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Why are most movies released post-2000 unwatchable?

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On 10/16/2024 at 3:00 PM, GammaGlobulin said:


It seems that the year 2000 marks the divide between some decent Hollywood film-making pre-2000, and what has now become garbage films that are not watchable.


Why is this?


Pandering to overseas markets? 


Dumbing down of content and themes?


Fear of offending any segment of the movie-goer market?


Lack of reading on the part of the public who watches the new garbage films?


Other reasons?


Has America completely lost any semblance of having a meaningful culture, these days?


We know that there has been a sharp divide in quality which happened 25 years ago...


But why?



Could be depending of which movies you pick to watch. The ones I've selected have mainly been good movies worth watching – and I prefer to watch big screen in a dark cinema with Dolby Atmos-sound – but there are also numerous films I don't pick to watch...:thumbsup:

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I don't think it has to do with political correctness ("wokeness") and more to do with making money. The number of movie directors who complain about producers mangling their work suggests trying to satisfy everyone and make money is getting in the way of making a good film.

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On 10/16/2024 at 8:00 PM, GammaGlobulin said:


It seems that the year 2000 marks the divide between some decent Hollywood film-making pre-2000, and what has now become garbage films that are not watchable.


Why is this?


Pandering to overseas markets? 


Dumbing down of content and themes?


Fear of offending any segment of the movie-goer market?


Lack of reading on the part of the public who watches the new garbage films?


Other reasons?


Has America completely lost any semblance of having a meaningful culture, these days?


We know that there has been a sharp divide in quality which happened 25 years ago...


But why?



How do you know they are "unwatchable"?


Are you psychic?


And in any event, maybe millions of others think otherwise!

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On 10/17/2024 at 8:42 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Never seen it, but the last LOR outing I saw was The Hobbit, which impose female characters that never existed in the books, which were about MALES, and a few females, such as Galadriel, but they were never a big part of the story.

I still enjoy the Hobbit movies (wonderful cast and dialogue), stretched though they are, and have always preferred the book over the darker and brilliant LOTR even though it's apparently meant for kids... yeah right!.


The Rings of Power is essentially a series following pre-Prime Galadriel, set WAAAYY before Hobbit/LOTR. Along with the oft-snarling, short-assed out of character Galadriel, all the juicy lead parts are reserved for female characters, while the meek fellas bumble about getting their arses handed to them BY WOMEN. Sauron (the most powerful entity presented to us in Hobbit/LOTR) appears in bloke form and is himself quite wishy washy, actually a bit of a ponce, and seems quite taken aback with the aforementioned. Just do yourself a favour and don't go there. Cost Amazon summat like $1B and it's a giant flop, but they continue with it for the sake of it. I won't do the second season.


Much like the Mandalorian, first couple seasons great, then into the 2020s-proper for season 3... 'hey, let's make it all about women'. Goodnight! Not massively into fantasy, but it seems to be happening to all series' and movies in the West post-2020, because they are deliberately hiring this or that writer (usually feeble types, men or women) to tick boxes. Crapola. Unless fit-for-the-task, clever writers (whatever sex, race, creed they are, who F cares!) pen from the heart with passion, it will not work and will just lose these big firms massive amounts of money.


Always search now before committing to a movie/TV show... i.e. for wokeness. Any whiff of silliness... NEXT!

  • Sad 1
7 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

I totally AGREE with your assessment!


In fact, I agree with Chomsky concerning this misunderstanding of Wokism, which you here point out.


One of the very best vids concerning Wokism was actually done by, most surprisingly, Piers Morgan when he recorded this interview with Noam.

Definitely worth watching !!!  And, this is a side of Piers that we see just too infrequently.


He actually asks good questions, and let's Noam respond, in full, without cutting him off.


Wokism is completely misunderstood by the average uneducated American, seemingly.

Wish more Americans would watch this....!!!!



Thanks for that video -- really interesting! And well conducted by both sides, as you say. I don’t totally agree with Chomsky on everything (he seems to blame the US more than Russia for the Ukraine war), but I certainly agree with his take on “wokism.” And his presence and lucidity at age 94 is truly inspiring; makes me think I may have 30 good years left ...

17 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

Thanks for that video -- really interesting! And well conducted by both sides, as you say. I don’t totally agree with Chomsky on everything (he seems to blame the US more than Russia for the Ukraine war), but I certainly agree with his take on “wokism.” And his presence and lucidity at age 94 is truly inspiring; makes me think I may have 30 good years left ...



I completely agree with you about Chomsky at 94-95.

Although, we sometimes read about various health issues, unfortunately.


And, you are correct that this is one fine interview, and quite rare for an interviewer such as Piers.  I commend him for doing such an excellent job.


Chomsky, as you say, is  also correct in providing the history of wokism, which helps put the modern misunderstandings into better prospective.


Great Interview.

I did enjoy it, much.



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On 10/17/2024 at 8:35 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

Hollywood has gone full on woke and that is destroying movies. They also started putting horrible women into them and wimpy men.

Got to agree about wokeism spoiling things,  Looking through Netflix last night  I could not help noticing how many movies of the action genre now have a female as the main subject,   Assassins, snipers, gangsters, cops, bodyguards, spies, bank robbers, in fact just about all the roles traditionally featuring men seem to have changed virtually overnight to feature women.  I certainly don't mind a bit of variety but it is becoming a bit boring , and these films are generally  rubbish too

On 10/18/2024 at 11:35 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

The movie was called Hero!


I don't associate No country for old men with Hollywood. Hollywood is more Transformers, and remakes of Disney cartoons like Cinderella and Mary Poppins.

Hollywood means the US, and most movies are centered around Hollywood, although they might be filmed elsewhere. I have Hero, and it's an okay movie.

18 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

Got to agree about wokeism spoiling things,  Looking through Netflix last night  I could not help noticing how many movies of the action genre now have a female as the main subject,   Assassins, snipers, gangsters, cops, bodyguards, spies, bank robbers, in fact just about all the roles traditionally featuring men seem to have changed virtually overnight to feature women.  I certainly don't mind a bit of variety but it is becoming a bit boring , and these films are generally  rubbish too


Yes, maybe..


These days, going to the movies is almost sure to expose us to The Invasion of the Amazons.




On 10/16/2024 at 10:29 PM, champers said:

The best film I have seen in the last 5 years is Parasite, made in Korea. Some other Oscar winners have been embarrasingly poor.

I did rate Joker but can see it is not to everyone's taste.

Parasite was a painfully dreadful movie - absolute garbage

  • Confused 2
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23 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

How do you know they are "unwatchable"?


Are you psychic?


And in any event, maybe millions of others think otherwise!

For once GammaGlobulin is correct - even if a movie is watchable one doesn’t know till it is over that some woke nonsense will not creep in

10 minutes ago, HK MacPhooey said:

For once GammaGlobulin is correct - even if a movie is watchable one doesn’t know till it is over that some woke nonsense will not creep in

Tell me the movies you love. I bet I can find all sorts of "woke nonsense" in them.

7 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

Got to agree about wokeism spoiling things,  Looking through Netflix last night  I could not help noticing how many movies of the action genre now have a female as the main subject,   Assassins, snipers, gangsters, cops, bodyguards, spies, bank robbers, in fact just about all the roles traditionally featuring men seem to have changed virtually overnight to feature women.  I certainly don't mind a bit of variety but it is becoming a bit boring , and these films are generally  rubbish too

The latest film by director Steve McQueen ‘Blitz’ about a young boy trying to escape the London Blitz in 1940 sounded like a ‘must watch’ even on the big screen until one watched the trailer and said ‘nah’ - the young boy is of mixed race and the air raid warden who appears to find him and lead him to safety is Afro-Caribbean.


Maybe the film does provide some background as to how this combination of characters found themselves in London at that particular time in our recent history (pre-Windrush) but it seems more likely that a decent high-budget film has been destroyed by the high explosives of wokeness and an undermining of the part that people (mostly men that is) from the Commonwealth nations played in defeating Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers.

  • Agree 1
15 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Tell me the movies you love. I bet I can find all sorts of "woke nonsense" in them.

Haven’t watched a movie at the flicks since Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and maybe Top Gun Maverick but my comments somewhere in this thread on the new Steve McQueen directed movie Blitz looks from the trailer like it is a blatant attempt to whitewash even our most recent British history

7 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

Got to agree about wokeism spoiling things,  Looking through Netflix last night  I could not help noticing how many movies of the action genre now have a female as the main subject,   Assassins, snipers, gangsters, cops, bodyguards, spies, bank robbers, in fact just about all the roles traditionally featuring men seem to have changed virtually overnight to feature women.  I certainly don't mind a bit of variety but it is becoming a bit boring , and these films are generally  rubbish too

Especially since snipers, bodyguards, spies, bank robbers etc. are precisely what women ARE NOT in real life. 


I stopped watching Star Trek when women started to captain spaceships and starfleets.

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On 10/19/2024 at 4:07 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

That was actually a good movie, but it didn't take itself too seriously, and the leads were actually likeable.

BTW, there were dwarves in it, along with fairies.

I totally missed the parts with dwarves, etc. Not key elements?

I do find myself less drawn to the fantasy genre these days, though in younger days I was a fan.

13 hours ago, JackGats said:

Especially since snipers, bodyguards, spies, bank robbers etc. are precisely what women ARE NOT in real life. 


I stopped watching Star Trek when women started to captain spaceships and starfleets.

Or gas fitters or plumbers or car mechanics or garbage collectors or (in the case of Anglo-Saxon women) partners to non Anglo-Saxon males as they are now portrayed in tv & radio commercials… the list goes on🥴

  • Agree 1
49 minutes ago, HK MacPhooey said:

Or gas fitters or plumbers or car mechanics or garbage collectors or (in the case of Anglo-Saxon women) partners to non Anglo-Saxon males as they are now portrayed in tv & radio commercials… the list goes on🥴


Are you talking about miscegenation?


Also, if this is the case, I would really like to know if anyone has any statistics showing Anglo-Saxon women as partners to non-Anglo-Saxon males as portrayed in tv and radio commercials.


How do you know that this is increasing.

If increasing, than by how much is this increasing.

Also, was there a sudden upward inflection point in the data beginning at any specific year?

Meaning, was there a sudden rise in the year 2000?, 2005, 20010, 2015, or 2020?


In other words, was there a specific period when this behavior suddenly shifted to become considered more normative behavior?


Wish someone could answer this question more authoritatively.



2 hours ago, Task Master said:

I don't watch movies; I prefer reading books. The stories in books are always richer than what films portray.


Books, today, relative to great books pre-1970, are unreadable.


Books today, most obviously, have been heavily influenced chiefly by the influence of Twitter Authors, and FaceBook authors.


The last interesting book I read, if I can recall that far back, might be 









If you look at the movie adaptations of great novels, like Dickens', the good adaptations are the older, black-and-white ones. The more recent ones pale in comparison. They butcher the plot and miss the spirit.


The same applies to radio dramatizations. Present-day radio dramatizations feel like they were done by people who didn't bother to read the book, or who were hostile to it.


Eventually all the aging anti-woke people will be dead and then what's derisively called "wokeism" will be just normal human behavior. It's happened throughout history. Opinions that were once considered "radical and extreme" are normal now.


Something I'm bothered by is you have some not-impressive movies with some very good performances.  A few examples (strictly IMO):

Denzel in Roman J. Israel, Esq.

Meryl Streep in Ricki and the Flash

Sandra Bullock in All About Steve, and The Blind Side(which is Lifetime Channel-quality pap)


I find a lot of the Big Stars(tm) these days to be unimpressive.  Ryan Reynolds?  I don't see much there, same with the other Ryan. 

I hated the first movie of Dune a few years ago, they turned it into an almost-superhero movie, big buffed up guys fighting hand-to-hand, etc.  The second movie was more what I expected, but I got tired of looking at Chalamet and Zendaya's faces.

I just saw "Woman of the Hour" last night, might as well have been an episode of "Law & Order SVU."

And then there's the animated movies, I could do without those.


Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.  When they came out with the first film version of that I was blown away by Alec Guinness looking and behaving exactly as I pictured the Smiley character.   Then came the remake a few years ago.  Not just terrible, but laughable.  The Peter Guillam character, Smiley's tough right-hand man and a bit of a lady's man was now a bisexual who wept when his live-in boyfriend moved out.  He was played Cumberbatch -- a scene where he is supposed to be beating the truth out of someone is a joke, more like he was smashing him with his purse.




Yes all bilge .none want to offend any viewers so cheesy rubbish is made  ,kids films and pathetic junk




shallow Hal would nor be made now as it’s maybe offensive to fattys 

  • 4 weeks later...

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