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100 Pheu Thai MPs Boycott House Meeting


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the current government, that was not elected in by the people

Which MP in the current government was not elected?

All of them.. Trying to 'win' an election by taking out your main competitor is not very democratic... Please tell me, how many Yellows have been convicted so far for besieging the countries International Airport or at all?? I bet the answer is zero. All a bit one sided considering the Red's won 2 elections previously (although I am sure both sides were encouraging people to vote with their $$$ skills).


The leaders have been charged and are awaiting trial, so stop telling lies and stick to the truth.

Telling lies? did you read what I said? CONVICTED not CHARGED... none have yet... I wonder how long it will take...

TIT mate... Do you really think it will be a fair and balanced trial? I'm not sure. I don't know one person here that is not using the system in one form or another for their own benefit both Thai and foreigners... and the truth is subjective, just what people want you to hear from both the yellows, reds, blues and all the other colours that are out there. Take everything you hear with a very large pinch of salt.


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House convenes despite opposition boycott

BANGKOK: -- The House session has convened this morning after a slight delay due to the opposition's boycott of tight security.

About 245 coalition MPs reported to duty in full force to achieve the quorum. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva took part in the quorum count as Democrat MP.

House Speaker Chai Chidchob reprimanded the Pheu Thai MPs for trying to deny his entry by to Parliament.

A number of opposition lawmakers lined up in front of a main security checkpoint blocking access to the legislative building for about an hour before agreeing to disperse.


-- The Nation 2010-03-24


How very democratic of the PTP.....Not!

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the current government, that was not elected in by the people

Which MP in the current government was not elected?

All of them.. Trying to 'win' an election by taking out your main competitor is not very democratic... Please tell me, how many Yellows have been convicted so far for besieging the countries International Airport or at all?? I bet the answer is zero. All a bit one sided considering the Red's won 2 elections previously (although I am sure both sides were encouraging people to vote with their $$$ skills).


Please stop posting factually wrong accounts on current events, it is disruptive to the forum debate and will derail the topic at hand.

All MPs in the current government and parliament was elected. That is how one gets into the parliament.

If you show me the evidence where a free and open election took place where the Democrats did not have the opposition removed then I shall retract my statement.


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the current government, that was not elected in by the people

Which MP in the current government was not elected?

All of them.. Trying to 'win' an election by taking out your main competitor is not very democratic... Please tell me, how many Yellows have been convicted so far for besieging the countries International Airport or at all?? I bet the answer is zero. All a bit one sided considering the Red's won 2 elections previously (although I am sure both sides were encouraging people to vote with their $$$ skills).


In a circus who says that clowns need to be elected .

They just need to be paid :)

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the current government, that was not elected in by the people

Which MP in the current government was not elected?

All of them.. Trying to 'win' an election by taking out your main competitor is not very democratic... Please tell me, how many Yellows have been convicted so far for besieging the countries International Airport or at all?? I bet the answer is zero. All a bit one sided considering the Red's won 2 elections previously (although I am sure both sides were encouraging people to vote with their $$ skills).


The leaders have been charged and are awaiting trial, so stop telling lies and stick to the truth.

He actually said convicted not charged. You are right in that they have been charged but I am sure it will be a long long long time before they face a court, if ever.

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Surely though it is the job of the Royal Thai Police to defend parliment in the first instance not the military. Fairly suire in most countries the police would beef up their presence to ensure security, or a joint police / milatry operation with the police as the public face and the military waiting in the wings to help if needed.

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Surely though it is the job of the Royal Thai Police to defend parliment in the first instance not the military. Fairly suire in most countries the police would beef up their presence to ensure security, or a joint police / milatry operation with the police as the public face and the military waiting in the wings to help if needed.

Says a lot - reflecting about the events last year in Pattaya and at Songkran...

how much trust can be set into the police.... tells Volumes, doesn't it?

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Telling lies? did you read what I said? CONVICTED not CHARGED... none have yet... I wonder how long it will take...

TIT mate... Do you really think it will be a fair and balanced trial? I'm not sure. I don't know one person here that is not using the system in one form or another for their own benefit both Thai and foreigners... and the truth is subjective, just what people want you to hear from both the yellows, reds, blues and all the other colours that are out there. Take everything you hear with a very large pinch of salt.


Dude, if it takes as long to convict the Yellows as it has to convict Taksin, you have to wait another two years. Justice is slooooow here. The justice system here is independent of the govt. and Abhisit cannot 'speed things up'. The make-up of the judiciary has not been changed by TRT, the Army, PPP, PTP, nor the Dems. Get over it and stick to the current topic or better yet, start another thread where you can cry over the 'double standard' and 'special treatment' of the Yellows.

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So these PTP MP's refuse to attend, try and block other MP's from attending, and are now trying to label it a "silent coup" !?!


Silent coup. Guess it will have to be liberated by some self appointed people's militia wearing some colour shirt or other.


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Please stop posting factually wrong accounts on current events, it is disruptive to the forum debate and will derail the topic at hand.

All MPs in the current government and parliament was elected. That is how one gets into the parliament.

If you show me the evidence where a free and open election took place where the Democrats did not have the opposition removed then I shall retract my statement.


The democrats did not have the opposition removed in for instance the last election. Please post evidence that they did.

I expect a public apology from you for posting lies on this forum, as all MPs of the current government was clearly elected.

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Please stop posting factually wrong accounts on current events, it is disruptive to the forum debate and will derail the topic at hand.

All MPs in the current government and parliament was elected. That is how one gets into the parliament.

If you show me the evidence where a free and open election took place where the Democrats did not have the opposition removed then I shall retract my statement.


The democrats did not have the opposition removed in for instance the last election. Please post evidence that they did.

I expect a public apology from you for posting lies on this forum, as all MPs of the current government was clearly elected.

I second that!

it clearly misleading infra-red-propaganda, turning upside down!

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Ok couple of things here...

1. Please keep the thread on Topic

2. If your gunna make wild claims either for or against the Reds/Yellows/Govt - please post facts and supporting evidence.

Right, that should effectively bury this thread then :)

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Of course the PTP is boycotting. They are not capable of providing any type of good governance. (Case in Point, the Samak administration and the Somchai Administration). They want "democracy" on their terms, which of course, is not democracy. The need to be out of power for about 10 years, and learn how to behave as a politcal party, and not Thaksin's errand boys.

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Telling lies? did you read what I said? CONVICTED not CHARGED... none have yet... I wonder how long it will take...

Thaksin was just convicted for crimes committed between 2001 & 2006 !

Justice is slow, wishing for a "quick justice" denotes fascist inclinations ...


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Three laws passed in two hours. Probably not the most democratic of ways but still in two hours parlaiment ahcieved more thanthe whole first parliantary session of the Samak adminisation.

Appantly a few more up for tomorrow. Beintersting to see how the games evolve

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To impeach him they will have to enter the house and engage in debate. :D

Kind of defeats the protest they are trying to have.

Not the sharpest tools in the shed these folk. :)

can these guys just resign and go to Dubai

No. They already have their orders from Dubai from last week

The Nation 3/16/10

Thaksin disagrees with proposal for Pheu Thai MPs to resign

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Tuesday that he disagreed with the idea to have Pheu Thai Party MPs resign to pressure the government to dissolve the House.

He said on his twitter page that the resignation would be in vain as the government would cling on to power.

He noted that then New Aspiration Party MPs once resigned to pressure the Democrat-led government of prime Chuan Leekpai to resign but the government remained in office.

"We need to make prudent move because this government is like a tree with a special supporting pole," Thaksin said.

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This is the real reason.
Without the presence of Pheu Thai MPs, the House could not make quorum as of 9:40 am.

This is nothing more than a maneuver to stop all government law making and functioning,

besides the Ministries and the Cabinet.

This is the logical thoughts of people who would run the country as THEY see fit,

and dam_n all others needs and wants. They will stop government functioning if they can,

because they aren't getting their way, and so harm every citizen of Thailand in the process.

They prove once again that they do not in ANY SENSE deserve to be handed control of the nation.

If they can't be back in power, they will hamstring the nation until they get their way.

They are acting despicably.

Just like the yellow shirts did! What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

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Telling lies? did you read what I said? CONVICTED not CHARGED... none have yet... I wonder how long it will take...

TIT mate... Do you really think it will be a fair and balanced trial? I'm not sure. I don't know one person here that is not using the system in one form or another for their own benefit both Thai and foreigners... and the truth is subjective, just what people want you to hear from both the yellows, reds, blues and all the other colours that are out there. Take everything you hear with a very large pinch of salt.


Except from Thaksin, your hero.

I am always amused by the indignation expressed by Thaksin apologists.

The subtext is that Thaksin should not have been convicted.

The evidence is of no significance at all in their eyes.

It is irrelevant to their objective.

Liberate Thaksin and return him to power is the only objective.

For Thaksin, who clearly wants to dismantle the legal system in order to engineer a pardon, truth of course is subjective, just something else to add to the shopping list.

The boycott by the PT MPs is a show of strength to force progress towards the pardon.

This week the Union Jack badge is famous for members of parliament and corruption.

But even the UK could not stomach having Thaksin around any more.

Edited by yoshiwara
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House convenes despite opposition boycott

BANGKOK: -- The House session has convened this morning after a slight delay due to the opposition's boycott of tight security.

About 245 coalition MPs reported to duty in full force to achieve the quorum. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva took part in the quorum count as Democrat MP.

House Speaker Chai Chidchob reprimanded the Pheu Thai MPs for trying to deny his entry by to Parliament.

A number of opposition lawmakers lined up in front of a main security checkpoint blocking access to the legislative building for about an hour before agreeing to disperse.


-- The Nation 2010-03-24


Well they managed to hold the session without the PTP cry-babies anyway - som nam naa

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Well they managed to hold the session without the PTP cry-babies anyway - som nam naa

Even the ultra pro red shirt taxi driver today admitted that the main issue that they have with dissolution is that in his words, if PT won the next election, the PT and red shirt movement is devoid of capable leaders who could run the country. When asked, he said this is a very common belief and part of the reason why some cling to Thaksin, because if not him, then there is almost no one else - and yes, he recognised that Thaksin was guilty of corruption, no question.

When I pressed him, he first pussy footed around the Thaksin issue, but eventually commented that the red shirt movement was past Thaksin already for him anyhow, and it was who would be the next in line to lead; he did feel that some of the banned 111 were the key people who would rise to lead, but couldn't actually name specific people although he did throw up some names in hope that they would be capable perhaps, to step in. He didn't have too many kind words for a 78 year old aging former army general.

And that's from one of the PT supporters. Looking more objectively, almost universally, the PT politicians are a faceless group of do nothings who having acheived almost nothing when in govt, and even less in opposition, now want to create maximum impact to create house dissolution....but with no actual plan to do anything beyond that. The only known faces are all known already - great blokes like Chalerm; at least he earns his wages by talking; now if that was an alternative source of energy we wouldn't need nuclear.

Standing outside the govt trying to block the entrance....other than jumping a kicking someone in the face that's about the only activity we've seen from PPP/PT politicians since end of 2007. I guess better to do something, even if it is just standing, rather than nothing.

As the first law of thermodynamics reminds us, The increase in the internal energy of a system is equal to the amount of energy added by heating the system minus the amount lost as a result of the work done by the system on its surroundings. In this case, the energy of standing around is equal to the amount of amount of hot air generated outside parliament, while the real politicians paid to run our country are inside doing the work.

Note ..... so did any of the PT politicians come inside also today or not? Seems like a lot couldn't even be bothered to turn up to stand around outside, and just stayed home. I can understand. Who would want to miss Bangkok Gossip channel 3? ei ei ei

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This is the real reason.
Without the presence of Pheu Thai MPs, the House could not make quorum as of 9:40 am.

This is nothing more than a maneuver to stop all government law making and functioning,

besides the Ministries and the Cabinet.

This is the logical thoughts of people who would run the country as THEY see fit,

and dam_n all others needs and wants.

You mean, unlike boycotting elections and inviting a military coup? :)

Members of Parliament have every right to not be intimidated by people with guns while doing their work.

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House convenes despite opposition boycott

BANGKOK: -- The House session has convened this morning after a slight delay due to the opposition's boycott of tight security.

About 245 coalition MPs reported to duty in full force to achieve the quorum. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva took part in the quorum count as Democrat MP.

House Speaker Chai Chidchob reprimanded the Pheu Thai MPs for trying to deny his entry by to Parliament.

A number of opposition lawmakers lined up in front of a main security checkpoint blocking access to the legislative building for about an hour before agreeing to disperse.


-- The Nation 2010-03-24


Well they managed to hold the session without the PTP cry-babies anyway - som nam naa

Apparently the Nation isn't far out enough so it merits further one-sided comment? :)

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House convenes despite opposition boycott

Well they managed to hold the session without the PTP cry-babies anyway - som nam naa

Yes, they did indeed, and as hammered pointed out, achieved more in a single day (passage of 3 separate bills) than Samak's government achieved in months and months of inactivity and non-governance.

House Boycott. Yet another abject PTT/UDD failure to put down on their the ever-growing list of failures.

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They thouight they would score poltical points and stop quorum being reached so the government couldnt pass anything. However, they missed the big one leaving them running around expalining the boycott which because quorum wa sreached anabled the government to pass the radio and TV law which PTP had been stalling because it would likely result in the end of illegal communtiy radio stations, so a bit of a cock up today by PTP who couldnt conceive of the government getting quorum.

It has also exposed the split the coalition from the Dems attempts to be a failure.

After some relatively good times fo rth ereds the PTP have managed to mess thing sup today enabling the government to score a quick goal

Interesting skirmishes

But a read of the interview is the most interesting thing of today

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Members of Parliament have every right to not be intimidated by people with guns while doing their work.

Nobody was trying to intimidate anyone whilst doing their Job... the military was outside protecting Parliament perimeter, not inside.

There is a very high possibility that if the military/police were not protecting the Parliamentary building that the Reds would be barricading it to stop people getting in (i vaguely remember that being leveled as a threat) - couple that with the recent grenade attacks by an unknown party - i think its perfectly fair to add additional security to the building in this current climate.

So PTP got offended because they were asked to be searched, i get searched daily coming to work... i got nothing to hide and the search takes less than a minute, whats the problem? At the end of the day, however you wanna look at it, this extra level of security is there to protect the Members of Parliament and make sure they stay safe. Would these same people throw their toys out of the pram if they get stopped and searched at an airport? Food for thought...

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They are just looking for any excuse to mount pressure on the PM, nothing else is working, we know it, they know it, so they are trying every possible angle, except violence, thankfully.**

** Well okay, if you don't count the grenade attacks, as they can not say for certain who did it, even if they have a fair idea.

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