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I'm in a category of my own. I am understanding, but with very little patience, give respect and am tolerant but have no desire to integrate with Thai society as a whole. I speak the lingo but that is for my own selfish reasons and have no desire to talk to all and sundry in Thai, or English for that matter (apart from here so to speak :lol:). I am well mannered (or at least believe I am) because there is no reason not to be. I do not attack any particular group. I am all for equal opportunity. A dumb sh&t is a dumb s#it regardless where he/she comes from, the color of his skin, religion, sexual orientation, etc. But I am reasonably happy...........

Couldn't have said it better, looks like we have a Cat3 forming!!


I would contend there are infinitely more categories than that, 1 category per person no less.

Seems a bit silly to bunch people up in "categories" based on very narrow observations and opinion.

Personally I would really like to see some statistics to back up at least some of the most frivolous statements. (eg. the implied "poor people are not well adjusted.")

Also, one wonders which category OP think he might be in. Self reflection is a powerful thing.

If it is even true (no stats exists afaik), maybe OP should consider that perhaps the reason for more negative than positive comments here on Thaivisa (and on most message boards worldwide in every topic) is explained a little easier than "Category 2 people".

Normally people tend to post to ask for advice of an occurrence of negative effect. Why? Simply to ask for advice, input and/or general feedback. Part of a message boards use is to spread information, and most information we need/share are warnings of <bad stuff>.

I have to agree entirely with this post. Everything is in shades of grey... from almost white to almost black. It all depends on individuals circumstances. You can't put everyone into the same box, or even group of boxes.

Ceratainly there are things wrong with Thailand... just as there are things wrong with every country. Nobody can deny that western societies, as a whole, have more for the average person than third world countries, or developing countries like Thailand. People with money can always exploit those with a lack of funds... and do so. That doesn't mean relatively poor people can't be happy. I know lots of wealthy people that aren't happy, either. And no matter how hard they exploit others to acquire more wealth it doesn't bring them happiness.

Internet Forums are just a meeting place where everyone of every type can bring their concerns to the table. It's not much different than a big, busy, loud pub with everyone shouting for attention

and all you get to do is cry on some stranger's shoulder. Ask a reasonable question and maybe you'll get a reasonable answer, but whine too much and your listener will find a way to leave you alone in your misery.


Cat 1: Winners

Cat 2: Losers

80% of ex-pats in Thailand are losers and have always been losers. They complain about Thais without realizing their obvious personal shortcomings. It's easier for them to try to bring down those of us that are enjoying Thailand and mixing with locals. I guess I'm the fool for enjoying myself and should waste more energy complaining.

Hear hear. (Need not look any further than this forum to substantiate the 20-80 statistic.)


Cat 1: Winners

Cat 2: Losers

80% of ex-pats in Thailand are losers and have always been losers.  They complain about Thais without realizing their obvious personal shortcomings.  It's easier for them to try to bring down those of us that are enjoying Thailand and mixing with locals. I guess I'm the fool for enjoying myself and should waste more energy complaining.

Hear hear.  (Need not look any further than this forum to substantiate the 20-80 statistic.)

Sometimes the harsh truth is staring us right in the face.  :shock1:


Then there is that class/group of expats who have been here long enough to fondly remember Thailand 20+ year ago and the quality, instead of quantity, of the expat community. They may be posting the negatives in an attempt to slow down the influx of the new generation of adventurers, who seem to need guidance via TV to find what day of the week it is.


Cat 1: Winners

Cat 2: Losers

80% of ex-pats in Thailand are losers and have always been losers. They complain about Thais without realizing their obvious personal shortcomings. It's easier for them to try to bring down those of us that are enjoying Thailand and mixing with locals. I guess I'm the fool for enjoying myself and should waste more energy complaining.

Hear hear. (Need not look any further than this forum to substantiate the 20-80 statistic.)



Cat 1: Winners

Cat 2: Losers

80% of ex-pats in Thailand are losers and have always been losers.  They complain about Thais without realizing their obvious personal shortcomings.  It's easier for them to try to bring down those of us that are enjoying Thailand and mixing with locals. I guess I'm the fool for enjoying myself and should waste more energy complaining.

Hear hear.  (Need not look any further than this forum to substantiate the 20-80 statistic.)

Kwai what part of that equation do you put yourself in mate?  :whistling:



Typical TV complaining:

Somchai ripped me off.  Somchai is Thai.  All Thai's are bad.

More TV:

Expat 1:  Somchai ripped me off.  Somchai is a bad man.

Expat 2:  Yes, Thai's are such devious and dishonet people.

Expat 3:  All Thai's are evil!

Expat 4:  My GF lied to me again.  Thai women are such lying sluts!

Expat 5:  I asked for no ice in my Coke and the Thai gave me half a cup!  Thai's are such crooks!

Expat 6:  And they can't even walk on the correct side of the sidewalk!  Thai's are so uncivilized!

And so on....

Would you mind showing some verifiable statistics on that?  Or is it just "feeling", or "it's what I see so it must be true", or "because I think I am better because I think I'm in "Category 1" so I can state whatever I want"?

Inquiring minds wants to know how you can post these kinds of things bashing a group of people and still state you are "understanding, patient, respectful, and tolerant" (as per Cat 1)...

Wonderful troll post, and I am enjoying it. Please reply again.

WHat is the problem with his post?  And just how can he show statistics on that.  Asking for them is rather specious, I think.

This is obviously his observations and he has merely come up with examples which reflect that, and I think anyone who has posted here for long has seen this type of reasoning.  Now if you feel he is overstating the issue, or if you don't agree that it is prevalent, fine, but asking for statistics?  Might as well as for "statistics" when someone posts that the had a bad meal at a certain restaurant.


Much negativity and moaning by expats usually comes with "money problems".If the well is running dry it can make any place seem not so good as before.

Yeah that's true. But ain't it ironic that some of the same type of expats that wax poetic about the poor peasantry of Thailand are the exact same people who paint less than wealthy non-Thais as somehow less than fully human.


Much negativity and moaning by expats usually comes with "money problems".If the well is running dry it can make any place seem not so good as before.

I've said it three times, so it must be true!

Lewis Carroll's Bellman certainly knew how to frame a convincing argument.



Much negativity and moaning by expats usually comes with "money problems".If the well is running dry it can make any place seem not so good as before.

I've said it three times, so it must be true!

Lewis Carroll's Bellman certainly knew how to frame a convincing argument.


true,say it enough times and you will be believe it,ask any politician.


In the wheel of life and death, so called "winners" become "losers" become "winners" become "dead". See you on the way up or the way down.

When I first came to Thailand ten years ago I was a "cat 1", smiling happy chappy, waied at strangers, learnt to speak what I thought was the language, tipped genrously, skipped over daises and kissed children in the street. However over the years this country has ground me down to a bona fide "cat 2" grumpy miserable farang who hates everyone and everything and vents his anger on internet forums. I was so depressed that I went back to my home country and then came back to Thailand a readjusted "cat 1" until I was burnt in a business deal by some locals and swiftly turned back into a "cat 2"


When I first came to Thailand ten years ago I was a "cat 1", smiling happy chappy, waied at strangers, learnt to speak what I thought was the language, tipped genrously, skipped over daises and kissed children in the street. However over the years this country has ground me down to a bona fide "cat 2" grumpy miserable farang who hates everyone and everything and vents his anger on internet forums. I was so depressed that I went back to my home country and then came back to Thailand a readjusted "cat 1" until I was burnt in a business deal by some locals and swiftly turned back into a "cat 2"

You sound more like a cat 1 with extremely bad luck. We should never forget that this type also exists and it could happen to us.  :ermm:


Much negativity and moaning by expats usually comes with "money problems".If the well is running dry it can make any place seem not so good as before.

That's a valid point. Of all the expats I've known over the years (numbering in the hundreds, if not thousands), nearly all who were chronic complainers and Thai-haters had issues of the financial kind. Foreigners in Thailand with financial problems will invariably find someone to blame for their predicament because, of course, it can't possibly be their fault! And usually, they blame the Thai's for their own life's failures. In real life, these guys are laughed at and ridiculed by even their friends. But on an anonymous internet forum, they can be stars by engaging in Thai-bashing? Why, because they find solace in others who share their misery? I don't buy it. A loser in life is also a loser in cyberspace.


Much negativity and moaning by expats usually comes with "money problems".If the well is running dry it can make any place seem not so good as before.

That's a valid point.  Of all the expats I've known over the years (numbering in the hundreds, if not thousands), nearly all who were chronic complainers and Thai-haters had issues of the financial kind.  Foreigners in Thailand with financial problems will invariably find someone to blame for their predicament because, of course, it can't possibly be their fault!  And usually, they blame the Thai's for their own life's failures.  In real life, these guys are laughed at and ridiculed by even their friends.  But on an anonymous internet forum, they can be stars by engaging in Thai-bashing?  Why, because they find solace in others who share their misery?  I don't buy it.  A loser in life is also a loser in cyberspace.

I have also met many an apologist on such a forum as TV, exclaiming all things perfect in LOS, while sitting in their 2 bedroom concrete shack in Nakon Nowhere wondering how they got there (think talking heads). But on an anonymous internet forum, they can be stars in farang bashing. Why, because it makes them feel big - even larger than life. I don't buy it. A big bull in life is just the same in cyberspace only some are called steers.   :lol:

Edit to add lyrics: sing out loud everyone..

Talking Heads

Once In A Lifetime

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack

And you may find yourself in another part of the world

And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile

And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful


And you may ask yourself-Well...How did I get here?

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down

Letting the days go by/water flowing underground

Into the blue again/after the money's gone

Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

And you may ask yourself

How do I work this?

And you may ask yourself

Where is that large automobile?

And you may tell yourself

This is not my beautiful house!

And you may tell yourself

This is not my beautiful wife!

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down

Letting the days go by/water flowing underground

Into the blue again/after the money's gone

Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

Water dissolving...and water removing

There is water at the bottom of the ocean

Carry the water at the bottom of the ocean

Remove the water at the bottom of the ocean!

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down

Letting the days go by/water flowing underground

Into the blue again/in the silent water

Under the rocks and stones/there is water underground.

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down

Letting the days go by/water flowing underground

Into the blue again/after the money's gone

Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

And you may ask yourself

What is that beautiful house?

And you may ask yourself

Where does that highway go?

And you may ask yourself

Am I right?...Am I wrong?

And you may tell yourself


Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down

Letting the days go by/water flowing underground

Into the blue again/in the silent water

Under the rocks and stones/there is water underground.

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down

Letting the days go by/water flowing underground

Into the blue again/after the money's gone

Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...


Much negativity and moaning by expats usually comes with "money problems".If the well is running dry it can make any place seem not so good as before.

That's a valid point. Of all the expats I've known over the years (numbering in the hundreds, if not thousands), nearly all who were chronic complainers and Thai-haters had issues of the financial kind. Foreigners in Thailand with financial problems will invariably find someone to blame for their predicament because, of course, it can't possibly be their fault! And usually, they blame the Thai's for their own life's failures. In real life, these guys are laughed at and ridiculed by even their friends. But on an anonymous internet forum, they can be stars by engaging in Thai-bashing? Why, because they find solace in others who share their misery? I don't buy it. A loser in life is also a loser in cyberspace.

I have also met many an apologist on such a forum as TV, exclaiming all things perfect in LOS, while sitting in their 2 bedroom concrete shack in Nakon Nowhere wondering how they got there (think talking heads). But on an anonymous internet forum, they can be stars in farang bashing. Why, because it makes them feel big - even larger than life. I don't buy it. A big bull in life is just the same in cyberspace only some are called steers. :lol:

C'mon James, get real. I don't recall reading anything from anyone proclaiming that Thailand was perfect. I would certainly never make that claim. I also don't agree that someone who defends Thai's and Thailand is suddenly a farang basher. As for the term apologist:

Thai apologist—A term used by disenfranchised farangs living in Thailand to describe those farangs (i.e., Thai apologist) who have adjusted to the Thai life style better than themselves. The users of this term are generally miserable with their lives and would love nothing more than for other farangs to be equally miserable. Those farangs in Thailand who are generally happy with their lives, or who would defend Thai's or Thailand, or especially those who have the audacity to say anything mildly positive about Thai's and Thailand are labeled "Thai apologists."


Winners? Losers?

Things aren't always what they appear.

post-37101-091710700 1277194786_thumb.jpBernie Madoff

As you may have gathered, I find this penchant to label human beings in this simplistic way truly offensive.


Much negativity and moaning by expats usually comes with "money problems".If the well is running dry it can make any place seem not so good as before.

That's a valid point.  Of all the expats I've known over the years (numbering in the hundreds, if not thousands), nearly all who were chronic complainers and Thai-haters had issues of the financial kind.  Foreigners in Thailand with financial problems will invariably find someone to blame for their predicament because, of course, it can't possibly be their fault!  And usually, they blame the Thai's for their own life's failures.  In real life, these guys are laughed at and ridiculed by even their friends.  But on an anonymous internet forum, they can be stars by engaging in Thai-bashing?  Why, because they find solace in others who share their misery?  I don't buy it.  A loser in life is also a loser in cyberspace.

I have also met many an apologist on such a forum as TV, exclaiming all things perfect in LOS, while sitting in their 2 bedroom concrete shack in Nakon Nowhere wondering how they got there (think talking heads). But on an anonymous internet forum, they can be stars in farang bashing. Why, because it makes them feel big - even larger than life. I don't buy it. A big bull in life is just the same in cyberspace only some are called steers.   :lol:

C'mon James, get real.  I don't recall reading anything from anyone proclaiming that Thailand was perfect.  I would certainly never make that claim.  I also don't agree that someone who defends Thai's and Thailand is suddenly a farang basher.  As for the term apologist:

      Thai apologist—A term used by disenfranchised farangs living in Thailand to describe those farangs (i.e., Thai apologist) who have adjusted to the Thai life style better than themselves.  The users of this term are generally miserable with their lives and would love nothing more than for other farangs to be equally miserable.  Those farangs in Thailand who are generally happy with their lives, or who would defend Thai's or Thailand, or especially those who have the audacity to say anything mildly positive about Thai's and Thailand are labeled "Thai apologists."

Now I know why the English labels on imported food items are covered up by a Thai. Thanks for that.


Personally, I don't recall ever using the term Thai apologist and think it's a silly concept. I don't think it is used very much at all here, so wonder why you're focusing on an uncommon phrase. I do use the term Thai-ier than thou (which I believe I originally created so I really do like it), which does NOT have the same meaning as Thai apologist. Maybe people are confusing the commonly used phrases that are politically specific, like red shirt apologists, again nothing to do with the phrase Thai apologist.


Winners? Losers?

Things aren't always what they appear.

post-37101-091710700 1277194786_thumb.jpBernie Madoff

As you may have gathered, I find this penchant to label human beings in this simplistic way truly offensive.

While we are labeling I pulled up GoldMember today for a Dutch related food thread (don't ask, it involved guard dogs). Wonder if good old Stevie SP ever lived this down.  ;)

post-22903-047156900 1277195061_thumb.jp


Cat 1: Winners

Cat 2: Losers

80% of ex-pats in Thailand are losers and have always been losers. They complain about Thais without realizing their obvious personal shortcomings. It's easier for them to try to bring down those of us that are enjoying Thailand and mixing with locals. I guess I'm the fool for enjoying myself and should waste more energy complaining.

I am delighted to award you the FA Cup for your contribution to intelligent debate.

Your generalisations are amongst the best to date, although more precision in the invented statistics would have helped.

I think the sarcasm could have been better; in fact, I would recommend saving it for a different post, as it detracts from the overall message of arrogant snobbery.


I was going to say that I hope you enjoyed your last meal, but that sort of vile spleen is never justified on an internet forum, and could result in appalling regrets later.

I wish you all the best, and hope you can see your way to a slightly more tolerant view of your fellow men. Notwithstanding, I am glad that I don't know you personally.


You seem to have prevailed in overcoming the banal opinions of the majority of ex-pats here. Gongrats, you possess powers beyond my grasp. I read/hear endless garbage about how Thais can't save money, only care about saving face, look at us as ATMs, blah, blah, blah...

Not all ex-pats are mentally challenged and you seem, from reading some of your posts, to have a well rounded understanding of Thais and living in Thailand. To each his own. I'll remain amused with what numerous ex-spats spew from their mouths. You on the other hand will continue to find the wisdom in their dialog. Life goes on...

The last 2 paragraphs were over my head with the exception of the comment about tolerating other people. To the contrary to what you believe, I do tolerate the vast majority of ex-pats. I listen to their tirades and on occasion provide help when they need it. I just find the vast majority of their opinions of Thais ludicrous and completely unfounded.


The farangs in thai have an explosioum in the years 2008-2010. i fly too much, and never saw many farangs in thai as 2009-2010.

But the farangs not fly only to th, also to indonesia, vietnam and china. recently i saw many farangs also in taiwan. the situation is particularry problematic for the indochinese people.


The farangs in thai have an explosioum in the years 2008-2010. i fly too much, and never saw many farangs in thai as 2009-2010.

But the farangs not fly only to th, also to indonesia, vietnam and china. recently i saw many farangs also in taiwan. the situation is particularry problematic for the indochinese people.

How is it problematic? Too much competition?


C'mon James, get real. I don't recall reading anything from anyone proclaiming that Thailand was perfect. I would certainly never make that claim. I also don't agree that someone who defends Thai's and Thailand is suddenly a farang basher.

Exactly. As far as I can make out, according to the naysayers, anyone who enjoys living in Thailand and thinks that most Thais are pretty good people "wears rose-colored glasses" and "drinks Kool-Aid". However, as you said, very few foreigners claim that Thailand is perfect, but a lot of us supposed "farang-bashers" have the audacity to like living here. That is the reason that we came in the first place and the reason that we don't leave.

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