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Trump Labels Biden 'Worst President in U.S. History' Following Withdrawal from 2024 Race

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34 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


More slander from the left.


25 people already confirmed he didn't say it.




You guys are getting desperate.



And of those 25, 11 were not even present!  Who is gettign desperate?


(I would suggest others read the article, which actually gives a pretty balanced view and form their own opinion).



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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Add to the adverse reputation, TRump is now the oldest presidential candidate in US history and congnitive challenged. 

You forgot.  And he's Hitler. 

There - fixed it.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Flynn is a deflection. You seem to like deflecting.


Once again, allow me to explain. You raised the point that "IMO a general that takes sides in a political dispute is despicable for trying to use their position for politics. The military are supposed to stay out of politics."


I am responding to that point. You did say that, didn't you? That's not a deflection, that's proper debate - I don't back away from your points, I address them directly. 

Now can you kindly do the same - what is it that has given you the impression that Joe Biden is a Narcissist? Can you point to any evidence? Have any disgruntled members of his administration or party said that? Have you seen any behaviour that is typical of Narcissists?

I have answered all of your points, and would appreciate if you could address mine.

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33 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO a general that takes sides in a political dispute is despicable for trying to use their position for politics. The military are supposed to stay out of politics.

He was retired from the military.  But then s was Mike Flynn - but I haven;t seen you denounce him as being despicable.


Should military service bar everyone for all time from any engagement in politics?  If so it would certainly allow more people with bone spurs an entry to the racce.



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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

Your defense of his record is sound. But I think it's clear that the sharp decline, while relatively recent, also involves his mental faculties. The lie that the Trumpistas are pushing is that he was senile throughout his term in office.

'relatively recent'..... which it's not, as many have said previously, but been dismissed. it's only after the debate where the world saw it live that it could no longer be hidden, and look where we are now, what 3 weeks later and he's stepped down.

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8 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

'relatively recent'..... which it's not, as many have said previously, but been dismissed. it's only after the debate where the world saw it live that it could no longer be hidden, and look where we are now, what 3 weeks later and he's stepped down.

What many have been saying is that right from the start of his administration Biden was suffering from dementia. I posted a link pointing out that in February, some European diplomats noticed a recent decline. George Clooney noticed a sharp decline on Jun 15 from a few months earlier.

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8 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

He was retired from the military.  But then s was Mike Flynn - but I haven;t seen you denounce him as being despicable.


Should military service bar everyone for all time from any engagement in politics?  If so it would certainly allow more people with bone spurs an entry to the racce.



It would also allow more people with student deferments an entry to the race.


IMO ex military officers should be barred from politics as more likely to start wars.


Introducing Flynn is a deflection. I'm sure there are plenty of similar situations on the Democrat side, but I'm not talking about them either.

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16 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

When did I claim Biden was a narcissist? Quote me on that.

I doubt he had empathy. You are the one making it up that I believe that Biden is a narcissist.


I said "One of the clearest indicators of whether a person is a narcissist is whether they have empathy for others. Narcissists don't. Do you see Joe as someone devoid of empathy? He sure does fake it well in that case. How about DJT? Have you seen him empathize much with others? You will note he only does so when it is in service of attacking other people who supposedly harmed the person he is empathizing with, and in every single case it is for political purposes. IMO he was a faker. Obviously faked it well enough to fool a lot of people."


You responded with (of course, since every accusation is a confession for you folks) a claim that I was "deflecting".


So I asked you "Do you see Joe as someone devoid of empathy? He sure does fake it well in that case."


Your response was that "I was responding to your claim that Biden has "empathy"".


Very tiresome, you are trying to pretend that you haven't been discussing the issue of narcissism while directly responding to posts about narcissism. You fully understood that I was raising the issue of "empathy" since it is well understood that Narcissists lack empathy for others, and this is one of the defining characteristics. I raised it in that context and explained so. 

What's next? Going back to edit your posts? Or just more weak sauce about "deflecting". While deflecting.

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8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Trump's assessment of Biden is his own.


OTOH, most historians rank Trump as the worst in history, by several furlongs.


Impeached - twice. Over 90 indictments delivered by grand juries.


Convicted by a jury of his peers on 34 counts of falsifying business records.


His companies sucked $240 million from the public purse for the 300 times he played golf during his presidency.


What other president in US history can come within a bull's roar of that record? Nixon and Clinton were amateurs by comparison.

Is disparaging Trump your favourite obsession? You seem to spend a lot of time doing that.


Trump's assessment of Biden is his own.

Mine too. Horrid little man IMO.


This thread is quite entertaining. Trump says something and it becomes full of certain posters posting about the same things they have been posting for the last 7 years. It'd be great if they came up with something new for a change.

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2 minutes ago, JCauto said:


I said "One of the clearest indicators of whether a person is a narcissist is whether they have empathy for others. Narcissists don't. Do you see Joe as someone devoid of empathy? He sure does fake it well in that case. How about DJT? Have you seen him empathize much with others? You will note he only does so when it is in service of attacking other people who supposedly harmed the person he is empathizing with, and in every single case it is for political purposes. IMO he was a faker. Obviously faked it well enough to fool a lot of people."


You responded with (of course, since every accusation is a confession for you folks) a claim that I was "deflecting".


So I asked you "Do you see Joe as someone devoid of empathy? He sure does fake it well in that case."


Your response was that "I was responding to your claim that Biden has "empathy"".


Very tiresome, you are trying to pretend that you haven't been discussing the issue of narcissism while directly responding to posts about narcissism. You fully understood that I was raising the issue of "empathy" since it is well understood that Narcissists lack empathy for others, and this is one of the defining characteristics. I raised it in that context and explained so. 

What's next? Going back to edit your posts? Or just more weak sauce about "deflecting". While deflecting.

Carry on without me. It's keeping you occupied with those long posts, at least.

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18 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


He said, she said. Trump has plenty of witnesses who said he didn't say it. It's a nothing burger. Idle gossip. 



Dynamic? 😃


The cackling riddler Kamala Harris? President DEI? California Psycho babbler who slept her way through the ranks? Don't make me laugh. Her only chance is to stop talking and hope her immutable characteristics get her enough votes. That won't happen. If she was a good candidate they'd have got rid of Biden months ago. They left it to the last minute for a reason. She's useless. Now the gaslighting about Biden being sharp as a tack is exposed, we get round 2 about Harris being some kind of genius. You guys...😄

It'd make a great comedy movie, the incompetent that made it to the presidency without having to win a primary. Sadly it's going to be more a horror movie when they make it.

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30 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


OK, so we have a rumour about a coversation where 25 (or 14 if you prefer) say Trump didn't say it and 1 person who says he did.


Like I said, no more legit than overhearing Issan housewives gossiping over the garden fence. Desperate stuff.  

Truth doesn't matter. Many will defend Trump no matter what.

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

My niece is a political science professor at a University in the US, and she said that hundreds of experts across the board have labeled Trump's presidency as being the 43rd worst in history, and there's a fairly unanimous consensus that Biden's presidency has been the 10th best.


Have you got a link for that?

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4 minutes ago, JonnyF said:


Have you got a link for that?

I said 2nd worst. They say 3rd worst. Definitely at the bottom of the heap. President Donald Trump is the third-worst president overall, according to U.S. News’ most recent rankings.



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19 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

No, I think my favorite obsession is calling out idiots on ASEAN. It's a rich field of opportunity, as you are demonstrating.

You should try something you are better at then. I didn't even realise that was what you were doing.

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28 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I said 2nd worst. They say 3rd worst. Definitely at the bottom of the heap. President Donald Trump is the third-worst president overall, according to U.S. News’ most recent rankings.



I take it US News is MSN. :whistling:

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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35 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

My niece is a political science professor at a University in the US, and she said that hundreds of experts across the board have labeled Trump's presidency as being the 43rd worst in history, and there's a fairly unanimous consensus that Biden's presidency has been the 10th best. We all know Trump lives in a self-made fantasyland, and this is further proof of that. 

Not really "experts" then. Just people with an opinion, like the rest of us.

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15 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You should try something you are better at then. I didn't even realise that was what you were doing.


Quod erat demonstrandum!

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