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Anonimyty On Tv - Why?


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Should Pikey be able to answer a simple M/C related question , I feel he will have the answer to his OP .

What is the most common problem on normally aspirated 2 stroke engines ?

Normally, grass accumulation, blunt blade, or some buffoon sitting on thre lawn mower


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I did for a while go public on my ThaiVisa profile ... all that did was bring out the Right Wing / Libertarian attack dogs as to how corrupt are all USA Non Profits (NGOs) and that the United Nations should be dissolved, etc. so I took down the non-anonymous profile references.

Elsewhere on the Internet with my comments and postings I am quite open as there is no other way to even have a chance to be taken seriously.

Besides, now that I have been advised on ThaiVisa that I am a 'Statist' I must take all pre-cautions

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Anybody who has followed Thaivisa for more than a week knows I'm not afraid of letting people know who I am, or what I stand for. However, I also understand people's reasons for anonymity. Yes, there are many "snipers" who are insecure twits, and who like nothing better than to pick apart, word by word, everything someone else types. That is THEIR problem that THEY can deal with. They are sad creatures who need pity. However, some people don't want the boss to know they are typing away on the boss's time. Others have conflicting reasons where their business could suffer and don't need the hassle. Others want to protect their families. I've had more than a few "stalkers" in the past, including a VERY strange one in Chiang Mai earlier this year. But, there is no real way for anyone to bother me. I don't sell anything and I don't get embarrassed. JurgenG brings up several good points about anonymity, so there's no reason to repeat them..

When I get back to Chiang Mai in November I'll come in for a chat, Pikey

I just realized that someone dug up another OLD post. I got suckered in again. Oh well, the loss of another 15 minutes.

+1 my man. I would add that if i valued an anonymous cyber opinion i would be offended. I do not. It takes moxy to post w/o hiding. some people have it-others rant and hide behind their anonemity

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Anybody who has followed Thaivisa for more than a week knows I'm not afraid of letting people know who I am, or what I stand for. However, I also understand people's reasons for anonymity. Yes, there are many "snipers" who are insecure twits, and who like nothing better than to pick apart, word by word, everything someone else types. That is THEIR problem that THEY can deal with. They are sad creatures who need pity. However, some people don't want the boss to know they are typing away on the boss's time. Others have conflicting reasons where their business could suffer and don't need the hassle. Others want to protect their families. I've had more than a few "stalkers" in the past, including a VERY strange one in Chiang Mai earlier this year. But, there is no real way for anyone to bother me. I don't sell anything and I don't get embarrassed. JurgenG brings up several good points about anonymity, so there's no reason to repeat them..

When I get back to Chiang Mai in November I'll come in for a chat, Pikey

I just realized that someone dug up another OLD post. I got suckered in again. Oh well, the loss of another 15 minutes.

+1 my man. I would add that if i valued an anonymous cyber opinion i would be offended. I do not. It takes moxy to post w/o hiding. some people have it-others rant and hide behind their anonymity

First of all I should point out that I do respect your opinion and willingness to post under your real name. By all means, feel free to post your mobile phone number, your address and any other details which could potentially be used for all sorts of adventurous cyber bullying. You don't think it exists? Well, think again, there are plenty of examples – I don't have to go further than reading some of the threats I've received via PM here on TV to realise there are proper nut-cases lurking out there. Statistically speaking, Thailand expatriates aren't exactly the average Joe carrying a blank criminal record, so for those of you who are careful with revealing who you are in an attempt to stay away from that kind – good choice! I would want to recommend you to be more aware of this fact, but as I said – it's your choice and I respect it whatever your decision is.

An interesting observation is that threats and similar antisocial behaviour mostly originate from posters who for some reason can't accept other people's opinions or the reasons for their choices. A good point to start if you want to stay out of trouble is to identify those with apparent deficiencies in their ability to discuss other than using words like "schmuck", "idiot", "pussy" or why not "insecure twits", as well as posters who falsifies quotes by replacing others opinions with words like "yada, yada, yada", though this recommendation is really nothing but a direct reflection of my prejudice.

I've said it before but it doesn't hurt to repeat: If one can't accept other people's opinion, perhaps a public Internet forum isn't the best of places to hang around.

Your post carries an eerie undertone of contempt for others willingness to remain anonymous that triggers every single alarm - you even go as far as taunting those who choose this option. I see a potential risk that you will not understand this, but your kind of behaviour, by definition, is the exact reason why others, including myself, decide to remain anonymous.

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Not read all but a pretty naive topic.

Most stupid thing you can do is using your real names and data.

Certainly not with such assorted character out there. Best to be safe than not. Wiser.

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First of all I should point out that I do respect your opinion and willingness to post under your real name. By all means, feel free to post your mobile phone number, your address and any other details which could potentially be used for all sorts of adventurous cyber bullying. You don't think it exists? Well, think again, there are plenty of examples – I don't have to go further than reading some of the threats I've received via PM here on TV to realise there are proper nut-cases lurking out there. Statistically speaking, Thailand expatriates aren't exactly the average Joe carrying a blank criminal record, so for those of you who are careful with revealing who you are in an attempt to stay away from that kind – good choice! I would want to recommend you to be more aware of this fact, but as I said – it's your choice and I respect it whatever your decision is.

An interesting observation is that threats and similar antisocial behaviour mostly originate from posters who for some reason can't accept other people's opinions or the reasons for their choices. A good point to start if you want to stay out of trouble is to identify those with apparent deficiencies in their ability to discuss other than using words like "schmuck", "idiot", "pussy" or why not "insecure twits", as well as posters who falsifies quotes by replacing others opinions with words like "yada, yada, yada", though this recommendation is really nothing but a direct reflection of my prejudice.

I've said it before but it doesn't hurt to repeat: If one can't accept other people's opinion, perhaps a public Internet forum isn't the best of places to hang around.

Your post carries an eerie undertone of contempt for others willingness to remain anonymous that triggers every single alarm - you even go as far as taunting those who choose this option. I see a potential risk that you will not understand this, but your kind of behaviour, by definition, is the exact reason why others, including myself, decide to remain anonymous.

In reply to your comment, please note I gave SEVERAL valid reasons for staying anonymous.

However, some people don't want the boss to know they are typing away on the boss's time. Others have conflicting reasons where their business could suffer and don't need the hassle. Others want to protect their families

I'll stand behind my comment that people who make nasty comments about others, while remaining anonymous, are twits or jerks. And especially when it's easy enough to debate a topic without being nasty.

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The risk, in posting under your own name, is that complete strangers who are psychopaths can identify you as a target while remaining invisible themselves, and then get some perverse satisfaction from harming someone who is well-respected.

I am reasonably happy to introduce myself in private - my close friends probably know who I am from my turn of phrase. And I am happy that people I do not know do not know who I am


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By all means, feel free to post your mobile phone number, your address and any other details which could potentially be used for all sorts of adventurous cyber bullying. You don't think it exists? Well, think again, there are plenty of examples – I don't have to go further than reading some of the threats I've received via PM here on TV to realise there are proper nut-cases lurking out there.

Hey -- I just joined this forum. Threats? Who's threatening whom? And for what?

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People who make nasty comments about persons whom they have never met may indeed be twits or jerks anonymous or otherwise ... People whose writings go into voluminous great detail about their personal affairs, lives, general perspectives, and worldly experiences pseudo or otherwise should EXPECT that those writings -- rather than the person behind them -- are fair game for ridicule or anything else.

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People who make nasty comments about persons whom they have never met may indeed be twits or jerks anonymous or otherwise ... People whose writings go into voluminous great detail about their personal affairs, lives, general perspectives, and worldly experiences pseudo or otherwise should EXPECT that those writings -- rather than the person behind them -- are fair game for ridicule or anything else.

There is no question about that, jazzbo, but some of us just don't CARE what others think about us. Anyone who wants to find me in person would have no trouble doing so, but I doubt if it would be worth their while if they aren't pleasant people. I've had strangers from all over the world come and visit me and stay at my home in Canada. I can't say I've ever had a bad experience. But, I've certainly met a lot of interesting people who have kept in contact with me for years afterwards. And, as I've said many times on thaivisa, I can back up everything I've written either through personal photographs or notes from my diaries I've kept for over 50 years. There's no sense telling lies in a personal diary.

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Even I don't know who I am.

That is because you are not old enough. I didn't know who I was until I reached my mid sixties. Many of my assumptions changed 180 degrees from what I was once certain about.

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There is no question about that, jazzbo, but some of us just don't CARE what others think about us ... so then why the 7000+ ThaiVisa posts in a little over 2 years mostly about yourself and how many people you know if you don't care what anyone thinks about you? IanForbes.Blogspot.com would do just as well...

BTW http://ianforbes.blogspot.com/ On Blogger Since April 2006 Post = 0

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The risk, in posting under your own name, is that complete strangers who are psychopaths can identify you as a target while remaining invisible themselves, and then get some perverse satisfaction from harming someone who is well-respected.

I am reasonably happy to introduce myself in private - my close friends probably know who I am from my turn of phrase. And I am happy that people I do not know do not know who I am


Its the death threats that get to me.

Why can't people supervise their children's internet usage more closely?

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That is because you are not old enough. I didn't know who I was until I reached my mid sixties. Many of my assumptions changed 180 degrees from what I was once certain about.

Isn't that just Alzheimer's?

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I think the best thing TV could do is eliminate the "General Topic section". Honestly after the "Welcome section" you are on your own. The politeness ends. This behavior is not exclusive to TV.

I originally joined this site as I was looking for a motorcycle to buy and maybe at some point meet people. However a short time later found a better site for motorcycle searches. I occasionally drop by the the General topic sections as I see a topic of interest but sadly it takes hours of filtering through nasty hateful cheap shots and usually by the 10th post the thread is a circus. But it is the internet. You either take it or leave it. I prefer reading the paper.

I personally will not post anything in my profile on any internet site not because I am hiding but the fact of the matter there are some real mental health cases out there in cyber space who take this stuff to personal. To some the internet is their only friend. I have said before anyone who wants to PM me can and I would be glad to chat.

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There is a comfort in keeping people you do not know at a distance..........apparently judging by the tone of some of the responses on Tvisa there are also people who take the contributions in the general forum far too seriously.....but it is the noticable lack of live and let live attitude which identifies that keeping you and your family safe is more important than being able to publicly state....I am not anonymous ......I don't care what other posters think.....however true that may well be.

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I personally will not post anything in my profile on any internet site not because I am hiding but the fact of the matter there are some real mental health cases out there in cyber space who take this stuff to personal.

Indeed. And there are more than one might suspect. Sort of obsessive type of character that was basically born from the cyber-age and a particular generation.

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