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Britain’s Sharia Courts and the Challenge of Religious Freedom

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The UK, known for its deep-rooted traditions of religious tolerance, now finds itself navigating complex questions raised by the presence of sharia courts within its borders. These courts, operating under Islamic law, are flourishing, with an estimated 85 in operation throughout the country. This phenomenon raises significant concerns about integration and adherence to national legal frameworks, especially when practices illegal under UK law, such as polygamous marriages, are increasingly normalized.


Sharia courts, also referred to as councils, have existed in the UK since the early 1980s. They primarily deal with family and matrimonial matters, often attracting British Muslims as well as individuals from Europe and North America. The Islamic Sharia Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, established in 1982 and based in Leyton, East London, is a prominent example. Registered as a charity, it oversees marriage (nikah) and divorce (talaq for men and khula for women) services.


However, some of the practices associated with these courts challenge the legal and cultural frameworks of the UK. Polygamy, for instance, remains illegal under British law, yet it is so widely accepted in certain Muslim communities that it has been integrated into modern technology. A UK-based app for creating Islamic wills, reportedly approved by a sharia court, allows men to select the number of wives they have, ranging from one to four. In line with traditional Islamic inheritance laws, the app also allocates daughters half the inheritance amount of sons.


Moreover, popular matrimonial platforms like Muzz (formerly Muzmatch) permit male users to declare their "polygamy plan," whether they intend to remain monogamous or seek additional wives. Such practices highlight the tension between religious customs and the UK's legal framework, which prohibits polygamous unions on British soil. In such cases, individuals entering into multiple marriages may be committing the crime of bigamy.


These developments reveal a troubling reality: existing UK laws and regulations are not being consistently enforced, particularly in segregated Muslim communities where orthodox Islamic doctrines dominate. As a result, practices that undermine gender equality and contravene national laws are allowed to persist, unchecked.


This situation underscores the urgent need for a robust strategy that balances the protection of religious freedom with the enforcement of UK law. Britain’s proud tradition of welcoming diverse cultural and religious practices must not come at the expense of equality, integration, and adherence to the rule of law. Strengthening the implementation of existing legal frameworks is essential to addressing these challenges while ensuring that all citizens are afforded equal rights and protections.


Based on a report by Daily Telegraph 2024-12-24


“Our Democracy Is Being Attacked” | Britain’s Muslim Sharia Courts Surge







  • Sad 1

As you know, the most popular baby name in London is Mohammed. So it becomes obvious to everyone who is giving birth to children in London. And these are not white Christian women who are independent and self-sufficient thanks to the courts that protect their rights. An independent and self-sufficient woman does not need more than 1 child - she produces it and sends her husband far away. While Sharia courts do not protect women to that degree. So muslim women need men to be safe - and they want to save their families. Then strong families continue produce more and more Muhammads. That is your future - Sharia laws will become de facto laws everywhere.
So, the Supreme God`s Court has signed the verdict on the civil courts of London and ordered that they be replaced by Sharia courts.

  • Confused 1
  • Agree 2
  On 12/24/2024 at 12:31 AM, spidermike007 said:

Not only should Sharia courts not be allowed to exist within the UK, but all people practicing Sharia should be denied the right to emmigrate. It should be a prerequisite that in order to apply for immigration to any European nation you must prove that you do not subscribe to Sharia law and that you do not practice backward and horrific forms of Islam like Wahhabism. All Saudis should be banned worldwide from immigration to any nation, as there is no upside and no benefit whatsoever to the nation where they are emigrating to, and it would appear that they're the ones that who are least likely to have any interest in assimilation. 


And you don't think that even if they outlaw it that it will not still exist int he communities.  Take a look at the U.S Polygamy is an aoffcne then go to Utah and a few Mormon areas and see the number of families.  Hell they have even done reality and tv shows abut it on national networks

  • Confused 1
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  On 12/24/2024 at 1:57 AM, norfolkandchance said:

The usual suspect will be along shortly.


Of course, in defense of Sharia would be expected, in the meantime, just one example of its abuses.


Writer, broadcaster and academic Myriam Francois-Cerrah has pointed to "serious problems" with the councils, citing a case in which a Muslim woman seeking advice was reportedly directed to a "controversial cleric" who urged her to give up her custody dispute with her husband and "hand over full custody of her seven year old child" to him despite the fact that the husband was a "violent schizophrenic" who had abused her for years.

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