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Brutal assault on Canadian raises serious questions about tourist safety in Pattaya


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Good security is needed, sometimes you get a few foreigners being d1ckheads, they need to be controlled but at times things go wrong. A  65yo in hospital is wrong. 


This nice girl, helping the guy up, looks like she's wearing her mother's shoe's. 



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So many skeptics, with zero evidence.
I've witnessed EXACTLY the situation of people (yes, plural. At least 5 that I saw, in succession over a 5 minute period) being attacked for not even leaning on a car, but even for getting too close to it! If Thais deem their protectee to be very important, they create an insane kind of authority in their feeble minds that they are allowed to do such things. As many put it, they are thugs, with the attendant IQ of such types. This also extends to official bodyguards of the elite or royalty. Best keep your distance from those thugs too, they get ancy VERY easily and freely assert physical force very quickly when it is obvious to anyone else with a brain, that it is completely unnecessary (I've seen that too, even when their protectee was inside a building more than 50 meters away, assaulting people walking by, but in the thug's estimation, too closely to the building or the entourage's coned off parked cars). The power trip many of these guys are on is truly amazing.
As for soi 6... Personally, I just stay away altogether from "entertainment zones" (albeit family friendly!) at night time. Can't understand the desire to be in the vicinity of the kind of people habituating and working in those places. In Thai, a place that is อโคจร is best to avoid altogether. Never quite figured out how to get the right nuance to translate that, but it's basically along the lines of a place where people are up to no good, pretty much like the family entertainment areas of Pattaya, kinda the opposite of a temple area. lol

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16 minutes ago, Sig said:

So many skeptics, with zero evidence.
I've witnessed EXACTLY the situation of people (yes, plural. At least 5 that I saw, in succession over a 5 minute period) being attacked for not even leaning on a car, but even for getting too close to it! If Thais deem their protectee to be very important, they create an insane kind of authority in their feeble minds that they are allowed to do such things. As many put it, they are thugs, with the attendant IQ of such types. This also extends to official bodyguards of the elite or royalty. Best keep your distance from those thugs too, they get ancy VERY easily and freely assert physical force very quickly when it is obvious to anyone else with a brain, that it is completely unnecessary (I've seen that too, even when their protectee was inside a building more than 50 meters away, assaulting people walking by, but in the thug's estimation, too closely to the building or the entourage's coned off parked cars). The power trip many of these guys are on is truly amazing.
As for soi 6... Personally, I just stay away altogether from "entertainment zones" (albeit family friendly!) at night time. Can't understand the desire to be in the vicinity of the kind of people habituating and working in those places. In Thai, a place that is อโคจร is best to avoid altogether. Never quite figured out how to get the right nuance to translate that, but it's basically along the lines of a place where people are up to no good, pretty much like the family entertainment areas of Pattaya, kinda the opposite of a temple area. lol


You witnessed this actual incident ?

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4 hours ago, TOPDOG1 said:

I observed this typical Thai reaction. The anti-senior sentiment is widespread. I won't go there unarmed ever again. About weekly I encountered a potentially violent reaction from the Thai Nationals. Also; disrespect and rudeness is quite common. I suspect it has a lot to do with jealousy. The Thai females almost exclusively prefer older American and European men. Who can blame them?


Rubbish. Next.

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6 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

reports of a few friends changing their minds is proof of nothing, and lets not forget most tourists do not spend their time on this forum or watching Thai TV   ( which actually might put a few off)    And as for those who decided to  choose Mexico as a safer option. well I  am actually lost for words.

Plenty of incidents happen here . nearly every day, but the tourists keep on coming in their millions, I think the Thais can be forgiven for not worrying about a few snowflakes.

You're missing the point. Attacks against foreigners, and robberies and murders, have been going on , escalating more to the present. There are people who will not come after hearing this, especially families with children. You can see the stats show it's down. People aren't "snowflakes" if they want a safe holiday. That's plain being smart. This forum, along with the news, gets out to hundreds of thousands of foreigners that are related to people here, and watch the TV and Yahoo news. Just my few friends telling me this means people are changing their minds, and that's only my friends. Tourists might not watch Thai TV or this forum, but they have friends and family here that do. The more crime increases against foreigners, and the less that's done about it, the less people will consider Thailand as a vacation destination and go elsewhere that has the same things. The ones that will continue to come here, as well as new ones, are the ones looking for sex from young girls cheap. The environmental damage from tourism will change minds also, and some places might end up being off limits eventually.

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4 hours ago, Dear Triangle said:

This has not been borne out through my own observations. For science, would you mind sharing where abouts you've seen this happening?


He's seen women that Thai men don't want with foreigners in tourist areas. That or ladies of the night plying their trade.

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9 hours ago, Expat Tom said:

You can't solve the problem by closing down Soi 6 or any of the other rat holes here.

The thugs will just show up someplace else. I have been here for longer than 10 years.

I am now working on my exit plan.....it is officially a sh#t hole with the three major tourism 

groups being, Russians, Chinese and Indians. Why do they all come to Thailand?

Simple, the other countries don't want them

Just admit you are skint Tom, its fine.

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13 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

1. Absent parents can't teach a boy how to be a man. Parents in the home who are irresponsible and only have children because they had sex. Parents who abuse, along with teachers who strike children with sticks when they're a little out of line. Violence is taught here daily by those who experienced the same thing growing up. Narcissistic parents who control to get a child to adhere to unrealistic expectations.


2. See #1.


3. See # 1 


4. See # 1.

As a non parent, I have long thought there should be some sort of qualification process for having kids. Don't just have them because you can. Have them after you demonstrate you are ready, willing and able to look after them. Otherwise, you are disqualified. 

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"Mr. Patipan stressed that eyewitnesses did not see the entire incident from the beginning and misunderstood the situation. He attempted to explain to the tourist, but the tourist ran away. Upon seeing news reports of the incident, Mr. Patipan contacted the police to clarify the events."


So the tourist ran away to ICU after being pushed to the ground and hitting his head, after pushing and shoving went on that wasn't witnessed. Sounds legit.

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Most but not all would put Sherlock Holmes to shame in you detective knowledge.

Holmes would advise that most you to go back and do what you are best at.

Bending your elbows, getting drunk and talking a lot of rubbish as you usually do.

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36 minutes ago, john donson said:

at what time did he go to... ahum... socialize with the ho's ?


maybe he thought he was a big dog and pissed on the wrong tree...

looks to be 11.22pm on the video.

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5 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

The “victim” lives here with a Thai wife.


Maybe. Her husband had gone out to socialize, assuming they live or stay in or around Pattaya. He's a Canadian national, which could mean they are on vacation back here and live in Canada. In any event, if they indeed live here somewhere, he probably won't go back to the bars in Pattaya.

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Just now, fredwiggy said:

Maybe. Her husband had gone out to socialize, assuming they live or stay in or around Pattaya. He's a Canadian national, which could mean they are on vacation back here and live in Canada. In any event, if they indeed live here somewhere, he probably won't go back to the bars in Pattaya.

No Fred, it has already been established that they live in Pattaya, and are regular golfers.

It has also been established that it was a single Thai security official that pushed him away after the drunken farang was getting in his face after having been politely asked to stop leaning on a car.


And it looks like the head wound was actually caused by the working girls who dropped him while trying to get him off the road.

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21 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

No Fred, it has already been established that they live in Pattaya, and are regular golfers.

It has also been established that it was a single Thai security official that pushed him away after the drunken farang was getting in his face after having been politely asked to stop leaning on a car.


And it looks like the head wound was actually caused by the working girls who dropped him while trying to get him off the road.

I read the story and watched the soundless video. Words were said, and the "bouncer" didn't like what was said, so he pushed him. The last time he fell. It doesn't say what the head wound was caused by, though the girl let go and his head fell back. I didn't see where he politely told the man not to lean on his car. The story also doesn't have where they live, unless you found more information on it. Words  can surely piss one off and want them to hit, but they would have to be personal attacks to enrage a normal man. The bouncer shoved the man first, then again. He hit his head on the last shove. The story and update does say he was a Canadian tourist. This is what you said earlier...................................

Maybe they have been watching the news of the riots back home and didn’t want to miss out?


I think there will be more to this incident than just leaning on a car. 

Thais just don’t go around bashing farangs for no reason.

Likely an assault on a female or not wanting to pay a bill followed by some mouthing off and drunkenness has caused this................ Assuming is more your style. I go by facts. This is also what you said...................The drunk Canadian fell over after being asked to get off somebody else’s car.


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10 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

No Fred, it has already been established that they live in Pattaya, and are regular golfers.

It has also been established that it was a single Thai security official that pushed him away after the drunken farang was getting in his face after having been politely asked to stop leaning on a car.


And it looks like the head wound was actually caused by the working girls who dropped him while trying to get him off the road.

i'd say possibly smacked the back of his head when he fell, but either way, he wasn't attacked by 'cowardly Thais' as the 7 pages of total fantasy posts and scenarios have suggested.

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14 minutes ago, Will B Good said:


The comments were hardly that surprising considering (even if inappropriate), the the report stated......


On the night of July 31, Mr Mark Robert Westendorf, a 65-year-old former oil company manager, was viciously attacked by men dressed as bouncers. Now, he lies in critical condition in a private hospital’s ICU, while his wife, Mrs Nongyao Panraksa, pleads for justice.

i have grown accustomed to not believing everything i read straight off the bat.

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13 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

A difference that was pointed out on this thread by Georgealbert more than six hours ago, but conveniently ignored by most posters.



I think it is fair to say that no one is, or ever could be, as diligent as you in reading through whole threads.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

As a non parent, I have long thought there should be some sort of qualification process for having kids. Don't just have them because you can. Have them after you demonstrate you are ready, willing and able to look after them. Otherwise, you are disqualified. 


Christ! Aren't you lucky that this lunatic "qualification process for having kids" wasn't a reality around the time you were being spawned.

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2 hours ago, frank83628 said:

so on the second page there is an update as to what happened and also cctv footage, but it's continued for a further 5 pages of people blaming the bouncers or Thais in general as cowards..


I would further say that the bouncers are unprofessional cowards.


Is that better?

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1 minute ago, NanLaew said:


Christ! Aren't you lucky that this lunatic "qualification process for having kids" wasn't a reality around the time you were being spawned.

Yes. And just FYI, it was a form of satire, however I think it is quite applicable in many situations. 

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