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Trump picks J.D. Vance as running mate for VP at Republican convention


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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Another naive person who hasn't absorbed


Maga fascist actions last election 


Project 2025


Supreme Court rulings 

Have a lie down. Get a cold towel for your forehead. It will be OK.


Last election is over. Power was transferred. Project 2025 is yet another fantasy on par with "Russia Russia Russia". The Court ruling on immunity was reasonable and well thought out, split the situation nicely.


Or you can continue screaming your faux talking points and watch your blood pressure rise. 

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

Nonsense, plenty of promoting Biden’s achievements, lists of which regularly appear on this forum.

I see them here, fair enough. But not in the American media. It is all fear and fascism and here comes the next Hitler.  I guess the Democrats are not confident enough in their candidate or their positive vision for the future.

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1 minute ago, Hanaguma said:

I see them here, fair enough. But not in the American media. It is all fear and fascism and here comes the next Hitler.  I guess the Democrats are not confident enough in their candidate or their positive vision for the future.

He's not Hitler - Mussolini maybe but without the ability to get the trains running on time. Mussolini had a jewish mistress he wasn't all bad.

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Don't laugh this is the favoured stuffed toy stop Trump candidate. Facism or farce - so this is how it ends , karma always ultimately wins.


What treaty that the whites have kept has the red man broken? Not one.

Sitting Bull




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16 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Nonsense, plenty of promoting Biden’s achievements, lists of which regularly appear on this forum.


Biden's achievements


Getting out of bed on his own

Not falling over on the stairs

Holding on until he gets to the toilet

Remembering where he is

Oh top of his class of course

Accumulating about 50 million dollars for a family that does not have a business, apart from Ashley of course, an abuse survivor!





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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Hired as a favor only to Theil as he had zero qualifications. The one firm he invested in on his own soon went bankrupt. Zero political experience except for only 18 months in the senate. I daresay I'm more qualified to be president than he is, just based on longer life experience. Yes the VP is supposed to be qualified to be president from day one. 

What a weak VP choice for Trump!

That ear grazing bullet may have messed with Trump's already insane thought processes as word is it was a last minute after shooting choice. I reckon he would have picked much more sensible Burgum before.

Tell us about all the great businesses Biden built, oh, that’s right, he’s gotten rich feeding at the pubic teat his whole life. 


Kamala same-same

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3 minutes ago, proton said:


Biden's achievements


Getting out of bed on his own

Not falling over on the stairs

Holding on until he gets to the toilet

Remembering where he is

Oh top of his class of course

Accumulating about 50 million dollars for a family that does not have a business, apart from Ashley of course, an abuse survivor!





Nothing wrong with fathers showering with their daughters, 

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10 minutes ago, proton said:


Biden's achievements


Getting out of bed on his own

Not falling over on the stairs

Holding on until he gets to the toilet

Remembering where he is

Oh top of his class of course

Accumulating about 50 million dollars for a family that does not have a business, apart from Ashley of course, an abuse survivor!





His greatest achievement is yet to come … standing aside to allow a younger and more vigorous candidate beat Trump. 

… coming up soon.

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7 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

It will never beat the original.



Kai Trump was a cutie, and gave a very 'from the heart' speech. Nice to hear about Trump the grandpa.

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Don't tell me members of this forum are shaming themselves by suggesting Project 2025 is real?


You'd need to be as stupid as those that think the assassination attempt was a set-up to believe that. 


And I know no one on this forum is that stupid. 🤪 

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31 minutes ago, mogandave said:

Nothing wrong with fathers showering with their daughters, 


Not when they are 40 and the girl is 11, unless you are a pedophile!

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

Have a lie down. Get a cold towel for your forehead. It will be OK.


Last election is over. Power was transferred. Project 2025 is yet another fantasy on par with "Russia Russia Russia". The Court ruling on immunity was reasonable and well thought out, split the situation nicely.


Or you can continue screaming your faux talking points and watch your blood pressure rise. 

You don't have a clue, dear heart.

Then you insult me with moronic condescending pablum.

I invite you not to reply because I consider engaging with you a total waste of time.

I know you won't even bother to watch this even though I gave you the relevant starting point.

Maga knows best, huh?



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What has happened in the last week that makes people think Biden will step down?  His COVID?  Wife and I got COVID last week.  It's no joke.  Took wife down a full 7 days.  Me 5.  But we are still coughing 10 days later.  

We're eolks at RNC really wearing ear bandages?  I predicted getting a hole pierced will be a fad with maga like wearing the diapers is. 

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Just now, Elkski said:

What has happened in the last week that makes people think Biden will step down?  His COVID?  Wife and I got COVID last week.  It's no joke.  Took wife down a full 7 days.  Me 5.  But we are still coughing 10 days later.  

We're eolks at RNC really wearing ear bandages?  I predicted getting a hole pierced will be a fad with maga like wearing the diapers is. 

What happened? Are you kidding? All the top democratic leaders are finally advising him to now including Nancy Pelosi who knows how to step down from power with dignity.

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2 hours ago, illisdean said:

Kinda like all the political experience Trump had in 2015 when, he, as a political novice cleaned Hilary's clock and became 45th POTUS. Probably the most strategic and critical victory and accomplishment of Trump EVER, wouldn't you say? Or are you feeling too much pain now to comment watching your failing, floundering, imploding liberal party of stooges and failures look on in bewilderment as the red MAGA team destroys all their election aspirations & hopes and probably yours too. Trump is approaching rock star status and more now, everyone is waking up and seeing this and so are you, and it stings for the haters and losers on the left.

How did Biden's feckless VP do fixing the border that THEY destroyed after gutting Trumps highly successful policies and EO's? And now look, the great Biden (albeit mentally challenged corrupt failure) can't beat, can't catch the "convicted felon" in nothing he does, in any polls and who's own party wants to $hit-can Biden because they know he can't beat the convicted felon who is in the midst of the RNC 48 hours after being grazed by a snipers bullet and where is Biden, DELAWARE... because he has covid, or maybe he doesn't. America sees ALL this now, they know whats going on and they like a hero, a leader, and NOBODY wants a corrupt weak demented divisive pathological lying coward like Biden all of which likely explains and accounts for why the puddin brained Biden is getting crushed in all the polls now, ESPECIALLY after his mumbling drooling buffoon like debate performance where Trump committed an act of mental destruction and beat-down on the mental invalid occupying the space to his left.

Trump was a celebrity for decades and has been talking about running for president for decades back when he was a democrat.

You're right he had no experience in politics.

It just so happens that he's rated the worse president in history by historians.

I wonder if that's because he had no experience or because he's the most horrible human being ever produced by American culture?

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2 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Lest we forget - radicals may vote for RFK Jnr / Jill Stein / Cornell and chip away at the Dem natural constituency and let Trump in. Biden hasn't been running anything for months if not years and people don't like being decieved especially where their leaders are concerned. Trump is pretty much baked in at this point, accept it , get over it and enjoy what remains of your lives around you.



Kennedy voters more likely to come from Trump's vote.

Not really worried about third party this time.

I agree Trump is heavily favored if Biden stays in but more and more it looks like it's going to be Trump who's the demented old codger in this race. Stay tuned!

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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Trump has already announced he will weaponize the DOJ to go after his enemies, his main policy plank is retribution. He has already loaded up the Supreme Court to do his bidding, as witness the immunity decision.

 Courtesy of Walter Reed Hospital, he gets the best medical care, courtesy of the American taxpayer. It's been almost 80 years since an American president died in office from natural causes, medicine has come a long way in that time.

Besides which, IMO he is too ornery to die.


He's talking about having officials that don't do his bidding executed. Quacks like a fascist. Is a fascist.

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2 hours ago, Etaoin Shrdlu said:

I have to give Vance credit for rising from his very disadvantaged origins to graduate summa cum laude from Yale Law School and become a successful author, lawyer, and now politician. 


"Hillbilly Elegy" is a fascinating read, but his libertarianism does come across as victim-blaming to a degree. Not everyone has the necessary intelligence and work ethic to overcome the level of adversity that he describes so well.


Vance does hint that there may be some social programs or government policies that might address issues facing the working poor, but he offers no solutions other than family, religion and self-reliance. He does blame the elite for some of the ills that now afflict the poor, but does not seem to realize that his libertarianism is aligned with the interests of those same elite. 


Less charitable types might suggest his book should have been titled "Jethro Goes to Yale", but Jethro Bodine was a foolish character and Vance is no fool. It is a shame that his obviously keen intellect and writing skills are being put to use in furtherance of rightwing extremism.


Sure he's no fool.

Billionaires offered to buy him and he took the money to run.

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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

No prizes for second place. Try to be original, OK? Although I know it's hard for MAGA cultists to think outside the square.


You steal my truck. fill it with your trash, then harp on about originality.

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Nonsense, plenty of promoting Biden’s achievements, lists of which regularly appear on this forum.


You mean Tug Monster's standard pasted rack of lies and BS I suppose?

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1 hour ago, mogandave said:

Tell us about all the great businesses Biden built, oh, that’s right, he’s gotten rich feeding at the pubic teat his whole life. 


Kamala same-same

During his presidency, Trump played on his own courses over 300 times. That's an average of once every 4-5 days.


When he did, every time he played the American taxpayer was billed $800,000 by the Trump organization for accommodation of his Secret Service detail. $240 million is a fair suck at the public teat.


BTW, I don't think there is such a thing as a pubic teat. However, I am willing to be educated by someone with more experience in that area.

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