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Are Pattaya's Foreigners Worst Than In Other Cities ?


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I was in department store in the morning late yesterday. A tall and big guy was rudely pushing his trolley in the supermarket, annoying some other customers. We have been at the cashier in the same time. He was throwing noisily big boxes of beer in his trolley, moaning against the small cashier who can’t carry easily the big packs of beer….

Ten minutes later, a car hooted me aggressively, wanting to use the wrong lane for passing a few cars at red light… The driver had his big red stupid face at the window… Yes, he was the same guy.

A farang in my estate has bought several houses for renting out and his customers are European people in holiday. Because they are in holiday, they imagine they are alone on earth and shout, drink all the night. They definitively ignore other people living there.

Of course, my farang doesn’t care. Money first.

For lunch, I was in the cafeteria of a dept store. A furious farang was howling against the waitress: "why are you working here if you can't speak English...?"

The guy had a terrific problem. He wanted ONLY half a glass of ice, and she had put a bit more.

I'm farang living in Thailand and often, I'm not proud of us.

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Although I've lived in Thailand on and off for several years, I've never "had the pleasure" of visiting Pattaya. Well, that is about to change because the missus and I will be going in Dec for a few days. My wife although being Thai, also has never been to Pattaya before.

We are both really looking forward to the people watching there. Sounds like we have a LOT to see! Quite and unforgettable upcoming experience, no doubt!

Edited by Lopburi99
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I was in department store in the morning late yesterday. A tall and big guy was rudely pushing his trolley in the supermarket, annoying some other customers. We have been at the cashier in the same time. He was throwing noisily big boxes of beer in his trolley, moaning against the small cashier who can't carry easily the big packs of beer….

Ten minutes later, a car hooted me aggressively, wanting to use the wrong lane for passing a few cars at red light… The driver had his big red stupid face at the window… Yes, he was the same guy.

A farang in my estate has bought several houses for renting out and his customers are European people in holiday. Because they are in holiday, they imagine they are alone on earth and shout, drink all the night. They definitively ignore other people living there.

Of course, my farang doesn't care. Money first.

For lunch, I was in the cafeteria of a dept store. A furious farang was howling against the waitress: "why are you working here if you can't speak English...?"

The guy had a terrific problem. He wanted ONLY half a glass of ice, and she had put a bit more.

I'm farang living in Thailand and often, I'm not proud of us.

yep there's thousands of them in thailand,usually found in tourist areas including BKK,usually europeans,brits,aussies,americans,and they are probably the same back home,uncouth louts,ought to be put down.Oh yeah ruskies too.

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I was in department store in the morning late yesterday. A tall and big guy was rudely pushing his trolley in the supermarket, annoying some other customers. We have been at the cashier in the same time. He was throwing noisily big boxes of beer in his trolley, moaning against the small cashier who can't carry easily the big packs of beer….

Ten minutes later, a car hooted me aggressively, wanting to use the wrong lane for passing a few cars at red light… The driver had his big red stupid face at the window… Yes, he was the same guy.

A farang in my estate has bought several houses for renting out and his customers are European people in holiday. Because they are in holiday, they imagine they are alone on earth and shout, drink all the night. They definitively ignore other people living there.

Of course, my farang doesn't care. Money first.

For lunch, I was in the cafeteria of a dept store. A furious farang was howling against the waitress: "why are you working here if you can't speak English...?"

The guy had a terrific problem. He wanted ONLY half a glass of ice, and she had put a bit more.

I'm farang living in Thailand and often, I'm not proud of us.

Seriously, if you're a real resident of east Pattaya, come and visit Jomtien, between beach and Sukhumwit. 500 from the sea, 300 m to Sukhumwit, many shops everywhere, supermarkets at 5 minutes. And a so quiet and safe place.

Birds awake me in the morning, then I go to ride my bicycle along the beach, watching the little fisher boats coming back... Wonderful !

The best place in Pattaya.

It's only a couple of months since you wrote the above Geroc, i guess you are rapidly finding out about Pattaya / Jomtien CITY living!!! :o:D:D:D

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Look, everyone knows that Pattaya grew up aroud the <snip>, and as garro said throw in cheap grog and you've got exactly the target market you aimed for. The Thais (and some others) aren't complaining cause they're making lots of cash. Only those who thought they were buying a piece of paradise are losing out. But lets face it, everyone since the early 1970's has known about the main reason for Pattayas existance. Sorry.

Edited by soundman
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Whilst many non-Pattayans can rightly find much to be sniffed at here, the fact is it is easy to live a high quality life in Pattaya, and I do.

But I also enjoy going into town once a week on Walking Street for English football, to see friends, and have a few beers. The people watching is also excellent down there, and many of the bars are fun if you are in the right mood, for about 46 weeks of the year.

BUT I absolutely hate living in Pattaya and going into Walking Street in the weeks leading to, and over Christmas and New year, on account of the quality of the high season <snip> which washes up in the city.

Last night I was out and saw the scummiest pieces of <snip> I have seen in a long while. We walked into a bar where there had just been a big English/Irish fight (Transubstantiation has a lot to answer for), and then we walked into another bar where three paralytically drunk young Londoners were sexually assaulting the waitresses, even when the girls objected to being so badly assaulted. It was seedy, disgusting and disturbing.

My visit there last night made me realise we are coming into high season again, and I will now stop going into Walking Street until the middle of January. It's just not pleasant, and it's not fun.

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Let's face it. Cheap beer and sex isn't likely to attract the gentry of Europe.

Woa! I'm surprised noone is rising to the bait. Come on troll feeders! Defend

the city of variety! (or is it the extreme city?)

OK I will.

No it is not any worse than any other.

Someday I will tell the story of how I almost came to

fisticuffs with an arrogant Serb in Phuket who thought

he was being cheated out of 20 baht for a silly news flyer

.....and was giving a bakery owner crap about it...

a Or the Fem-Nazi I met in ChiangMai who wondered why Thais were

staring at her nose rings and her..(hint every second word F** and

well...if thats what hippys have come to..)...

Sure there is scum here but I also remember how

many normal and nice people I have seen, even from those with

a bad rap(like the Russkies)

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I was in department store in the morning late yesterday. A tall and big guy was rudely pushing his trolley in the supermarket, annoying some other customers. We have been at the cashier in the same time. He was throwing noisily big boxes of beer in his trolley, moaning against the small cashier who can't carry easily the big packs of beer….

Ten minutes later, a car hooted me aggressively, wanting to use the wrong lane for passing a few cars at red light… The driver had his big red stupid face at the window… Yes, he was the same guy.

A farang in my estate has bought several houses for renting out and his customers are European people in holiday. Because they are in holiday, they imagine they are alone on earth and shout, drink all the night. They definitively ignore other people living there.

Of course, my farang doesn't care. Money first.

For lunch, I was in the cafeteria of a dept store. A furious farang was howling against the waitress: "why are you working here if you can't speak English...?"

The guy had a terrific problem. He wanted ONLY half a glass of ice, and she had put a bit more.

I'm farang living in Thailand and often, I'm not proud of us.

yep there's thousands of them in thailand,usually found in tourist areas including BKK,usually europeans,brits,aussies,americans,and they are probably the same back home,uncouth louts,ought to be put down.Oh yeah ruskies too.

They ARE the same back home.

I don't usually feel sorry for bargirls, but with some of those guys, you have to pity them ( the girls ).

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I live here. My feeling is that there is indeed a higher percentage of idiotic foreigners AND idiotic Thais living in the area, and if you visit and that surprises you consider yourself added to that total. That said, on a day to day basis, its really not that bad, and the people watching is priceless.

Edited by Jingthing
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I bet the vendors are pleased the numbers are going up, as I understand there was a risk around a high season this year.l

I agree seeing the way some of these people behave is poor but like the posts say thay do the same at home:(

side story... was at Mike last night with the wife and I'm looking at the football jerseys at the first jersey stand inside. I grabbed a jersey and held it up (thought about buying for a friend back home) and the vendor girl ran up, snatched the jersey and said, if you not buy, you not look and slammed it back down on the rack. haha, i was shocked, i didn't even know what to say. if i were back home, i would've went off on how fuc_king rude that was, but not here. i just laughed and walked to the next shop and bought the same jersey. she watched the whole time.

yes, i bought a counterfeit jersey, yes i know some 8 year old chained to a sewing machine for 18 hours a day made it. i'm a very horrible person and i'm certainly going to hel_l, but not because i bought a knock off jersey :o

anyway, i thought the vendors would be happy to have the farang crawling all over their stuff. instead, this girl was seriously cranky!

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Let's face it. Cheap beer and sex isn't likely to attract the gentry of Europe.

well you can drop the "cheap beer" quote for a start, in my experience most of the bars are charging the same as back home "UK" or even more when you consider current exchange rates etc, yes there are a few places that have drinks priced at what they should be here in Thailand but mostly they are taking the piss

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Let's face it. Cheap beer and sex isn't likely to attract the gentry of Europe.

well you can drop the "cheap beer" quote for a start, in my experience most of the bars are charging the same as back home "UK" or even more when you consider current exchange rates etc, yes there are a few places that have drinks priced at what they should be here in Thailand but mostly they are taking the piss

Smedly, not sure where you come from but in London a bottle of beer will cost you 2.50 minimum sports bars in Los are about 70baht a drink with go gos at 120, its not as cheap due to the weakening of the £ but its still cheap.

I know a bar on soi 7 @ 45 baht a beer, Jack Tar is 60 baht a san miguel thats better than UK, though I know the prices are higher than they were it feels expensive.

Lucifers is 180 so thats the same as some clubs in UK - Still baht has started to weaken a tad so lets hope it continues :o

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It's only a couple of months since you wrote the above Geroc, i guess you are rapidly finding out about Pattaya / Jomtien CITY living!!! :o:D:D:D

Sorry Lenny ! I see you still try to love your place ?!

No, Geroc is a club. We're 15 members. But I've to admit that the member who has to live near a noisy neighbor is living in Jomtien. Normal. Who would want to invest for renting out in the east, at 10km from the sea and the city ??

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I'd say Pattaya has higher concentration of "lower" quality foreigners AND locals... likely contributing to the higher levels of frustration and intolerance of both groups. There are of course still plenty though that mind their own business and don't fall into the aforementioned category.


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Rudeness is everywhere, not just Pattaya. Similarly there are loads of whingers moaners and complainers everywhere too. They go hand in hand. Not sure if its possible to measure where is 'worst'.

Sadly, you'll either have to: a) live with it, :o do something about it, c) go to the moon (or Bognor Regis) or d) join in and start swearing.

I recommend option (d). But remember to wear your chang vest if you do.

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Haven't been to Pattaya in about 15 years. But from reading the papers and TV I have vision of what it might be like.

Pattaya is best for

Jumping off of tall buildings.

Bar fights.


Meeting a virgin bar girl.

Bad developments.

Rude farangs.

Nasty locals.

Getting drunk.

Interesting nightlife.

Getting laid.

Getting ripped off.

Gay Partners.

Dirty Beaches.


The above is my impressions, mostly from the post on TV. I'm I very far off? :D

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Ahh, Pattaya. What would ThaiVisa be without a place to demonize?

ThaiVisa has nothing to do with demonizing that place. It is demonized. It just seems like every topic about that place has something to do with suicide, assault, murder, robbery, etc. Chaing Mai, and other city-specific forums, rarely have demonic topics. It would be interesting to see just where ThaiVisa would be without that places forum.

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For the people with short fuses, or those who are normally rude it can be frustrating dealing with shop people who are themselves often embarrassed by their lack of command of the English language. But then I am often puzzled by what some English people say myself!

So, I think we should all spend one day a week teaching English to the locals when on holiday in LOS. Every little bit helps!

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