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14-Year-Old Girl Fatally Stabs Grandmother Following Heated Argument


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8 hours ago, gargamon said:

There's just no respect for the elderly any more. It's becoming more and more like the west every day.

How can you respect someone that frequently abuse you. Physical abuse is physical damaging but psychological abuse is damaging psychologically & can lead to incidents like this.

I am not saying that the killing should be accepted but there should be a real investigation on both the attacker & the attached.

Alcohol abuse leads to psychological impact of the mind.

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9 hours ago, Georgealbert said:

An incident occurred in Bangkok on September 23, when a 14-year-old girl fatally stabbed her grandmother following a heated argument. The grandmother, known for her alcohol abuse, had been verbally abusive toward the girl and her younger brother, often accusing them of being orphans. The constant conflict between them tragically culminated in violence.

Surely, this type of attitude being reckless and irresponsible and acting aggressively so quickly is being taught in school and by parents. letting kids do what they want without punishment and not being taught what is right and wrong are increasing this problem exponentially of kill without remorse rather than finding a peaceful resolution. 

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Looks like granny had a problem with the bottle. A nasty piece of work taking out her craziness on her grand daughter who, at 14, would have been having emotional problems of her own when her unfortunate history is observed

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9 hours ago, motdaeng said:


did you read the report? clearly not.

it's really sad that something like this has happened.


by the way, respect is a two-way street.

Absolute BS….alcoholism caused this death….Grandma caused her own demise….grandpa probably a drunk also and without a backbone…


30 crappy years together….quality over quantity any day 

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One would have to assume that Grandma must have been pretty nasty to this kid to compel her to stab her eight times, that sounds like it was a very vengeful murder. Grandmothers need to remember to be nice to their grandchildren. Ha! 

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9 hours ago, motdaeng said:

did you read the report? clearly not.

it's really sad that something like this has happened.


by the way, respect is a two-way street.


14 minutes ago, cardinalblue said:

Absolute BS….alcoholism caused this death….Grandma caused her own demise….grandpa probably a drunk also and without a backbone…


30 crappy years together….quality over quantity any day 


... are you calling my post an absolute BS? ... if so, please can you explain, thank you.


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10 hours ago, gargamon said:

There's just no respect for the elderly any more. It's becoming more and more like the west every day.

Seems that some elderly have no respect for the generation that they are charged with raising, either.  Why does an old drunk, abusive woman deserve respect?

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4 hours ago, gargamon said:

I never saw anywhere in the article said she was an alcoholic. She enjoyed a daily drink, like many on this board.

...and that resulted in her abusing the children on a regular basis, unlike those on this forum.   Although it was not specifically stated, it is not unreasonable to presume, from the evidence, that she was an alcoholic.

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10 hours ago, gargamon said:

There's just no respect for the elderly any more. It's becoming more and more like the west every day.

The elderly? Mrs. Rattanaporn, 48....

So she became a grandma at 34.... Been with her husband for over 30 years, so since she was under 18, and he's not the grandfather of the kids, meaning there was someone else when she was even younger?

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2 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

Mrs. Rattanaporn, 48....

So she became a grandma at 34.... Been with her husband for over 30 years, so since she was under 18, and he's not the grandfather of the kids, meaning there was someone else when she was even younger?

So what?

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10 hours ago, gargamon said:

There's just no respect for the elderly any more. It's becoming more and more like the west every day.


When you insist Respect for the elderly, the old(er) people better  have the level of human quality(good character, morality, and wisdom etc)

enough to earn respect from the young(er).


Being old alone does not really deserve it.

Just like being a customer would not give us any rights to blame shop assistants while they are doing the right thing.


If someone demands the respect while doing the terribly wrong things(repeatedly or often), it is what they call Karen Attitude now-days.


I am no longer a young man, but still strongly believe it.


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grandmother, known for her alcohol abuse, had been verbally abusive toward the girl and her younger brother, often accusing them of being orphans...


a 14-year-old girl fatally stabbed her grandmother...



Being bullied for months or years...        She then finally cracked...

image.png.2a61c93a97d6df3016a1fb14bcd92121.png     image.jpeg.53c28ae1c706a6b29d47c32e549753f2.jpeg    image.jpeg.fcb0495d68caa4f0bb7a62fc76cb508b.jpeg


Ther perfect example of the Instant Karma.  Or What?

One stupid drunk  b*tch simply brought a young girl to the boiling  point she could no longer put up with.

I feel really sorry for that child who has been suffering chronical verbal and mental abuse.

I this case, the killer is the real victim; and the killed is the real offender.

Looks like that way to me.

During the legal process, hope that should be taken into great account.


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A Neighbour , Mrs. Jannapa, 52, who lived in the same building, described the victim as someone who enjoyed drinking but generally had a good heart...



The neighbor was lucky; she did not have to see  another face of the dead grandmother constantly insulting the young child for something she cannot help(abandonded by own mother).


I  don't  believe  a man/woman of good heart would repeatedly/constantly abuse the less fortunate vulnerable people.

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With the alleged verbal abuse I would expect the child to be angry, but to repeatedly stick a knife into someone, something has to be mentally wrong with her. I mean, there's no way I could ever imagine going through the act of shoving a knife into a human being, let alone my own grandmother. Most normal people I'm sure would cringe at the thought of even punching someone else. The child in my opinion is a danger and should be kept away from the public.

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2 minutes ago, jesimps said:

With the alleged verbal abuse I would expect the child to be angry, but to repeatedly stick a knife into someone, something has to be mentally wrong with her. 


Could happen to anyone.

Even a sane one could act like the insane depending on the situation(badly mentally oppressed  for the prolonged period of time in the unescapable environment).

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9 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

Why should age command respect?

Respect is earnt by being a decent person. 

Certainly no respect due in this case where the Grandma is an alcoholic and abuses the kids.

verbal abuse does not warrant being stabbed multiple times by a 30cm knife

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I've seen this toxic situation in Scotland - the woman involved was just pure evil. I've seen similar but not as bad as the first woman I mentioned. Here's the problem - those of us lucky enough to be brought up in functional families find it hard to wrap our heads around this level of toxicity. It's beyond our comprehension - until you see it. 


In Thailand, an ex-girlfriend ( who I met in Scotland ) lost her mother for ten years as she stabbed her father to death after yet another alcohol fuelled beating. Her grandmother was disabled, but took her and her brother in. From the age of four, my ex ended up the primary carer for her grandmother and brother. At age four...............


My ex said that Morning Glory to this day is her favourite food as she could forage for it to ensure no one starved. Does this sound like a Dickensian novel? It was only the 1990's. When her Mum returned from jail after being pardoned, as I said, ten years later, she cried for days at the state of her family. My girlfriend hit me with one of the most unforgettable lines I have ever heard: 


"I know how to be poor, I've been poor my whole life." 


She was lovely, funny, actually hilarious. However, she was also an alcoholic, something I didn't spot for a few weeks. You need to be touched in the head to continue a new relationship with an alcoholic - especially the toxic type ( not all alcoholics are toxic as we know ). 


My ex said her grandmother was kind and lovely, just incapable. But she made sure the kids lived in a happy, safe home. 


That was clearly denied to this young girl. I see some of you saying "she must be mentally ill, she stabbed her gran 8 times." Nah, she wasn't mentally ill. 


Her inner bast*rd had had enough. We all have an inner bast*rd, it's just that some of us don't get driven to the point when the inner bast*rd emerges. I don't blame this kid. I hope now people step forward and show her a new way of living life. I wish her happiness.  

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3 hours ago, brfsa2 said:

Good riddance. VERY good riddance and well done. I just hope she doesnt go to jail for doing the right thing.

Some old people think they are gods just because they are old, that younger people need to submit to their BS. 


so in your opinion "verbal abuse " warrants being stabbed to death

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3 minutes ago, Bravefart said:

so in your opinion "verbal abuse " warrants being stabbed to death


Are your trying to be smart? Goading and provocation are long established defences under British common law. That standard common law is applied in many other countries. In the USA, it's used as a mitigating factor. 


So, yes - verbal abuse can lead to murder and the perpetrator can use the verbal abuse as a defence and mitigating factor. 

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