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Looking for Cheaper Tadalafil & Other Generics + SSO Coverage Advice

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7 hours ago, Globenauta said:


Apcalis? I never heard of it before :-) I usually check for approved meds on this website: https://www.mims.com/thailand/drug

I'm currently using Talafil by Millimed

Apcalis is not approved in Thailand and only sold at certain pharmacies. I personally tried it and it had not the same effect as the expensive original versions.

12 hours ago, Upnotover said:

I answered this in an earlier question. I don't care if it's legal, or if they are reputable, but it works. At least the side effects are the same as the stuff I used to get from the UK NHS. I take it for prostate, but get the side effect benefits that others take it for.


For what prostate condition? Please share.

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