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From: "why Those Beautiful Thai Women Fall For Us,farang


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Actually, why shouldn't economics be a reason for marriage. You think this is only a feature in third world/first world unions? Women all over the world, Europe and USA included, still look to tick the 'successful' 'solvent' box on their wishlist for prospective partners. History and historical fiction is full of references to wealth as an essential attribute in a husband - read Austen again.

Why shouldn't Thai women marry to improve their circumstances? The main thing is that they honour their terms of the contract, for a contract it surely is. If in return for security and comfort and 'wealth' they provide farangs with fidelity, loyalty, loving companionship, motherhood, and good sex, isn;t that all that matters? For many farangs, that;s more than what they would get in the west.

Of course there is normally an economic consideration in relationships in the Western world. The difference is that women in the West will ONLY marry someone they genuinely love (or think they do!), marrying for money alone is looked down on - to put it mildly!!

Here, it's an entirely different story - women look to marry ANY farang for money alone and, the really frightening thing is that it's not only condoned, their families actually encourage them, looking forward to the money they will receive!

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Actually, why shouldn't economics be a reason for marriage. You think this is only a feature in third world/first world unions? Women all over the world, Europe and USA included, still look to tick the 'successful' 'solvent' box on their wishlist for prospective partners. History and historical fiction is full of references to wealth as an essential attribute in a husband - read Austen again.

Why shouldn't Thai women marry to improve their circumstances? The main thing is that they honour their terms of the contract, for a contract it surely is. If in return for security and comfort and 'wealth' they provide farangs with fidelity, loyalty, loving companionship, motherhood, and good sex, isn;t that all that matters? For many farangs, that;s more than what they would get in the west.

I think this is a common misconception that many men make in order to justify their own need for a "contractual relationship". The fact is that in most relationships in the west, both partners in the relationship work and, in fact, most would find it very difficult to pay their mortgage and costs of child rearing if both parents did not work.

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That could give a general idea how it is

As my wife likes to say: "Only losers waste time on the internet."

So according to her, you wouldn't get a general idea, but only an idea of what the "loser segment" of society looks like.

:o If that isn't a self-incriminating statement I don't know what is! :D

WA Tssh "whip cracking"

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without reading all the posts in this thread, and at the risk of being flamed...

it is the consensus of most thais (and in fact, most asians) i know that the thai/asian girls that go out with farangs are generally not beautiful at all in the eyes of fellow thais/asians and are usually of a certain social class, which works out just fine for all involved... beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!

but just don't go derogating thai/asian guys in general because they might have similarly negative perspectives about farangs! just expressing the views i have heard, not my own! :o

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Where did you meat your wife/husband?



You gotta laugh.


It just shows how a mis-spelling can totally change a well intended meaning.

Wondered how long it'd take someone to get this :D Oh how we laughed

But to answer the question, where did I meat my wife........I can't tell you that, she'd kill me :D

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  • 4 months later...
That could give a general idea how it is

Not really, since many farang don't post on this forum, you'd only get a snapshot of what is true for TV posters, not farang in general.

As my wife likes to say: "Only losers waste time on the internet."

So according to her, you wouldn't get a general idea, but only an idea of what the "loser segment" of society looks like.

Awww.... isn't she a sweetie? :)

I think your wife cant use the internet with a comment like that.What about keeping in touch with family/friends,checking emails,sports/genereal news,reading newspapers.I think thats a stupid statement and not worthy of more discussions.My friend goes on the internet 10-12 hours a day on stocks and is 25,000 gbp up in 3 months,tell that to your missus.

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I know this will get flamed for being Cynical...

But in my opinion ' LOVE' is just a word - taken way too seriouly and out of context these days...

A word which we have attatched so many ideals and misconceptions over the ages, leading to a hugely distorted and over rated experience of the term....

With many different connotations when it comes to cross borders or cultural translations

for ex.

If you were to ask a enlightened Buddhist Monk about romantic 'love'

They would tell you that romantic 'Love' is just another form of attatchment, and any form of attatchment will ultimately lead to great suffering and heartache...

That is not to say that Love is non existent, nor is this world as cold and barren as the above notion may seem....

The only 'Love' which is real (from a buddhist stand point) is the 'love' we genuinely share for families, and for those more advanced souls, all mankind and the animal kingdom - therefore 'unconditional love' or compassion...

Perhaps Thais whom have deeper buddhist roots than we care to recognize, have actually evolved on fragments and variations of these buddhist teachings. Ofcourse that is not to say the majority of Thais are spiritually advanced, but they do at least try to be

(just as long as its easy, doesnt involve too much effort or thinking outside the box of conformity)

Just a theory!

Perhaps 'westerners' see the world and especially the term 'LOVE' with a completely DIFFERENT notion to the traditional/majority of Thais Available to foreigners..

(excluding the ones more wordly and educated by the romantic trash we have grown up watching and reading - and have found their perfect match in a foreign land!)

In Thailand family certainly comes first, so take a deeper look around you when it comes to 'love' in a buddhist county!

So.... with regards to gold diggers...

Its not difficult to find a Thai women with a 'love' for money... or a dream to have more in life!

SO why would it be difficult to belive that those of us 'farangs' whom are viewed as having money will not be 'loved' by these very creatures?

For sure the 'farangs' viewed as a meal ticket would be loved - just not on any deeper or meaningful level...

Either way they are achieving a better karma, that unconditional family love is nutured by supporting a family without pension or medical insurance...

And In a sinister and dellusional way - ofcourse!

This is 'Love' from their perspective... (a noble thing)

These are my opinions of course! I don't expect others to agree...

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I know this will get flamed for being Cynical...

But in my opinion ' LOVE' is just a word - taken way too seriouly and out of context these days...

A word which we have attatched so many ideals and misconceptions over the ages, leading to a hugely distorted and over rated experience of the term....

With many different connotations when it comes to cross borders or cultural translations





This is 'Love' from their perspective... (a noble thing)

These are my opinions of course! I don't expect others to agree...

In short......Everyone feels love differently and has diff definition, in his or her own way.

I think that's the summary of what you're saying.....chaimai ja ? :)

Edited by teacup
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oh no no ofcourse not... you speak and write ang krit amazingly...

It was just the fact that you summarized....

Perhaps in a bid to help the lazy folk and purposely excluding the religious points which a Thai would never philosophize over in public...

It was certainly not your english that gave it away, just your mind!

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Hey be careful! I'm Irish, I know girls didn't just go for me because of my hunky good looks and magnetic personality! You use whatever you have - and you sound jealous!

I'm 1/4 Irish, so I can direct a little self-depreciating humor at myself. :)

Neither is yours so stop lecturing others as though only you have the answer to all the world's questions.

OK, I'll do that when you stop lecturing me about what I can and cannot say or how I can or cannot say it.

So you're American then?

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Farangs happen to be flavour of the year.

Thai women see them has a fast track option to gaining lots of money during this worldwide economic crisis.

Don’t count on being the one and only, they may have several walking ATMs on the go at one time.

Great for a while, but once the dosh runs out, the Farang is history.

Edited by sassienie
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That could give a general idea how it is

Not really, since many farang don't post on this forum, you'd only get a snapshot of what is true for TV posters, not farang in general.

As my wife likes to say: "Only losers waste time on the internet."

So according to her, you wouldn't get a general idea, but only an idea of what the "loser segment" of society looks like.

Awww.... isn't she a sweetie? :)

I think your wife cant use the internet with a comment like that.What about keeping in touch with family/friends,checking emails,sports/genereal news,reading newspapers.I think thats a stupid statement and not worthy of more discussions.My friend goes on the internet 10-12 hours a day on stocks and is 25,000 gbp up in 3 months,tell that to your missus.

I can see the ladies point, only I wouldn’t go as far as calling Internet users, losers.

I can remember back in pre-Internet days, family and friends actually visited and socialised with each other.

People had real telephone conversations, sent letters and birthday/Christmas cards.

They said, television killed the art of conversation, I say, Internet has killed the art of socialisation.

For the last 50 years now, we have spent a huge portion of our lives sitting in front of a box.

Edited by sassienie
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Farangs happen to be flavour of the year.

Thai women see them has a fast track option to gaining lots of money during this worldwide economic crisis.

Don’t count on being the one and only, they may have several walking ATMs on the go at one time.

Great for a while, but once the dosh runs out, the Farang is history.

"Flavor of the year"? Perhaps better described as "an all day SUCKER".

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Hey brit its definately the money. It happens in africa too that young guys wanna hook up on some old rich woman. And it even happens in western countries too. I think you are really being naive if you think they do it for the culture difference, love or anything else cliche.
Please proove your hypothesis that Thai women NEVER marry farang out of love.Are you trying to say there are NO exceptions?Who is naive?
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oh no no ofcourse not... you speak and write ang krit amazingly...

It was just the fact that you summarized....

Perhaps in a bid to help the lazy folk and purposely excluding the religious points which a Thai would never philosophize over in public...

It was certainly not your english that gave it away, just your mind!

My thai mind….huh? :) …..oii

Well you know the saying…..“Mind is a terrible thing to waste”

….and I didn’t find the religious talking to be any relevant to the core topic at hand

So basically, I didn’t omit anything, but….. It’s YOU, who added the extra,Dj…..haha :D

Edited by teacup
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without reading all the posts in this thread, and at the risk of being flamed...

it is the consensus of most thais (and in fact, most asians) i know that the thai/asian girls that go out with farangs are generally not beautiful at all in the eyes of fellow thais/asians and are usually of a certain social class, which works out just fine for all involved... beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!

but just don't go derogating thai/asian guys in general because they might have similarly negative perspectives about farangs! just expressing the views i have heard, not my own! :)

I heard this too.

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without reading all the posts in this thread, and at the risk of being flamed...

it is the consensus of most thais (and in fact, most asians) i know that the thai/asian girls that go out with farangs are generally not beautiful at all in the eyes of fellow thais/asians and are usually of a certain social class, which works out just fine for all involved... beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!

but just don't go derogating thai/asian guys in general because they might have similarly negative perspectives about farangs! just expressing the views i have heard, not my own! :)

I heard this too.

Oh right......I can't imagine why Thai men would not wish to admit that farangs were dating the most beautiful Thai ladies!!!

Human nature perhaps?? Or are we talking beautiful being pasty faced skinny hi-so alien lookalikes here? Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder!!!

As for class....well I guess all the Thai guys born into this 'certain social class' must all marry above themselves.......

Unless of course only females are born into this 'class'.........There are many wonderful kind hearted fun Thai ladies out there......none of which is related to 'class'.........

Your post forwards an ignorant elitist attitude.....which is well misplaced in the current modern world.

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without reading all the posts in this thread, and at the risk of being flamed...

it is the consensus of most thais (and in fact, most asians) i know that the thai/asian girls that go out with farangs are generally not beautiful at all in the eyes of fellow thais/asians and are usually of a certain social class, which works out just fine for all involved... beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!

but just don't go derogating thai/asian guys in general because they might have similarly negative perspectives about farangs! just expressing the views i have heard, not my own! :)

I heard this too.

My japanese girlfriend managed first prize in a Japanese beauty contest 3 years after we started dating, all the judges were Japanese (asian). She graduated from a top Tokyo university and her parents are upper middile class.

BTW she is 23 years younger than me.

A farang.

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Oh right......I can't imagine why Thai men would not wish to admit that farangs were dating the most beautiful Thai ladies!!!

Human nature perhaps?? Or are we talking beautiful being pasty faced skinny hi-so alien lookalikes here? Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder!!!

As for class....well I guess all the Thai guys born into this 'certain social class' must all marry above themselves.......

Unless of course only females are born into this 'class'.........There are many wonderful kind hearted fun Thai ladies out there......none of which is related to 'class'.........

Your post forwards an ignorant elitist attitude.....which is well misplaced in the current modern world.

Farangs dating the most beautiful women in Thailand? Check out the night spots in BKK apart from the red light scene.

And compare that to a place with many Farang/Thai couples,maybe Pattaya,

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you guys are thinking too hard. i have given this some thought, but not a lot, and have decided these are the 'real' reasons thai women love us so much

1) it is easier to ask your farang bf/husband to hold up the bamboo curtain rod than go get a ladder (we are taller)

2) since it obvious that many farnag have some sort of inate preference for brown skinned young women, isn't it reasonable to suggest that there might be some sort of inherent/genetic trait in thai women that causes them to actually prefer older white guys? (there is often more to the complexity of life than we care to acknowledge)

3) money, honey. (and why not? western women love men for money and power, why not thais?)

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