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Two killed and scores injured after car drives into German Christmas market

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3 hours ago, John Drake said:

Why would someone critical of Islam conduct a terror attack on a market celebrating a Christian event? Why not attack a mosque or muslim gathering? 


Apparently, in his society media posts he also blamed Germany for being too pro-Islam. 



He also accused German authorities of failing to do enough to combat what he said was the “Islamism of Europe.”


Germans mourn attack on Christmas market


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5 hours ago, James105 said:


I feel this path has been trodden before.  I am after all old enough to remember when the "nothing to do with Islam" crowd were out in force to claim it was a Welsh Christian school boy (who once appeared in Dr Who) slaughtered 3 little girls and injured many more in a knife attack that had all the hallmarks of previous Islamic terrorist attacks.   The "nothing to do with Islam" crowd are back out today trying to convince everyone that once again an attack (that has all the hallmarks of previous Islamic terror attacks) are "nothing to do with Islam".   



Well, if you look at his posts in the last 72 hours on Twitter, it is sort of about Islam. He was motivated, it seems, by being ignored by the German authorities about criminal complaints he made about a refugee organisation, run by Germans and Saudis, being a front for under age prostitution. His last posting has made very stron allegations. In the last few weeks, he has posted images of the Quran being overlaid with a cigarette warning label, the Kaba'a in Mecca being overlaid with an AI Clown,, copies of chats he has had telling Muslims what they need to do to renounce Islam, and that he's a witness to that, as well as an image that literally says "<deleted> Islam". If he was a sleeper, he has balls not to have been offed by his own side. Unless they are all in on it.


He's am experienced psychiatrist, specialist in psychotherapy, and therefore with access to controlled drugs. Probably he has self diagnosed, self treated, and become increasingly delusional. I suspect he probably was quite threatened by friends of Saudi Arabia, and this has fed the delusion. People renouncing religion or adopting a religion late in life often have personal issues at the root of things. Religion can offer solace, easy answer. Religion can also be co-opted to recruit vulnerable individuals, and cause them to do bad things.

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11 hours ago, OneManShow said:

After several incidents still police not blocking (heavy blocks) Christmas markets to cars for such terrorists. 🤔😔


probably worried that it would create a negative image.

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3 hours ago, MicroB said:


You've never heard of Barry the Convert and Nick Brody then have you?





Yes, he left Saudi Arabia in 2006.

Yes, he obtained refugee status in 2016

Yes, he came from Hofof

Yes, he was/is a doctor and practiced in Bernberg

Yes, he worked as a psychiatrist, specialising in psychotherapy

Yes, he is a 50 year old man, not a 18 year old youth

Yes, after arrest, he was tested, and found to be under the influence of unidentified drugs,

Yes, he has a social media trail indicating  both Anti-Islamic in Nature and anti-Saudi Government.

Yes, he has a social media trail praising AfD and Muslims who denounce their religion

Yes, he appeared in a 2019 BBC documentary, explaining how he apparently helped people f;ee Arab countries, but that the only country they did not flee from was Oman (see https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07g2vrp)

Yes, he was featured by the Jerusalem Post in 2019 (https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/saudi-activist-successful-in-helping-women-seek-asylum-from-gulf-states-595547)

Yes, he was featured in the newspaper, "New Arab", in 2017, describing his work supporting women fleeing from the Gulf States (https://www.newarab.com/features/saudi-activist-helps-women-flee-oppressive-kingdom)

Yes, in 2016, he attempted a Crowd Funding type of effort to help him publish a book on the "Creative Refutation of Islam" (see https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/creative-refutation-of-islam#/)

Yes, there is social media footage of him stating he is a Leftist, but at the same time stating Leftists are the worst criminals on the planet

Yes, he has supported tweets from Elon Musk, Tommy Robinson and Alex Jones

Yes, he posted comments supportive of Israel following October 7th

Yes he posted that both he and the AfD were fighting the "same enemy" "to protect Germany"

Yes, he posted comments accusing the German government of trying to "Islamise" Europe

Yes, he posted comments accusing the German government of reading his mail and stealing a USB stick.

Yes, he posted that he held German Citizens accountable for his alleged persecution

Yes, he tweeted a LOT. His account posts are pretty significan; starting in 2016, he shared over 5000 images and videos, 47,000 followers. Amongst which, in January, an image of a list of acadmics allegedly friends of Epstein, and Richard Dawkings in underlined, Richard Dawkins of course is a famous Atheist.


Yes, a few days ago, Elon Musk tweeted that only the AfD can "save" Germany

Yes, Germany has a history of contrived violence before an election.


4 Lions was of course a work of fiction. So was Homeland, which if you recall, had a core plot of an American soldier who had been held by Al Qaida for many years, before a dramatic rescue, but who turned out to have been turned in captivity and become a "sleeper".


Both explanations have been put forward; that for 18 years, he cleverly pretended, laying a false 16 year multi-lingual social media trail across all the major SM platforms (which included posting some pretty blasphemous images of the Quran and the Kaba'a).  Or that he had become an extremist in his own world and wanted to provoke some sort of change in Germany/ Europe, and that is SM postings are an obvious clue.


Both works of fiction though recognise some that is true; many religious converts are zealots in their new, adopted religion, or belief system. Al-Abdulmohsen has been described as an "Atheist". That was probably something he described himself as. Most self defined Atheists don't fully fit the actual definition. He believed in mysterious forces that would "save Germany". There is quasi-religious tones among these groups. A man I won't name for fear of being accused of invoking some law, was famously an Atheist, but also described as speaking in messianic tones.

I posit another explanation. The man had lost his marbles, which is the case with many terrorists who commit mass murder. He clearly courted opinion in 2017-2019, with interviews with numerous international media or. He then has a video where he describedganisations. After then, they got bored. There are no more interviews, probably because COVID was more interesting. He was still fuming on X, and going down dark hole. He has self diagnosed (I know of a Consultant who self diagnosed himself, and secretly took Lithium until a midlife crisis caused his world to fall apart, loss of job and inevitable Sectioning), self medicated  (drug test result), increasing medication, increasing delusion. His X activity very recently was extremely active. No final manifesto. Lots of examples of him coaching people how to renounce Islam, stories about how terrible Saudi is, stories about the overthrow of Assas, stories about Tommy Robinson and Elon Musk being arrested in Fermany, tweets praising Trump.


His last tweets were in English, somewhat bizarre, but eloquent;


1. He described America and Europe as the inheritors of Greedk Civilisation. But he held the German nation to be responsible for the death of Socrates. Socrates of course died in prison, after drinking hemlock

2. His next video is about a stolen USB stick. He blames Germans for his persecution. He then discusses Socialism, Classical Liberalism. He says in Germany, because the laws are socialist, he's not allowed to installed a camera to monitor his mailbox. Last year, it seems, he had filed a criminal complaint with the police in Cologne, about someone I believe to be a Saudi woman, the police then distorted his complaint, and stole the USB which he said had all the evidence. He claims the police told him he was confused and refused to open the USB stick, sent it back to him, whereupon it was stolen from his mail. In the video, he is showing the police correspondance. He claims the woman is used by Germany to destroy ex-muslim activism. He says he has sent documents to various activist organisations.

3. He posts a video about allegations he's making against a corrupt refugee organisation, and that their main representative is a prostitute, coercing under age refugees into the sex industry. He basically says this organisation is designed to trick Saudi women into prostitution.


He has posted videos that he says support his allegations. There is a young Saudi woman, who, with her sister, are in a hostel, and she is alleging that the organisation is trying to groom her through assault.


He sounds calm, educated, fluent in English and German. Before, he had been on a Human Rights livestream, that was apparently hacked by someone posting pornographuc images. Attendees made allegations who was behind that.



Many people who convert to a religion (particularly those actively abandoning one religion for another) become zealots, the Barry the Convert/ Nick Brody trope. For people with mental health issues, religion can offer solace. It helped Cat Stevens when he became Yusuf Islam, but for many years, he became a very strict Muslim, to the extent that he abandoned music because he thought it unIslamic. Late in life, its wonderful to see him realise that was stupid, and he still has a fantasitc voice and song writing skills. Rocket Ronnie O'Sullivan, the snooker player who has more than a few demons in the closet (who wouldn't with a dad banged up for murder after running a chain of sex shops, and mum doing time for tax evasion) dallied with Islam and Bhuddism. A friend of mine has Aspergers, and has announced he's now a Sufi Muslim who wants Scottish Independence (so very delusional, but not sure which of those is a passing fancy). I'm not very surprised.


I think this is going to pan out not as people, from both sides of the aisle, expect. I think he probably was a "nice Muslim doctor", who was suffering from a delusion, maybe even a transient delusion, related to why he left Saudi Arabia, and the work he has done  over the years, but he has been triggered by domestic events in Germany along with statements by social media influencers. Ultimately, the actions he took were deranged.



Ok, that's a lot of evidence.

So he was just an Ex-Muslim, Psychiatrist, who is a total nut job.
R.I.P to the innocent people he has  killed. 







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Terrible. I hope the survivors can pull through. 


Pretty disgusting that they are trying to blame Islamaphobia for attacks on a  Christian Christmas market. 


At least they've named him this time as opposed to "a man from Berlin" followed by pictures of him as a 10 year old. 

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9 hours ago, MicroB said:



Well, if you look at his posts in the last 72 hours on Twitter, it is sort of about Islam. He was motivated, it seems, by being ignored by the German authorities about criminal complaints he made about a refugee organisation, run by Germans and Saudis, being a front for under age prostitution. His last posting has made very stron allegations. In the last few weeks, he has posted images of the Quran being overlaid with a cigarette warning label, the Kaba'a in Mecca being overlaid with an AI Clown,, copies of chats he has had telling Muslims what they need to do to renounce Islam, and that he's a witness to that, as well as an image that literally says "<deleted> Islam". If he was a sleeper, he has balls not to have been offed by his own side. Unless they are all in on it.


He's am experienced psychiatrist, specialist in psychotherapy, and therefore with access to controlled drugs. Probably he has self diagnosed, self treated, and become increasingly delusional. I suspect he probably was quite threatened by friends of Saudi Arabia, and this has fed the delusion. People renouncing religion or adopting a religion late in life often have personal issues at the root of things. Religion can offer solace, easy answer. Religion can also be co-opted to recruit vulnerable individuals, and cause them to do bad things.


People lie about all sorts of things to benefit from them.  I find it strange that people are so willing to accept that someone who is willing to drive an explosive laden car into a Christmas market to kill people also think that same person wouldn't tell a lie as that would be a line that he would not cross.   Apparently Saudi wanted him extradited from Germany.  Do supposed "ex-muslims" ever get extradited considering the punishment for apostasy from the religion of peace?   I'd happily tell a few porkies to avoid extradition and face punishment for crimes if that was an option - who wouldn't?  


Don't you feel we have been here before?  Within hours/days of an attack that has all the hallmarks of islamic terrorism there is a "nothing to do with islam" narrative that is put out there and propagated by useful idiots.   It's a very common pattern.  If he had driven his car into a mosque and killed muslims I would be inclined to believe the narrative.  The fact he very specifically drove it into a Christmas market suggests the narrative is a lie.   Actions, as always, speak louder than words.   

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21 hours ago, soalbundy said:

 .......one of the dead was a toddler, sad for the parents to have to look at the wrapped presents that will now never be excitedly unwrapped.



It seems like @stevenl is not interested in that, being more concerned with defending the religion of peace. 


Whatever religion/motive the perpetrator had is irrelevant; this was a heinous crime worthly of a death penalty.

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2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Terrible. I hope the survivors can pull through. 


Pretty disgusting that they are trying to blame Islamaphobia for attacks on a  Christian Christmas market. 


At least they've named him this time as opposed to "a man from Berlin" followed by pictures of him as a 10 year old. 

Sad you're denying facts.

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26 minutes ago, stevenl said:

I prefer facts, many on here clearly don't. Yes, it's a heinous crime. Everyone pointing at islam should do some soul searching though since facts are clearly pointing in a different direction.


You should be criticizing those who were labelling it an islam attack, solely based on a name, but you end up criticizing someone who stuck to facts.



Facts are he was a Shi Ite Muslim whose extradition had already been requested by the Saudis, and they had warned Germany a year ago.


So yes, we are pointing the finger at Islam and the religion of peace.


Saudi Arabia warned Germany about suspect of Magdeburg incident

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

I would stick with known facts and not with the opinion of one of the most bigoted countries in the world.

Avoiding as usual..............


3 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Terrible. I hope the survivors can pull through. 


Pretty disgusting that they are trying to blame Islamaphobia for attacks on a  Christian Christmas market. 


At least they've named him this time as opposed to "a man from Berlin" followed by pictures of him as a 10 year old. 


14 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

What facts are contrary to the post you've replied to?

Still waiting 

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41 minutes ago, stevenl said:

I prefer facts, many on here clearly don't. Yes, it's a heinous crime. Everyone pointing at islam should do some soul searching though since facts are clearly pointing in a different direction.


You should be criticizing those who were labelling it an islam attack, solely based on a name, but you end up criticizing someone who stuck to facts.



You made your usual classic mistake of jumping in with two feet to defend Muslims - vigorously - because the link you found said he opposed Islam. You were far too quick and finish up with egg on your face when posters like  @Scouse123 come with links like this:-




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42 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Everyone pointing at islam should do some soul searching

You're right, it's not like Islamists have driven vehicles at high speed into crowds in Europe before, is it? [sarcasm]


I think it is quite understandable for people to assume Islam when there is a frenzied knife attack or car attack on people just going about their business. More often than not that assumption would prove to be correct, would it not?

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4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

The ones with egg on their face are the ones who stated and even worse are still stating it was a religious Muslim attack.

No point in discussing when the facts are clear.


If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck.   Even if that duck has been pretending on social media that it is cat, it is actually still a duck.   How can the same people fall for the same false narratives every single time?  Didn't you learn anything from the "Welsh christian choirboy who appeared in Dr Who" incident about believing the media narrative after these types of attacks?  

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10 minutes ago, stevenl said:

The ones with egg on their face are the ones who stated and even worse are still stating it was a religious Muslim attack.

No point in discussing when the facts are clear.

The fact that it was an attack on a large Christian event and killed and maimed many including children. Why would they have egg on their face?


Considering also that Christmas markets have been the target of attacks in Germany for nearly 10 years by Muslim extremists also including by vehicle ramming, why would they have egg on their face?


Regarding the facts, no they are not clear at all. You keep saying that but every single official involved in this contradicts you. 

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