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14-Year-Old Girl Fatally Stabs Grandmother Following Heated Argument


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9 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

Why should age command respect?

Respect is earnt by being a decent person. 

Certainly no respect due in this case where the Grandma is an alcoholic and abuses the kids.

Respect for you elders is a cornerstone of society.

Usually Thais have it in abundance but not this time.

The young girl didn't just lunge at Grandma with a knife,she read went to town on her.

Very,very sad because a crime like this ruins a lot more lives than just the victim.

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9 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

And that is just one of the problems with the education system.

It is supposed to be free.

No winners in this story.

Everyone is a victim.

Education is free. However uniforms are not. When my son was at school he had 5 white shirts, 5 blue shorts, 2 tracksuit tops and bottoms, 3 pairs of plimsolls (1 for sports), and at 1 point, scout uniform.


The shirts had the school name embroidered on them and his name had to be embroidered as well, the track suits had the school name on them too.


He grew out of the uniforms every year or 2 and wore the shoes out about twice a year.


He also had to have a back pack with the school name on it.


Add to that I used to give him pocket money, starting at around 20 thb a day and in his last year in M6 he was on 100 thb a day.


Back in the UK there used to be jumble sales and a shop that bought and sold old school clothes provided that they were washed, clean and in good repair.


Nothing like that at the schools my son went to in Thailand.


That is one reason why education in Thailand is expensive. Just wait until you see the cost of uniforms and the list of requirements at an international school, and boarding schools are even more expensive.

Edited by billd766
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13 hours ago, gargamon said:

There's just no respect for the elderly any more. It's becoming more and more like the west every day.

There are limits to what some people can take from an abusive elderly person! Sadly it was a 14 year old girl this time! Many elderly can be damn evil at times! Age does not matter! After decades having to do with Thailand, I have seen only respect to elderly from youngsters. 

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14 hours ago, Georgealbert said:

The victim’s daughter, the mother of the suspect, had abandoned her children shortly after their birth, leaving them to be raised by the grandmother. The victim was known for her daily drinking habits, which often led to arguments with her granddaughter. Though the conflicts were frequent, he never expected such violence. He confirmed that the victim had a history of verbally abusing the children, particularly when intoxicated.


All you really need to know.


14 hours ago, Georgealbert said:

She had sustained eight stab wounds: three to her neck, one to her back, and four to her stomach.


I'm guessing the back one was first, from behind, then in the neck as she turned, then the stabs to the stomach when she was already lying on the floor.  A real frenzied and sustained attack.


What's really sad is that the girl is already a victim of her circumstances (abandonment, abuse, etc.), and she's just added a load more trauma and challenge to her life.

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Very sad !


Unfortunately very common,

My nephew got a young girl pregnant, as soon as the baby was born it was dumped on grandmother, never visited her or pays for maintenance, nephew visits once or twice a year, so next to no contact from both parents, 

Such a sad start to life!


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16 hours ago, gargamon said:

There's just no respect for the elderly any more. It's becoming more and more like the west every day.

A few years ago, I saw an young school girl give the finger to a much older woman and I was shocked.  Known Thailand since 1970.  Never thought I would see that.

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1. Respect for the elderly and the superiors (monks, the King and Monarchy, etc.) is part of the South-East Asian culture and is not bound to "earned respect" as in the Western countries.
Any citizen will crawl on the floor for the Monarchy, weither the respect is earned or not in your opinion.
Failing to do this will get you upto 18 years behind bars.

2. "A neighbour , Mrs. Jannapa, 52, who lived in the same building, described the victim as someone who enjoyed drinking but generally had a good heart."
The "victim" was a woman who generally had a good heart, but taking care of someone elses children and try to raise them with the little or none support from a RICH GOVERNMENT, would make anybody angry.
Why can Thailand not provide FREE school for their children despite making zillions of baht from their citizens and the foreigners?
Are they not worth it?
A TRUE third world attitude.

3. "She added that the granddaughter was polite and obedient, although she had only completed her education up to the sixth grade due to financial difficulties. Neighbours huad attempted to help the girl continue her studies, but her grandfather could not afford the school fees."
"School" is free in a Govoernment school.
But to increase their tutors wage and the school boards luxury life style, TUTORING is not free and can be higher as in a private school.
In the school where my daughter used to go, the Thai department was free.
But the uniforms, tutoring material (books and other material), after classes tutoring, school projects, etc.  WERE NOT!!!!
Many students had to leave the school because their parents of their caretakers could not afford the high prices.

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22 hours ago, steven100 said:

There  ....  take that granny ... you won't be abusing us again now will you    !!


This is very common in Thailand. The grandparents are responsible for the grandchildren while the parents go to work in Bangkok or overseas. In this case it is very sad because the mother abandoned the children. That must have caused some serious mental issues with the kids.

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22 hours ago, gargamon said:

There's just no respect for the elderly any more. It's becoming more and more like the west every day.

is it really a case of lack of respect ?   don't thnk so

 Everybody,,, and I do mean everybody has a different set of limits and can only be pushed so far before some form of action is taken

seems the compilation of factors this young child had to endure caused her to hit that limit and snap. 

Seems fair to assess that lack of a complete formal education and a loving family and social bond  combined with the general cultural  acceptance of low values placed on human life contributed to a terrible outcome. 

Mother dumped the kids on grandma .( plus deadbeat dad ) Grandma and Grandpa left holding the bag..seems  Grandma didn't do too good of a job raising the kids mother, now she stuck with double duty and acting out in her way / drinking and verbally abusive while her husband appears to be not able to intervene and control Granny.. and look at the outcome

This movie would give Physco a run for it's money.


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On 9/23/2024 at 3:20 PM, gargamon said:

There's just no respect for the elderly any more. It's becoming more and more like the west every day.

This was a nice troll. Got a lot of bites

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5 hours ago, GoodieAfterDark said:


This is very common in Thailand. The grandparents are responsible for the grandchildren while the parents go to work in Bangkok or overseas. In this case it is very sad because the mother abandoned the children. That must have caused some serious mental issues with the kids.

yes,  I agree ...  we can't even begin to imagine our mum leaving us,  that would be heartbreaking and affect one's mental state for sure.  

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On 9/24/2024 at 8:47 AM, Tropicalevo said:

And that is just one of the problems with the education system.

It is supposed to be free.

No winners in this story.

Everyone is a victim.

I hate to disagree - but the girl and her brother are winners, because now, they will not be abused again.

I also notice that the girl's mother was not mentioned other than that she abandoned them. 

How about the police dragging her into the equation?

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13 hours ago, Confuscious said:

1. Respect for the elderly and the superiors (monks, the King and Monarchy, etc.) is part of the South-East Asian culture and is not bound to "earned respect" as in the Western countries.
Any citizen will crawl on the floor for the Monarchy, weither the respect is earned or not in your opinion.
Failing to do this will get you upto 18 years behind bars.

2. "A neighbour , Mrs. Jannapa, 52, who lived in the same building, described the victim as someone who enjoyed drinking but generally had a good heart."
The "victim" was a woman who generally had a good heart, but taking care of someone elses children and try to raise them with the little or none support from a RICH GOVERNMENT, would make anybody angry.
Why can Thailand not provide FREE school for their children despite making zillions of baht from their citizens and the foreigners?
Are they not worth it?
A TRUE third world attitude.

3. "She added that the granddaughter was polite and obedient, although she had only completed her education up to the sixth grade due to financial difficulties. Neighbours huad attempted to help the girl continue her studies, but her grandfather could not afford the school fees."
"School" is free in a Govoernment school.
But to increase their tutors wage and the school boards luxury life style, TUTORING is not free and can be higher as in a private school.
In the school where my daughter used to go, the Thai department was free.
But the uniforms, tutoring material (books and other material), after classes tutoring, school projects, etc.  WERE NOT!!!!
Many students had to leave the school because their parents of their caretakers could not afford the high prices.


Simply because it is not the real concern to the 0.1% of the nation that rule the politics and finance of the country.


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Abandoned by their own mother, then abused by a drunken Grandmother, add in the stresses associated with teenage years, and these kids never had a chance. This family (I use that term very lightly) created this outcome, now society has to deal with what is now a very dangerous little girl, what a mess.

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  On 9/24/2024 at 7:59 AM, nakhonandy said:

Why should age command respect?

Respect is earnt by being a decent person. 

Certainly no respect due in this case where the Grandma is an alcoholic and abuses the kids.



100% agree.

Respect comes from own behavior.

Certainly not an automatic or unconditional thing.

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13 hours ago, thaipo7 said:

A few years ago, I saw an young school girl give the finger to a much older woman and I was shocked.  Known Thailand since 1970.  Never thought I would see that.

I see it many times in my daughter's school here. Besides the farang calling, some will give you the finger. Girls and boys. No respect for elders, let alone foreigners. taught by ignorant, jealous locals who know their own family are a mess. Another thing I see, daily, are boys kicking, punching and hitting girls outside the classrooms while their teachers are sitting inside on their phones. They let them walk around the school grounds during classes. This is how boys learn to degrade women. They see this in their own homes, and their friends doing it, so follow with this behavior when they get to be teens, then adults. Another of the many reasons I will leave here asap with my daughter.

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46 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

I hate to disagree - but the girl and her brother are winners, because now, they will not be abused again.

I also notice that the girl's mother was not mentioned other than that she abandoned them. 

How about the police dragging her into the equation?

The girl might have gotten rid of an abusive grandma, but she will never let what she did go in her mind. As she gets older, she will understand there are better ways to solve this kind of problem and will always remember she killed her own grandma. Hundreds of thousands of children here are left to their own devices and grandmas house and have an uphill battle from the start. Boys get into gangs, hurt and kill others. Girls end up promiscuous having no fathers guidance and love. Many end up in jail ,prostitution and drugs because they have low self esteem from not being taken care of in their formative years. These kids aren't winners by any means. Everyone loses here.

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19 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

One would have to assume that Grandma must have been pretty nasty to this kid to compel her to stab her eight times, that sounds like it was a very vengeful murder. Grandmothers need to remember to be nice to their grandchildren. Ha! 


You'll notice that teachers don't get stabbed when they verbally abuse 14 year-olds, so it's obvious that Wan Kru works. The government could easily nip this sort of extreme disrespect for the elderly in the bud by initiating a national Wan Yai day instead of celebrating living and dead deities.

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This Grandma was raising these kids because they were left by their parents. Did any of you poster read that part of this tragic story.

  Would you boose hounds be any different if your senier years were affected like this grandmas were?

  Oh right you forgot to read the whold story. Carry on...

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Just now, Stargeezr said:

This Grandma was raising these kids because they were left by their parents. Did any of you poster read that part of this tragic story.

  Would you boose hounds be any different if your senier years were affected like this grandmas were?

  Oh right you forgot to read the whold story. Carry on...

This happens to over 35% of the children here. Many of them grow up disrespectful, in jail, on drugs, promiscuous , in gangs or drunks driving scooters. Some end up okay. Most don't turn to killing their family. Its a tragic situation where a girl was likely abused and took it too far. No one stepped in to help, as is the case everywhere. If my children left their children because they didn't care to take care of their kids in my care, as grandpa, (my ex girlfriend did with our daughter), I would take care of them without abuse, so they would have a chance. You can surely push most anyone to homicide if they are constantly abused, and this girl will now pay for her crime. Lasting memories.

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