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Room with View or Quiet Room: Your priority is?

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How important would it be for you to have either a Quiet Room or a Room With a View, if you had to choose between having one or the other?


In my VIEW (get it?), I would always choose to have at LEAST one quiet room, always available, where I might escape anytime, and every time, a rooster began crowing, or someone began mowing.


Thailand is not only one of the noisiest of countries, but the type of noise one hears here is among the most annoying that I have ever experienced, in any country, except maybe.....(actually, there are no exceptions that I have found).


You name the noise, and Thailand has plenty of almost any type.


This is why having a Quiet room is so essential to one's piece of mind, not to mention one's utter sanity.


I would liken much of Thailand noise to listening to a two-year-old screaming infant, day after day, for intolerability. 

Even doctors recommend new mothers to escape their screaming infants, once in a while, by escaping to the bathroom, turning on the shower, and plugging their ears....just to avoid going NUTZO.....and with good reason.


Similarly, this is why everyone living in Thailand should consider having one room in the house to escape to when the noise outside the house becomes utterly intolerable.

In most cases, it's possible to build one of these Quiet Rooms for not much investment.

In areas with severe noise, then one might need to dig a cellar, which could double as a wine cellar.

But, normally, there is no need to go to these lengths.


Are you one of these people who demand a Quiet Room, and prefer a Quiet Room...over a Room With a View?

Because, I certainly am this type of person.

I have often dreamed about having just one room in my house that is almost completely quiet, no matter what is going on outside.

And, fortunately, I now have one.

Or, I will have one, once I put up some heavier drapes.


Fortunately, the room, as it is, is already quite quiet, and I hear almost no noise from outside after about 8:00PM.

Once I add heavy drapes, then all will be quiet as a mouse....or hopefully quieter....Some rats are rather noisy, as you know.



So here is an example of both a Quiet Room and also a Room With a View....

Which is best for you?





Listen, Guys...Please Listen!


Protect your Sanity!


Prioritize a Quiet Room, please.

How much is Sanity really worth to you, anyway???


Best regards,






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22 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

We have a combo gym/wardrobe/library room with a big screen (that we never use) & a convertible sofa....We use this for our quiet space.... Smokey's room.....



Very nice ceiling, by the way.


Also, it is KEY to be able to have CONTROL over the ever-present noise, and it is control that can make all the difference.


If we have a place in our houses where we can go to shut out all noise, then we become far less bothered by noise at all other times during the day.


This is just Psychology 101.


For example, just this morning I was sitting outside enjoying the cloudy day.

And then, all of a sudden, one of my neighbor's began using one of those tiny handheld vacuum cleaners that sounds like a Harrier Jet Engine.

What The F is he doing!!!!!!


So, immediately, I just escaped to my quiet room, and all became right with the world, once more.


Sure, in all other parts of the house I could hear him flying his Harrier.

But in my Quiet Room, there was zero noise...just the relaxing and comforting hum of my 2  XiaoMi Smart Purifier 4 Pro machines, and my super-quiet 24000 BTU Panasonic AC.

I could not live here anymore without a Quiet Room.


I do not care about the View from my Room, but a Quiet Room is as indispensable, as the noise is indefensible.


Now, in order to improve my Quiet Room, I need to find some HEAVY Drapes (as cheaply as possible, which means China I think), and then I can shut out the hot sun in the afternoons....and then......


And Only Then.....shall I have any chance of regaining my Sanity after living here (just this recent trip) for over a decade.


Wish I could find some fantastic Draperies for a Super Low price...somewhere in China.


I have Chinese friends that often travel back from China...and they could just carry them on the plane for me, on their return trip to this noisy land.


NOTE4:  Black Cats are the Best



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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