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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok

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PPP 233 seats

Dems 165 seats

Check your numbers

These numbers are correct.

PPP had a plurality and were able to form a coalition government.

Pheua Thai still have a slight plurality and could have formed a new government after the dissolution of PPP at the end of 2008.

Their problems were:

1) The Friends of Newin group did not join the PT and instead formed a new party (Phumjaithai) which backed a Democrat-led coalition.

2) Former PPP partners Chart Thai / Chart Thai Phattana also decided to join the Democrat-led coalition.

Thus, the Democrats had the numbers to form coalition government with the the above 2 parties plus the Pheua Phaendin and Ruam Jai Thai Chart Phattana parties.

The current government is just as much a "government of the people" as the PPP-led coalition.

The PT lost some of it's members and couldn't form a coalition post-PPP dissolution.

Those above are the official final result of the Dec 2007 elections .

Stop your biased rambling and learn first what democracy means .

A governement that comes to power as a result of a court ruling

banning the party legally elected and without a general election is not democratically

in power .

Full stop

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Why not work with the government and have national election within 90 days? What's so wrong about that? Is Thaksin dying and cannot wait for 90 days?

Abhisit won't agree to anything less than 9 months for the dissolution of the house, and then another few months for an election. He already said that over and over. The reason is that he needs to change the Constitution in his favor before the election, and also complete the reshuffles at the end of the year, to ensure that the Democrats have the (unfair) advantage - or otherwise, as he clearly knows, the Democrats don't have a chance of winning the next election.

This is an appeal to all the 'farang' active on this forum. I don't care if you prefer yellow or red, but stop your bickering on behalf of one of the parties. Try to think about how each of you could contribute to a peaceful solution of the current crisis instead of shouting your expert advices to... yes to who? To each other? Try to look at what is happening with objectivity and being concerned about the well being of Thailand and it's people. When you do that, you can only be concerned about the imminent future. There is a government confronted by civil unrest. This government declares the state of emergency for parts of the country and orders the arrest of red shirt leaders. To enforce this it has - like any government in any country - to rely on police and eventually armed forces. If they do not act it may be a sign that police and armed forces are as divided as the rest of Thai society. In that case the threat of civil war is a real one. Nobody will gain from that, everybody will suffer. Demonizing the opponent serves nothing. So lets hope and pray that the THAI who are in a position to do so stand up and act wise with the sole objective to do good for this country.

Good that at least someone notice . Great post

This was a good post by hansnoi, however if you notice most of the farangs here that are in support of the red shirts just want a properly elected governement like the red shirts want :D It is the farang supporters of the yellow shirts that are calling for the tanks to roll on the protesters, and the kaos that will ensue! Hopefully Abhist will realize that the vast majority of these protesters are just peaceful folks who only want a properly elected governement, and they are not going away, so Abhist really needs to agree to new elections ASAP and put an end to all of this before violence breaks out :)

Having spent 2000-2009 working either directly or indirectly as a consultant for 4 ministries, in I can't remember how many governments and through 2 coups, my opinion is that - excluding the periods when Khun Anand was Prime Minister - Abhisit's government has been the most socially progressive and effective in addressing ministerial corruption.

I know a great deal about inner workings of Thaksin's various programs for Issan, less so the North. EVERY program had a spin.

Here's 1,000,000 baht for your village... Thaksin is giving it to you. Of course, the pho-yai baan would never think of taking a sanctioned commission on the disbursements. Of course, the subsequent house-by-house visits by various agents of mobile telephone services, automobile and motorcycle dealerships - not to mention the loan sharks - was merely a coincidence. Of course, the default rate on what was represented as "loans" is astronomical. Loan, what loan? Thaksin gave us this money.

Here's a paved road right through your village. And by the way, you won't have dust blowing into you house every time something passes. Of course, the paved road stops 500 meters on each side of the village, so going anywhere in a reasonable amount of time and in relative comfort is still impossible. Sorry that it doesn't give you better access to markets or schools, but after all, Thaksin gave you a paved road, didn't he? You didn't have to pay for it, did you? Of course, your road will need regular repair from a highly qualified local contractor, say every 6 months or so, and between repairs - well, even if there usually are 10 or 15 one meter wide holes 20 cm. deep between repairs - there is less dust then before, isn't there?

Me, I'm 63 years old so my "future" in Thailand is somewhat limited. But my wife and 3 children are Thai, and I care about their future in this country. I don't want it determined by demagogues of any persuasion, and the reds' leaders are a clear and present danger to rational, benevolent, and progressive governance.

The first time I visited my Isaan fiance's village, the van passed down a road like I see in cowpastures here (Texas) to get to the village. I was worried we would bog down but once in the village was a very nice concrete street running the length of the village; all 150 meters of it. Very odd sight indeed. The children were dressed in rags but everyone had color TV and DVD/VCD and mobile phones. Photo from Yasothon 2003



Bringing little ones to political protests is hardly a good idea, they should be at home safe/sound. Unfortunately the lil ones are there and one must act accordingly to protect them. :)

Why not work with the government and have national election within 90 days? What's so wrong about that? Is Thaksin dying and cannot wait for 90 days?

Abhisit won't agree to anything less than 9 months for the dissolution of the house, and then another few months for an election. He already said that over and over. The reason is that he needs to change the Constitution in his favor before the election, and also complete the reshuffles at the end of the year, to ensure that the Democrats have the (unfair) advantage - or otherwise, as he clearly knows, the Democrats don't have a chance of winning the next election.

Sorry, was that 9 months? So what is wrong with 9 months then?

apology for the mistake.


Or has he done this knowing that most red supporters will be heading home next weekend and he will have a better chance of controlling the situation?

SONG-KRAN COUP ("We know a song about that")

Nobody is in a hurry, little bit later after songkran we will get a pro democracy surprise.

On April 20 the election commission will announce the recommendation for a the Democrats dissolution. The supreme court will follow the EC findings. no 'double standards'.

It will be the outcome will be a government of national unity, but not immediately election. people are to much in anger, not a climate for election.

The government will start a reform process that moves the country forward.

The current parliamentarian system failed more than once. Like the mob on the street the MPs will fight each other in parliament, instead of working together for the good of all people.

The Dissolution of the Democrats will give the way for a even better future. The beginning of New Politics.

The people will select the honest and the righteous amongst them. Carefully selected Mp we can trust. Carefully selected diligent ministers who can shoulder the responsibility. Carefully selected wise leader with no other intention than to serve the King and the country and do good for all people.

A government the people respect - that is democracy.

Thai strength through unity!

Though am not thai myself , i truly hope that your description is what will happen in the near future .

Why not work with the government and have national election within 90 days? What's so wrong about that? Is Thaksin dying and cannot wait for 90 days?

Abhisit won't agree to anything less than 9 months for the dissolution of the house, and then another few months for an election. He already said that over and over. The reason is that he needs to change the Constitution in his favor before the election, and also complete the reshuffles at the end of the year, to ensure that the Democrats have the (unfair) advantage - or otherwise, as he clearly knows, the Democrats don't have a chance of winning the next election.

Sorry, was that 9 months? So what is wrong with 9 months then?

apology for the mistake.

It is 9 months indeed. And what's wrong with it is written right there in my post. :)

Why not work with the government and have national election within 90 days? What's so wrong about that? Is Thaksin dying and cannot wait for 90 days?

Abhisit won't agree to anything less than 9 months for the dissolution of the house, and then another few months for an election. He already said that over and over. The reason is that he needs to change the Constitution in his favor before the election, and also complete the reshuffles at the end of the year, to ensure that the Democrats have the (unfair) advantage - or otherwise, as he clearly knows, the Democrats don't have a chance of winning the next election.

Rainman, There you go with that truth stuff again :D On a serious note your post is spot on, this has been the tactic and modus operandi of the yellow shirts ever since the coup, however no matter how they try and change the laws to favor their cause and stuff the courts they just don't get it, the people of Thailand are not behind them :)

...Democrat candidates....

grey, when you use the fox news term 'democrat' instead of 'democratic,' you run the risk of readers

disregarding your comments as regurgitated talking points. it's just another form of name-calling and

comes across as juvenile.


Or has he done this knowing that most red supporters will be heading home next weekend and he will have a better chance of controlling the situation?

SONG-KRAN COUP ("We know a song about that")

Nobody is in a hurry, little bit later after songkran we will get a pro democracy surprise.

On April 20 the election commission will announce the recommendation for a the Democrats dissolution. The supreme court will follow the EC findings. no 'double standards'.

It will be the outcome will be a government of national unity, but not immediately election. people are to much in anger, not a climate for election.

The government will start a reform process that moves the country forward.

The current parliamentarian system failed more than once. Like the mob on the street the MPs will fight each other in parliament, instead of working together for the good of all people.

The Dissolution of the Democrats will give the way for a even better future. The beginning of New Politics.

The people will select the honest and the righteous amongst them. Carefully selected Mp we can trust. Carefully selected diligent ministers who can shoulder the responsibility. Carefully selected wise leader with no other intention than to serve the King and the country and do good for all people.

A government the people respect - that is democracy.

Thai strength through unity!

Though am not thai myself , i truly hope that your description is what will happen in the near future .

Everyone likes a good fairy tale once in awhile.

Why not work with the government and have national election within 90 days? What's so wrong about that? Is Thaksin dying and cannot wait for 90 days?

Abhisit won't agree to anything less than 9 months for the dissolution of the house, and then another few months for an election. He already said that over and over. The reason is that he needs to change the Constitution in his favor before the election, and also complete the reshuffles at the end of the year, to ensure that the Democrats have the (unfair) advantage - or otherwise, as he clearly knows, the Democrats don't have a chance of winning the next election.

Rainman, There you go with that truth stuff again :D On a serious note your post is spot on, this has been the tactic and modus operandi of the yellow shirts ever since the coup, however no matter how they try and change the laws to favor their cause and stuff the courts they just don't get it, the people of Thailand are not behind them :)

Dissolve parliament and call for elections in 6months. (more than enough time) BTW - dissolving parliament is the key to ending the protest!

Those above are the official final result of the Dec 2007 elections .

Stop your biased rambling and learn first what democracy means .

A governement that comes to power as a result of a court ruling

banning the party legally elected and without a general election is not democratically

in power .

Full stop

How is this biased rambling? These are just historical facts.

The Friends of Newin group and Chart Thai/Phattana switched from backing the PPP/PT to joining the Democrats. The courts didn't force them to switch.

With support of any 2 from among Friends of Newin, Chart Thai Phattana and Ruam Jai Thai Chart Phattana, PT could have formed a coalition government.

Why not work with the government and have national election within 90 days? What's so wrong about that? Is Thaksin dying and cannot wait for 90 days?

Abhisit won't agree to anything less than 9 months for the dissolution of the house, and then another few months for an election. He already said that over and over. The reason is that he needs to change the Constitution in his favor before the election, and also complete the reshuffles at the end of the year, to ensure that the Democrats have the (unfair) advantage - or otherwise, as he clearly knows, the Democrats don't have a chance of winning the next election.

Rainman, There you go with that truth stuff again :D On a serious note your post is spot on, this has been the tactic and modus operandi of the yellow shirts ever since the coup, however no matter how they try and change the laws to favor their cause and stuff the courts they just don't get it, the people of Thailand are not behind them :)

The main cause here is that the lower class and poor Thais, which are sadly the majority, feel that their voices are not being heard and their will not being respected. So what if they vote for Thaksin instead of another corrupt politician. It's their choice. Don't believe for a single second that any other Thai politician isn't corrupt. The Thai people never had the choice between a sincere politician or a corrupt politician - and they know that. But they choose the politician that they think does the most good for them.

So they chose Thaksin. And so Thaksin became the only Thai PM to serve out his full term in office -and- be reelected to another term. Is he corrupt? Sure. But look where he got Thailand in just a few years.

Think of him as Thailand's Berlusconi. Everyone knows Italy's Berlusconi is corrupt. He controls the media, he bribes officials, he uses his power as PM to close business deals and much more. Why do Italians keep voting for Berlusconi? Because he does the most good for Italy.

Back to Thailand. The Thai people have found their Berlusconi in Thaksin. They vote for him. He serves out his full term. They vote for him again and he gets removed by the "elite" that has gotten used to running the country for decades and doesn't want to give up their power. Obviously, the poor Thais get angry and take to the streets. Their voices are not being heard and their votes are not being accepted. Finally, when they are getting desperate to simply get their rights back, they're being called terrorists and insurgents.

Let these people have their voices heard - or they will do whatever it takes to be heard.

This is an appeal to all the 'farang' active on this forum. I don't care if you prefer yellow or red, but stop your bickering on behalf of one of the parties. Try to think about how each of you could contribute to a peaceful solution of the current crisis instead of shouting your expert advices to... yes to who? To each other? Try to look at what is happening with objectivity and being concerned about the well being of Thailand and it's people. When you do that, you can only be concerned about the imminent future. There is a government confronted by civil unrest. This government declares the state of emergency for parts of the country and orders the arrest of red shirt leaders. To enforce this it has - like any government in any country - to rely on police and eventually armed forces. If they do not act it may be a sign that police and armed forces are as divided as the rest of Thai society. In that case the threat of civil war is a real one. Nobody will gain from that, everybody will suffer. Demonizing the opponent serves nothing. So lets hope and pray that the THAI who are in a position to do so stand up and act wise with the sole objective to do good for this country.

Good that at least someone notice . Great post

This was a good post by hansnoi, however if you notice most of the farangs here that are in support of the red shirts just want a properly elected governement like the red shirts want :D It is the farang supporters of the yellow shirts that are calling for the tanks to roll on the protesters, and the kaos that will ensue! Hopefully Abhist will realize that the vast majority of these protesters are just peaceful folks who only want a properly elected governement, and they are not going away, so Abhist really needs to agree to new elections ASAP and put an end to all of this before violence breaks out :)

I am not a supporter of any color. However I do not support Thaksin Shinawatra and would not wish that he be in power once again. The DEMS are not perfect either and some of them are also corrupt like some of the TRT/PPP are but what I have observed is that the current government are trying their best to move the country forward but why not give them a chance? They have already offer 9 months to dissolve the house and have national election which, I think is reasonable considering the preparation and all that stuff. No one can deny that during the peace talk the government are being reasonable with their decision but the 3 reds leaders seems to disrupt and not consider the offer but just want 15 days dissolution. Why is that?

In addtion, the Reds were rude, pointing fingers, and have shown a very unprofessional way of dealing with the government. Seeing that, I would not support them at any time.




The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


This is an appeal to all the 'farang' active on this forum. I don't care if you prefer yellow or red, but stop your bickering on behalf of one of the parties. Try to think about how each of you could contribute to a peaceful solution of the current crisis instead of shouting your expert advices to... yes to who? To each other? Try to look at what is happening with objectivity and being concerned about the well being of Thailand and it's people. When you do that, you can only be concerned about the imminent future. There is a government confronted by civil unrest. This government declares the state of emergency for parts of the country and orders the arrest of red shirt leaders. To enforce this it has - like any government in any country - to rely on police and eventually armed forces. If they do not act it may be a sign that police and armed forces are as divided as the rest of Thai society. In that case the threat of civil war is a real one. Nobody will gain from that, everybody will suffer. Demonizing the opponent serves nothing. So lets hope and pray that the THAI who are in a position to do so stand up and act wise with the sole objective to do good for this country.

Good that at least someone notice . Great post

This was a good post by hansnoi, however if you notice most of the farangs here that are in support of the red shirts just want a properly elected governement like the red shirts want :D It is the farang supporters of the yellow shirts that are calling for the tanks to roll on the protesters, and the kaos that will ensue! Hopefully Abhist will realize that the vast majority of these protesters are just peaceful folks who only want a properly elected governement, and they are not going away, so Abhist really needs to agree to new elections ASAP and put an end to all of this before violence breaks out :)

Yes I am for early elections as well but i think its in practice not possible now. The situation is too messy and need to cool down . If now depending on results it may results in more protests . It should be preceeded by a governement of national unity first , to modify the constitution , run the bugget , and start some programs for Isaan among other things . One cant run a country of 65 millions like the seven eleven at the corner .

Why not work with the government and have national election within 90 days? What's so wrong about that? Is Thaksin dying and cannot wait for 90 days?

Abhisit won't agree to anything less than 9 months for the dissolution of the house, and then another few months for an election. He already said that over and over. The reason is that he needs to change the Constitution in his favor before the election, and also complete the reshuffles at the end of the year, to ensure that the Democrats have the (unfair) advantage - or otherwise, as he clearly knows, the Democrats don't have a chance of winning the next election.

Sorry, was that 9 months? So what is wrong with 9 months then?

apology for the mistake.

It is 9 months indeed. And what's wrong with it is written right there in my post. :)

Have you ever been in a negotiation? First time reds met with PM the stands was 18 month - 15 days. Next time 9 month - 15 days. PM offered more talks, which means that 9 months maybe was not written in stone. Reds say no more talks after a sms from who ever that was. Veefra was open for more talks but was shout down by his co leaders.

Attacking parliament and declaring war on the government earns you the right to be called insurgents. Frustrated or not, they have gone too far.

Hmmmm if I recall the yellows camped out in Parliament for quite a long stretch of time (months) and proceeded to trash it . I think Reds were there for 20min and left. :)

Inflammatory insulting posts have been deleted.

Off topic posts about US politics have been deleted.

Keep it civil, keep it sane please.

SBK, My apologies to the thaivisa admin staff for any posts of mine that involved U.S. politics, sadly I allowed myself to get sucked into those discussions that had nothing to do with the current situation in Thailand. While we do have have similiar problems to Thailand here in the U.S. with a widely unpopular governemnt, the discussion of U.S. politics definately does not belong on a forum about the current crisis in Thailand.

Attacking parliament and declaring war on the government earns you the right to be called insurgents. Frustrated or not, they have gone too far.

Hmmmm if I recall the yellows camped out in Parliament and trashed it for quite a long stretch of time (months). I think Reds were there for 20min and left. :)

" We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine...."

Why not work with the government and have national election within 90 days? What's so wrong about that? Is Thaksin dying and cannot wait for 90 days?

Abhisit won't agree to anything less than 9 months for the dissolution of the house, and then another few months for an election. He already said that over and over. The reason is that he needs to change the Constitution in his favor before the election, and also complete the reshuffles at the end of the year, to ensure that the Democrats have the (unfair) advantage - or otherwise, as he clearly knows, the Democrats don't have a chance of winning the next election.

Sorry, was that 9 months? So what is wrong with 9 months then?

apology for the mistake.

It is 9 months indeed. And what's wrong with it is written right there in my post. :)

Aphisit would not go into a secluded place to re-write the constitution, does he? The ammendments on the constitution should be pass via a referendum with the participation of all the party in the house. Everyone has a say to it. How can one be sure that Aphisit proposal is just to rig the constitution when everybody is watching?

Come'on give them a chance, or everybody loose.

Attacking parliament and declaring war on the government earns you the right to be called insurgents. Frustrated or not, they have gone too far.

Lets see now, atacking parliment, occupying governement buildings, declaring war on the governement, and laying siege to Thailands largest airport - would not that also earn one the right to be called insurgents :) Jing, there is one thing about you that is consistent, you are a hypocrite 100% of the time :D


Just one thing to mention.. in Kyrgyzstan the government has exercised less patience than here. It's not looking pretty there. Looking back my previous postings were off the mark. We need the reds out, but shooting at them etc isn't going to help anything.

Attacking parliament and declaring war on the government earns you the right to be called insurgents. Frustrated or not, they have gone too far.

Hmmmm if I recall the yellows camped out in Parliament for quite a long stretch of time (months) and proceeded to trash it . I think Reds were there for 20min and left. :)

stop with your obsession with the yellows, it's time to get real now so don't talk colours but contribute something that will benefit all of us!


I have asked this question over and over agian and still get no response. The people who demand a ne free election if they belive it is true should answer me.Their silence is deafning.

What, according to you is a free and fair elction. To me it is where politicians from all parties can go to all parts of the country and freely campaign for votes. By this I mean having no fear for their lives. No fears that their potential voters are not going to be intimidated by locals when the politicians leave.

I also think that free and fair elections mean that people choose thier bot according to who they think will do the best for the country and themselves as well.This is not votebuying this is politics as seen in countries all around the world.

What is not free and fair is parties,of all descriptions, offering money for votes.

This is what i call free and fair elections.

I have seen many people on here asking for free and fair elections but noone wants to answer my posts.

As I see it there can be no free and fair elections while there is so much hatred. Think Rak Chaing mai 51.

I've yet to see anybody who wants elections answering my posts.

You tell me what you think is afree and fair election and can it be held now?

I'm listening

It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

<deleted>! who appointed you spokesman?

The yellows occupied giv offices for months with no comeback. The reds go in for 10 minutes and a state of emergency is declared.

This obvious inequality is precisely why they are demonstrating and this is one farang that understands.

somo: married to a red shirt wife from Isaan (probably Phrae)? Wait and see... and don't give these red primates too much credit; you may regret afterwards (and that will not even take very long). Please moderate your language. It's true that the vast majority of foreigners are supporting the actual government. Admit this. :)

Geography lesson for you. Phrae Province IS NOT in Isaan

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