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Rising Anti-Israel Sentiments in Pai Following Tourists Misconduct

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12 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Invite the west in , the behavioural pattern comes with it..

That's hilarious. The false dichotomy of "east-west" always has to rear its head.
"Behavioural patterns" of the east are so absolutely flawless that the entire world should emulate every aspect of them, since they are so obviously superior, as every Tibetan, Uygher, Ainu, Dalit, and Rohingya can testify to, there is no doubt all of the west should adopt the ways of the east immediately. That doesn't even begin addressing their clearly superior political and economic practices! If we could only follow their bright shining star, we'd all probably be living at peace and be millionaires! I mean, look at the wonderful living standard of the average native living in the east, particularly ones who never suffered from being educated and brainwashed in the west! The superiority of the education in the east is the ultimate example of why the west should never have been allowed in! Just look at the AMAZING brilliance of the ones who have only been exposed to local/"eastern" education and not sullied by the west! They are the cream of the crop and lead in every industry.
(Said nobody ever anywhere, who was not already committed to an insane asylum)

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Sounding to be much more anti Israeli than antisemitic.

I serioudly doubt Jerry Seinfeld would have any problem being served in Pai, unless there is some kind of soup Nazi`shop there.

Always standing up and making excuses for the haters. Typical

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Jew Haters gonna hate, nothing to stop it. IN the US most of them are too chicken<deleted>e to admit it in polite company or in real life, since in the USA, Jew Haters are not quite our crowd. America isnt Europe, with the Socialist Jew hate permeating their existence, there is less chance of social opprobrium.

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