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Buckwheat Has Passed Away


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Buckwheat Has Passed Away

Thaivisa admin Martin Schulte, aka Buckwheat has passed away after a long fight with cancer.

He passed away on 4.45pm on April 4 in his home town in the United States.

Martin was an active member of the admin and marketing team at Thaivisa, and was our own Party General, organizing and cooking dozens of Thaivisa Member BBQ's around Thailand for many years.

Buckwheat flew back to United States on New Year's Eve for cancer treatment, and we had all expected him to come back to Thailand soon. Unfortunately he didn't make it.

Buckwheat old friend, Rest In Peace! You will be sorely missed.

Our thoughts are with his family.

/George and the entire Thaivisa Team

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sweet (and sometimes grumpy) Marty. a dear friend who will remain in my heart forever. i was only just skyping him last week or so, and he was so optimistic about his future. maybe he was lying to protect me from the harsh reality of his fate.

i shall have a Heineken in his honour this evening and remember the fun times.

i love you Mr Wheat :o

The clock of life is wound but once And no man has the power,

To tell just when the hands will stop At late or early hour.

Now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil with a will.

Place no faith in time. For the clock may soon be still.

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i was only just skyping him last week or so

same here .... i never knew nothing !

i am just so sad i never had a chance to say good bye or thank him for his friendship and work over the past couple of years !


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Shocking! I'm one of the lucky ones who had the pleasure to meet him a couple of times. A very gentle and great guy.

Rest in Peace, Martin/Buckwheat. And my deepest sympathies to his family and friends.


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Guest Reimar

He was not only an great cook, he was a great and straight forward guy which was standing to his words.

But beside of that: He was a great Friend, one many never had meet in the whole live.

Marty, have a good one on the other site and RIP from the last hard time on this site.

Farewell and see you sometime soon on the other side.


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