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Question For The Tourist Police Volunteers


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Firstly, I do not want this to turn into a witch hunt, as I believe what these guys do actually helps this city, I am simply asking a question.

As I saw on Big Trouble in Thailand, it appears that one of the roles of the TPV inconjunction with the TP is to uphold the law, all laws, where on the show it was shown people being apprehended for drugs, theft, violence and more...

My question is, why are there so many farang people, both men and women suddenly and openly running kebab machines and other businesses in and around WS which they obviously could not get work permits for.

Last night I walked past a whole family of middle eastern people working in one of these places, only 50 metres or so from the place where TPV sit and they were openly cutting, wrapping and serving customers.

I could not see how these types of businesses could generate enough money to pay the special taxes to be able to operate in the WS area.

Although this is a labour issue, it is clearly breaking the law, and I understood from the Big Trouble show and other articles that the TPV and the TP are responsible for upholding all laws in ws.

Again, this is not an attack, but a question as to how and why these people are getting away with it so openly, where others bust their gut and pay the taxes etc to be legal and have all the necessary and appropriate doc's and permits.

The other day i was going up the escalator in Carefore, and at the top was a farang guy pouring coloured sand in jars and making beautiful designs and selling them, no way he could get a work permit for this.

To me this is just wrong.

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Correct me if I am wrong [and I'm sure someone will and quickly] but it is my understanding that the TPV's do not have arrest or any enforcement powers. They are there solely to assist the regular police with translations and to facilate overcoming difficulties involving foreign and foreign speaking individuals.

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Correct me if I am wrong [and I'm sure someone will and quickly] but it is my understanding that the TPV's do not have arrest or any enforcement powers. They are there solely to assist the regular police with translations and to facilate overcoming difficulties involving foreign and foreign speaking individuals.

You are definitely correct MR. GF. They have no enforcing authority Secondly unless a foreigner or a farang steps out of line (work permit) all other organizations (BIB) normally well not say anything. If Immigration come a looking all bets are off. You will be arrested and deported.

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I know that it is quite rare, but some Thais do look 100% Farang, maybe with a Mother who is half Thai, half Farang and with a Farang Father. So it is always possible that the Farang is a Thai citizen.

Can't foreigners get work permits when working in Food & Beverages for the tourism industry? I'm pretty sure that they can. If so, there is no reason to assume/suspect that these people are doing anything illegal.

If there is no reason for the Police or volunteers to suspect that these people are doing anything illegal and they were to question them based solely on their racial features, wouldn't that be racist victimisation?

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Correct me if I am wrong [and I'm sure someone will and quickly] but it is my understanding that the TPV's do not have arrest or any enforcement powers. They are there solely to assist the regular police with translations and to facilate overcoming difficulties involving foreign and foreign speaking individuals.

My understanding is that they can detain somebody but must then call up the regular police .Its the equivalent of a citizens arrest in the West .

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Seadoo why can you really believe a group of Foreign FTPA's can be responsible for enforcing work permits for kebab sellers. You say you don't want a witch hunt but you are definitely looking for trouble by posting like this. These guys do a great job within their scope of operations on WS.

As these guys have been around for nearly 10 years and in your own words 'they actually do help the city' then give them some praise and post sensibly about the perceived problem naming the "correct division" responsble.

Gonzo is correct that Immigration are the enforcers of work permits in these cases and actually WS is under the control of the City Hall police who you see at various tables on WS, but the actual trouble enforcement of WS is up to the TP and FTPA's/TPV's up until about 2-3 oclock in the morning and then reverts over to the Soi 9 police. The other thing you don't understand that these people have been given permission by someone to be there, as are the Russian girls working in the upstairs bars--doesn't really hurt anyone and they pay a fee to City hall of course, so everyone's happy.

The other thing is why do you care about a few Turks or Middle eastern people selling kebabs or ice cream. If you feel that strongly about it go and report it to immigration yourself, otherwise let it be and enjoy WS for what it is--A great entertainment area, which is kept safe by Government and volunteer groups of dedicated individuals.


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"I could not see how these types of businesses could generate enough money to pay the special taxes to be able to operate in the WS area."

What special taxes? The rents are higher but I have never heard of special taxes before.

and I am with loong - who says they are not Thai? Thais come in may different flavours - and also if they are that "in your face" how would they get away with it? Don't you think someone would have complained long before now? and I mean other businesses in WS.

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First of all in Thailand, never worry about what the next guy is doing.

Probably more people doing things the wrong way 10,000 to 1 to the right way in Thailand now a days

Secondly, you can make your own choices same as these people are doing.

If they are willing to take a chance and risk it, that is up to them to decide.

You never know when joe blow farang is married to some one who's father is BIB Col/Gen/Som or whatever

It is best to leave your nose out of it.

There is no place on this earth that has perfect laws that are abided by 100% so don't expect Thailand to be either.

Thailand is what it is

Either accept things the way they are or move

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The only issue here is the misplaced assessment of people you do not know.

I do not know you but first impressions suggest you to be a ................

I ask you, how does it feel to be prejudged by a total stranger?

Live your own life, not other peoples.

The simple answer to all your mis-guided thoughts is money and corruption.

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I was reading your comments on the foreigners volunteers of Tourist Royal Thai Police in Pattaya, and i found myself smiling...

I've been living in Pattaya almost 10 months and i would like to say something about the foreigner volunteers. Do you know how Thai locals call them ? ...

I dont know if i should say it... give me advise, i dont wanna break any rule of this forum.


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I was reading your comments on the foreigners volunteers of Tourist Royal Thai Police in Pattaya, and i found myself smiling...

I've been living in Pattaya almost 10 months and i would like to say something about the foreigner volunteers. Do you know how Thai locals call them ? ...

I dont know if i should say it... give me advise, i dont wanna break any rule of this forum.


Publish and be damned!

Let's hear it...

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I was reading your comments on the foreigners volunteers of Tourist Royal Thai Police in Pattaya, and i found myself smiling...

I've been living in Pattaya almost 10 months and i would like to say something about the foreigner volunteers. Do you know how Thai locals call them ? ...

I dont know if i should say it... give me advise, i dont wanna break any rule of this forum.


You have already broken one of the rules by going off topic, so best to keep quite on the subject of FVTP

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I was reading your comments on the foreigners volunteers of Tourist Royal Thai Police in Pattaya, and i found myself smiling...

I've been living in Pattaya almost 10 months and i would like to say something about the foreigner volunteers. Do you know how Thai locals call them ? ...

I dont know if i should say it... give me advise, i dont wanna break any rule of this forum.


Publish and be damned!

Let's hear it...

And YOU will get a warning for pushing him into posting it.

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Being the Group Leader of the Foreign Tourist Police Assistants, I would like to add a few things and clear up a few points of discussion.

The FTPA cannot directly uphold the law, we assist the regular Thai Tourist Police to do this. For example, if I grabbed one of these non-Thais in a Kebab Shop and marched him/her to the TP Mobile Unit and informed the officer that he was working without a work permit, I would be in "trouble".

I have also seen an increase in these people working around the Walking Street area. Do I really need to explain why they are permitted to do this? :)

Personally it annoys me they are allowed to do this as I pay a lot of money every year for my one year visa and work permit and why should these people be allowed to openly break labor laws and avoid prosecution? But, I am not in the business of shopping people like this to the Police. They know about these people, so if they wanted to arrest them they would have done so by now.

Finally, such an arrest can be carried out by any division of Police, however the suspects would eventually be transferred to Immigration for processing.

By the way, they do make good Kebabs, have you tried one yet? :D

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Personally it annoys me they are allowed to do this as I pay a lot of money every year for my one year visa and work permit and why should these people be allowed to openly break labor laws and avoid prosecution? But, I am not in the business of shopping people like this to the Police. They know about these people, so if they wanted to arrest them they would have done so by now.

If you do it yourself and above the table its actually not much. For the rest, its non of my Business. Probably Immigration has a new Program and employs People with disabilities. At the moment they may just employ blind People. I hope soon all this blind Beggars jodeling around the Bars are gone and work for Immigration.

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Personally it annoys me they are allowed to do this as I pay a lot of money every year for my one year visa and work permit and why should these people be allowed to openly break labor laws and avoid prosecution? But, I am not in the business of shopping people like this to the Police. They know about these people, so if they wanted to arrest them they would have done so by now.

If you do it yourself and above the table its actually not much. For the rest, its non of my Business. Probably Immigration has a new Program and employs People with disabilities. At the moment they may just employ blind People. I hope soon all this blind Beggars jodeling around the Bars are gone and work for Immigration.

Howard, are you thinking of doing one of your restaurant reviews on them? As for the OP, what a busybody he is

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Being the Group Leader of the Foreign Tourist Police Assistants, I would like to add a few things and clear up a few points of discussion.

The FTPA cannot directly uphold the law, we assist the regular Thai Tourist Police to do this. For example, if I grabbed one of these non-Thais in a Kebab Shop and marched him/her to the TP Mobile Unit and informed the officer that he was working without a work permit, I would be in "trouble".

I have also seen an increase in these people working around the Walking Street area. Do I really need to explain why they are permitted to do this? :)

Personally it annoys me they are allowed to do this as I pay a lot of money every year for my one year visa and work permit and why should these people be allowed to openly break labor laws and avoid prosecution? But, I am not in the business of shopping people like this to the Police. They know about these people, so if they wanted to arrest them they would have done so by now.

Finally, such an arrest can be carried out by any division of Police, however the suspects would eventually be transferred to Immigration for processing.

By the way, they do make good Kebabs, have you tried one yet? :D

Howard, who was the bigwig down there on Tuesday night for the parade of volunteers?

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Being the Group Leader of the Foreign Tourist Police Assistants, I would like to add a few things and clear up a few points of discussion.

The FTPA cannot directly uphold the law, we assist the regular Thai Tourist Police to do this. For example, if I grabbed one of these non-Thais in a Kebab Shop and marched him/her to the TP Mobile Unit and informed the officer that he was working without a work permit, I would be in "trouble".

I have also seen an increase in these people working around the Walking Street area. Do I really need to explain why they are permitted to do this? :)

Personally it annoys me they are allowed to do this as I pay a lot of money every year for my one year visa and work permit and why should these people be allowed to openly break labor laws and avoid prosecution? But, I am not in the business of shopping people like this to the Police. They know about these people, so if they wanted to arrest them they would have done so by now.

Finally, such an arrest can be carried out by any division of Police, however the suspects would eventually be transferred to Immigration for processing.

By the way, they do make good Kebabs, have you tried one yet? :D

Howard, who was the bigwig down there on Tuesday night for the parade of volunteers?

It was a parade ordered by the National Police Commissioner (not Tourist Police boss, the Royal Thai Police boss). He wanted the Pattaya Tourist Police Chief to reassure tourists that Pattaya is safe and they should not be concerned about the Red Shirt protests......all this in front of the gathered press....of course!!

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