with other women. I like the Japanese-style "solution" which is to pretend it's not happening and look the other way - they are not mad as long as you don't shove it in their face and make an effort to keep it discrete. With Thais it's more complicated, but doable.


That's a bit of a myth about the partnered-up Japanese ladies pretending it's not happening and looking the other way. A guy I worked with once had a Japanese wife who was bat<deleted> crazy. Or maybe it's just another sweeping generalization, like [insert southeast Asian nationality] women being more feminine, acquiescent and subservient.

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Posted (edited)
On 7/7/2024 at 5:01 AM, Franck60 said:

I’d be interested in a relationship but not in a marriage. I wouldn’t be interested in meeting her family either. Why complicate my life? I don’t have much family left in France either.


I tend to think like this because I believe I would be safer if I keep my distance. I’d need a relationship but not a thai family. 


 What do you think, guys ?



Rent, don't buy and you'll be fine.

If you buy, you'll cry. 

Edited by Furioso
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Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, BigStar said:


Good, though in fact you read all of it. The less you know, the sooner you'll be outta the way with your imaginary "rides." Your post was a good laugh, however. Inability to think things through is certainly an advantage.


Go find that ride, man.



Never read so many dramatic BS posts in all my life. You should publish a book about your many, lengthy, dramatic tales ….MAN. 






Edited by Nemises
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Nemises said:

Never read so many dramatic BS posts in all my life. You should publish a book about your many, lengthy, dramatic tales ….MAN. 




100% true stories. I did write a long blog post once about the Brit whose "ride" deserted him for a healthy German. Great character from Sussex. Made for a good, long, funny but sad story that readers appreciated. You remind me of him a bit with your Pollyanna views.


Here's more! The guy whose wife took good care of him through his long, suffering illness, a very shrewd and cynical German, had also tried your naive solution. He'd split with his wife to go for a couple of "rides." They certainly took him for a ride, too. Sneaking out at night, not around when needed, asking for money, always bored and quite lazy.


Both stole all they could and ran away.


So then he had the good sense to leave Disneyland and go back to his old wife and her family, good people. He died with her at his bedside in Banglamung Hospital, about a year ago. 



Edited by BigStar
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51 minutes ago, BigStar said:


100% true stories. I did write a long blog post once about the Brit whose "ride" deserted him for a healthy German. Great character from Sussex. Made for a good, long, funny but sad story that readers appreciated. You remind me of him a bit with your Pollyanna views.


Here's more! The guy whose wife took good care of him through his long, suffering illness, a very shrewd and cynical German, had also tried your naive solution. He'd split with his wife to go for a couple of "rides." They certainly took him for a ride, too. Sneaking out at night, not around when needed, asking for money, always bored and quite lazy.


Both stole all they could and ran away.


So then he had the good sense to leave Disneyland and go back to his old wife and her family, good people. He died with her at his bedside in Banglamung Hospital, about a year ago. 



Absolute BS. Stop making up stories.... MAN



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, BigStar said:

100% true stories.


I believe your stories. Totally likely scenarios. Thanks for sharing.


Seems like you're touching a nerve with people who are in denial and dont want to hear the potential negative sides of being a gigolo their entire life.


Even David Lee Roth sang "nobody cares about me" in his song Just a Gigolo.


So I guess no one watched the video I posted. Apparently, there were other types of arrangements that were commonly practiced before modern day marriage came along. 


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Threads on AN about Thai women always seem to end up with posts containing the same recycled, second hand garbage about gold diggers, 'brothers' who are really their lovers, sick buffaloes, worthless houses, sponging families etc etc.


Perhaps if your total experience of Thai women is abused Pattaya hookers, the old clichés may be relevant, but for the remaining 99% of Thai females these old drunks tales are just wrong.


And generalising about the behaviour of 51% of the Thai population and referring to all women as 'they' is just nonesense.

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22 hours ago, Nemises said:

Absolute BS. Stop making up stories.... MAN




Oh, but here's a pic I took of him in Banglamung Hsp a week before he died, with his wife taking care and comforting him. She'd moved him from the common ward to a private room.




Very sad.


Despite his failure to take of himself in earlier years (not atypically for an expat), she prolonged his life for perhaps 5 years, and for that he was very, very grateful; besides all the other wifely duties, after two "rides" in succession relieved him of some assets. 'Course, he could have made it 10 more if he'd wised up sooner. He WAS one of the naturally strongest men I've ever met.


And here's the much younger (late 50s) Brit from Sussex being dumped (by neighbors) in Pattaya Bay about a year after his "ride" had abandoned him, ailing:




I'll let the members decide who's the idiot spouting BS here. Disneyland🤣. DUH.


OH--old man, I'm not old yet, hee hee. I can't post the pic of my much younger friend w/ premature AD. He might be recognized. Good thing his wife is handling his finances and taking care of him. She's good.


You never know, you see.


The lesson, for your own best interests, is to start the quest for Miss Right early on. The older you are, the more difficult it is. Takes years, and a few stumbles, to run through the candidates and verify there's one you can trust and settle down with for the long haul--and be happy.


Guess the point's been made sufficiently. As I said earlier, the less you know, the faster you'll be outta the way and taking up much less space.🙂 

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A reported post removed.


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54 minutes ago, BigStar said:


Oh, but here's a pic I took of him in Banglamung Hsp a week before he died, with his wife taking care and comforting him. She'd moved him from the common ward to a private room.




Very sad.


Despite his failure to take of himself in earlier years (not atypically for an expat), she prolonged his life for perhaps 5 years, and for that he was very, very grateful; besides all the other wifely duties, after two "rides" in succession relieved him of some assets. 'Course, he could have made it 10 more if he'd wised up sooner. He WAS one of the naturally strongest men I've ever met.


And here's the much younger (late 50s) Brit from Sussex being dumped (by neighbors) in Pattaya Bay about a year after his "ride" had abandoned him, ailing:




I'll let the members decide who's the idiot spouting BS here. Disneyland🤣. DUH.


OH--old man, I'm not old yet, hee hee. I can't post the pic of my much younger friend w/ premature AD. He might be recognized. Good thing his wife is handling his finances and taking care of him. She's good.


You never know, you see.


The lesson, for your own best interests, is to start the quest for Miss Right early on. The older you are, the more difficult it is. Takes years, and a few stumbles, to run through the candidates and verify there's one you can trust and settle down with for the long haul--and be happy.


Guess the point's been made sufficiently. As I said earlier, the less you know, the faster you'll be outta the way and taking up much less space.🙂 

I do not hope my wife prolong my life just because she have to out of economic reasons. I hope she pulls the plug when needed if nobody else can make the decission. 


So better make sure she is economic sustainable before its to late. 

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No way can I speak for others.


I've had a number of long termish relationships in life and I didn't really think about marriage though two of those suggested it I brushed the idea away, too young to settle down.


Later I did have a village wedding and a kit with one girl, I think she just kept pushing and I sort of gave in. Luckily as fate would have it, the day we went to embassy to get the forms to register us as married it was closed.


So never actually married and separated years ago, had I been married that separation would have been a bit of a costly nightmare.


These days as single working dad, I'm not really looking for a life partner, company now and again as long as its very chilled and full of laughter then I'm good but marriage, I'm not seeing that in the fortune cookies. 


If I ever did, I doubt it would be about me at all.


A lot of people have a illusioned fairy tale view about what it means, for others its a commitment, a tax break, a visa or a sense of security should someone die.


There are other ways to cover the last four which sort of really leaves the fantasy angle which is okay, my parents remain happily married, they also believe in religion and it works for them even if I do not see it myself, who am I to judge.


I've also seen in others a sense of ownership or control over someone, a costly experience heading their way. 


I suspect though for most, it remains okay to still believe in magic even when your old, just dont do it blindly.

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On 7/7/2024 at 6:27 AM, KhunLA said:

.  At 66, govt retirement age, I would have passed on the child thing, regrettably.  Some of my best 18 years, and still loving my daughter.



Even prior to turning 66 I considered bringing a child into the world unfair to them.



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23 minutes ago, In Full Agreement said:

Even prior to turning 66 I considered bringing a child into the world unfair to them.

Agree, as more likely than not, you won't be around till they're 18 or 20.


I 'adopted', sort of, at 46 yrs old, she's 25 now.

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/7/2024 at 1:01 AM, Franck60 said:



I’d be interested in a relationship but not in a marriage. I wouldn’t be interested in meeting her family either. Why complicate my life? I don’t have much family left in France either.



Fair deal , dont marry dont care , if you pay for your sugarbaby  and fun. this way widly excepted and much more easy


but most man cant pay compensatition for s..x and relation, bcs their brain is not ready for this type , so only choice   married , makes yourself feel ok with ego , monthly paymenst are less, hopefully ,and at final she get the inheritance

fair deal for both -and both not feel like prostit...e and  client



Just to say , their is sometime real love beside payments , to say all thais cant love foreigner untrue , but money goes first always.IN all countrys without social welfare from the state and any 3rd world  country

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On 7/8/2024 at 8:02 PM, Hummin said:

I see your point, and understand, but that says more about the men, than the women. Men who take advantage of poor women because they can, and ending up as Thai women haters at worst, or just grumpy old men who lost.


I understand I come out arrogant, but it is in context replying to men who bash those of us who thrive and enjoy being two, and feel we have a good relationship far from what others think they know. 


It is possible to have good relationships with women, but I also understand not everyone is willing to walk the extra mile to make it happen. Doesn't mean it is a one way contribution, it only works if both do those small extra things for each other and make sure both get the best out of it. 


It takes adjustments from both parts. 


An retired expat with an younger girl, I can just assume how boring it can be if have no common ground, or nothing to do, that makes them get up in the morning and start doing something, and do not have daily routines, and as well weekends, same as you would do home when still working.


Not to fill the life with some healthy substance


Men who take advantage of poor women because they can, and ending up as Thai women haters at worst, or just grumpy old men who lost.


LOL. Who is taking advantage of whom? You strike me as someone who doesn't have much if any actual experience of the farang bar scene.

IMO you treat women like the weaker sex, when that is BS. Most BGs can make a man jump when they tell him to.

While I had a problem with my ex, I never hated all Thai women. It was my own fault for keeping her instead of renting.


An retired expat with an younger girl, I can just assume how boring it can be if have no common ground, or nothing to do, that makes them get up in the morning and start doing something,


Sounds like you think the woman doesn't have a job. My wife went out to work every day, and earned her own money.

Some guys really get taken for suckers.



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