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British Woman Raped In Thailand After Two Men Dragged Her Off The Street

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There is more and more of this happening as well as robbery.

Another nail in the tourism coffin!

I dont think any right minded foreigner should bother with thailand anymore.

I am so glad i have moved out and probably never go back, the world is a big place and many other countries deserve our money more!

With the current problems i think there will be more and more bad things happening.

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I'm sorry, but I have trouble believing that this happened to an adult woman in full possession of her senses.

Drunk, or on drugs, yes.

Went to the hotel under her own steam to buy something and was attacked, possibly.

Went back for fun with 2 local men then called rape after she was robbed as well, possibly.

As reported, not likely.

Please don't get me wrong, rape happens, and it can destroy lives, but IMO there is more story to this one than has been posted yet.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a drug deal gone horribly wrong. Unless as suggested a weapon was involved.How could this happen next to a cop shop if some sort of consent was not involved. That said the bastards will find 15 years in the BkK Hilton fun. Hopefully the girls they were pimping can get out of this all right as well. Anone who rapes anyone in Pattaya needs a serious smack in the head.

drug deal, drunk, went back for fun, a weapon involved, some sort of consent, the girls they were pimping. all this is supposition from posters embellishing a story. nothing factual.

Can somebody explain in more detail what the "cockroaches" do for money? Is this common in Thailand? Are they just allowing their wife/girlfriend to work in a bar or is it more like a pimp where they take a cut from many women? What exactly are they doing for the money?

Never heard of something like this in Thailand, unless it's just the girlfriend thing.

It is a Thai metaphor, likening a male pimp to an arachnid, Maeng Da (Na) which has eight legs. since Maeng Da Tale (Horseshoe Crab) male, its far cousin of Phylum Arthropoda hooks on to the female for a living. It is more looked like a roach, a six leg insect than the crab.

post-10678-1258449513_thumb.jpg post-10678-1258449605_thumb.jpg post-10678-1258449826_thumb.jpg

I wish the British girl a get well soon. The two guys, as are already with long bad history, should be offered a second chance in a re-ed camp.

Can somebody explain in more detail what the "cockroaches" do for money? Is this common in Thailand? Are they just allowing their wife/girlfriend to work in a bar or is it more like a pimp where they take a cut from many women? What exactly are they doing for the money?

Never heard of something like this in Thailand, unless it's just the girlfriend thing.

sorry, too many clicks :)

Can somebody explain in more detail what the "cockroaches" do for money? Is this common in Thailand? Are they just allowing their wife/girlfriend to work in a bar or is it more like a pimp where they take a cut from many women? What exactly are they doing for the money?

Never heard of something like this in Thailand, unless it's just the girlfriend thing.

What exactly are they "doing" for the money? They're raping and torturing the Thai prostitute

and her kids. They kidnap the kids beat her up handcuff her,threaten her etc. If she's your thai lady

they try to do it as near to your room as posible so maybe you'll hear a little bit of it through the walls

Sometimes they are female bull dikes. Sometimes they are other people such as POLICE OFFICERS!

Didn't you wonder why those female bull dikes are so rude to you when you walk into the girlie bars?

Your trying to steal their lady. Those nut dikes are twice the man you are in their minds and

have to prove it every day. It's a wonderous development of their personalities that stems from their

stay in the local hotel California. What else didn't you know has been going on with the ape human race for 10's

of thousands of years?

The thread is about a British person being raped as reported by the UK press ( and nothing in the Thai media)


Well personally I feel for the woman and dont think there is any need to speculate on details we dont know or create stories from nothing or to just worry how it will affect the tourist industry or to label some national groups. Rape is a well bad thing. Sometimes the responses on these threads amaze me.

I have to wonder how they managed to drag a woman into a hotel without anyone seeing it.

Then again, I guess a lot of hotels don't have real receptions & such - but a shame that no-one spotted it & reported it to the police.

Poor girl - life will never be the same for her again.

The unwritten word here is "how"?

Was she dragged screaming and kicking - if so why was it not noticed if at all? It would be an assumption that she went willingly conned or otherwise.

If she went quietly then more fool her for being gullible (despite the atrocity of the crime).

But when all is said and done - farang ladies at 25 years of age in Pattaya going off with two Thai guys - yes - sh*t happens cos she wouldn't get a look in with that much LBFM sex to choose from in Pattaya. If the Thai boys hit on her and she went willingly then the the result is to be expected.

Message here - don't be a brave female tourist anywhere, Thailand or elsewhere as some people don't take "no" for an answer.


There is more and more of this happening as well as robbery.

Another nail in the tourism coffin!

I dont think any right minded foreigner should bother with thailand anymore.

I am so glad i have moved out and probably never go back, the world is a big place and many other countries deserve our money more!

With the current problems i think there will be more and more bad things happening.

So right...

Been here for 9 years now. I'm 43 and on my way back home. Well at home, I will get a job, find a western (like myself) woman between 32-36, marry, have kids and live the life that I've should have lived in the first place. Spent far to long time here to become nothing at all. Nowadays I wake up every morning with a smile, counting the days left before I can have my life back. This place is not for people with ambitions. It's more like the Mojave Desert. To get broken down and finally put down as scrap for good.

Well personally I feel for the woman and dont think there is any need to speculate on details we dont know or create stories from nothing or to just worry how it will affect the tourist industry or to label some national groups. Rape is a well bad thing. Sometimes the responses on these threads amaze me.

I agree with you completly. Perhaps more comments from posters will clean up some of the threads here. The mods have deleted posts but they must have one hel_l of a job policing threads like this.

In my humble opinion, more posters need to ostrasise these low life posters and more openly criticise them.

Good on you, hammered.

I have to wonder how they managed to drag a woman into a hotel without anyone seeing it.

Then again, I guess a lot of hotels don't have real receptions & such - but a shame that no-one spotted it & reported it to the police.

Poor girl - life will never be the same for her again.

Something got lost in translation. Middle of the day, two men dragging a woman around screaming? Cannot be what really happened.

Pattaya a haven of filth and criminals , Tourists should beware . Parts of that place have its own smell that turn stomachs over. Good on the Daily Mail to highlight something that local media often try to hide, bad publicity.


shit happens no matter where you live

its not just Pattaya

You are right "shit happens no matter where you live". Let me explain my definition of "shit happens". You are walking down the street and someone accidently drops a piano on your head. What happened was a crime. If you were pulled off the street and b** f****d for a few hours I doubt you would have the same attitude. A crime is a crime no matter where it happens and to us civilized people it is ALWAYS unacceptable.

Having said that, there are a few disturbing and unanswered questions as to the circumstances. For now I am willing to chalk that up to incomplete reporting. Those questions have already been raised elsewhere in this thread.

Can somebody explain in more detail what the "cockroaches" do for money? Is this common in Thailand? Are they just allowing their wife/girlfriend to work in a bar or is it more like a pimp where they take a cut from many women? What exactly are they doing for the money?

Never heard of something like this in Thailand, unless it's just the girlfriend thing.

What cockroaches do for a living?

They live off the money from others, by force, coercion, threats or any other means.

Something like pimps do.

Mostly of prostitutes.


Anyway, rape is a filthy busniness, stays with the woman for years, if not forever.

Not very good for tourist business.

Repressing this story in the national press in the hope it will not reach the news abroad is understandable.

Of course, in this day and age that is false hope.


I see that this thread has turned into another opportunity to attack and insult those of us that live perfectly respectable lives here in Pattaya. My condolences to this young lady - I hope she manages to recover from this dreadful crime.

To those that condemn Pattaya in this way - I suggest you Google 'rape statistics' in your homeland and then realise this sort of criminal scum are a worldwide problem not confined to Pattaya nor Thailand.

Pattaya a haven of filth and criminals , Tourists should beware . Parts of that place have its own smell that turn stomachs over. Good on the Daily Mail to highlight something that local media often try to hide, bad publicity.

You're so right there......it's getting as bad as Ramsgate.

I see that this thread has turned into another opportunity to attack and insult those of us that live perfectly respectable lives here in Pattaya. My condolences to this young lady - I hope she manages to recover from this dreadful crime.

To those that condemn Pattaya in this way - I suggest you Google 'rape statistics' in your homeland and then realise this sort of criminal scum are a worldwide problem not confined to Pattaya nor Thailand.

Rapes stats in our home city or country? Anyways, when you read in the local pat papers and on here of the daily news (that actually gets reported) suffice to say the reputation it has / gaining is deserved unfortunately. Go take a look in the Pattaya News Clipping section on TV.

How long ago was it that some official in Pattaya was asking the local media only publish the good stories?


I don't know if she or people who know her will read this, but there are many NGOs that can help.

Here is a good link to a list of some of them: http://www.stoprapenow.org/ngoLinks.html

and this page has a contact number for UNIFEM in Bangkok: http://www.unifem-eseasia.org/projects/eva...ngo/vamthai.htm

I think that as more crime becomes global in scope of victims and aggressors, NGOs are going to be some of the only recourses for people in countries that don't have fully evolved criminal justice systems.

Good luck.

This is terrible news. This is the reason I NEVER go out alone in Pattaya, not even in Daylight.

I hope the poor Lady recovers from her terrible ordeal, and I hope the Guilty Parties get there just deserts through the Court system.

I empathize with the trauma of that lady. Unfortunately, women in society are seldom appreciated as full fledged human beings. The general sentiment is: "Oh, well! She was raped but it could have been worse." Which is not too far with the prevailing "knowledge" in the Middle Ages that women could not suffer because they had no soul. Therefore, chastity belts and being confined to locked chambers for years, was accepted as normal, natural and fair treatment of a woman. Even the Church was in accord with these practices. If they are professional pimps, probably their goal was to "break her in" as a possible item in their stable.

However, back to the social implications, if the punishment were too be harsh, lengthy and without leniency, would that deter those cockroaches? On a daily basis people (foreigners and Thais alike) are caught dealing in drugs. Even if the death penalty hovers over their heads while in the commission, why do they still do it?


Pattaya a haven of filth and criminals , Tourists should beware . Parts of that place have its own smell that turn stomachs over. Good on the Daily Mail to highlight something that local media often try to hide, bad publicity.


shit happens no matter where you live

its not just Pattaya

You are right it does happen everywhere, but Pattaya has become a magnet for drugs and crime. Expats and Thai's alike. They keep trying to change the image to a family destination, but until they do something about the criminal element it will be nothing more than the cesspool of Thailand

Pattaya a haven of filth and criminals , Tourists should beware . Parts of that place have its own smell that turn stomachs over. Good on the Daily Mail to highlight something that local media often try to hide, bad publicity.


shit happens no matter where you live

its not just Pattaya

But most of those stories one can read about happen either in Pattaya or Bangkok.

I think most people are reading that differently to the way I read it - which was as a response to a suggestion that it happened because it was Pataya - it happened becasue bad things happen everywhere, not just in Pataya - I didnt see anything in the statement that trivialised the crime - I think some peope post responses here without actually reading and thinking about what they are responding to. Maybe the term shit happens means different things to different people - but to me it just meant dont single out Pattya as the only place it happens ....... Lastly I dont think anyone in the UK would place too much reliability on anything published in the Daily Mail which is a middle class sensationllist rag - wait for the trial thats when the evidence will be put forward - it doesnt seem to have been reported by the BBC as yet?

ditto also.


Terrible incident but I feel that the Mails version could lack some details, this isn't a common thing here DESPITE what all the experts and bashers think.

This is terrible news. This is the reason I NEVER go out alone in Pattaya, not even in Daylight.

I think that is a bit exaggerated....isn't it?

Anyway a sad story for the girl.

Pattaya,,,a family tourist resort??? Do me a favour,,it never has been and it never will be


Many year's ago girl's just drifted into Pattaya from the provinces & BKK factories, they were mainly attached to bar's, some just walked up & down Beach rd. The good ones were looking for a quick husband & the bad ones had all the scam's going U could think of; these "Pattaya Commando" made a good living & ended up staying in the town. It is their off-spring now grown up that rule the roost, carry gun's and deal in drug's & prostitution.

Yet every time I go there I never see any police crackdowns on their favourite meeting point at Third rd & Central. The cop's are good at issuing ticket's for no helmet's but do nothing against these gang's. Maybe the "pattaya Commando's" feed a few of there kid's into the police!


lets not turn this thread into a debate about whether or not you like Pattaya, or whether you think the city is worth living in/dangerous etc.

I hope they get life!


I trust that Pattayas real cockroaches will be directly on the phone to their lawyers to file defamation of species against these 2 lowlife.

Crush them underfoot.

rgdz & sympathies.



Let's take care not not to blame the victim. The issue is about people being safe.

Women don't ask to be raped and they suffer greatly from the trauma.

Posts that a deemed to be demeaning women or that rape is their fault, will be deleted.

Pattaya a haven of filth and criminals , Tourists should beware . Parts of that place have its own smell that turn stomachs over. Good on the Daily Mail to highlight something that local media often try to hide, bad publicity.

pattaya i think its the most dangerous place in thailand manny think happen at night times scarried place to go

I live in Pattaya and have no hesitation going anywhere, alone or otherwise day or night.

Well personally I feel for the woman and dont think there is any need to speculate on details we dont know or create stories from nothing or to just worry how it will affect the tourist industry or to label some national groups. Rape is a well bad thing. Sometimes the responses on these threads amaze me.

I agree with you completly. Perhaps more comments from posters will clean up some of the threads here. The mods have deleted posts but they must have one hel_l of a job policing threads like this.

In my humble opinion, more posters need to ostrasise these low life posters and more openly criticise them.

Good on you, hammered.

Hammered...Are you are member of the Chinese government?

I just ask because it is obvious that you do not believe in freedom of speech or opinion.

Go back to China, North Korea, or Saudi Arabia where fasciasts belong.

Hopefully, the Thais will clean out the Thai "cock roaches" and the Russian mafia that controls much of Pattaya.


The news story lacks a lot details.

Such a rape (thai men - farang woman) is not common at all.

I am impatient to read a follow-up article with more facts and the surrounding circumstances, because the fact that there was a police box (staffed?) less than 20 meters away suggests it was in the city. So I supposed she would have loudly called for help if she had been dragged into a house against her will.

But then maybe they gagged her and she didn't have the chance...

As I said, waiting on more facts...

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