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Trump is getting torched in the polls


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6 hours ago, save the frogs said:

I have been predicting since the start that the shortest midget in the circus would win this.



Are you endorsing George Stephanopoulos?



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This isn't complicated.  Few Americans want Trump OR Harris.  Harris's support is those who hate Trump / Rs more than her - and Trump's support is those who hate Harris / Ds more than him. 


As for Trump, he betrayed his base on everything Americans who supported him voted for in 2016.  Then, he ran the Covid train-wreck - listened to the "experts," who are now proven liars - though anyone with the Internet could look up the sordid histories of the major players in that - and the histories of all his crappy deep-state hires from the start, as well. 


There was no point in the Trump presidency when he stood up to the "swamp" he promised to drain.  He caved every time, on every issue.  Worst of all, his "fans" cheered him screwing us over at every stage - making up the most ridiculous excuses - and they still are.  But, to spite his "fans," he lost to Biden because he sold out, and enough of his 2016 voters saw that, and didn't bother even voting in 2020.


"Vote for me and we can go back to not-as-bad," doesn't create the greatest "get out the vote" energy.  He can't work the border issue as well, because he said on video to "business leaders" (generally hated as traitors by the D and R bases), that he wants to hand out Green-Cards** to anyone who can get a 2-year community-college degree or better.  That means Americans can forget prosperous careers - EVERY type of career, from welder to doctor.  Such a bill would be harder for a D-President to get through Congress, so you vote for slightly less-bad, but get worse.


**(Green-Card = Permanent Residence in the USA - and just a few years to get citizenship, from there)

Edited by Rob Browder
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5 minutes ago, CharlieKo said:

She lost it already. With a VP candidate who's accused of stolen valour. How is she going to win. Unless the American voters have totally lost their minds, which isn't past the realms of reality, unfortunately!

Vs "Bone Spurs" draft-deferment Trump?  The Rs had a chance for a good candidate - solid on every conservative policy + a military-record - in DeSantis, but there were too many Trump "fan" fools in the R-Primary, who think this is some sort of "rah-rah my team" event - the sort who think WWF wrestling is "real."  Granted, the "Orange Man Bad" types are equally clueless - just flip the "face" and "heel" roles in the WWF-Ring.  American politics are a sad, sick joke, now.

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