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I Love Donald Trump


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19 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

I have never met the man but that does not stop me from going to social media to say he is great.


The man is flawed but his message and values and policies are great for USA and the World.


He is essentially 'anti-woke' and 'anti-globalist' and 'anti-progressive liberal' and 'anti-radical minority groups' who are tearing down western values and morals.

Plus he is going to 'drain the swamp' when he is elected POTUS - he was distracted and fooled last time - but this time he will hit the ground running and take them down.

Trying to get the alligators to voluntarily leave the swamp was foolish - the only solution is to drain the swamp and then permanently remove them. 

He is going to make Javier Milei (Argentina) look like a librarian - Trump is going to tear it all down so that they can never again re-buiild it.


Sure - if you are a woke liberal and you support Palestine, Illegal Immigrants and other radical minorities, and you are a globalist (socialist) who loves the UN and EU, and leaders like Macron, Trudea, Starmer, Scholz, and Albanese etc etc, and unelected socialists like Von Der Leyen, António Guterres and Schwab etc etc. -  then you will hate what Trump is going to do.  But I think that the majority are going to see through the media lies and how much a disaster another 4 (or even 8 ) years of Bidenomics would be. 


And best of all - he can dodge a bullet - even Reagan could not do that 😁


I love Donald Duck and Daffy and Goofy, too!

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38 minutes ago, Luuk Chaai said:

and it has already been documented ..    she cheated and was given "sample" questions .. that turned out to be the real deal..  not to mention a guarantee of no fact checking her,  and no bringing up the Biden/Harris failed policies that has put the American economy on it's heels...

You either made that up, or you believe an internet story.


But, all you are doing is admitting that Kamala Harris destroyed Trump in the debate.


"They're eating the dogs.


They're eating the cats".


Who's fault was it that Trump said that? The moderators?

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17 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

He has his flaws of that there is no denying - but the results speak for themselves - under Trump things were better and saner.

Under Biden/Harris the country has declined and it is getting worse  - the Dems are in 'election mode' and as you are saying they are hiding their true nature.  But if they are elected into Office they will go into 'power mode' again and implement more socialist left policies (especially the border and green BS).  Trump is open and direct - he is what he is - he will not lie to get into Office and then implement socialist dogma. Unlike most POTUS before him and since - when he was POTUS he did exactly what he said he was going to do - and he will do that again. 

Did Trump build the Wall? Did Mexico pay for it?


Was there a complete and total Muslim ban?


Did Trump balance the budget?


Trump lied, and you believed him. Trump couldn't even get our troops out of Afghanistan.



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18 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

In response to those who claim Trump has no policies :-


1 Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion

2 Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history

3 End inflation, and make America affordable again

4 Make America the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!


6 large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!

7 Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms

8 Prevent world war three, restore peace in Europe and in the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country -- all made in America

9 End the weaponization of government against the American people

10 Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders

11 Rebuild our cities, including Washington DC, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.

12 Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world

13 Keep the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency

14 Fight for and protect social security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age

15 Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations

16 Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children

17 Keep men out of women's sports

18 Deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again

19 Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship

20 Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success


Is that all ????

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12 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


Perhaps he didn't want to "pull a Biden"...


In other words no idea..  trump had four years to remove troops from Afghanistan. Yet another foreign policy failure. However, trump did unilaterally pull out of prior international agreements to the detriment of the USA for purely spiteful reasons.

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Don is a big mouth NYC real estate developer. Unless you have worked or been involved in the real estate development business, you wouldnt understand his schtick.


His policies are what I care about.

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Just now, Yagoda said:

Don is a big mouth NYC real estate developer. Unless you have worked or been involved in the real estate development business, you wouldnt understand his schtick.


His policies are what I care about.

He's actually a failed Big mouth New York real estate developer. He destroyed the business his father had so successfully built. Banks in New York refuse to lend to him because of his recklessness and poor negotiating skills.

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1 minute ago, placeholder said:

He's actually a failed Big mouth New York real estate developer. He destroyed the business his father had so successfully built. Banks in New York refuse to lend to him because of his recklessness and poor negotiating skills.

Banks in NY MIGHT refuse to lend to him for worries they will get dragged into lawfare.


Bet ya he could get $10 million on his signature alone in NY before you could.


Somehow I dont call the value of Mar a Lago, Bedminister and Trump Tower a failure. How many bedrooms you got in your house, Mr. CEO?

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1 minute ago, mdr224 said:

He was a success. You are a failure

Yep, dudes that live in one room in Patts on pensions out of Blighty at 800 quid a month and spend all day  drinking 50 cent beers explaining how Trump is a failure

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34 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

You either made that up, or you believe an internet story.


From Yahoo news:


ABC News has again insisted that no topics or questions were shared with either Vice President Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, and their respective campaigns, in advance of last week’s presidential debate.


The network’s statement came after it declined to directly address allegations—made in an allegedly sworn statement, purportedly by one of its staff—that it helped Harris in the debate.


The truth will come out, but it will be post election.


Wake up

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4 minutes ago, TigerandDog said:

as a non american looking at the US elections from the outside, the orange convicted felon has NO actual policies ONLY concepts of policies.  The fact that you replied to someone with "I did not ask you about Kamala Harris" is absolute proof of how brain washed you've become and are in fact a member of Chumps cult. As far as Harris' policies go, you can easily find them on the internet. Stop relying on Fox and the other media outlets that only report with bias on Chump. Try opening your mind to both sides instead of just being led by the nose by the cult leader. Harris smashed Chump in the debate.  All I can say is that if Chump wins the election America and the rest of the world will regret it. Also when he loses the election he will be spending a very long time in prison after he is sentenced for his 34 felony convictions and then found guilty and sentenced on his other criminal trials.

Fortunately for America you dont have a vote, and your opinion can be discarded

Edited by mdr224
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2 minutes ago, TigerandDog said:

as a non american looking at the US elections from the outside, the orange convicted felon has NO actual policies ONLY concepts of policies.  The fact that you replied to someone with "I did not ask you about Kamala Harris" is absolute proof of how brain washed you've become and are in fact a member of Chumps cult. As far as Harris' policies go, you can easily find them on the internet. Stop relying on Fox and the other media outlets that only report with bias on Chump. Try opening your mind to both sides instead of just being led by the nose by the cult leader. Harris smashed Chump in the debate.  All I can say is that if Chump wins the election America and the rest of the world will regret it. Also when he loses the election he will be spending a very long time in prison after he is sentenced for his 34 felony convictions and then found guilty and sentenced on his other criminal trials.


This is all caustic hyperbole and why non-americans shouldn't even be commenting on our politics.


Do realize that the United States has a lot of weight to throw around and people are genuinely interested and should be to a certain extent


But you know nothing about the country and nothing about the politics


What's worse you're just lazy. Plug in a few words into a search engine and wow you have Trump policy which has been out there for absolutely months


Meanwhile a large criticism of Kamala Harris is that she had no policy platform since forever. She's nothing about nothing. She is literally a cardboard figure propped up by the war machine, swamp and the blob


You're interested in Trump policy have a look




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6 minutes ago, TigerandDog said:

34 felony convictions


The felonies are interesting. These are actually bookkeeping misdemeanor charges that were elevated to a felony because of some mumbo-jumbo legal effort. The felony that elevated the misdemeanors to a felony was never specified at any time during the case.


If you think that is incorrect I challenge you to go out and find the specific felony charge that allowed the other charges to be elevated to felonies


Once he is run through that sham court and given a sentence it all can be appealed and just like every other conviction of all of his lawfare cases it will be appealed and tossed out


Moreover, the judge's daughter runs a political action committee has taken a huge amounts of money from democratic sources. The judge in this case is obviously biased and seem to be by a number of maneuvers in the court. Is known high contributor to the Democratic party.


Stay in your lane

Edited by Chadnik
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I think it's absolutely laughable that people from outside the United States would have all of these judgments about us politics


It's all just caustic hyperbole. Orange man bad, Trump's derangement syndrome.


Not one of you is criticizing any policy. Never


And it certainly never something like my country is impacted by the Trump administration in the past.. it's just orange man bad


The irony of course is UK and Australia completely falling apart faster than the US.


Just all about calling us all sorts of names including cultists


Very simple minded

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11 hours ago, Chadnik said:


There was a very long thread asking Harris supporters why they supported her candidacy. It became inflamed and Harris supporters unhinged. The thread ran about ten pages. Go have a look. In the end not one of them, not one poster came up with any sort of cogent set of ideas or policies that support Harris.




Last night on another caustic thread I had mentioned there was zero substance discussion about Trump and his policies.


If you Google:


aseannow.com: trump polices


you will only find one thread on this entire forum and that is dated back in mid June


So, while you call others unhinged you might want to reassess who is actually unhinged. The violence is and always has been on the Left.


Trump has a great many faults. Nevertheless, he will win and we are coming back with pitchforks and torches.


The Democratic party could have chosen RFK Jr or Gabbard. It went with Harris. The behind the scenes skullduggery that involved Bidens ouster - obama, pelosi and I believe even Hillary Clinton is documented. You lot are oblivious or it's a means to an end. I'm not sure which is worse


Second assassination attempt and the left just laughs.


His entire form is completely skewed to the left. I imagine it's suffered financially. Many old posters are gone. But we have new shadowy figures with special privileges


I wasn't a trump supporter but If they want him dead this bad - I'm 100% on board now.

Not sure why you sent this to me but quote someone else's post.


You are the confused soul tricked by Trump and now deflecting.

Pick anyone you want to vote for but use facts and not try to use people pointing out Trumps mental issues, lies and slanderous claims and name calling as a defense. You obviously don't check facts.


2 delusional fanatics that may have attempted an assination does not mean the left is supporting them or promoted them. You cherry picking singular incidence and paint everyone with the same brush. 

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26 minutes ago, Chadnik said:


From Yahoo news:


ABC News has again insisted that no topics or questions were shared with either Vice President Kamala Harris or Donald Trump, and their respective campaigns, in advance of last week’s presidential debate.


The network’s statement came after it declined to directly address allegations—made in an allegedly sworn statement, purportedly by one of its staff—that it helped Harris in the debate.


The truth will come out, but it will be post election.


Wake up

You woke up at 3 am Moscow time to post that nothingburger?

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17 minutes ago, Chadnik said:

I think it's absolutely laughable that people from outside the United States would have all of these judgments about us politics


It's all just caustic hyperbole. Orange man bad, Trump's derangement syndrome.


Not one of you is criticizing any policy. Never


And it certainly never something like my country is impacted by the Trump administration in the past.. it's just orange man bad


The irony of course is UK and Australia completely falling apart faster than the US.


Just all about calling us all sorts of names including cultists


Very simple minded

Right. The West is falling apart, but Russia is strong.

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16 minutes ago, Chadnik said:

I think it's absolutely laughable that people from outside the United States would have all of these judgments about us politics


It's all just caustic hyperbole. Orange man bad, Trump's derangement syndrome.


Not one of you is criticizing any policy. Never


And it certainly never something like my country is impacted by the Trump administration in the past.. it's just orange man bad


The irony of course is UK and Australia completely falling apart faster than the US.


Just all about calling us all sorts of names including cultists


Very simple minded

Tariffs and foreign policy are 2 examples that have been criticised by me and others regularly. Best not say things in absolutes like 'never'. How is Australia falling apart by the way. I agree Americas's economy is stronger than the UK and Australia and Biden gets to take credit for that. 

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6 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Right. The West is falling apart, but Russia is strong.

america is on the brink of civil war, russia is increasing its territory

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36 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

Banks in NY MIGHT refuse to lend to him for worries they will get dragged into lawfare.


Bet ya he could get $10 million on his signature alone in NY before you could.


Somehow I dont call the value of Mar a Lago, Bedminister and Trump Tower a failure. How many bedrooms you got in your house, Mr. CEO?


Actually this is or was a thing.


A number of developers were extremely worried in New York City due to the lawsuit and subsequent decision.


From most unhinged liberal us media..





Landlord, NY Judge no Trump fan



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41 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

Banks in NY MIGHT refuse to lend to him for worries they will get dragged into lawfare.


Bet ya he could get $10 million on his signature alone in NY before you could.


Somehow I dont call the value of Mar a Lago, Bedminister and Trump Tower a failure. How many bedrooms you got in your house, Mr. CEO?

It's an interesting question how well I would do. Now if only my father had left me $450 million dollars I could better answer that. 

I hope I wouldn't get out-negotiated the way Trump did on so many deals. It was Trump's inability to pay back loans from the banks that led to the boycott.

Not lawsuits.

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