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French Kissing; Yes Or No?


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Title speaks for itself and so do some of the comments:

“Talking about genetic disposition I can't really figure out Thai girls' aversion to French kissing.

At least in my (limited) experience they are extremely reluctant to mixing their tongue with another tongue. Despite having perfect teeth, regular brushing and in general emanating a nice smell from there they're not exactly welcoming you open mouthed for this lavish experience. Which is odd since they have no qualms filling their mouth with your anaconda.

I guess it have to do something with their genetic disposition. What do you think?”

“The reason they don't french kiss is the same reason they singled me out for sniffing: we disgust them. The reason they have no qualms about filling their mouths with our anaconda is the same reason we are tolerated generally: we pay them”

Fire away :rolleyes:

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Yet another well thought out and insightful post. .. NOT :bah:

This time by a poser <sic>, err poster :blink: whose been a member since 2004 and whose got over 1800 frickin’ posts!! Yet in all that time hasn’t updated their profile from the ‘not telling’ answers which default. .. Pathetic really. :( ..

I thought trolls were mostly of the newbie persuasion. :o

Ugh. :blink: .. Sometimes the mind wobbles at the sheer madness posted on here :D

I concur with a previous poster; in my time here I've never ever seen two thais engaged in french kissing.

The O/P would do well to heed the old american commercial about breath freshening gum which had the tag line; "You don't know when your breath smells bad BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES"..

Edited by tod-daniels
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Yet another well thought out and insightful post. .. NOT :bah:

This time by a poser <sic>, err poster :blink: whose been a member since 2004 and whose got over 1800 frickin’ posts!! Yet in all that time hasn’t updated their profile from the ‘not telling’ answers which default. .. Pathetic really. :( ..

I thought trolls were mostly of the newbie persuasion. :o

Ugh. :blink: .. Sometimes the mind wobbles at the sheer madness posted on here :D

I concur with a previous poster; in my time here I've never ever seen two thais engaged in french kissing.

The O/P would do well to heed the old american commercial about breath freshening gum which had the tag line; "You don't know when your breath smells bad BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES"..

Thanks for that Tod.

Gene Simmons would have no problems I guess :lol:

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The Thai guys are definitely into French kissing. Maybe they're more sophisticated than the girls.

BTW, what's the problem with leaving out personal info in your profile? That seems totally normal to me and strictly a personal choice, newbie or oldbie.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yet another well thought out and insightful post. .. NOT :bah:

This time by a poser <sic>, err poster :blink: whose been a member since 2004 and whose got over 1800 frickin’ posts!! Yet in all that time hasn’t updated their profile from the ‘not telling’ answers which default. .. Pathetic really. :( ..

I thought trolls were mostly of the newbie persuasion. :o

Ugh. :blink: .. Sometimes the mind wobbles at the sheer madness posted on here :D

I concur with a previous poster; in my time here I've never ever seen two thais engaged in french kissing.

The O/P would do well to heed the old american commercial about breath freshening gum which had the tag line; "You don't know when your breath smells bad BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES"..

This is not a troll, but someone who is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for thread themes.

All I know is, no one wants to French kiss me, Thai or otherwise. How about an is there a chance of beetlejuice getting snogged senseless in the future thread?

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I love some of the other names from other countries for this fine art.:lol:

I think the funniest one is from French speaking Quebec -- In Quebecois French, it is known as "frencher" (pronounced "French-ay"). Based on that alone, I predict they will never succeed from Anglo Canada ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Yet another well thought out and insightful post. .. NOT :bah:

This time by a poser <sic>, err poster :blink: whose been a member since 2004 and whose got over 1800 frickin’ posts!! Yet in all that time hasn’t updated their profile from the ‘not telling’ answers which default. .. Pathetic really. :( ..

I thought trolls were mostly of the newbie persuasion. :o

Ugh. :blink: .. Sometimes the mind wobbles at the sheer madness posted on here :D

I concur with a previous poster; in my time here I've never ever seen two thais engaged in french kissing.

The O/P would do well to heed the old american commercial about breath freshening gum which had the tag line; "You don't know when your breath smells bad BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES"..

Where do you go to look for Thai people French kissing?

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The Thai guys are definitely into French kissing. Maybe they're more sophisticated than the girls.

Like many aspects of proposed Thai culture, I think that such are fodder for myths. I know quite a number of Thai ladies that understand and prefer the French positions of lip smacking. My missus is a perfect example, as she's been known to {candidly} initiated such preferences...

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Yet another well thought out and insightful post. .. NOT :bah:

This time by a poser <sic>, err poster :blink: whose been a member since 2004 and whose got over 1800 frickin' posts!! Yet in all that time hasn't updated their profile from the 'not telling' answers which default. .. Pathetic really. :( ..

I thought trolls were mostly of the newbie persuasion. :o

Ugh. :blink: .. Sometimes the mind wobbles at the sheer madness posted on here :D

I concur with a previous poster; in my time here I've never ever seen two thais engaged in french kissing.

The O/P would do well to heed the old american commercial about breath freshening gum which had the tag line; "You don't know when your breath smells bad BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES"..

Where do you go to look for Thai people French kissing?

Ohhh hear we go, comeon marky, educate us :lol::rolleyes:

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The Thai guys are definitely into French kissing. Maybe they're more sophisticated than the girls.

BTW, what's the problem with leaving out personal info in your profile? That seems totally normal to me and strictly a personal choice, newbie or oldbie.

I concur! Im surprised its even up for discussion. I have no idea about Thai women and kissing, but i never even thought about it because the two Thai men that i have dated both initiated kissing with me. Was all very "normal"...

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If you must invade with your tongue do it somewhere it will not choke them.

I'm not sure they're all that keen on that either.

You bring up an interesting point. I'm assuming you're talking about cunnilingus (yeh). Which is a country-less form of kissing. First of all, they are keen on it, and enjoy it immensely. Sometimes, the girls don't want you to because they don't want to get "turned-on." No further information.

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Yet another well thought out and insightful post. .. NOT :bah:

This time by a poser <sic>, err poster :blink: whose been a member since 2004 and whose got over 1800 frickin' posts!! Yet in all that time hasn't updated their profile from the 'not telling' answers which default. .. Pathetic really. :( ..

I thought trolls were mostly of the newbie persuasion. :o

Ugh. :blink: .. Sometimes the mind wobbles at the sheer madness posted on here :D

I concur with a previous poster; in my time here I've never ever seen two thais engaged in french kissing.

The O/P would do well to heed the old american commercial about breath freshening gum which had the tag line; "You don't know when your breath smells bad BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES"..

Where do you go to look for Thai people French kissing?

Ohhh hear we go, comeon marky, educate us :lol::rolleyes:

Just you neverdie. Try reading the post. tod daniels said he never saw Thai people French Kiss. So he must have a place where he watches Thai people kiss. I asked him where?

I would go. We could go together and comment on Thai couples kissing. Look that one is French kissing, no they aren't, yes they are and so on. But tod daniels has to tell me at least where to see this. Maybe you know? I don't.

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If you must invade with your tongue do it somewhere it will not choke them.

I'm not sure they're all that keen on that either.

You bring up an interesting point. I'm assuming you're talking about cunnilingus (yeh). Which is a country-less form of kissing. First of all, they are keen on it, and enjoy it immensely. Sometimes, the girls don't want you to because they don't want to get "turned-on." No further information.

I agree but am wondering how you are able to speak with such authority. Are you speaking from a large personal sample or is there some studies published that we could look at.

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To be fair, they don't tend to french kiss each other either.

I assume by your language from another post that you are writing from England. How do you know about Thais French Kissing and other things sexual?

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To be fair, they don't tend to french kiss each other either.

I assume by your language from another post that you are writing from England. How do you know about Thais French Kissing and other things sexual?

Fakery. Reads TV threads. A few YouTube vids. A couple of John Burdett novels. Instant expert.:rolleyes:

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I just love all the professed experts on all things Thai, especially on how Thais are supposedly different from just about everyone else.

Thais don't French kiss? I haven't kissed all the Thais in the world, but from my limited experience, pretty much 100% of the ones I have kissed do French kiss and seem to enjoy it.

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I just love all the professed experts on all things Thai, especially on how Thais are supposedly different from just about everyone else.

Thais don't French kiss? I haven't kissed all the Thais in the world, but from my limited experience, pretty much 100% of the ones I have kissed do French kiss and seem to enjoy it.

I think a lot of hookers object to anything that smacks (possibly not the best turn of phrase) of intimacy or affection, They're there to do a job, and they don't want anyone thinking that they enjoy it, nor making it any more personable than it needs to be. If you were to stick a condom over your tongue, I'm sure they would be up for it....

As for Thais - sorry, I;ve not made a book on that


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The Chinese chicks I've dated didn't know how to kiss and weren't that comfortable with it either. Bargirls unlike their Western counterparts will do it because it means nothing to them, most others tend to sniff kiss. Although I saw a Thai couple tongue gagging each other a few months ago at a club so guess things are changing. Personally I've gone over and don't want to do that anymore either

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