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Any benefits in antibiotics

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4 minutes ago, how241 said:

If you don't mind taking a bunch of pills you can get nearly 100% protection against getting HIV  and about 60%-75% protection against Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis.  Also throw in some acyclovir or similar for herpes protection.  Personally, I would just use a condom.  I know some will say they can't enjoy with a condom but it seems like a lot of stress on your body, kidneys, to take all these pills just to have condom free sex.  As always, to each their own.  

thing is a lot of old fellas don't use condoms, of course claim they do

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1 hour ago, jimn said:

Don't fall for it @Sherylthe OP is a notorious troll in Asean Now, normally in the pub section. He regularly posts nonsense just to get a reaction. I am surprised he hasn't been blocked by now.

It's actually a good question he asked, you just don't understand it

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12 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

thing is a lot of old fellas don't use condoms, of course claim they do

I am old fella. No condom sex was no big deal except for pregnancy considerations until the Herpes scare (at least in the US) of the early 80's and then HIV. So either sex with condom or without condom until then was no big deal.


If an older guy now chooses to use a condom fine but certainly it would not be by one who would not remember or know the difference.

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14 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Time and time again I see posts on different forums mostly from those going to Asia for a vacation about taking antibiotics BEFORE a trip there,even though they have no illness 


Is there any benefit to it?


The guys that do this got their medical training from Facebook University. 

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14 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Time and time again I see posts on different forums mostly from those going to Asia for a vacation about taking antibiotics BEFORE a trip there,even though they have no illness 


Is there any benefit to take antibiotics such as doxycycline, Cephalexin etc before going to Asia say on your 2 week vacation ?


I know some of you do it ,may I ask if you do ,have  you have found you don't get sick perhaps by taking antibiotics before travelling?


Is there any benefit to it?


Really a question. Maybe all those antibiotics are a hoax, just a made up thing to earn much money. And make share holders happy. In reality they produce only smarties. 

Admins.....please create a special section. It's urgent! 👍

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3 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

Really a question. Maybe all those antibiotics are a hoax, just a made up thing to earn much money. And make share holders happy. In reality they produce only smarties. 

Admins.....please create a special section. It's urgent! 👍

How little you know

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49 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Which is why STD'S run rampant here

Not quite, not using a condom you may not pick something up for several months but you will eventually. I've told a couple of girls i got an STI from them told them what they need to take but they just deny it, so i gave up telling them, anyway since using Doxy PEP it's not been an issue

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Just now, scubascuba3 said:

Not quite, not using a condom you may not pick something up for several months but you will eventually. I've told a couple of girls i got an STI from them told them what they need to take but they just deny it, so i gave up telling them, anyway since using Doxy PEP it's not been an issue

Not quite what? STD's are extremely high here, as this is a sex capital. Being in denial or just randomly taking drugs to try and prevent STD spread is a very stupid idea. If you're going to have sex, and PrEP was designed for those having sex with men, it's still safer to use a condom, unless you like playing Russian Roulette with your health, along with other's health you have sex with after. Of course many who have sex with prostitutes aren't thinking of anyone's health in the first place. Many people die each year thinking they are somehow immune, and many more get diseases they can't get rid of, then spread them around because, again, they don't give a sh*t about anyone besides their own pleasure. Another add on. There are children sometimes created by these encounters, and they end up without fathers, and we all see, daily, what happens to children without a fathers guidance.

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Firstly, georgegeorgia made no reference to sexual intercourse, why are most the responding replies referring to sex?  Although HIV PrEP is useful in prevention HIV infection (if taken within 72 hours of sexual contact) and doxycyline (100 mg twice a day, for 7-14 days, depending on the infection and is complexity) is useful for some STD/STI infections; to my knowledge, there are no medications that prevent the spread of HSV1 or HSV2, both of which can be transmitted  asymtomatically.


Secondly, and finally, antibiotics should be used sparingly, under medical advice, and with care.  There is in the world, today, an over prescription of antibiotics and an associated growing number of non-viral infections that are resistant to antibiotics.  By needlessly taking antibiotics one is developing a tolerance to these antibiotics which will reduce their effectiveness when later use is required, and increasing the change of antibiotic-resistant bacterial and fungal infections developing.

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23 minutes ago, JimHuaHin said:

By needlessly taking antibiotics one is developing a tolerance to these antibiotics which will reduce their effectiveness when later use is required, and increasing the change of antibiotic-resistant bacterial and fungal infections developing.

Complete nonsense!

It's bacteria that build up resistance, not humans.

Edited by BritManToo
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2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Someone else with experience of this @Ben Zioner


"Doxy PEP, when offered, should be implemented in the context of a comprehensive sexual health approach, including risk reduction counseling, STI screening and treatment, recommended vaccination and linkage to HIV PrEP, HIV care, or other services as appropriate. Persons who are prescribed doxy PEP should undergo bacterial STI testing at anatomic sites of exposure at baseline and every 3–6 months thereafter. Ongoing need for doxy PEP should be assessed every 3–6 months as well. HIV screening should be performed for HIV-negative MSM and TGW according to current recommendations."  


Also, For the past 25 years when I felt that my risk was unacceptable I used the "UN rape kit" , read page 17 of the attachment. This "kit" has change a lot over the years, in my early missions it was just Bactrim...


Forgot to mention that I use HIV Prep (on demand), but by now everyone should be fully aware of this kind of protection. But don't get it daily without having your kidney function assessed by a proper hospital.

Edited by Ben Zioner
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15 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Doxycycline 200mg can be taken post sex, gives pretty good protection against Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis. It's called DoxyPEP, google it

Wow you seem too knowledgeable 

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10 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

no one is "randomly" doing that, but it's stupid for you to suggest it

Randomly means taking without being prescribed for a disease you already have. Don't guess what others are doing as you don't know many people, personally, especially those that are into taking drugs . A condom is always the safest precaution besides abstinence. Promoting this behavior doesn't make you look too good, but those in denial usually stay that way a long time. Your words.............I've told a couple of girls i got an STI from them told them what they need to take but they just deny it, so i gave up telling them,   You keep getting STI's and spread them with no conscience, so don't refer to anything I say as stupid. .

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Effectiveness of doxy PEP for other populations

To date, doxy PEP has only proven effective among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender women at increased risk for STIs, and this is the group for whom CDC recommends counseling.

There is insufficient evidence to assess the balance of benefits and harms of the use of doxy PEP in other populations. Studies in other populations, including cisgender women are vital, and CDC will update the guidelines as additional data are available.

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

I'm sorry to burst your bubble , but I'm never acting stupid. Do you actually understand what you're writing? You're promoting unsafe sex, thinking there's a cure all because you take something. You've stated, more than a few times, that you caught an STD from someone. This also means there's a high likelihood you also spread it around, unless you abstained for quite awhile, depending on what STD you had. This also means whoever you gave it to, also spread it around, as it seems you aren't having sex with normal girls but sex workers, who have also had sex multitudes of times, and also spread it around. I'm guessing you either can't get a normal girl, or just are in the game for yourself, so you need to purchase. Do you frequently have yourself tested? I'm sure you don't, because spreading things around seems to not matter to you.. If you did, you might find you are carrying something that the drugs didn't stop, as no drug is 100% effective. This means you are still spreading diseases around, as are the many who indulge in this behavior. I prefer women who aren't with multiple partners, and who never were. This actually means I'm...........smart.

According to the CDC .........

One in 2,500 chance of catching HIV from having unprotected sex with an infected woman.

Let's assume only 10% of women hookers have HIV (mad overestimate).


So a less than 1 in 25,000 chance of catching HIV from having unprotected sex with a random female partner hooker.

Once you write the numbers own, your fear seems a little silly.

More chance of being run over while crossing the road.

Edited by BritManToo
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