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Dear Folks,


This world, in case you may not have recently noticed, is moving just too fast for us oldsters and also you youngsters.


It goes without saying that we oldsters are quickly becoming outdated and redundant.


But what of you youngsters?

Are you, also, concerned about becoming redundant, these days, even though you will not become outdated before you, too, become redundant?


I feel great angst anytime I become less distracted, and occasionally focus on reality.


Do you, too, find yourselves, at times, unable to distract yourselves enough, through the watching of YouTube videos, in order to lessen your angst about things to come, difficult things that you KNOW are about to hit you, in the near future, like a big pizza pie, in the eye?



That’s amore.

Say again…That’s amore.


So then, what might be more difficult?

To be old and know, for sure, what is ahead in the next few years?

Or, to be young, and in great doubt, about what is ahead NOT ONLY for the next few years, but for the next 50 years?


I tell you truly, Folks:  This, and this alone, is what makes me so happy to be OLD….this relative lack of uncertainty about my near future.


I feel sorry for you young guys.


In my day, we needed worry about nothing more deadly than…THE BOMB.


But you guys, you have reason for ANGST to the nines.


Anybody here, who is young, please reach out to me, if need be.  I don’t have all the answers. But I have some of the answers. Also, I am planning to write a self-help book on this Topic.  I will offer it to those under age 25, for free.


How do you cope?

I have found great ways to cope…through…mostly…



Denial will be the key core of my coping suggestions for increasing angst in the years leading up to 2030.


And, for you oldsters:  How do you cope with knowing you are becoming increasingly OUTDATED and REDUNDANT?....


Sorry, but I have no good advice for the likes of you old fogies….other than to….

Try to have as much sex as you can, in order to raise your endolphin levels.


You remember the film in which some BIMBO talked about  “endolphin” levels, don’t you? If you do, then you are as old as I.  Do you recall the film? And, do you recall the BIMBO, too? This is the quiz for this Topic.


Best regards,

Gamma G.


Note: Let’s all Keep on Keeping On….


NOTE2:  Yes, Folks, in the very near future, a Hard Rain's Gonna Fall. Glad I will not be here…then. (Or, maybe I will be, if this hard rain falls sooner than even I expect.)

Wish I were as young as Dylan looks here.

And, wish I had someone like this cutie hanging on my arm, too.

That VW Bus was a blast, I bet...the one in the background ...

Water over the dam and under the bridge.

Where did it all go?


Note3:  Denial, Denial, and DENIAL…is the best coping mechanism, in this new modern world of our own making.






I'm not there yet, but I can already feel the fury building, this amazing but stupid skin suit forgetting how to repair itself.


Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Coping mechanism will be copious amounts of Chili Con Carne.

2 hours ago, fondue zoo said:


I'm not there yet, but I can already feel the fury building, this amazing but stupid skin suit forgetting how to repair itself.


Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Coping mechanism will be copious amounts of Chili Con Carne.





Just now, hotsun said:

Im not sure if im going thru a midlife crisis, or if this is just the way life is now. Still finding out


Time will tell.....


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