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Are these people stark raving mad?


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6 hours ago, rasg said:

It's going to get very ugly but not in the way you think. Which crimes are you referring to, by the way? Do you mean the supposed rape of E Jean Carroll where the jury awarded $85 million dollars to a woman who could even remember the year or month that the rape supposedly took place? She'd had made at least six similar allegations too over the years against others.

How about the one where Trump house was raided? That case was thrown out. How many non crimes do you think it takes before a rational person would think, "there is something off with all of these allegations"? Some decades old. Why this year just before an election? Use some critical thinking. It will help you no end. I guarantee that each and every one of the cases against Trump will be won on appeal.

No. The billions he stole from small contractors, the hundreds of millions he stole from a fake degree program at Trump University, the hundreds of millions in deposits he stole from the Trump Soho project. I could go on all day. 


Denying the man is a criminal, is about a futile a task as one can take on. 

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20 minutes ago, theshu25 said:

About as blatant the disgusting Fox Channel promoting the disgusting orange grifting theiving conmans every word and endevours.


The real danger Fox offers is what they DO NOT SHOW.  They do not show the MAGA crowd breaking windows, running through the Capitol building, that clown at Pelosi's desk; when they sort of covered the January 6 hearings they blurred out the screen in the House chamber showing the assault.  They may not cover anything scandalous regarding GOP/MAGA, I get the impression they didn't report the Boebert stick-shift incident

The reason DT flipped about Fox a few days ago is they said something unfavorable about him, and he can't handle that.


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14 hours ago, cdemundo said:

I have my doubts.

The fantasists who like to imagine killing unarmed people with their firearms would not have the steel in their spine to oppose law enforcement or military forces.

Like 12 year olds they like to imagine themselves fighting for all that is good (in their mind) but actually showing up and putting themselves in harms way?

I just have my doubts.

Thanks for expressing exacty how I see it as well.

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13 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

I understand your thoughts but when you get high numbers encouraging each other convincing themselves they are on the side of right then it is likely. 
we will find out in a couple of months.


The Ununited States of America. 
Probably a good idea just to decide the country into two or more. 

So many died for the unification. Why suggest a split just becase we oppose the other side politically?

Get real, we are all still just the same only acting out a preference.

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6 hours ago, rasg said:

It's going to get very ugly but not in the way you think. Which crimes are you referring to, by the way? Do you mean the supposed rape of E Jean Carroll where the jury awarded $85 million dollars to a woman who could even remember the year or month that the rape supposedly took place? She'd had made at least six similar allegations too over the years against others.

How about the one where Trump house was raided? That case was thrown out. How many non crimes do you think it takes before a rational person would think, "there is something off with all of these allegations"? Some decades old. Why this year just before an election? Use some critical thinking. It will help you no end. I guarantee that each and every one of the cases against Trump will be won on appeal.

You seem really distressed today. So much happened so long ago, that you are now whailing away! Where were you then?

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22 hours ago, harryviking said:

When you have politicians not responding to the voice

of the people and the people feel threatened by illegal migrants that no one have any control over, they get desperate and join the only ones that seems to react against the government, the Right Wing Groups! The same is now happening in Europe!! If the useless and spineless politicians do not change their way, they might be in for an unpleasant surprize very soon! The first one being a certain Yellow man winning the election exactly because of this.

I don't remember inviting Vikings into England way back when. Rape, mass pillage, destruction was all they brought. Probably ate all the pets too.

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10 hours ago, BarraMarra said:

yes but they don't turn up in full battle dress trying to storm the House of Commons because they lost an Election.

They are stark raving mad.

If Trump does win, they will feel empowered.

Trump is not stark raving mad but he knows he needs these people on side to win so he will promise them what they want, or at least allude to giving them what they want.

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