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3 year old Thai girl sexually assaulted by foreign man in Phuket


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2 hours ago, Oliver Holzerfilled said:

Note to the RTP just as an FYI, not saying you should do this.  Here's how USA police arrest child predators -

Post up one officer whose only job is to repeatedly yell "STOP RESISTING" while blocking any camera shots from onlookers.   This allows the rest of the officers go to work "subduing" the "uncooperative" suspect.  These child sex offenders are dangerous and have nothing to lose so often a lot of force is needed.

That's bs 

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1 hour ago, shackleton said:

All I will say on this. Matter if the guy involved is found guilty of this disgusting act on a 3 year old girl 

He should suffer the consequences and get a long jail term here in Thailand 

Send out a message to others perverts ect 

Who come to Thailand thinking of doing the same to children 

Let the police do their job and catch this offender according to the reports They are well on their way having CCTV footage ect   

They can start in the country with the thais that do this every day in the schools across the country rather than transferring them to another position or let them off with a wai and some tribute money.

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4 hours ago, Babasino said:

As it said the man is 45, enter the country 8.December, and his visa expire March 2025?

What kind of visa has he? Can somebody  explain?  Can't be retirement visa.


Anyway he propably will stay for ever in Thailand....in Thai jail there the rip off his a.........

what's that got to do with this article...

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2 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

Nobody said he was operating the bike.  Looks like the accused is riding away on a moto-taxi.

Looks like they are both at the cop shop, one large guy, grey T-shirt, and the skinny driver. Strange only one is mentioned, and only one pixeled out not the pillion. 

Edited by brianthainess
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3 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

Can she use that "power"  whenever she feels  it is appropriate regardless of who the perpetrator is.  Or , would she have to seek permission from a higher authority  if there was the slightest chance "racial sensitivities" might be upset. Like in Rotherham for example.   The UK is hardly a shining example in these matters 

   There may well be dedicated officers like your daughter , but often the directors or other senior managers  of social services are dancing to a completely different tune

Obviously I dont know the full extent of her powers, she can and does get called out in the night were they can take the kids and place them in special units, in this case it would be her and making the reports and the kid would be the number one priority, 

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11 minutes ago, ModdaPunk said:

Funny how the capitalist West destroys the mental sanity of its people and then unloads the trash in emerging countries. I don't think I've met a farang here that ain't a complete weirdo regardless of his / her wealth. Thailand has it all: the mental sick, the physically disabled, the poor, the criminal, the old bum... A real landfill.

Michael Jackson song I'm starting with the man in the mirror ring ant bells for you ?

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38 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

3 yr old ... that's pretty sick

but why are the parents leaving their 3 yr old with this guy?

that's negligence


It is explained in the article where the parents are.

Both seem to be in jail.

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Just for the sake of argument ... my daughter is 3 years old, and she often says some outlandish stuff that isn't true. So and so hit me (it didn't happen). Or whatever. In one case my daughter had a scrape on her head from an encounter with the edge of her crib, and she said her mom's boyfriend did it.  But later she said it was the crib. My point is only that not everything a toddler says should be believed completely. I understand there is other evidence, but a lot of it is circumstantial or hearsay, or based on statements made by somebody else who might also have a reason to be dishonest. A DNA test, administered by qualified professionals and using solid chain-of-custody practices, would be a lot more reliable than any other evidence that I have seen mentioned yet. 

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6 minutes ago, Dave0206 said:

Michael Jackson song I'm starting with the man in the mirror ring ant bells for you ?

There's another kiddie fiddler who's wealth  enabled him to get away with it!   He even had his own private fairground for gods sake but for years nothing was said,   Shocking 

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4 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

To be accurate: a Thai man saying the girl said the foreign man assaulted her is the only evidence that we know of. It could very well be that the Thai man himself did it and trying to pin it on the foreigner. Also it could very well be that the police have DNA or other evidence that they haven't announced to the public. The word of a third party who didn't witness the event himself should definitely not be enough to convict - hopefully they conduct a proper investigation for DNA etc.

Hopefully, as two other persons were also present along with the phished up Aunt.

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1 hour ago, Aussie999 said:

what's that got to do with this article...

Its bizarre that some are so concerned about his visa status  , especially as its clearly stated in the op and is totally irrelevant. Likewise his nationality should be of little interest

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6 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

Whoever allowed that child to go with her aunty after the parents were jailed need to be investigated seems to me no proper assessment was done

seems to me that no assessment is required here when its "just " a case of leaving a kid with a  family member  However a friend and his wife are trying to legally adopt and they are having to jump through hoops which I guess is a good thing , however the authorities greatest concern is his financial status 

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37 minutes ago, kwak250 said:

Did you even read the article?

Some get so excited over the headlines they just have to say something, the contents of the article are secondary.  especially with emotive subjects like this.  

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This kind of crime is unspeakable. Whoever did it deserves...imagination is the limit....However. It is possible that someone else did commit that crime and coerced the gir, somehow,l on blaming the american. Just hope that justice (true justice) will be done.

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The poor little girl is the one who will suffer for the rest of her life...I hope, somehow, somewhere, she will get the help, support and care she deserves.

The person (or persons) that orchestrated this will and should, suffer forever.

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4 hours ago, save the frogs said:

3 yr old ... that's pretty sick

but why are the parents leaving their 3 yr old with this guy?

that's negligence


The parents are locked up.

The evil aunt is the caretaker, pimp.

Whoever did this needs to pay for the crime.

I hope proper justice is the outcome however, unless there is scientific evidence to prove guilt the yank is duckszit.

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11 hours ago, Patong2021 said:


Yes. A medical exam by people trained in treating sexual assault.

You readily accepted one Thai man's statement as a reliable statement.  Had you taken the time to read the original  article before your rush to judgement, you would have seen the following;

The medical team have not yet confirmed the sexual assault or provided an update on her condition.


It is only in the second article that there is a confirmation of injury. For all you actually know,  someone else could have been the rapist. Children can be threatened and intimidated into changing their version of events, especially if the perpetrator is family member or a neighbour.

Before condemning people, reliable evidence should be gathered, including semen and pubic hair collection. Rapists  often leave this behind. Have you not learnt anything from the too frequent blaming of Burmese people for local murders that a case should always be investigated and facts established?







Absolutely correct,


Far too many of the ' hang em high ' brigade on here without knowing the circumstances or facts.


I would want far more details before rushing to judgement, especially taking the word of a local, who probably joins in the drinking games with the rest of them.


I am not saying it didn't happen, but a wait and see the full facts approach is necessary.



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16 hours ago, Gobbler said:


I wouldn't talk to the police. He's American. He's an expat.  He should know better than to talk to the police here or sign any document.

It's interesting about that. I'd agree with you that he should know better. It's drilled into Americans like we can all repeat the Miranda warning word for word! "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law...") I've met a lawyer just recently who has practiced for 20+ years and has defended many clients in sex crimes as well. But regardless of the crime, he told me that it is a VERY rare person who can keep their mouth shut and most people say things that they shouldn't and can be used against them, even innocent people. The police can be very good at questions that lead a person to say stupid things that they wouldn't otherwise ever say. Or they might give perfectly good answers, but they could look bad and appear to be incriminating even though one is completely innocent. Best policy, shut up and don't talk to ANYONE except your lawyer.

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