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Air Asia Website?


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Does anyone know whats going on with the Air-asia website? Have been trying to get the page up for a week only to see the old can't connect message.Have tried searching for alternate URLs and whatnot but with no luck

Im thinking it must some browser setting drama on my system..Surely the site can't have been down for that long?

havent had any other dramas with other sites not coming up though

Also, another unrelated annoying glitch..every page here on TV seems to take forever to load..first top quarter of the screen comes up instantly but takes nearly 10 seconds for the rest to appear and on the odd occasion a page will load with that "google custom search" tab smack bang on top of the "my controls" banner..making it impossible to use the "view new posts" function..which can be a bit annoying at times :)

I know...not a great deal to whinge about but hey what else do you do when back home in Oz :D

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