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Pattaya Takeover By Russians


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Yes there are stacks of Russians in Pattaya. So what. Who cares really. They are on holidays having fun. Good luck to them. I think they are generally well behaved and they seem to stick to themselves in their groups.

Whichever you look at it, Russians and their families are an improvement on the lager louts from the UK that wander around Pattaya with their shaved heads, tatoos and boorish loutish behaviour.

Right - Who would you rather be on a baht bus with or in a restaurant with. A group of Russians who are ignoring you like your invisable. Or a group of guys with tatoos who have been drinking ..

I only wish all the other nationalities in this town, including the locals, ignored me 1/2 as much as the Russians do.

Edited by morrobay
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On a bright not I have never seen a Russian pee off the back of a Baht bus or poop in a trash can while I have seen this behavior from one other nationality.

I like the way the Russian women dress. The Russians men don't bother me because I am not in a hurry to go anywhere. I step aside and warn the cashier.

I was hoping the Russians would bring more culinary choices to Pattaya and some extra ladies from other Eastern European locations not as well off financially.

Although if you think about it reasonably the women would be nuts to come to Pattaya to service Russians when they can make big bucks in Japan, Korea and Middle Eastern countries.

I had one good Russian friend back in Falang land and I must admit I was envious of his prowess with Russian women. However he was a 0 when it came to Western chicks.

I had another friend as a young man that I used to sail with. He was from another country mentioned in this thread. I had to clue him in about Western women, I told him his favorite line, “don't fight me I am stronger than you” would not work very well with women from North America.

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I had to clue him in about Western women, I told him his favorite line, “don't fight me I am stronger than you” would not work very well with women from North America.

Struth! Jingthing, why didn't you tell me this *before* I moved to Thailand?

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Yes there are stacks of Russians in Pattaya. So what. Who cares really. They are on holidays having fun. Good luck to them. I think they are generally well behaved and they seem to stick to themselves in their groups.

Whichever you look at it, Russians and their families are an improvement on the lager louts from the UK that wander around Pattaya with their shaved heads, tatoos and boorish loutish behaviour.

Right - Who would you rather be on a baht bus with or in a restaurant with. A group of Russians who are ignoring you like your invisable. Or a group of guys with tatoos who have been drinking ..

I only wish all the other nationalities in this town, including the locals, ignored me 1/2 as much as the Russians do.

I rather be ignored than beaten to a pulp too! :clap2:

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As already mentioned by many, Russian women bring an added attraction to Pattaya.

Don't know how they are personally, but definitely worth looking at, and they dress to please!

:ermm: every russian women i've ever come across has been rude to me. does an ice cube sound sexy? didn't think so.

about the only idiots attracted to them are iranians, who fawn over anything fair skinned.

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Some definitions of being rude are very subjective: In a small town if you dont smile and talk to your neighbors you are considered rude. In a big city it would be considered normal not to talk to neighbors.

Myself, I favor being anonymous and like I said above, being ignored by the Russians not a problem.

Awhile back on a baht bus I asked a pretty Russian lady if she was a model. She just turned away- ok fine.

If I was on a subway in New York City , most likely I would get the same response from any lady..


and Happy New Year Ya all

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Some definitions of being rude are very subjective: In a small town if you dont smile and talk to your neighbors you are considered rude. In a big city it would be considered normal not to talk to neighbors.

Myself, I favor being anonymous and like I said above, being ignored by the Russians not a problem.

Awhile back on a baht bus I asked a pretty Russian lady if she was a model. She just turned away- ok fine.

If I was on a subway in New York City , most likely I would get the same response from any lady..


and Happy New Year Ya all

You need some better chat up lines !!:lol: :lol:

Happy new year!

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As already mentioned by many, Russian women bring an added attraction to Pattaya.

Don't know how they are personally, but definitely worth looking at, and they dress to please!

:ermm: every russian women i've ever come across has been rude to me. does an ice cube sound sexy? didn't think so.

about the only idiots attracted to them are iranians, who fawn over anything fair skinned.


I've never actually got close enough to one to know if they're rude or not. I just admire from afar, and dream.

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I think It's fine if they come here for two weeks, have a good time, spend their money and go home. But we shouldn't let them stay on, taking our jobs and women and inflating house prices!

right you are! by the way... how many jobs did you lose because Russians were more qualified and how many houses could you not buy because Russians inflated house prices?


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I think It's fine if they come here for two weeks, have a good time, spend their money and go home.

But we shouldn't let them stay on, taking our jobs and women and inflating house prices!

Yes - new instruction to immigration officials - two week tourist stamp only for ALL foreigners.

Cut the immigration desks down to one for foreigners and the rest can be "Thai and good Aryan passports only"

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As already mentioned by many, Russian women bring an added attraction to Pattaya.

Don't know how they are personally, but definitely worth looking at, and they dress to please!

No attraction to me though!

I find them totally overdressed (some), overweight (some) etc....

But I agree to other poster, they ignore others and that is an advantage over some western european island folks.

But did you ever wonder about, what all the single Russian women doing here??? :unsure:

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Better Russians than Indians.....

One group of foreigners moaning in a foreign land (Thailand) about other foreigners (Russians, Indians etc).

And then continue moaning in Thailand about the locals in Thailand!!

Is life really that bad that one has to blame and belittle others to feel better? Or are some projecting their own problems onto others (eg cheap, rude, fat, idiotic etc etc....)?

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As already mentioned by many, Russian women bring an added attraction to Pattaya.

Don't know how they are personally, but definitely worth looking at, and they dress to please!

No attraction to me though!

I find them totally overdressed (some), overweight (some) etc....

But I agree to other poster, they ignore others and that is an advantage over some western european island folks.

But did you ever wonder about, what all the single Russian women doing here??? :unsure:

I have been out with Australian and Englishwomen in Pattaya but never a Russian.

Has anyone actually ever dated a Russian woman in Pattaya?

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As already mentioned by many, Russian women bring an added attraction to Pattaya.

Don't know how they are personally, but definitely worth looking at, and they dress to please!

No attraction to me though!

I find them totally overdressed (some), overweight (some) etc....

But I agree to other poster, they ignore others and that is an advantage over some western european island folks.

But did you ever wonder about, what all the single Russian women doing here??? :unsure:

I have been out with Australian and Englishwomen in Pattaya but never a Russian.

Has anyone actually ever dated a Russian woman in Pattaya?

sure :D

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The Russian eye candy is very sparse on Pattaya beach. Baltic whale preserve is a more accurate description.

I was on Tien beach on Koh Larn a couple of days before christmas and it was heaving with them there. B)

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Yeah, more than a few cuties here on Pratumnak Hill as well. Cute as in can be compared to 7-9 on a scale of 10 earthy Texas/Florida/California sunbelt gals. And like those girls, none of them give me the time of day.


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Within a 6 year period, the Russian tourist population has taken over Pattaya. With my observations, the first "group" were the older "communist era" cronies - the type that fit the Hollywood movie stereotypes; but the last couple years the age group has widen and there are the 20-40 year oldies who do not fit the stereotype that the Westerns like to have of Russians, The majority (I am talking about the younger generation) take care of themselves, they are fit and well toned; properly dressed; and have more class than a typical Westerner who you would find here... I think there is some jealously with the older Westerners seeing a "new Russia" - unlike the ones they learned about from the Hollywood movies or the Western propaganda machines.

True, they appear to be cold and very reclusive, but some of this has to do with not knowing English, and they are like this with their own countrymen. As Americans can be too friendly or open; other nationalities can be the opposite. I find the 20-30 generation knowing more English; infact, I had a great time New Years Eve drinking and talking to a 24 year old Russian fellow. There is a new generation out there that does not fit the "Cold War" image.

I find it great to see Russian families enjoying Thailand just like other families. Right now they are certainly important to the local economy. (I think Central would be empty without them.)

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The majority (I am talking about the younger generation) take care of themselves, they are fit and well toned; properly dressed; and have more class than a typical Westerner who you would find here...

That's setting the bar pretty low IMHO :lol:

But I agree, I have no problem with the Russians visiting Pattaya...they have to pay for hotel rooms and restaurant meals like everyone else; and party in bars and niteclubs around town and all this spending is good for our economy. Of course, being a resident, I don't have to compete with them for hotel rooms nor see them much out over on the Farside so that may colour my opinion somewhat ;)

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I think It's fine if they come here for two weeks, have a good time, spend their money and go home. But we shouldn't let them stay on, taking our jobs and women and inflating house prices!

right you are! by the way... how many jobs did you lose because Russians were more qualified and how many houses could you not buy because Russians inflated house prices?


:) & wink, I don't get emoticons on this laptop!

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Yeah, more than a few cuties here on Pratumnak Hill as well. Cute as in can be compared to 7-9 on a scale of 10 earthy Texas/Florida/California sunbelt gals. And like those girls, none of them give me the time of day.


A bottle of Absolut on the table helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! I hope I don't have to put up with this kind of whinging on my next visit - I'll be paying the bin and walking out of the bar. What a funny post - farangs whining about other foreigners. I wonder how much the Thais whinge about farangs? As was said previously, you should focus on respecting the host country and allow them to show you a good time. If you are no longer having a good time because of others it may be time to find another holiday destination.

p.s. I wonder if there are any good Russian restaurants?

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As was said previously, you should focus on respecting the host country and allow them to show you a good time. If you are no longer having a good time because of others it may be time to find another holiday destination.

Is that the same as if you don't like it, go home!? :D

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Yeah, more than a few cuties here on Pratumnak Hill as well. Cute as in can be compared to 7-9 on a scale of 10 earthy Texas/Florida/California sunbelt gals. And like those girls, none of them give me the time of day.


A bottle of Absolut on the table helps!

I think what's not helping is having the wife at the table.


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