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If Trump is re-elected what does it say about the I.Q of the average American?


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On 10/17/2024 at 2:35 PM, mogandave said:

I support Trump, and I am university educated. 


I want the border closed. 

I originalists on the court.

I support the rule of law.

I support the electoral college.

I don’t want higher taxes

I don’t want more welfare 

I support meritocracy 

I am against DEI programs 

I believe in peace through strength 

I don’t want men in girls bathrooms

I don’t want men in women’s sports

I don’t want boys/girls taught that they can be girls/boys



Why do you support Harris? I assume you want/believe the opposite of everything I want/ believe, yes?

American natives don’t celebrate 4th of July to this day b/c the white settlers preaching the book of good spirits/morality still refuse to give up the lands they stoled….can we deport them and then close the border?

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2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


He won.  That's why the electoral college elected him.  The popular vote is meaningless.


That's why I call it a demockery - because it blows raspberries at what the people actually say they want.


Or in the words of Bones: "It's democracy Jim, but not as we know it."

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7 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Liz Cheney, Dick Cheney, Kamala Harris, Obama, the Bushes, the Clintons, Bruce Springsteen, Mitch McConnel, Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfree, Magic Johnson et al, will never suffer the consequences of their ideology. 


The only immigrants in their neighborhoods are cutting their grass and cleaning their toilets. 


They are not waiting in line at the emergency room, and their kids are not in public schools, and do they care about the price of milk or gasoline. 


Illegal immigration benefits the rich, at the expose of the poor. 

You tell me what billionaire silver spoon trump has in common with the working class? He actually cares about them? 

absolutely not…he is a pathological liar that will go down in US political history as the greatest con artist ever….all he cares about is power and yes very smart to manipulate his base/followers to whatever they want to hear…he has no principles, values or policies  he believes in…he is told by his inner circle in which 18 of them are already convicted felons (like Trump)…that is why his base is composed of a bunch of crazies, out to lunch, right extremists, MMA macho men, uneducated working class folks frustrated with their own lives to billionaires like Musk and other greedy venture capitalists to Christian fanatics to racists to stupid Americans who think they need automatic weapons to kill a deer or someone who accidentally comes on to their property…


yeah, it’s a sad time in the US when half the population has not progressed intellectually, culturally or socially in 250 years.


to elect a man who has already ranked as the worst president in US history? 

ignorance, stupidity or both?



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I'm not a big Trump supporter, but do I like  Harris, no!


I was ready to give Harris a chance and listen to what she had to say.  However, after her Fox interview where she didnt answer one question... not one!  and only bashed Trump. Her answers were all the same. he's very bad you need to vote for me, even though I cant even tell you what I'm going to do and change from what Biden did.., but nothing, just laughs and blaming trump for everything.


I'm very saddened that the US only has these options for president.


Is a civil war coming? I certainly hope not,  but it doesn't look good.  If trump looses I'm worried what will happen, but if he wins I'm not sure if that is good for America either. 


OP so you're saying if someone votes for Trump they are stupid, what if they vote for Harris are they idiots?

(Calling someone an idiot implies that they are completely lacking in intelligence or common sense, while calling someone stupid may simply mean that they made a foolish mistake)

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7 minutes ago, ericthai said:

what if they vote for Harris are they idiots?



You'd have to be incredibly stupid to vote for Harris.


Trump is winning big already, most intelligent Americans realize what needs to be done. 

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6 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


Nah, the point of the electoral college is to allow each state to have the same influence on who gets elected.  If they went by the popular vote, the states with the biggest population would control everything and states with smaller populations wouldn't have any say.  That wouldn't work out and states would probably end up seceding from the union.


It is essentially rooted in the slavery of the southern states who hang on to the undemocratic advantage it gives them to this day. Interestingly I just read that Joe Biden voted against its abolition a few years ago. History shows it's a clear attempt to prevent the people having their say.


I'll grant it may have made some kind of sense back in the 18th and 19th centuries. Especially with the state of communications then. Even pony express hadn't been invented. There's no democratic argument for it today in a national election with today's communications as long as the 'winner takes all' of a state's electoral votes persists. 


I don't see any other country following the electoral example of the 'shining beacon on the hill'. The dictators don't need it (!) and the democracies where parliaments and presidents are chosen by national votes don't want it. Understandably.


Every system has its flaws and is a work in progress. To my 'Marxist, lefty radical' mind that reads leftwing publications like The Economist and Financial Times the electoral college system as practiced is a flaw in and of itself.

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