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First Time Father At 50


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Hi folks I am just about to take my wife to the hospital in Ratchaburi and later this afternoon our son will come into this world, my first child. I would be very surprised if I was unique in having my first kid at this age and am sure there are a number of guys out there who were late starters. Any advice or suggestions from your experience? Many thanks. Will be back afk for the next several hours. Once more many thanks.

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Let me also offer my congratulations (with a touch of envy, as well.)

I am 51, and my ex was unable to have children.  So if I find a suitable match, I hope I will be joining you as an older first-time father.

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Well it's too late to suggest you get some sleep. Then again your Mrs will probably stay in the hospital for the next night or two, so you may have a chance. After that, unless you are one of the very lucky ones, you can forget about a good night's sleep for about the next two years. :) As a semi-centurion (or whatever the correct term is) this may knock you around a bit and could accelerate the hair greying process. Still a rather small price to pay in the overall scheme of things. Congratulations - well done

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Yes! Congrates to you both..I had a son with my wife who is now 5( no not my wife!lol)when I was 45.have had 2 before so yes knew what to expect..Have found that the THAIS LOVE TO SEE children from mixed marriages and maybe your son will be a soap star here one day!!!!My wife and most thais in a settled relationship are great mums..You of course should have the money now ( i take it you are retired or part retired?) to enjoy your child to the full. Having quality time to spend together..No pressures of worrying where the next buck is coming from..Have another as soon as you can maybe when the first is 9 months old so there is about a 2 year gap..They will grow uo together and be close... We are still trying for our 2nd but my other sons from the uk although 22 and 20 love their youger brother to bits! They come out regularly and we go back as well...

Get used to your son sleeping in the same room for ever! Ours still does.I was against it but feel its ok now..Only have to put the air-con on in one room and mum can here him if he wakes ...Its a great feeling being a new dad so enjoy it!


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Congratulations. You've just taken the giant step into a new dimension. I hope you are ready for it. It will change your life for the better if you let it. Remember now that nothing else matters except raising your child properly and giving it as many opportunities as it's possible to have. In effect you give your personal life in exchange for that of your child. The more you put into the raising of the child now the more benefits you'll receive later as the child grows up.

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Prepare for the sleepless nights

Prepare for the endless attention the little one needs (I am still surprised how a little baby can make all the adults around him soooooo tired sometimes and than wakes up happily if nothing ever happened again at 6:00, lol)

Prepare to learn some Thai culture stuff involving babies (such as it is not good to show the baby itself in the mirror, can't walk beyond your own property with the baby after dark as it is not protected anymore by the small house "shrine" (forgot the word in thai, the small temple protecting your property and house from spirits etc.) and many more like these ....

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Well it's too late to suggest you get some sleep. Then again your Mrs will probably stay in the hospital for the next night or two, so you may have a chance. After that, unless you are one of the very lucky ones, you can forget about a good night's sleep for about the next two years. :) As a semi-centurion (or whatever the correct term is) this may knock you around a bit and could accelerate the hair greying process. Still a rather small price to pay in the overall scheme of things. Congratulations - well done

Congratulations, although I complain about my kids now, they are the best thing to ever happen to me. Enjoy the birth, it's a truly wonderful event.

When my firt was born, I was 37 and people said I looked 32. Now I'm 43 and people say I look 45. Aged 13 years in 6 years.

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congrats and don't worry...if you are part of a traditional thai family the baby will be 'absorbed' and there won't be much that you can do anyway...

I was 44 when my son was born (now 59 y.o.) and was nervous as hel_l although I was making good money and had no reason to worry (other than the dodgy relationship with his mother). Try to enjoy him while he is little...they get so big, so fast. My boy will be 15 soon and I'm already worrying about his 'O' levels in the UK.

I have a bunch of beautiful thai nieces now and a little step-grandson just came. It ain't true what they say about thai babies bein' scared of falangs! :)

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Hi folks I am just about to take my wife to the hospital in Ratchaburi and later this afternoon our son will come into this world, my first child. I would be very surprised if I was unique in having my first kid at this age and am sure there are a number of guys out there who were late starters. Any advice or suggestions from your experience? Many thanks. Will be back afk for the next several hours. Once more many thanks.

:) Congrats. spend time with him and speak English to him all the time, give the lad a chance. :D

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I would like to join the rest here to Congrats you and your Mrs.

As for a 'first timer' father, try not to spoil the baby too fast! Talk nicely but firmly to him. Shower your love and when he give you the first smile, the first chuckle, the reward is worth all the sleepless nights! :)

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I am up to 3 now..... 12, 6 and 2 1/2 (No more!)

Whenever I need a smile, I just look to the kids to provide me the amusement to lighten up my day........ It also makes me appreciate my parents more, realizing that they had to deal with me at these ages, and I am amazed at their patience......

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Prepare for the sleepless nights

Prepare for the endless attention the little one needs (I am still surprised how a little baby can make all the adults around him soooooo tired sometimes and than wakes up happily if nothing ever happened again at 6:00, lol)

Prepare to learn some Thai culture stuff involving babies (such as it is not good to show the baby itself in the mirror, can't walk beyond your own property with the baby after dark as it is not protected anymore by the small house "shrine" (forgot the word in thai, the small temple protecting your property and house from spirits etc.) and many more like these ....

Same Same, Congratulations! :)

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Benedict was born at 14:41 this afternoon and weighed in at 2.75 kg. Thanks for the wise words and congratulations. Really kind. I am not quite sure what lies ahead as my wife is a filipina working here, as do I. But we are both thrilled to bits with our new son, he is healthy and mum is making a good recovery. There are some pictures posted on my blog. www.gerryb-inthailand.blogspot.com . In truth it is a fairly daunting propsect but I feel really positive about the whole thing. I cannot describe the feeling of being left alone in the nursery at the hospital with the boy in my arms, while his mother was in the recovery room. Very happy with the medics and nursing team at the hospital. Once more many thanks. I don't care immediately about the prospect of not sleeping

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Congratulations gerry.

I had my first last year. A baby girl, now 10 months old. Before I had her, i never imagined the joy such a small thing could give. Every day when I get home from work, she is doing something extra that she couldn't do the day before. You'll love it. :)

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All the best to your wife, the new boy and yourself.Enjoy very moment.........the good and the bad as he will be a teenager before you know it. The time will really fly as he grows up and you will get younger ( at least mentally!!)

I am 64, have a 37 year old son in England, daughter 35 with 3 children in New Zealand, and have a 9 year old son here in Thailand.Two of the grandchildren are older than their "Thai Uncle. My wife is now 51 and at 42 he was her first child. So we are both a couple of oldies.

He has been a true delight and speaks, writes and reads both Thai and English fluently.

Do try to teach your new boy both languages as he can then have a foot in both camps.

Being a proud father is a great feeling and having a son/daughter to make you proud is what to work at.

Congratulations again.


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