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PAD Lay Siege On Government House, NBT TV Station


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...I'm all for one-person-one-vote democracy as long as that one vote cannot be bought...

Now I understand, you are indeed democratic, but of course the rural poor should be deprived of their voting rights, since they are selling their vote. In a way, you could say that vote buying is part of democracy...

You don't understand 'democracy'! a sold or bought vote is null and void. that's the law and no deprival. therefore this puppet regime is illegal and resistance is a civil right and duty.

Just seen this post. Well said scyriacus this is unarguably and obviously 100% correct of course, shame we seem to need to have to remind anyone about this point. Personally I have no proof or otherwise as to whether this Government is a "puppet regime" or not, but if Thai folk are sure that it is then this action is very much indeed a civil right and probably the only course of action available now. This happens often in all western societies too where democracy appears to be ignored or abused.

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For anyone who can read Thai, the Network of Conciliation for Political Revolution (note it's my own interpretation) which consists of several professors from various universities has sent an open letter to the government asking them to resign to take the responsibility for having abused their executive power in trying to forcefully amend the constution just for Thaksin's and their own sake...which has led to the current crisis. Here's the letter:




๒๗ สิงหาคม ๒๕๕๑

เรื่อง การนำวิกฤตออกจากอำนาจ

เรียน ผู้แทนปวงชนชาวไทย

ด้วยปรากฏแจ้งแล้วต่อสาธารณชน จากปัญหาวิกฤตทางการเมืองไทย ซึ่งได้ขยายตัวลุกลามไปสู่วิกฤตของประเทศ และกำลังจะนำประเทศไปสู่ความล่มจม ดังพระราชกระแสรับสั่งของพระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว ที่ทรงเตือนแก่สังคมไทยไปแล้วติดต่อกันถึงสองวโรกาส ความละเอียดดังที่ทราบกันแล้วนั้น

จนถึงเวลานี้ปัญหาวิกฤตทางการเมืองดังกล่าว หาได้คลี่คลายไปในหนทางที่น่าไว้วางใจไม่ ในทางตรงกันข้ามกลับมีแนวโน้มที่กำลังเดินเข้าสู่ความรุนแรงที่มากขึ้น อันมีต้นตอและผลสืบเนื่องจากวิกฤตความชอบธรรมในทางการเมือง ที่แสดงออกจากพฤติกรรมการใช้อำนาจรัฐของรัฐบาลปัจจุบันที่มีท่าทีวางเฉยในความรับผิดชอบในทางการเมืองตลอดจนความมีจริยธรรมในทางการเมือง ดังเห็นได้จากกรณีการจงใจฝ่าฝืนรัฐธรรมนูญมาตรา ๑๙๐ โดยไม่ได้ขอความเห็นชอบจากรัฐสภาในการลงนามในแถลงการณ์ร่วมระหว่างประเทศไทยกับประเทศกัมพูชา แม้ในกรณีนี้จะเป็นเหตุในการอภิปรายไม่ไว้วางใจรัฐบาลไปแล้วก็ตามแต่ก็หาได้มีผลเปลี่ยนแปลงใดๆ เลยในทางการเมืองรวมทั้งศาลรัฐธรรมนูญได้มีการวินิจฉัยชี้ขาดว่ากระบวนการดังกล่าวเป็นการขัดต่อบทบัญญัติมาตรา ๑๙๐ ของรัฐธรรมนูญแต่รัฐบาลก็มิได้แสดงความรับผิดชอบหรือแก้ไข สถานการณ์เพื่อปกป้องผลประโยชน์ของชาติแต่อย่างใด จากปัญหาดังกล่าวจึงก่อให้เกิดปัญหาคาใจต่อสาธารณชนตลอด ถึงแม้ว่าก่อนเข้าทำหน้าที่ทั้งที่เป็นสมาชิกสภาผู้แทนราษฎร และ/หรือ รัฐบาลที่เข้าบริหารประเทศ จะได้มีการถวายสัตย์ปฏิญาณ ต่อพระมหากษัตริย์ตามความในรัฐธรรมนูญมาตรา ๑๗๕ ตามความที่ว่า “ข้าพระพุทธเจ้าจะจงรักภักดีพระมหากษัตริย์ และ จะปฏิบัติหน้าที่ด้วยความซื่อสัตย์สุจริต เพื่อประโยชน์ของประเทศและประชาชน ทั้งจะรักษาไว้และปฏิบัติตามซึ่งรัฐธรรมนูญแห่งราชอาณาจักรไทยทุกประการ” จนเป็นเหตุให้รัฐบาลนี้ถูกโจษขานในเรื่องความชอบธรรมในการบริหารประเทศ อันนำไปสู่การลุกฮือของประชาชนทั่วประเทศ โดยแสดงออกในลักษณะของอารยะขัดขืน (civil disobedience) อย่างกว้างขวางและมีแนวโน้มขยายวงออกไปมากขึ้น จนอาจทำให้การบริหารราชการแผ่นดินต้องหยุดชะงักอาจนำความเสียหายอย่างใหญ่หลวงมาสู่สังคม เศรษฐกิจ และ การเมืองไทยได้ในท้ายที่สุด

แทนที่รัฐบาลนี้จะระมัดระวังในการใช้อำนาจรัฐ และแสดงออกซึ่งความรับผิดชอบในการบริหารแบบธรรมาภิบาลที่ดี แต่กลับมีพฤติกรรมการใช้อำนาจในลักษณะแบบรัฐตำรวจ (police state) จับกุมขุมขังและตั้งข้อหาประชาชนที่แสดงออกซึ่งอารยะขันขืนโดยสันติวิธี จากทัศนะคติที่คับแคบมองประชาชนดังกล่าวเป็นเพียงศัตรูทางการเมืองที่จะต้องขจัดให้พ้นไป

นอกจากนี้ รัฐบาลยังมีความพยายามในการแก้ไขรัฐธรรมนูญเพื่อลบล้างความผิดให้แก่อดีตนายกรัฐมนตรีและครอบครัว อันส่งผลกระทบต่อกระบวนการยุติธรรมของไทย อีกทั้งพยายามแก้ไขรัฐธรรมนูญเพื่อหลีกหนีความผิดจากการยุบพรรค การกระทำเหล่านี้เป็นการกระทำโดยอาศัยเสียงข้างมากในสภาผู้แทนราษฎรโดยไม่ฟังเสียงสะท้อนของประชาชน ความมุ่งหมายในการกระทำดังกล่าวย่อมนำมาซึ่งการขาดความชอบธรรมต่อการดำรงอยู่ของรัฐบาลซึ่งจะต้องกระทำเพื่อประโยชน์ของส่วนรวม

พวกเราในฐานะที่เป็น คณาจารย์ทางนิติศาสตร์และรัฐศาสตร์ จากหลายมหาวิทยาลัย ได้ติดตามปัญหาดังกล่าวนี้มาอย่างต่อเนื่องเรื่อยมา รู้สึกวิตกห่วงใยเป็นอย่างยิ่ง โดยเฉพาะผลกระทบที่เกิดจากพฤติกรรมการใช้อำนาจของรัฐบาลปัจจุบัน ซึ่งถือว่ามีที่มาจากการรับรองของท่านตามความแห่งรัฐธรรมนูญราชอาณาจักรไทย พุทธศักราช ๒๕๕๐ มาตรา ๑๗๒

ด้วยเหตุผลดังที่กล่าวมาแล้วข้างต้น เพื่อเป็นการแสดงออกซึ่งความรับผิดชอบสูงสุดและเสียสละของท่าน พวกเราขอเรียกร้องในมโนธรรมสำนึกของท่านได้โปรดใช้วิจารณญาณอย่างรอบคอบ ดำเนินการในทุกวิถีทางที่จะหยุดยั้งการใช้อำนาจ และ ไม่ดำรงตนในฐานะที่จะสร้างความชอบธรรมให้รัฐบาลนี้อยู่ใช้อำนาจต่อไป จึงไม่มีหนทางใดที่เหมาะสมในขณะนี้ดีเท่าการเสียสละ ด้วยการลาออกเพื่อนำวิกฤติออกจากอำนาจโดยเร็ว




อ. ดร. นนทวัชร์ นวตระกูลพิสุทธิ์

อ.เจริญ คัมภีรภาพ

อ. คมสัน โพธิ์คง

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

If this is confirmed it raises the stakes immeasurably. To date the involvement of powerful military figures has been very limited at PAD rallies. This guy even though retired is powerful.

He was the one who ordered the crackdown at Krue Se Mosque. And his driver was arrested with 67 kg of explosives found in his car - driving around near Thaksin's residence.

Pallop is a staunch anti-Thaksin critic and a close friend of Chamlong - so as you have pointed out - this has raised the stakes immeasurably.

Very messy as he will have friends in the military. Rumours that the use of troops is something Samak wants to avoid because he doesnt know who is controlling them look increasingly and worryingly accurate. The police and military divide comes up to. It is very hard for the police to arrest a soldier of any rank. If Gen. Pallop is parading around government house it just complicated any arrest strategy.

Lets hope that it is meant just as a show of support for an old friend rather than anything more sinister. This could still be negotiated down to its previous level but time is running out. Maybe dropping the somewhat ludicrous treason charges and replacing them with criminal charges of a severe level would be a way to go. Treason charges are things best not used in this day and age

I don't think this is a new twist at all. I expect that Pallop has been 'advising' the PAD from the beginning of this event. And not just Pallop. Check out the pipe smoking devil. And where's Saprang?

Yes, it is all about politics. Samak's constant flipping of sides has put him in the middle. There are some very senior members of the military that believe that given the chance, their is a real threat that Samak will engineer Thaksin's return for good. That being the case, then how best to ensure that Thaksin doesn't return without having to stage another coup? Simple, support those that are his stated enemies and hope for enough chaos to where Thaksin's supporters can be moved aside.

Behind the scenes this whole thing boils down to good, old fashioned politics.

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Might of missed it, but has Chamlong actually endorsed this Pollop guy to take over, or has Pollop just been in front of the cameras to volunteer himself?

That is not clear, as are most things here...

Kuhn P. is nothing if not a consumate opportunist.

Even if it is just a publicity stunt,

I am sure this just put more than a few colons in a twist.

Leave Chalerm alone or look what you might get.. YIKES,

serious brinksmanship for sure.

In any case the ultimate cause of this debacle is not PAD

but the Thaksin machine running rough shod over the

'97 constitutions checks and balances, and his attempts

through the current puppet regime to roll back those same

checks and balances even farther, to save his 'empire'.

If they can not keep from being regularly banned for vote buying,

they can not keep bellied up to feeding trough. If they can't save

the 'Boss's' 76 billion, the well runs dry...

This is the REAL bottom line so many keep forgetting here.

PS. h90 thank you for the kind comments a few pages back.

PS2 I hadn't seen the above letter from the group,

but it basically says the same thing. The root cause lies else where than PAD.

Regardless of how wrong or right footed they look at the moment.

Edited by animatic
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Protesters use toilets of Command Centre

BANGKOK: - Protesters now have access to toilet rooms on every floor of the five-story Command Centre.

Signs were put up, telling the protesters to use toilet rooms of every floor of the building.

Several of them also took a rest inside air-conditioned rooms on the fourth floor. Offices on other floors remain locked up.

-- The Nation 2008-08-28

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This is turning out like a nightmare masked ball, when at the end of the night the masks come off and you suddenly find out who you have been dancing with. :o

Don't for one moment assume they have suddenly arrived, they have been there all along but identities are only just being revealed.

This is why it is good to have no horse in this race. Unfortunately there are no good guys, and both sides are doing their best to make sure nobody can sit in the middle.

It s amazing that in Thailand you can get away with all kind of involvement in massacres but you end up in jail for tax related stuff or probably for occupying a TV station, or saying the wrong thing not that I am saying you shouldnt be jailed for tax or occupying TV stations Id just like to add the massacres bit. That would rid us of some of the main protagonists on both sides.

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It occurs to me that if PAD prevails and goes through with the military appointed government plan that Sondhi described to CNN, then Bangkok must remain under martial law indefinitely. The current government is recognized world wide as the legitimate government (rightly or wrongly). Another government appointed by the military will once again be condemned by the international community and cause further loss of foreign investments and export opportunities. I also fear that this type of demonstration targeted against a government appointed by the military, would not be treated so delicately.

Would not it be more practical for the protesters to be demanding improved voting procedures to prevent vote buying? I think in most countries, SECRET BALLOT kills the incentive to pay people for their vote. The protesters seem convinced that they would win in a fair election, so it seems their efforts would best be directed at ensuring fair elections.

The PAD movement started 3 month ago, because the government wanted to change that parts in the constitution which shall prevent vote buying. Did you follow that.....party get dissolved--no problem we have 2 new parties standby (they can change party easily)....Premier or Minister get kicked by the court....no problem just re-elect him....

So PAD is trying what you suggest, just their target is to keep/protect the current laws. There is no way PPP would ever change the laws to be harder....

Sorry. I don't understand. PAD is trying to keep the current laws that resulted in the vote buying?

The current laws (which are far from being good enough) have as punishment for vote buying, that the complete party can be dissolved.

PPP and other parties are on the way to get dissolved because of vote buying. That's the main reason the government wanted to change the constitution.

The government want to change the laws to almost no punishment for vote buying while the PAD wants to keep these too weak laws as the they are better than no punishment at all.

(not sure if that's understandable in my poor english)

Yes. I understand now. Your English is good, no problem. But, I hate to see another military government. The last one was TERRIBLE. How is it they have enough power to change governments but not enough power to stop the constitution from being changed? They should just tell PPP that if they change the constitution then they will take over the government. That way they don't look so bad.

The last military government was terrible incompetent, but Samak makes everyone else looking good in compare......

I don't know any example in history with a military government which performs good AND there is always the risk that from an initial good meant military coup all ends like in Myanmar.

New elections without vote buying would be the solution.....but how to get that??

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

If this is confirmed it raises the stakes immeasurably. To date the involvement of powerful military figures has been very limited at PAD rallies. This guy even though retired is powerful.

He was the one who ordered the crackdown at Krue Se Mosque. And his driver was arrested with 67 kg of explosives found in his car - driving around near Thaksin's residence.

Pallop is a staunch anti-Thaksin critic and a close friend of Chamlong - so as you have pointed out - this has raised the stakes immeasurably.

Very messy as he will have friends in the military. Rumours that the use of troops is something Samak wants to avoid because he doesnt know who is controlling them look increasingly and worryingly accurate. The police and military divide comes up to. It is very hard for the police to arrest a soldier of any rank. If Gen. Pallop is parading around government house it just complicated any arrest strategy.

Lets hope that it is meant just as a show of support for an old friend rather than anything more sinister. This could still be negotiated down to its previous level but time is running out. Maybe dropping the somewhat ludicrous treason charges and replacing them with criminal charges of a severe level would be a way to go. Treason charges are things best not used in this day and age

I don't think this is a new twist at all. I expect that Pallop has been 'advising' the PAD from the beginning of this event. And not just Pallop. Check out the pipe smoking devil. And where's Saprang?

Yes, it is all about politics. Samak's constant flipping of sides has put him in the middle. There are some very senior members of the military that believe that given the chance, their is a real threat that Samak will engineer Thaksin's return for good. That being the case, then how best to ensure that Thaksin doesn't return without having to stage another coup? Simple, support those that are his stated enemies and hope for enough chaos to where Thaksin's supporters can be moved aside.

Behind the scenes this whole thing boils down to good, old fashioned politics.

That basically means we are going to get violence unless there is a politcal realignmnet in parliament

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Might of missed it, but has Chamlong actually endorsed this Pollop guy to take over, or has Pollop just been in front of the cameras to volunteer himself?

Chamlong announced it himself. And Pallop has not been in front of any cameras, he has been on the phone talking to reporters.

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And now, as paranoia begins to set in...

Sondhi Discourages Female Protesters from Approaching Him

UPDATE : 28 August 2008

Sondhi Limthongkul, a key PAD leader, has warned female PAD protesters not to approach him. He cited a report that indicate a heavy presence of female undercover police officers in the midst of the rally.

He asked the female PAD protesters not to approach him and warned that any female who 'rush at' or approach him will be identified as undercover police officers.

Sondhi claimed some members of the human shield that surrounded the PAD leaders last night were members of the police.

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

If this is confirmed it raises the stakes immeasurably. To date the involvement of powerful military figures has been very limited at PAD rallies. This guy even though retired is powerful.

He was the one who ordered the crackdown at Krue Se Mosque. And his driver was arrested with 67 kg of explosives found in his car - driving around near Thaksin's residence.

Pallop is a staunch anti-Thaksin critic and a close friend of Chamlong - so as you have pointed out - this has raised the stakes immeasurably.

Very messy as he will have friends in the military. Rumours that the use of troops is something Samak wants to avoid because he doesnt know who is controlling them look increasingly and worryingly accurate. The police and military divide comes up to. It is very hard for the police to arrest a soldier of any rank. If Gen. Pallop is parading around government house it just complicated any arrest strategy.

Lets hope that it is meant just as a show of support for an old friend rather than anything more sinister. This could still be negotiated down to its previous level but time is running out. Maybe dropping the somewhat ludicrous treason charges and replacing them with criminal charges of a severe level would be a way to go. Treason charges are things best not used in this day and age

I don't think this is a new twist at all. I expect that Pallop has been 'advising' the PAD from the beginning of this event. And not just Pallop. Check out the pipe smoking devil. And where's Saprang?

Yes, it is all about politics. Samak's constant flipping of sides has put him in the middle. There are some very senior members of the military that believe that given the chance, their is a real threat that Samak will engineer Thaksin's return for good. That being the case, then how best to ensure that Thaksin doesn't return without having to stage another coup? Simple, support those that are his stated enemies and hope for enough chaos to where Thaksin's supporters can be moved aside.

Behind the scenes this whole thing boils down to good, old fashioned politics.

That basically means we are going to get violence unless there is a politcal realignmnet in parliament

If it comes down to Samak, Newin or whoever paving the way for Thaksin to return, then all hel_l will break loose. Right now it is only political maneuvering.

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This is THE point


Cambodia, Thai border talks postponed due to Bangkok protests

By Deutsche Presse Agenture

Phnom Penh - Informal talks between Bangkok and Phnom Penh over disputed border areas were halted abruptly and scheduled formal talks postponed indefinitely amid political tension in Thailand, a Cambodian official said Thursday.

Defence Ministry Secretary of State Neang Phat said the Thai delegation arrived Wednesday in Siem Reap, 300 kilometres north of Phnom Penh, and the two sides had talked amicably before formal talks scheduled for Friday were abruptly cancelled.

Like every day, let me remind you that the worst is not the fake democracy or the real corruption.

Or course, I'd be sad if police shots PAD or if PAD fights with PPP BUT the main point is to avoid the war with Cambodia.

Sondhi wants it clearly (you can check his stances). Even if not in charge PAD is able to create the condition of the war. Cambodian population has nothing to do with all of this mess.

Nothing is worst than a war.

Very important point, Geovalin. We tend to forget with all this silly farce at Gov. House, just how dangerous these PAD fanatics are. So blinded by the lies of Sondhi, that they wear their yellow shirts as they deny HRH access to Saturday's meeting, Chamlong stirring up zenophobic hatred over Preah Vihear temple and doing their best to start a war - just wait till

Pallop is in charge, he WILL start a war with Cambodia.

Right, CatMac, with this last Pallop piece the puzzle makes, at least, sense! And the picture is kinda ugly!

I honestly do not see how we could avoid the nightmare. These Sondhi and Pallop guys are good to excite crowds and your neighbor, friend, family, staff will turn wild.

Edited by geovalin
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The rate things are going you'll be lucky if we get elections and vote buying might seem like a fairly miniscule problem.

What they are rooting for now are very weak coalition governments that can be easily kept in control. The stakes are obviously way too high to allow any return of Thaksin.

Well, Saprang is coming up for retirement so maybe he has a job waiting for him with the Democrats.

Expect to see more military control, military into politics and all the niceties that come along with it.

If you are enjoying this little protest then make the most of it, it will probably be the last one you see for a while.

Comrade Sondhi has a habit of keeping very quiet when his military buddies hold the strings and heaven help anyone that wants to take his place.

As a side note we could maybe see the big Isan shift towards the Democrats. Or far enough towards, to not pose a threat.

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So, who can explain the latest police move not to interfere?

Well, there are a couple of points to note:

1. They have already not acted on so-called commands quite a few times in the past few days - surely we can't believe that the latest inactivity was any different. Lots of posturing, no action.

2. The police have probably already determined that it is better to deal with the devil they know (Chamlong) than the devil they don't (Pallop).

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

If this is confirmed it raises the stakes immeasurably. To date the involvement of powerful military figures has been very limited at PAD rallies. This guy even though retired is powerful.

He is also directly implicated in the massacre of Muslim men at Khru Sae.You have to hand it to the PAD on the public relations front:I didn't think they could top the NBT break in for shooting themselves in the foot but they have managed to!

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The rate things are going you'll be lucky if we get elections and vote buying might seem like a fairly miniscule problem.

What they are rooting for now are very weak coalition governments that can be easily kept in control. The stakes are obviously way too high to allow any return of Thaksin.

Well, Saprang is coming up for retirement so maybe he has a job waiting for him with the Democrats.

Expect to see more military control, military into politics and all the niceties that come along with it.

If you are enjoying this little protest then make the most of it, it will probably be the last one you see for a while.

Comrade Sondhi has a habit of keeping very quiet when his military buddies hold the strings and heaven help anyone that wants to take his place.

As a side note we could maybe see the big Isan shift towards the Democrats. Or far enough towards, to not pose a threat.

I take it the side note refers to a move by a certain faction

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

Ah, the true nature of the beast is beginning to show! Heaven help dear Thailand if that man ever becomes PAD's appointed Prime Minister!

first time i can agree with your choice of foe. i detest the likes of pallop. but:

1. to my knowledge the pad is not planning to build a new government and pm, just oust the incompetent incumbents.

2. what if this is just a propaganda chess move? if samak arrests chamlong he will inherit and oppose pallop instead. scary, isn't it?

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

Ah, the true nature of the beast is beginning to show! Heaven help dear Thailand if that man ever becomes PAD's appointed Prime Minister!

first time i can agree with your choice of foe. i detest the likes of pallop. but:

1. to my knowledge the pad is not planning to build a new government and pm, just oust the incompetent incumbents.

2. what if this is just a propaganda chess move? if samak arrests chamlong he will inherit and oppose pallop instead. scary, isn't it?

and pallop will have a lot friends within the army, that is for sure not something samak will like...

Alone all the southern paramilitars and former ex-communist units....if he can only talk a few of them in violent actions than you have a full scale civil war

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PAD just wants this government to resign and own up to their crimes. The PAD is not gonna appoint anybody. They don't wanna control the country. They just want to get rid of crooks who have ailed the country for the last 7 or 8 years or so.

Sometimes it's really laughable how un and il-informed some Anti-PAD crew are.

Edited by ThNiner
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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

Ah, the true nature of the beast is beginning to show! Heaven help dear Thailand if that man ever becomes PAD's appointed Prime Minister!

first time i can agree with your choice of foe. i detest the likes of pallop. but:

1. to my knowledge the pad is not planning to build a new government and pm, just oust the incompetent incumbents.

2. what if this is just a propaganda chess move? if samak arrests chamlong he will inherit and oppose pallop instead. scary, isn't it?

1. Whenever you oust incumbents you create a power vacuum. Just by this act of removal you are creating the circumstances for a new govt and PM and therefore are partly responsible for creating it.

2. The very fact that Pallop appears as a deterrent to Chamlongs arrest or even if he becomes the successor, he has therefore whether by association or participation become a member of the roadshow. No amount of twisting words can alter that point.

Edited by cmsally
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For anyone who can read Thai, the Network of Conciliation for Political Revolution (note it's my own interpretation) which consists of several professors from various universities has sent an open letter to the government asking them to resign to take the responsibility for having abused their executive power in trying to forcefully amend the constution just for Thaksin's and their own sake...which has led to the current crisis. Here's the letter:

Of course, changing the constitution whilst you're in office is a dispicable thing to do, much better to stage a coup and change the constitution that way.

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

Ah, the true nature of the beast is beginning to show! Heaven help dear Thailand if that man ever becomes PAD's appointed Prime Minister!

first time i can agree with your choice of foe. i detest the likes of pallop. but:

1. to my knowledge the pad is not planning to build a new government and pm, just oust the incompetent incumbents.

2. what if this is just a propaganda chess move? if samak arrests chamlong he will inherit and oppose pallop instead. scary, isn't it?

and pallop will have a lot friends within the army, that is for sure not something samak will like...

Alone all the southern paramilitars and former ex-communist units....if he can only talk a few of them in violent actions than you have a full scale civil war

Please enlighten me, do you wish to see the disappearance of vote buying or full scale civil war. There is rather a big difference.

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PAD just wants this government to resign and own up to their crimes. The PAD is not gonna appoint anybody. They don't wanna control the country. They just want to get rid of crooks who have ailed the country for the last 7 or 8 years or so.

Sometimes it's really laughable how un and il-informed some Anti-PAD crew are.

No it is proofed that it works....

just make a lot of accusation, don't care how bizarre they are. Even it can be shown that they are not true, some doubts remain....

It is done all the time in politics....

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

Ah, the true nature of the beast is beginning to show! Heaven help dear Thailand if that man ever becomes PAD's appointed Prime Minister!

first time i can agree with your choice of foe. i detest the likes of pallop. but:

1. to my knowledge the pad is not planning to build a new government and pm, just oust the incompetent incumbents.

Glad we can agree on something! As I said before, I think most people here do share a common love for this Country, and each in their own way is seeking what they feel is best for Thailand.

Sadly, the New Politics of Sondhi clearly sets out his goal of a new 70/30 appointed/elected parliament, and people like Pallop, if he's riding the triumphant wave of leading the overthrow of the Government just don't have a habit of walking away into retirement. No, you can bet your bottom dollar he'll demand the top job, and from his past record he'll not be afraid of disposing of anyone, friend or foe, who stands in his way.

I hope for the sake of all that my prophesy is wrong, I NEVER want to have to post "I told you so" in this forum.

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

Ah, the true nature of the beast is beginning to show! Heaven help dear Thailand if that man ever becomes PAD's appointed Prime Minister!

first time i can agree with your choice of foe. i detest the likes of pallop. but:

1. to my knowledge the pad is not planning to build a new government and pm, just oust the incompetent incumbents.

2. what if this is just a propaganda chess move? if samak arrests chamlong he will inherit and oppose pallop instead. scary, isn't it?

and pallop will have a lot friends within the army, that is for sure not something samak will like...

Alone all the southern paramilitars and former ex-communist units....if he can only talk a few of them in violent actions than you have a full scale civil war

Please enlighten me, do you wish to see the disappearance of vote buying or full scale civil war. There is rather a big difference.

How about Samak and the other clowns just resign and get some pardons at court and we get rid of both dangers?

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

Ah, the true nature of the beast is beginning to show! Heaven help dear Thailand if that man ever becomes PAD's appointed Prime Minister!

first time i can agree with your choice of foe. i detest the likes of pallop. but:

1. to my knowledge the pad is not planning to build a new government and pm, just oust the incompetent incumbents.

Glad we can agree on something! As I said before, I think most people here do share a common love for this Country, and each in their own way is seeking what they feel is best for Thailand.

Sadly, the New Politics of Sondhi clearly sets out his goal of a new 70/30 appointed/elected parliament, and people like Pallop, if he's riding the triumphant wave of leading the overthrow of the Government just don't have a habit of walking away into retirement. No, you can bet your bottom dollar he'll demand the top job, and from his past record he'll not be afraid of disposing of anyone, friend or foe, who stands in his way.

I hope for the sake of all that my prophesy is wrong, I NEVER want to have to post "I told you so" in this forum.

I don't know why you come again and again with that appointed parliament which is in that way you tell it simply not true.

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On NBT, Pallop confirms that if Chamlong is arrested, he will take Chamlong's place.

Ah, the true nature of the beast is beginning to show! Heaven help dear Thailand if that man ever becomes PAD's appointed Prime Minister!

first time i can agree with your choice of foe. i detest the likes of pallop. but:

1. to my knowledge the pad is not planning to build a new government and pm, just oust the incompetent incumbents.

2. what if this is just a propaganda chess move? if samak arrests chamlong he will inherit and oppose pallop instead. scary, isn't it?

and pallop will have a lot friends within the army, that is for sure not something samak will like...

Alone all the southern paramilitars and former ex-communist units....if he can only talk a few of them in violent actions than you have a full scale civil war

Please enlighten me, do you wish to see the disappearance of vote buying or full scale civil war. There is rather a big difference.

How about Samak and the other clowns just resign and get some pardons at court and we get rid of both dangers?

Politics is about win or lose, especially in this country. If one steps down you get the other, so now is time to make up your mind which you prefer.

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